Update Ghana Ict Form 2
Update Ghana Ict Form 2
Update Ghana Ict Form 2
6. Programs which protect computer from been 16. Storage devices come under what aspect of
affected with virus is called computer ware
A scan B. antivirus A) software B) hardware
C. Trojan D. worm C) penware D) monitor
7. Virus can be transferred from one computer to 17. Input devices help to….. the computer with data
other through A) repair B) destrory
A pen drive B. repairing C) feed D) mould
C installing D creating 18. Files are arranged in….
8. All the following are sources of virus except A) folder B) cards
A. networking B. downloading C) boards D) pairs
C. booting D e-mail 19. A collection of data or information that has a
9. Which of the following is example of antivirus name is called….
A. worm B Mcfee A) collector B) file
C. folder D. scanner C) picture D) datum
20. Files can be located on the program. It is referred to as
A) hard drive B) monitor A. text wrap B. word wrap
C) keyboard D. System C. text movement D. test wrap
21. A website address is typed in the ……..bar of a 30. Which of the following domain name extension
browser. is used by educational institution?
A. inside B. ware house A. .com B. .edu
C. website D. web C. .net D. .org
22. All the following are not morally good on the 31.The http:// in a website address refers to
internet except. A. domain name B. directory name
A. internet fraud (sakawa) C. file game D. protocol
B. watching porn pictures
32. Which of the following can be used as an input
C. sending abusive emails
device and the same time as an output device?
D. chatting online
A. microphone B. modem
23. The command that enables the user to save a C. Printer D. Speaker
previously saved document under a new name is
33. Which of the following keys are used to
A. new B. rename
underline a text in word processing?
C. save D. save as
A. ctrl +B B. ctrl + H
24. The internet is a ………. C. ctrl + I D. ctrl + U
A. global network of computers
34. When pursuing typing lesson, computer users
B. government agency that links computers
are expected to use
C. software for designing programs
A. 5 fingers B. 6 fingers
D. special network of computers in an office
C. 8 fingers D. 10 fingers
25. A hyperlink is normally ………. with blue or
35. Which of the following media stores data
red colour.
A. arrow B. button
A. floppy disk B. random access memory
C. underlined D. start
C. hard disk D. read only memory
26. What is the meaning of this domain “.com”
36. Information printed on paper is referred to as
A. community B. commercial
A. carbon copy B. print copy
C. common D. network
C. hard copy D. soft copy
27. Which of the following is a correct website
37. The button that opens a dialogue box for user to
create an email message is
A. http://ww. Cnn.com
A. back B. create
B. http//:www.cnn.com
C. compose D. refresh
C. http://www.cnn.com
38. In an email environment, the acronym BCC
refers to
28. All the following are educational software A. blank carbon copy B. bulk carbon copy
except C. blind carbon copy D.backup carbon copy
A. Encarta B. encyclopeadia
39. One billion bytes is approximately one
C. kidpix D. wordpad
A. gigabyte B. kilobyte
29. When a text automatically moves to the next C. megabyte D. terabyte
line at the end of a margin in a word processing
40. Viewing television for long periods can damage
an individual’s
A. eye B. head
C. mouth D. nose (d). i In a word processing application, what is the
command button print preview used for?
(ii) state the function of (v) above (c).Mention any 4 educational software you know.
c. Complete the table below
Windows Name of Function of Q3 ( a). What is a computer?
button Windows Windows
button button (b) State four (4) uses of a computer