MIS Meaning, Ojective and Characteristics
MIS Meaning, Ojective and Characteristics
MIS Meaning, Ojective and Characteristics
MIS Meaning
MIS Meaning: A management information system is an acronym of three words, viz.,
Management, information, system. In order to fully understand the term MIS, let us try to
understand these three words.
1. Management: Management is the art of getting things done through and with
the people in formally organised groups.
Components of MIS
The major components of MIS are:
Components of MIS
People Resources: People are required for the operation of all information
Data Resources: Database holds processed and organized data.
Software Resources: It includes all sets of information processing instruction.
Hardware Resources: Include all physical devices and materials used in
information processing.
Process: is a step undertaken to achieve a goal.
As, We have covered the basic concept of management information system which
includes what is MIS, MIS definition, MIS meaning, MIS components.
Now, let us move further and try to understand MIS objectives, MIS characteristics, MIS
advantages, MIS role, MIS challenges, MIS limitations etc.
Objectives of MIS
What is MIS objective: MIS has five major objectives which include:
1. Data Capturing
2. Processing of Data
3. Storage
4. Retrieval
5. Dissemination
Objectives of MIS
These MIS objective are discussed below in detail.
Data Capturing
MIS capture data from various internal and external sources of the organization. Data
capturing may be manual or through computer terminals.
Processing of Data
The captured data is processed to convert into the required information. Processing of
data is done by such activities as calculating, sorting, classifying, and summarizing.
Storage of Information
MIS stores the processed or unprocessed data for future use. If any information is not
immediately required, it is saved as an organization record, for later use.
Retrieval of Information
MIS retrieves information from its stores as and when required by various users.
Dissemination of Information
Information, which is a finished product of MIS, is disseminated to the users in the
organization. It is periodic or online through a computer terminal.
Characteristics of MIS
What is MIS Characteristic? MIS plays a very important role in every aspect of an
organization. These characteristics are generic in nature.
Following are the characteristics of MIS:
1. System Approach
2. Management Oriented
3. Need-Based
4. Exception Based
5. Future Oriented
6. Integrated
7. Long Term Planning
8. Sub-System Concept
9. Central Database
Characteristics of MIS
System Approach
The information system follows a System’s approach. The system’s approach implies a
holistic approach to the study of system and its performance in the light for the objective
for which it has been constituted.
Management Oriented
The top-down approach must be followed while designing the MIS. The top-down
approach suggests that the system development starts from the determination of
management needs and overall business objectives.
The MIS development plan should be derived from the overall business plan.
Management oriented characteristic of MIS also implies that the management actively
directs the system development efforts.
MIS design and development should be as per the information needs of managers at
different levels, strategic planning level, management control level and operational
control level. In other words, MIS should cater to the specific needs of managers in an
organization’s hierarchy.
Exception Based
MIS should be developed on the exception-based reporting principle, which means an
abnormal situation, i.e. the maximum; minimum or expected values vary beyond
tolerance limits. In such situations, there should BE exception reporting to the decision-
maker at the required level.
Future Oriented
Besides exception-based reporting, MIS should also look at the future. In other words,
MIS should not merely provide past or historical information; rather it should provide
information, on the basis of projections based on which actions may be initiated.
Integration is a necessary characteristic of a management information system. Integration
is significant because of its ability to produce more meaningful information.
Sub-System Concept
The process of MIS development is quite complex and one is likely to lose insight
frequently. Thus, the system, though viewed as a single entity, must be broken down into
digestible sub-systems which are more meaningful at the planning stage.
Central Database
A central database is a mortar that holds the functional systems together. Each system
requires access to the master file of data covering inventory, personnel, vendors,
customers, etc. It seems logical to gather data once, validate it properly and place it on a
central storage medium, which can be accessed by any other subsystem.
Advantage of MIS
A good management information system can be used not only for the storage of
electronic data alone but must be able to support the analysis required by management.
There are many advantages of MIS which are utilised by manager to achieve
organization goal.
The following are some of the benefits of a good MIS.
Increased customer satisfaction
Improved quantity and quality of information
Improved quality and quantity management decisions
Improved responsiveness number of the competitor’s condition
Improved operational efficiency and flexibility
Improved quality of internal and external communications
Improved quality of planning
Improved quality control and supervision
Role of MIS
A management information system (MIS) plays an important role in business
What is MIS role: There are many roles of MIS and some of the important MIS role are
discussed below:
1. Decision making
2. Coordination among the department
3. Finding out Problems
4. Comparison of Business Performance
5. Strategies for an Organization
Role of MIS
Decision making
Management Information System (MIS) plays a significant role in the decision-making
process of any organization. In any organization, a decision is made on the basis of
relevant information which can be retrieved from the MIS.
Challenges of MIS
What is MIS Challenges: There are three major challenges of MIS: high cost, training of
employees and maintenance cost. These are briefly discussed below:
1. High Cost
2. Training of Employee
3. Maintenance Cost
High Cost
Development of new computerized based information system is a problem for the
organization due to the cost factor and it creates problems because with the change of
time there is need of up-to-date of the information system.
Training of Employee
Employees should have the capacity of learning of the information system with the
changing competitive and business environment; otherwise it will be difficult for the
organization to stay in the market.
Maintenance Cost
Sometimes a problem arises due to server crash and website crash. Sometimes it leads to
the loss of information. So, maintenance cost is needed to tackle the above problem.
Limitations of MIS
Even though MIS has many benefits but it also has its limitations. Limitations of
MIS are discussed below:
While MIS may solve some critical problems but it is not a solution to all
problems of an organization.
Requirements of Management
Information System
Following are the requirements of a management information system:
1. Database
2. Qualified System and Management Staff
3. Top Management Support
4. Active Participation of Operating Management
5. Control and Maintenance of Management Information System
6. Evaluation of Management Information System
Read Complete: Requirements of Management Information System
Management Information Systems (MIS), referred to as Information Management and
Systems, is the discipline covering the application of people, technologies, and
procedures collectively called information systems, to solving business problems.
What is MIS? (Management Information Systems)
MIS is the acronym for Management Information Systems. MIS is a set of procedures
which, when executed, provides information to support decision making.
MIS Definition
Management Information System (MIS) is an integrated man/machine system for
providing information to hold up the operations, management and decision making
functions in an organization. – G.B. Davis