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An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to

the Faculty of the College of Business & Good Governance
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of
BSBA major in Marketing Management


January 2023
Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines




An Undergraduate Thesis
Presented to the Faculty
BSBA major in Marketing Management


In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
BSBA major in Marketing Management



January 2023


Course Facilitator

Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines


This research paper entitled “PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED AND

partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE
IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (Major in Marketing Management) has been
examined and hereby recommended for approval and acceptance.



Approved by the Panel of Examiners on Oral Examination with a grade of:



Member Member



Accepted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of



Program Head


Dean, College of Business &Good Governance

Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines


The researchers would like to extend their deepest gratitude to the

following people who, in one way or another, have contribute to making the study


To their research adviser, Ms. Roda Jean D. Fernando, for her support,

advice, guidance, valuable comments, suggestions, and recommendations that

benefited the researchers greatly in the completion and success of the study;

To their statistician, Mr. Jerald M. Pedregosa for sharing his knowledge

and helped in the analysis of data and its statistical computations.

To the department program head and as well as, their research instructor,

Mr. Joseph M. Buguis, MBA, for instructing them in behalf of making the thesis


To the supervisor of SOCOTECO II, Ms. Renee Rose for allowing the

researchers to conduct a survey on their consumers.

To the 374 respondents who gave time to provide data that are needed in

the study.

To their parents, friends, and relatives, for the love, understanding, and

financial support in pursuing this study.

And above all, to the almighty God, for giving them strength and guidance

throughout their hardship in making the study.

Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines


This study aims to determine problems encountered and satisfaction level

among consumers of South Cotabato Electric Cooperative II and recommend

strategies on how to improve consumer satisfaction through efficient service

delivery based on the result of the study. The researchers chose Poblacion,

Polonuling and Cebuano as it has the greatest number of residential sectors

according to the electric power sector monitoring committee in SOCOTECO II

Tupi, South Cotabato, with the total of 5881 households.

The researchers used the descriptive statistical analysis and quantitative

methods of research. Self-made questionnaire was used to gather data from 374

respondents and identified through purposive sampling technique using the

slovin’s formula. The researchers used statistical tools such as frequency,

percentage, and the weighted mean to calculate and analyze the data gathered.

As a result, the majority of the respondents where female which age range

is 26-35. The respondents point out that power outage is the variable they

encountered frequently SOCOTECO II, they also emphasize that it takes 20-30

minutes for the SOCOTECO II to respond. The respondents favored that

provision of safety tips and instructions before and during power outages got the

highest satisfaction among the problems encountered.

Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

The ANOVA result for Age revealed a p value of .001 which is less than

.05 significant level. Therefore, there is statistically significant difference between

consumers challenges and their demographic variable (Age) which affect their

satisfaction, and there is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis.

An independent sample t-test was used to determine whether there is a

statistically significant difference between consumers challenges and

demographic profile (Sex). The result shows a p value of .015. Hence, there is a

statistically significant difference between consumers challenges on satisfaction

and demographic profile (Sex), and there is sufficient evidence to reject the null


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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

Table of Contents










Introduction 1

Statement of the Problem 2

Significance of the Study 3

Scope and Delimitation of the Study 4



Conceptual Framework 5

Review of Related Literature and Studies 6

Definition of Terms 13


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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

Research Design 15

Locale of the Study 17

Respondents of the Study 17

Sampling Size and Sampling Design 19

Data Gathering Tools 20

Data Gathering Procedure 21

Statistical Treatment 21

Data Interpretation 23


Demographic Profile of Respondents 25



Findings 34

Conclusions 36

Recommendations 38




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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

List of Figures

Figure Title Page

1 Conceptual Framework of the Study

2 Research Design 16

3 Location of SOCOTECO II 19

4 Data Gathering Procedure 20

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
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South Cotabato, Philippines

List of Tables

Table Title Page

1 Five Scale Point 23

2 Demographic profile of the 25


3 Points that residential sectors encountered 26

4 Duration of time before electric power 27

Sector respond

5 Residential sector`s level of satisfaction 27

During the service delivery of SOCOTECO II.

6 Power outage 28

7 Customer service 29

8 Electric surge 30

9 Descriptive Statistics 31

10 ANOVA 32

11 Descriptive Statistics 32

12 Independent Samples Test 33

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines


Appendix Title Page

A Survey Questionnaire 51

B Permission letter to the dean 55

C Permission letter to Establishments 56

D Curriculum Vitae 57

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

Chapter I



Service delivery and consumer satisfaction are considered as a vital

aspect when it comes to businesses, it is how well a service delivers within or

beyond customers’ expectation. It is important to establish a high quality of

service in sustaining satisfying relationships with consumers. According to

Usman (2013) Customers of electricity service providers complain frequently of

inadequate power supply, high electricity tariffs, delay in the provision of pre-paid

meters and handling of customers’ complaints and suggestions. Regarding this

statement, power failures as well as other customer service problems affects

satisfaction of consumers.

When it comes to power supply, consumers of electricity complain quickly

through posting bad feedbacks on social media in times of power failures and low

power supply. Creating and maintaining the level of consumer satisfaction is

necessary to electricity generation and distribution firms’ survival, growth, and

expansion. This is because the achievement of other business objectives is highly

centered on the level of satisfaction derived by the customers (Ibojo, 2015).

Additionally, foreign investors are not willing to come and set up business

operations in the country due to poor power supply (Anyaka & Edokobi, 2014).

Therefore, inadequate power supply really affects the running of the large

business owner as well as the residential sectors.

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

The purpose of the study is to determine problems encountered and

satisfaction level among consumers of South Cotabato Electric Cooperative II.

With this study, the electricity service providers could find out whether their

services meet the level of satisfactory to their consumers through consumer

evaluation. Moreover, the researchers could recommend strategies on improving

consumer satisfaction through efficient service delivery.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the consumer satisfaction on the service

delivery of South Cotabato Electric Cooperative II.

Particularly, this study aims to seek and answer the following:

1. Determine the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Age; and

b. Sex

2. To distinguish the consumer satisfaction on the responses/actions of

South Cotabato Electric Cooperative II in Tupi, South, Cotabato in terms


a. Power Outage;

b. Customer Service; and

c. Electric Surge

3. To determine the significant difference of the challenges across the

demographic profile of respondents.

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study will help to broaden the knowledge on

consumer satisfaction to the service delivery of South Cotabato Electric

Cooperative II in TUPI, South, Cotabato. The results of this study will be of great

benefit to the following:

To the Consumers. The result of this study will be beneficial for the

consumers’ additional knowledge on how the services were rendered by Electric

power sectors on the consumer’s satisfaction level that the establishment has.

To the Electricity Distributors. The result of this study will help to

determine and implement quality service delivery initiatives and will significantly

lead to an increase in consumer satisfaction.

To the Economy. The result of this study will boost the economic activity

and will benefit them to be able to learn how various factors contribute greatly to

the success of the business in terms of service quality and consumers


To the Future Researchers. The result of this study will be beneficial for

those who wish to have similar studies as they can get background information

that will serve as a template to enhance their study.

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focuses on problems encountered and satisfaction level among

consumers of South Cotabato Electric Cooperative II in Tupi, South Cotabato.

The researchers have chosen residential sectors in Barangay Poblacion,

Polonuling and Cebuano, considering that the said Barangays has the most

number of residential sectors according to the electric power sector monitoring

committee in South Cotabato Electric Cooperative II Tupi, South Cotabato.

Moreover, the total population of the said Barangays is more than enough for the

researchers to get the possible total respondents of the study. Therefore, the

researchers limited the respondents to 374 respondents belonging to the said


Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

Chapter II



This chapter examines the related literature and studies which supports

and gives credence to the details of this research. Concepts, findings, theories,

and notions from scholarly researches and articles related to evaluation of

service delivery on consumer satisfaction that are presented to give a broad

background of the study and to justify the researcher’s objective in undertaking it.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

 Power outage

 Customer Service Customer Satisfaction

 Electric Surge



Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Figure 1 shows that power outage, customer service and electric surge

were the factor that affects the consumer satisfaction. These factors determined

its influence and affect the overall satisfaction of consumers.

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

Consumer satisfaction can be achieved and increased through carefully

understanding and identifying the needs of the consumers in terms of providing a

quality service that could satisfy their needs to a highest level Ibojo, Olawepo &

Akinruwa (2013). When it comes to electricity, Kufeoglu (2015) stated that it

becomes vital part of the modern societies. Therefore, constant power supply is

necessary not just for residential sectors but also for the economic growth.

Furthermore, consumers consider the service delivery as one of the major

influences with regards to the success or failure of the quality of service. Thus, if

the performance does not meet the satisfaction level, the consumers will be

dissatisfied, however if the overall performance meets their satisfaction, then

they will be satisfied.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Review of Related Literature

This section presents the related literature and studies that are significant

in the research. This consists of books, theses, and articles from internet written

by both foreign and local authors.

Demographic Factors

Demographic factors are the most popular bases for segmenting

consumer groups. One reason is that consumer needs, wants, and usage rates

often very closely with demographic variables. Another is that demographic

variables are easier to measure than most other types of variables (Kotler &

Armstrong, 2012). Moreover, the differences between men and women about

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
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South Cotabato, Philippines

expectation, want, need, life style, etc. reflect to their consumption behavior.

(Swarna 2012).


Rani (2014) states that age is a significant factor for marketing strategy

since age creates a critical difference among consume choices and consumers

consumption habits and patterns. Although age is considered to be one of the

most significant factors of consumer behavior, there are not too many scientific

studies and articles that focus exclusively on these socio-demographic

characteristics. Besides, this trend is consistent with an increasing number of

studies conducted by gerontologists and lifespan developmental psychologists,

who have used the social identity approach to examine experiences and behavior

of older adults outside the work context, for instance in retirement and in aged

care facilities (Jetten & Haslam, 2016). Also, research on successful aging

suggests that personal and work-related resources may impact associations

between age and favorable outcomes such as high resources result in positive

associations and low resources result in negative associations.


According to Johnson J; Sharman Z; Visandjee B. (2014),canadian

Institutes has been requiring researchers to indicate whether their research

protocol accounts for sex or gender, using the term “sex” to refer to the biological

attributes that distinguish male from female, and the term “gender” to refer to

men and women’s socially constructed roles identities and behaviors. As of 2016,

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

the U.S. National Institutes of Health Research asks applicants to explain how

they plan to factor consideration of sex as biological variable into their research

design and analysis (Clayton, 2015).

Customer Satisfaction

Customer’s satisfaction as noted by (Tahir, Wagget, & Hoffman 2013), a

customer’s perspective based on their expectation and then subsequent post

purchase experience. Customer satisfaction can be achieved and increased in

business organizations by carefully identifying and understanding the needs of

the target market and providing quality goods and services that will meet and

satisfy these needs to a greater extent, thereby by building and maintaining long-

lasting and favourable relationship with the target market (Ibojo, Olawepo, &

Akinuwa, 2013).

Every organization that aims to increase its market share must

continuously identify the factors that enhance customer satisfaction and work on

them as well as identify and avoid those factors that hinder customer satisfaction

(Khan, 2012). This further provides a measurement of the service delivery, in

terms of providing feedbacks on the services offered.

Power outages

Power outages is when electrical power goes out unexpectedly. According

to Vanden, Mansur, and Wang (2015) power outages have generally direct and

indirect effects on the overall performance of the firms, causing increases in

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

economic costs, reductions in produced quantities, and eventually decreases in

sales and productivity. Thus, this results to complaints from the household

sectors. According to Auffhammer, Baylis and Hausman, (2017) the frequency

and severity of these events will increase with the population growth and climate

change, as infrastructure damage from intense storms and floods, hydropower

shortage from droughts, and increased demand as temperatures rise and strain

an aging electricity grid.

Customer service

According to Machado et. Al (2012), training entails gaining skills that can

help one achieve their objectives and enhancing their competence in the work

place as training helps individuals understand the company’s vision, mission,

values, culture and strategy thereby gaining skills on how to interact with

customers, follow processes, and understand company policy and procedures.

Then, the importance of employee attitudes and customer service performance is

acknowledged, there are calls to more precisely specify proximal mediators

between employee attitudes and customer satisfaction (Hong et. Al., 2013).

Several other researchers also suggest focusing on employee performance

integral to customers’ service experience (Bowen & Schneider, 2014).

Electric surge

Electrical power supply abnormalities are referred to as surge, transient or

electrical line noises, which are deviations from the normal power voltage supply

(Prasada, 2013). Furthermore, the surge can result from operation of switches or

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

circuit breakers connected to a capacitive or inductive loads, “current chopping”

in teams of small current or operating with insulated neutral by sudden grounding

one of the phases (Hassan, 2017; Makinde, 2014).

Transient over-voltage is generated from circuit breaker due the opening

and closing during operation deploys in the pumped-storage power station

Sukhdeo and Prasada (2013). Shehab (2013) presented a model on lighting

strike and the relative effects on electrical power distribution system and the

resultant output and impact on power system caused by lighting at the presence

of lighting arrester. Since power distribution system is part of the service delivery

of electric power sectors it also affects the consumer’s satisfaction depending

how quickly they respond regarding this power failures.

Service delivery

Delivering services of high quality is an important pursuit for service

providers that seek to create and provide value to their customers (Gronroos &

Ravald, 2012). Consumers have a perception of the level of service they should

receive in their mind and have the tendency of having a tolerance in terms of

waiting a reasonable period of time in order to receive their desired level of

service (Machado et al. 2012:142). Consumer pay for a level of service they think

they will receive, when they decide to pay a certain price for goods and service

(Machado et al 2012:142). Thus, the way they deliver their services to the end

users affects the satisfaction level of the consumers.

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

Review of Related Studies

“Electricity service and customer satisfaction:

Evidence from electricity consumers in Lagos State, Nigeria”

This study by Odunlami, Abimbola & Sokefun, Adekunle (2018) investigated

the relationship between electricity service delivery and customer satisfaction

among electricity consumers in Lagos State, Nigeria. The finding revealed that

service quality had a significant relationship with customer satisfaction (r=0.348,

p<0.05). They also found out that price had a significant relationship with

customer satisfaction(r=0.415, p<0.05). Customer service had no significant

relationship with customer satisfaction (r=0.062, p>0.05). This study concluded

that service quality attracts customers to purchase product and services and

make repeat purchases.

“The effects of Power outages on the performance of manufacturing

Firms from the MENA region”

This study by Fakih, (2020) examines the effects of power outages on the

performance of manufacturing firms form MENA region using a firm-level data set

derived from the World Bank’s Enterprise Surveys (WBES) database. The

findings revealed that the extent of power outages is depicted by objective

measures characterizing durations and frequencies of power outages, and by

perception-based measures reflecting firms’ perceived severity power outages.

The results of the study emphasize the adverse consequences of the power

outages for the performance of manufacturing firms in the MENA region.

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

“The effect of customers’ satisfaction of service delivery on

consumers’ retention of Tigo Telecommunication Network”

This study by Appiah (2015) investigated the effect of customer satisfaction

of service delivery on customer retention Tigo Telecommunication in the Abokobi-

Madian Locality. The study found that, the customers were satisfied with the

quality of service delivered by Tigo; the customers could not indicate whether or

not they would retain the services of Tigo. The study recommended the

maintaining existing customers should be a better option than chasing for new

non-existing customers by Tigo and that future study should consider expanding

the scope so as to make findings more dependable.

“Customer satisfaction from private utility companies: An explanatory


This study by Kostereoglou, Georgios; Dimitrios (2016) examines the

factors that have an impact on customer satisfaction in the context of private utility

companies. The main purpose of the study is accomplished through the

development and the empirical testing of a conceptual framework (research

model). The study found out that empirical results indicate that “reliability’ has the

highest impact on customer satisfaction while empathy has no impact at all. More

specifically, the impact of reliability on customer satisfaction is indirect, mediated

through three other dimensions of the conceptual framework (namely tangibles,

responsiveness and empathy).

Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

Definition of Terms

Consumer – is defined as an individual or business that consumes or

uses goods and services (Bloomenthal, 2019). Operationally, Consumers are

those electricity consumers who are residing in Tupi, South, Cotabato.

Customer satisfaction- is defined as a measurement that determines how

happy customers are with a company’s products, services, and capabilities.

Customer satisfaction information, including surveys and ratings, can help a

company determine how to best improve or changes its products and services.

Operationally, it is how a consumer become satisfied with the services that

SOCOTECO II offered.

Customer Service- is defined as the support you offer to your customers,

both before and after they buy and use the products or services. Operationally, it

is how SOCOTECO II in Tupi, South, Cotabato supports their household sectors.

Electric surge- is defined as a transient wave of current, voltage or power

in an electric circuit. Operationally, issues are external over voltages resulting

from atmospheric discharges such as lighting charges or lighting strokes that are

not part of the system.

Power outages- is also called a power cut, a power out, a power blackout

a power failure or a power loss. It is the loss of the electrical power network

supply to an end user. Operationally, these are the damages electric

transmission lines.

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

Service delivery- can be defined as any contact with the public

administration during which customers – citizens, residents or enterprises – seek

or provide data, handle their affairs or fulfil their duties. These services should be

delivered in an effective, predictable, reliable and customer-friendly manner.

Operationally, it is how the service sectors deliver their services to the end-users,

specifically to the household sectors residing in Polonuling.

Strategy- It is a set of plans or decisions that is made to help

organizations to achieve their objectives. Operationally, it means doing out a task

with special technique used to emphasize the work to be done.

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

Chapter III


This section discussed the method and the procedures used to conduct

this study. It includes the method of research used, comprehensive description of

the research design, respondents of the study, sample and sampling techniques,

the instrument and techniques used for validation of the instruments, data

gathering procedures and the statistical treatment that are applied on the data


Research Design

This research used the quantitative descriptive research design.

Quantitative descriptive research aims to accurately and systematically describe

a population, situation, or phenomenon. It can answer what, where, when and

how questions, but not why questions (McCombes, 2019). In addition, this type of

research design is appropriate for this study since it describes the variables that

affect the consumer satisfaction of the respondents.

This is a quantitative method where only a survey is utilized on evaluating

service delivery on consumer satisfaction of SOCOTECO II in Tupi, South,

Cotabato. According to Ajayi (2017), primary data is the data gathered by the

researchers themselves, for instance, the researchers conducted the survey by

using self-made questionnaires.

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

Problems Encountered and Satisfaction Level among Consumers of

South Cotabato Electric Cooperative II in Tupi South Cotabato

Demographic Profile Locale of the Study

Tupi, South Cotabato


Service Delivery Variables Respondents

Power Outages Residential sectors

Electric Surge
Research Instrument
Customer Service

Self-made Questionnaire

To distinguish consumer satisfaction on the

responses/actions of South Cotabato Electric Statistical Treatment
Cooperative II in Tupi, South, Cotabato.
Frequency and

To determine the significant difference of Weighted Mean

the challenges across the demographic
profile of respondents Anova

Figure 2. Research Design

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

Primary data are the specific information that are collected in this study for

the purpose and process by the researchers. Basically, secondary data are

collected by someone else from an earlier time. The sources are obtained from

books, journals, the internet and academic articles. The data may or may not be

specific to the researcher’s need, as described by. In this research the

researchers will take sources from articles, internet and journals related to the

topic in consumer preference.

Locale of the Study

This study was conducted in Barangay Poblacion, Polonuling and

Cebuano in Tupi as it has the greatest number of residential sectors according to

the electric power sector monitoring committee in South Cotabato Electric

Cooperative II Tupi, South Cotabato, with the total of 5881 residential sectors.

Also, to easily gather data that can provide a number of resources that are

needed in the study. Furthermore, in order to determine their level of satisfactory

when it comes to the service delivery of South Cotabato Electric Cooperative II.

Respondents of the Study

The researchers considered the residential sectors residing in Poblacion,

Polonuling and Cebuano in Tupi, South, Cotabato considering that they are

capable of providing a data needed in the study since their Barangay is known as

the highest consumption of electricity in Tupi, South, Cotabato. The total number

of respondents was 374 residential sectors. In addition, they can provide an

ample data that are necessary in the study.

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
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South Cotabato, Philippines

Figure 3. Map of SOCOTECO II, Tupi, South Cotabato

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

Sampling Size and Sampling Design

The researcher used a purposive sampling technique formula to estimate

sampling size. Using Slovin’s formula, the researchers will calculate the sample

size (n) given the population size (N) and a margin of error (e). According to

Nikolopoulou (2022) purposive sampling refers to a group of non-probability

sampling techniques in which units are selected “on purpose” in purposive



n= N/ (1+Ne2)


n= no. of samples

N= total population

e= error margin/ margin of error


n= 5881/ (1+5881*0.05*0.05)

Sample size = 374.52 or 374

The data above are estimated using Slovin’s formula to calculate the

sample size. The researchers chose a 95% level of confidence, giving a margin

of error 0.05. The sample size of 374 was taken using purposive sampling.

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

Data Gathering Tools

The researchers used a survey questionnaire in the form of 5-point likert

scale to gather the needed data from the respondents. The researchers utilized

self-made questionnaires. To achieve a content validity, the questionnaire for this

study was given to research experts through Content Validity Index (CVI). The

questionnaires are formulated based on the statement of the problem in the

proposed study. The questionnaire contains the demographic profile of the

respondents as well as the consumer satisfaction on the service delivery of

South Cotabato Electric Cooperative II in Tupi, South, Cotabato. The

respondents were asked to rate with the use of Likert scale from five (5) as the

highest and one (1) as the lowest.

Reliability Testing

To ensure that the questionnaire is reliable to provide the required

information in the study. 20 samples of the questionnaire were pre tested

wherein Cronbach’s alpha is used to determine the reliability of the measurement

instrument. The result was Cronbach's coefficient of 0.8138. Cronbach presents

the validity by Cronbach Alpha at 0.8138, which is greater than the standard

definition at 0.70. Therefore, the questionnaires were good and valid.

Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

Data Gathering Procedure

Send a letter to the dean for the approval of conducting of the study

Develop a survey questionnaire

Ask permission to conduct the study

Setting the date to start the survey

Conducting the survey

Tabulating and analyzing of the collected data

Interpreting the collected data

Figure 4. Data Gathering Procedure

Statistical Treatment

In this study the researchers used various statistical tools to analyze and

tabulate the data gathered from the respondents. The statistical tools to be used

are the following:

1. Frequency and Percentage. Frequency is a tabular representation of

a survey data set. It is used to organize the demographic profile and

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

Preferences of the respondents. While percentage is useful when

making comparisons for studying a difference. Additionally, it will be

used as a guide to collect the demographic profile of the respondents

and the dimension that affect the consumer satisfaction on the service

delivery of utility service providers in Tupi, South, Cotabato.

Furthermore, percentage can be calculated by taking the frequency in

the category divided by the total number of selected respondents by





= Frequency

= Total number of respondents

2. Weighted mean. It will be used to calculate the average of the value of

the data. The average value can be calculated by providing different

weights to some of each value and used in determining which among

the identified service quality have the largest impact to the consumer

satisfaction of the utility service consumers.


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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines


= weighted mean

= summation

= frequency

the value of the result

= the total number of respondents

3. Anova. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is a statistical formula used to

compare variances across the means (or average) of different groups.

A range of scenarios use it to determine if there is any difference

between the means of different groups.

Data Interpretation

The gathered data were interpreted using a five-point Likert scale. It will

serve as a basis to interpret the result.

Table 1

Five Point Scale

Scale Value Mean Range Interpretation

5 4.21 – 5.00
Very satisfied
4 3.41– 4.20
3 2. 61– 3.40
2 1.81 – 2.60
1 1.00 – 1.80
Very unsatisfied

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

Five (5) point scale offers five (5) different answer options related to the

agreement that would be distinguish sufficiently for the respondents. It will select

each response a point value, from 1 to 5, based on the number of responses.

Common values for the options started with “very unsatisfied” at 1 point and “very

satisfied” at 5. The mode will show up the most common response while the

mean will give the overall average response to the researchers.

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Chapter IV

This chapter presents, analyze and interprets the data gathered from

evaluation and more particularly the results would serve as basis for

recommendation and to answer the stated problem.

Based on the collected data, here are the presentations, analysis and

presentation of the data, according to the answers of 374 respondents through a

survey questionnaire.

Table 2

Demographic Profile of Respondents (N=374)

Age Frequency Percentage (%)

18-25 75 20.05
26-35 139 37.17
36-55 105 28.07
56-75 55 14.71

Total 374 100%


Male 164 43.85

Female 210 56.15

Total 374 100%

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South Cotabato, Philippines

Table 2 shows the demographic profile of the respondents. The age

ranges 26-35 got the highest frequency with 139 or 37.17 percent, followed by

36-55 which is 28.07 percent, next is 18-25 with 75 responses or 20.05 percent,

and the last one got the lowest which has 55 with a percentage of 14.75. the total

number of female respondents was 210 which is 56.15 percent while the male

respondents is 164 with a rate of 43. 85 percent.

Table 3

Points those residential sectors encountered the most.

Variables Frequency Percentage (%)

Power Outage 214 57.22

Customer Service 116 31.02

Electric Surge 44 11.76

Others 0 0

Total 374 100%

Table 3 shows that most respondents encountered power outages with

214 responses or 57.22 percent, followed by customer service with 116

responses or 31.02 percent, and electric surges with 43 responses or 11.76


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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
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South Cotabato, Philippines

Table 4

Duration of time before the electric power sector respond.

Duration of
Frequency Percentage (%)
Customer Service
10-20 minutes 114 30.48

20-30 minutes 136 36.36

35 minutes above 124 33.16

Total 374 100%

Table 4 shows that most respondents point out that it takes 20-30 minutes

Before electric power sectors responds with 136 responses or 36.36 percent next

is above 35 minutes with a response of 124 or 33.16 percent and 10-20 minutes

with 114 responses or 30.48 percent.

Table 5

Residential sector`s level of satisfaction during the service delivery of


Rate Frequency Percentage (%)

5 35 9.36
4 112
3 171

2 48

1 8
Total 374

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South Cotabato, Philippines

Table 5 shows that 3 got the highest number of the ratings of consumers

during the services delivery of SOCOTECO II with 171 responses or 45.72

percent, followed by 4 level of satisfaction that got 112 responses or 29.95

percent followed by 2 with 48 responses or 12.83 percent, followed by 5 with 35

responses or 9.36 percent and 1 which got the lowest response of 8 or 2.14


Table 6

Power Outage


Provision of safety tips and instruction

before and during power outage.
SOCOTECO II`s restoration response
to power outages.
Quick response to repair damaged
electric poles and equipment.
Responses to calls and queries
during the power outage.
Grand Mean 3.47

Table 6 results shows that provision of safety tips and instructions before

and during power outages got the prominent mean ( =3.56), followed by

SOCOTECO II`s restoration response to power outages and Responses to calls

and queries during the power outage with corresponding mean of ( =3.45).

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South Cotabato, Philippines

Then, quick response to repair damaged electric poles and equipment which

scored the lowest mean ( =3.42). Nevertheless, the majority of respondents

expressed satisfaction, which is satisfied but not at the highest level with a grand

mean of 3.47.

According to Machado et al. (2012). Consumers have a perception of the

level of service they should receive in their mind and have the tendency of having

a tolerance in terms of waiting a reasonable period of time in order to receive

their desired level of service.

Table 7

Customer Service

Statement Mean Verbal

SOCOTECO II responds quickly to
customers complaints.
Assistance and advice provided by
Knowledge and expertise of
employees in providing reliable 3.42
Taking full responsibility without
making excuses on excalation.
Grand Mean 3.41 Satisfied

Table 7 indicates that SOCOTECO II responds quickly to customers

complaints obtained a high level of satisfaction, which led to a high mean of (

=3.45), now comes to Knowledge and expertise of employees in providing

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National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

reliable information with a mean of ( =3.42). Conversely, the satisfaction rating

for the next two was just neutral where in taking full responsibility without making

excuses on excalation got ( =3.40) and the lowest comes next which is

Assistance and advice provided by SOCOTECO II with ( =3.37). Despite the

fact that the overall result is satisfied with a grand mean of ( =3.41), the total

result shows that the SOCOTECO II does not provided the quality service that

consumers expected. This is because there were two neutral responses which

signifies that they did not meet their high level of satisfaction.

According Olayinka et. Al. (2018). Customer satisfaction is strongly

influenced by the interaction between customers and employees.

Table 8

Electric Surge

Statement Mean
Recommendation of preventive
3.52 Satisfied
actions during electric surge.
Time allocation for monitoring electric
3.48 Satisfied
Quick response on reports
(danger/accident) during and after an 3.55 Satisfied
electric surge.
Personal concerns for public safety
3.54 Satisfied
during and after an electric surge.
Grand Mean 3.52 Satisfied

Table 8 shows that quick response on reports (danger/accident) during

and after an electric surge got the favorable response of satisfaction with (

=3.55). Next comes to personal concerns for public safety during and after an

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
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South Cotabato, Philippines

electric surge with ( =3.54), followed by recommendation of preventive actions

during electric surge with ( =3.52). Additionally, time allocation for monitoring

electric surges got the low average among the four with ( =3.48). The overall

results indicate that respondents were content with service provided both during

and after electric surge with a grand mean of ( =3.52).

Second one that got the responses got a grand mean of 3.52 in which the

respondents favored that SOCOTECO II gives time to recommend preventive

action during electric surge while showing personal concerns as well.

According to Santos N. (2022) customer expectations refers to the service

and delivery that is referring to the execution of the services offered to

consumers. Moreover, consumers increasing expect for more attention to satisfy

their needs.

Table 9
Descriptive Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation N
18-25 3.61 0.63445 75
25-35 3.35 0.78817 139
36-55 3.69 0.73791 105
56-75 3.70 0.62872 55
Total 3.55 0.73688 374

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South Cotabato, Philippines

Table 10
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
9.047 3 3.016 5.767 .001
193.487 370 0.523
202.54 373

A one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was done to determine whether

there is a significant difference between customer’s perceived value and their

demographic profile. Age is a demographic profile comprised of three or more

factors that were utilized for Analysis of Variance.

The ANOVA result for Age revealed a p value of .001 which is less than .05

significant level. Therefore, there is statistically significant difference between

consumers challenges and their demographic variable (Age) which affect their

satisfaction, and there is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis.

Table 11
Descriptive Statistics
Customer’s perceived value Mean Std. Deviation N

Male 3.42 0.78052 177

Female 3.67 0.67721 197

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South Cotabato, Philippines

Table 12
Independent Samples Test

F t df Sig.
Customer’s Equal 5.914 -3.200 372 .015
Perceived Value variances

An independent sample t-test was used to determine whether there is a

statistically significant difference between consumers challenges and

demographic profile (Sex). The result shows a p value of .015. Hence, there is a

statistically significant difference between consumers challenges on satisfaction

and demographic profile (Sex), and there is sufficient evidence to reject the null


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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

Chapter V

This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusions, and

recommendation of consumer satisfaction on The Service Delivery of South

Cotabato Electric Cooperative II.


Majority of the respondent`s age ranges 26-35, with the total average of

37.17%. There is a little bit difference in terms of sex in which there were 210

female respondents that got a highest average of 56.15%, while the 164 male

respondents got 43.85%.When it comes to responses/actions of SOCOTECO II

the respondents were satisfied with the service they rendered during power

outage. In terms of customer service, the respondents are also satisfied with a

grand mean of =3.41).

However, the respondents favored that the assistance and advice

provided by SOCOTECO II demonstrates neutral level of satisfaction with a

lowest mean of ( =3.37) which signifies of satisfaction that they were not that

satisfied with the quality of the service provide. Regarding the last variable, the

respondents were satisfied =3.52) based on how SOCOTECO II recommend

preventive actions during and after electric surge.

The ANOVA result for Age revealed a p value of .001 which is less than

.05 significant level. Therefore, there is statistically significant difference between

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

consumers challenges and their demographic variable (Age) which affect their

satisfaction, and there is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis.

An independent sample t-test was used to determine whether there is a

statistically significant difference between consumers challenges and

demographic profile (Sex). The result shows a p value of .015. Hence, there is a

statistically significant difference between consumers challenges on satisfaction

and demographic profile (Sex), and there is sufficient evidence to reject the null



Based on findings of the study, the researchers have attained the

following conclusions and generalizations:

From the finding of the study, it was concluded that power outage is the

variable they encountered frequently. Consumers have a perception of the level

of service they should receive in their mind and have the tendency of having a

tolerance in terms of waiting a reasonable period of time in order to receive their

desired level of service (Machado et al. 2012:142). Therefore, the results of this

study provide evidence that SOCOTECO II must work on supplying enough

power supply and response quickly in order to minimize these variables to lessen

consumer’s complaints.

In order to meet the high level of satisfaction from consumers, the electric

service providers should guarantee that their staff have enough knowledge on

consumer’s queries and problems as well as to take time to listen on their

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

electrical issues and request spends more time to monitor the cause of power

failures and provide safety tips to consumers.


Based on the findings and conclusions gathered from the respondents, the

researchers would like to recommend the following:

South Cotabato Electric Cooperative II should improve the services they

offered to their consumers through providing enough power supply in order to

create a high level of consumer’s satisfaction. According to Odunlami (2015)

poor services or unsatisfactory level of services, which cannot meet the

expectation of consumers’ maybe that is one of the major causes of

dissatisfaction in consumers.

Considering that the consumers of South Cotabato Electric Cooperative II

were just satisfied with the quality of the services that they rendered, the

researchers recommend and encouraged South Cotabato Electric Cooperative II

to raise the level of satisfaction of the consumers to the highest level as much as

possible, provision of quick response to consumer’s complaints must be

addressed. According to Ibojo, Olawepo and Akinruwa (2015) Customer

satisfaction can be achieved through identifying the needs of your consumers as

well as maintaining quality services that will meet and satisfy their needs.

Due to inadequate power supply and some electric power interruption, the

South Cotabato Electric Cooperative II should recommend alternative devices

like battery operated devices, and provide system planning in times of power

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

outage and safety tips in times of electric surges and other power failures.

According to Khan (2012) every organization that wants to increase consumer

satisfaction must provide strategies and identify the factors that hinders

consumer satisfaction.

Development of solar panel technology as a renewable energy resource.

Could be a massive benefit to the rural areas and the national utility. According to

Singh (2014), The use of solar irrigation technology is also recommended as the

rural farmer would not have to depend on the vulnerable supply of fossil fuel.

SOCOTECO II, should hire more lineman, power plant operator and

technician in order to lessen the delay of repairing power failures and to generate

electricity that will meet consumer’s demands. According to Engetou (2017), the

productivity of every organization depends on its efficient employees and all

human resources to guide its work force which is what helps determine the

organizations success.

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National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines


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South Cotabato, Philippines


Very Very
Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied
Satisfied Unsatisfied
Power Outage
1.) Provision of safety tips and
instruction before and during power 57 148 123 40 6
2.) SOCOTECO II’s restoration
41 138 149 42 4
response to power outages.
3.) Quick response to repair
49 130 140 42 13
damaged electric poles and equipment.
4.) Responses to calls and queries
54 139 122 40 19
during the power outage.

Customer Service
1.) SOCOTECO II responds
46 120 168 38 2
quickly to customers’ complaints.
2.) Assistance and advice
provided by SOCOTECO II. 36 113 183 39 3

3.) Knowledge and expertise of

employees in providing reliable 39 132 157 41 5
4.) Taking full responsibility
38 133 153 41 9
without making excuses on excalation.

Electric surge
1.) Recommendation of preventive
48 137 153 34 2
actions during electric surge.
2.) Time allocation for monitoring
46 134 155 35 4
electric surges.
3.) Quick response on reports
(danger/accident) during and after an 57 145 130 33 9
electric surge.
4.) Personal concerns for public
safety during and after an electric 60 151 111 37 15

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The purpose of the study is to determine problems encountered and

satisfaction level among consumers of SOCOTECO II in Tupi South Cotabato

and will show the effect of service delivery to the consumer satisfaction

Instruction: Please supply all the information needed. Fill in the blank

and/or put a check () on the corresponding space at the side of your desired


PART I – Demographic profile of the respondents

Name (Optional): Date:

Address: Contact No.:

1.) Age

□ 18-25 years old

□ 26-35 years old

□ 36-55 years old

□ 56-75 years old

2.) Sex

□ Male

□ Female

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

PART II – Problems encountered and satisfaction level among consumers of

socoteco ii in Tupi, South, Cotabato, during power outage, customer service and

electric surges.

3.) Which of the following points you encountered the most? Choose 1


□ Power outage

□ Customer service

□ Electric surges

□ Others, Pls. Specify:

4.) Duration of the time before the electric power sectors respond.

□ 10– 20 minutes

□ 20 – 30 minutes

□ 35 minutes – above

5.) On a scale of 1 to 5, rate your satisfaction during the service delivery of


Pls. Specify:

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

PART III – Problems encountered and satisfaction level among consumers of

SOCOTECO II in Tupi South Cotabato.

Instruction: Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following scale

from one (1) – five (5). Just put a check () on the level of priority based on your


Where one (1) =very unsatisfied, two (2) =unsatisfied, three (3) = neutral,

four (4) =satisfied, and five (5) =very satisfied.

Level of Satisfaction
Problems encountered and satisfaction level among Most Less
consumers of SOCOTECO II in Tupi South Cotabato
during the following: 5 4 3 2 1

Power Outage

1.) Provision of safety tips and instruction before and

during power outage.

2.) SOCOTECO II’s restoration response to power


3.) Quick response to repair damaged electric poles and


4.) Responses to calls and queries during the power


Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

Customer Service 5 4 3 2 1

1.) SOCOTECO II responds quickly to customers’


2.) Assistance and advice provided by SOCOTECO


3.) Knowledge and expertise of employees in

providing reliable information.

4.) Taking full responsibility without making

excuses on excalation.

Electric surge 5 4 3 2 1

1.) Recommendation of preventive actions during

electric surge.

2.) Time allocation for monitoring electric surges.

3.) Quick response on reports (danger/accident)

during and after an electric surge.

4.) Personal concerns for public safety during and

after an electric surge.

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South Cotabato, Philippines


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South Cotabato, Philippines


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South Cotabato, Philippines


Personal Data

Name : Dimalilay, Busrah M.

Address : Purok 7, Bunao, Tupi, South
Mobile Number : 09676719855
Date of Birth : May 01, 2000
Place of Birth : Purok 7, Bunao, Tupi, South
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Sex : Female
Age : 22
Religion : Islam
Language/Dialect : Tagalog, Bisaya, Ilonggo, Maguindanao
Gmail :
Educational Background
2022-2023 : College
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
2018-2019 : Senior High School
Tupi National High School
2015-2016 : Junior High School
Tupi National High School
2012-2013 : Primary School
Bunao Elementary School
Employment/Working Experience
2019-2023 : Photographer & Designer @ Shabab Decorating Services

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines


Personal Data
Name : Brian C. Castillo
Address : Purok 9, Poblacion, Tupi,
South Cotabato
Mobile Number : 09937756891
Date of Birth : February 16, 1999
Place of Birth : Purok 9, Poblacion, Tupi,
South Cotabato
Civil Status : Single
Sex : Male
Age : 23
Religion : Roman Catholic
Citizenship : Filipino
Language/Dialect : Tagalog, Ilonggo
Gmail :
Educational Background
2022-2023 : College
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
2013-2016 : Junior High School
Tupi National High School
2012-2013 : Senior High School
Tupi National High School
2009-2010 : Primary School
Tupi Central Elementary School

Employment/Working Experience

2019 : Dole Philippines

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines


Personal Data

Name : Miase, Dennis M.

Address : Purok Mambusong 1 Brgy.
Cebuano, Tupi, South Cotabato
Mobile Number : 09367833996
Date of Birth : December 14, 2000
Place of Birth : Big-spring Cebuano Tupi,
South Cotabato
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Sex : Male
Age : 22
Religion : Roman Catholic
Language/Dialect : Cebuano, Bisaya
Gmail :
Educational Background

2022-2023 : College
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
2017-2018 : Senior High School
Cebuano National High School
2015-2016 : Junior High School
Cebuano National High School
2012-2013 : Primary School
Cebuano Elementary School

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines


Personal Data

Name : Olarte, Carien Joy

Address : Brgy. Bololmala, Tupi,
South Cotabato
Mobile Number : 09388844989
Date of Birth : November 13, 2000
Place of Birth : Senator Ninoy Aquino,
Sultan Kudarat
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Sex : Female
Age : 22
Religion : Catholic
Language/Dialect : Ilonggo, Tagalog
Gmail :
Educational Background

2022-2023 : College
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
2017-2018 : Senior High School
Emilano P. Baquial National High School
2015-2016 : Junior High School
Emilano P. Baquial National High School
2012-2013 : Primary School
Bololmala Elementary School

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National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines


Personal Data

Name : Orilla, Ellie James I.

Address : Purok 11-D Poblacion, Tupi,
South Cotabato
Mobile Number : 09924724648
Date of Birth : November 27, 1997
Place of Birth : Kablon, Tupi, South Cotabato
Civil Status : Single
Sex : Male
Age : 24
Religion : Roman Catholic
Language/Dialect : Cebuano, Bisaya
Gmail :
Educational Background

2022-2023 : College
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
2017-2018 : Senior High School
Polomolok National High School
2015-2016 : Junior High School
Polomolok National High School
2012-2013 : Primary School
Tupi Central Elementary School
Employment/Working Experience

2020-Present : Videographer of Framerate Story

2019 : Salesman at Gaisano Grand Mall of General Santos City

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines


Personal Data

Name : Sacandal, Norie Jane A.

Address : Sitio Dahal, Palian, Tupi,
South Cotabato
Mobile Number : 09352872316
Date of Birth : November 11, 1992
Place of Birth : Palian, Tupi, South Cotabato
Civil Status : Single
Sex : Female
Age : 30
Religion : Islam
Citizenship : Filipino
Language/Dialect : Tagalog, Ilonggo, Maguindanaon
Gmail :
Educational Background

2022-2023 : College
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
2004-2005 : High School
Pablo Valencia National High School
2009-2010 : Primary School
Koronadal Proper Elementary School


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