CFD Analysis of Formula 1 Race Car

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International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology

Vol.(16)Issue(1), pp.032-038


Naveen Raj. L1 , Dr. Shridhar Kurse2

Abstract- In this paper, a study on the dynamics and airflow effects on the Formula 1 race car is presented. This study
Integrates Computational Fluid Dynamic analysis and simulation to reduce the drag and to maximize downforce during high-
speed travel of the race car. By using the ANSYS software, the simulation employs efficient meshing techniques and realistic
loading conditions to understand downforce on the front and rear wing portions of the race car as well as the drag force
created by the exteriors of the car body. Flow of air around the car body under the high velocity of the air are illustrated. The
direct angle of attack and geometry modifications on the outer body of the car is performed to enhance the downforce and
lessen drag for maximum control and stability during operation. The tools provided in the ANSYS proved to be an efficient
means of modifying and correcting geometry.
Key Words: CFD, Formula 1, F1, Aerodynamics, Fluid Flow, Race Car.

The evolving automotive technology necessitates an increasing complexity associated with its functionalities and
safety. An increase in speed leads to an increase in vibrations and greater risk of lift. To guard the cabin system, in
addition to enhancing the performance of the car, automotive engineers and manufacturers need to consider the
aerodynamics of the car. Simulation acts as a tool to help determine the behavior of the system in response to
the airflow around/through it. Using this information, several refinements to the car design can be made in an
iterative process.
A Formula One car is a single-seat, open cockpit(there is no top closing), open-wheel racing car(the
wheel is not covered) with front and rear wings, and an engine positioned behind the driver for better C.G, and used
at Formula 1 racing events. The rules and regulations of the cars are differ events to event and specifically that cars
should be built by the racing teams themselves. The modern-day Formula 1 cars are constructed from carbon fiber
composites and similar ultra-lightweight materials. The minimum weight permissible is 740 kgs including the driver
but no fuel included. Cars are weighed with fitted dry weather tyres. According to the 2014 F1 season. The
advantage of using weights is to maintain ideal weight distribution and it can be placed anywhere in the car. This
can help lower the car's centre of gravity to improve stability and also allows the team to tune the weight distribution
of the car to suit individual circuits.


The computational approach is used to analyze the stability of the F1 race car model. In this study, the CFD (Fluent)
is used (i.e. ANSYS) as a tool to simulate the aerodynamic characteristics of objects. In this simulation, the domain
is assumed to be 3D geometry.
The basic procedural steps are given below:
1. Literature survey.
2. CAD modeling of formula 1 car.
3. Creating the geometric walls and meshing.
4. Input the boundary conditions.
5. Solving the Problem and obtain results
Department of Automobile Engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Department of Automobile Engineering , New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Cfd Analysis Of Formula 1 Race Car 033


Automobiles started using aerodynamic body shapes in the early part of their history. As engines became more
powerful and cars became faster, automobile engineers realized that at the same time wind resistance reduced their
speed. The first cars to adopt improved aerodynamics or the streamlining, were racing cars and those breaking the
race records.
Regarding the aerodynamics of a racing car, Dr. Joe David, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering
known as "Mr. Stock Car" at North Carolina State University, said, "Most of the horsepower generated by a racing
engine is eaten up by the high-pressure air pushing the front of the car and the low-pressure air dragging at the car
from behind."

The combination of the effects of pressure and wall shear forces creates the drag in the airflow direction. This force
is because of the consolidate impact of the wall shear pressure and weight powers is characterized by Equation:

Cd = (1)

[source: National Aeronautics and Space Administration]

Where, Cd is the drag coefficient, ρ is the density of air, V is the flow velocity relative to an object, Fd is the drag
force and A is the cross-sectional area.


It is the vertical segment of the resultant force brought about by the pressure approximately on the vehicle. The aerodynamic lift
and pitching moment are undesirable effects. The aerodynamic lift tends to reduce the pressure between the tire and the ground.
This causes the loss of steering on the front axle and loss of traction on the rear axle. Pitching causes rear wheel lift off the
ground and or reduces available traction. It is the rocking chair or pivoting activity about the transverse hub through the vehicle
corresponding to the ground. Because of pitching, the front suspension moves out of stage with the back bringing about shaking
impact in a vehicle. The coefficient of lift equation is given by:

Cl= (2)

[source: National Aeronautics and Space Administration]

Where Cl is the coefficient of lift, Fl is Lift force, A is the cross-sectional area, V is the flow velocity relative to
object and ρ is the density of air.


The improper wheel balance creates the centrifugal force that acts on the vehicle during turning and produces a side
thrust force. To sustain that force, the plane of the wheel makes some angle with the direction of the motion of the
vehicle. This is achieved by the direction of the tire which is flexible. The angled form during taking turns to sustain
the side thrust is known as slip angle and the force produce to counteracts the side thrust is called a cornering force.


It is the movement of the vehicle about its longitudinal axis generated due to centrifugal force act during cornering.
During cornering, a turning couple is produced about the longitudinal axis of the vehicle owing to centrifugal force
acting at the centre of gravity and forces acting at point of contact of road and tire patch. This results in a motion
known as rolling. A combination of rolling and pitching is called diagonal pitch.


Information regarding the Aerodynamics of Formula 1 was obtained by the Journal paper- [2].
Information regarding the CFD analysis and simulation was obtained by the Journal papers- [1], [3] and [4].
Information regarding the Drag was obtained by the Journal paper- [5].
Naveen Raj. L , Dr. Shridhar Kurse 034

According to the technical regulations, an F1 car should have the following dimensions:

 The width of the car must not exceed 2000 mm.

 The length, height, and shape of the car are effectively governed by Different parameters.
 Certain pieces of bodywork, such as front wing endplates, must be at least 10mm thick. This is to prevent tyre
 No part of the car can be more than 950 mm in height.
 The car’s survival cell structure, or the monocoque, designed to protect the driver in the event of an accident,
must extend at least 300mm beyond the driver’s feet.

Fig 1 Draft of Top and Side View

We have maintained the following dimensions:




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Fig 5: Front View


2.1 Formula 1 car CAED file is imported and a cuboidal closed system is created around the car.
Naveen Raj. L , Dr. Shridhar Kurse 036

Fig 6 Cuboidal Closed System

2.2 Medium size meshing is done. The number of nodes formed was 296544 and the number of Tetrahedral
elements formed was 1650524.

Fig 7 Meshing of the Car

2.3 In the Boundary conditions, attack is given an inlet velocity of 120m/s and escape is given as air outlet.

Fig 8 Velocity Input

2.4 In the monitor section, Drag and lift options are selected and inputs are given.
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Fig 9 Drag Monitor

2.5 Calculation is run for 200 iterations

Fig 10 “Run Calculation” Tab

2.6 After 200 iterations, we get the straight horizontal line and represent the coefficient of drag as 0.85

Fig 11 Graph of Coefficient of Drag

Naveen Raj. L , Dr. Shridhar Kurse 038

2.7 Pressure streamline flow is checked around the wheels

Fig 12 Pressure streamline flow around Wheels

From the above study we arrive at the following:

1. Aerodynamics plays an important role in the design of any vehicle.

2. Here, in this paper, an attempt was made to create an F1 racing car model and to analyze the stability of the car
including the drag produced during high performance.
3. Using CATIA V5 software, we generated an F1 racing car model.
4. Using Ansys 16.0 workbench we have analyzed the stability of the vehicle.
5. The coefficient of drag of formula 1 car is between 0.7 to 1.1, In our study, at the velocity of 120m/s, the
coefficient of drag was found to be 0.85 of the modeled Formula 1 car.
[1] Shubham Borole, Omkar Bhasale, Shubham Patil, Akshay Khot and Prof. Vivekanand Navadagi. 2016. “Analysis of Aerodynamic
Characteristics In Front Wing of F1 Car Using CFD”, International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, (June 2016), 6th ed.
ISSN NO:2395-1052
[2] R. K. Pethar, S. G. Kolgiri, and S. S. Ragit. 2014. “Study of Front-Body of Formula-One Car For Aerodynamics using CFD”, International
Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management. (March 2014), Volume 3, Issue 3. ISSN: 2319-4847
[3] Senan Thabet and Thabit H Thabit. 2018. “CFD Simulation of the Air Flow around a car Model”, International Journal of Scientific and
Research Publication, ( July 2018), Volume 8, Issue 7. ISSN: 2250-3153
[4] Manoj Kumar D. Birajdar, Suresh Choudhary and Prof. Vivek Mane. 2017. “CFD Analysis of an Automobile to Improve the
Aerodynamics”, International Journal Of Advance Scientific Research And Engineering Trends. (September 2017), Volume 2, Issue 2.
ISSN: 2456-0774
[5] A. Muthuvel,and N. Prakash. 2014. “Numerical Simulation Of Drag Reduction In Formula One Cars”, J. Godwin John International Journal
of Engineering Research and Applications. (29th March 2014), ISSN : 2248-9622

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