Generic Shonen Anime Jump Wip

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Generic Shonen Anime

By FutureMobile4

Prepare yourself for action and adventure Jumper because you’re going to the world of
Shonen Anime! A world where over the top fights, giant swords, friendships, epic music,
and fanservice all collide to form one epic story. It’s here where you’ll be staying for the
next 10 years. Hope you can handle it.

Here’s 1000cp to help you survive.

You have the option of choosing any shonen anime to insert yourself into. If you’d rather
not go to an established location then you have the option to be sent to a generic shonen
world for you to enjoy.
Gender and Age can be chosen freely

Mysterious Transfer Student: You just arrived suddenly with no explanation. Try as
they might, people can find no history of your existence prior to your arrival. In addition,
you possess no extra memories of this place to hamper your journey. This is the Drop-In

The Main Character: The protagonist, the head honcho, the guy/girl who gets all the
guys/girls, and who the show is about. The very story revolves around you and your
adventures and the actions you take will shape it, for better or worse. You may start off a
little fish in a big pond but eventually you’ll outgrow that pond to stand above all.

Rival: The opposition, the second fiddle, the deuteragonist, the character who trains and
trains and trains yet is always outshined by their rival, the protagonist. Whether your
rivalry is born of bitter jealousy, intense hatred, or an honest desire to see your
opponent/friend rise to the challenge, you accept the challenge with great enthusiasm. All
in the effort to show everyone that you are the best.

Friend: Whether it’s a love interest, a bookworm, a mentor, or a lovable mascot,

everyone needs a friend in their life. Someone to rely upon when things get dark. While
you may not be as powerful or important as the protagonist you make up for that with
your own skills, allowing you to support your friends in any situation. Show everyone the
true power of friendship.

Villain: The big bad, the final boss, the antagonist, and many more titles to describe what
you are. You are a villain, someone whose goals directly oppose the protagonist. Whether
you wish to be a noble demon, a murdering psychopath, a genius mastermind, or
someone who just doesn’t want to pay taxes the choice is yours. Not all villains are
created equal however. Most are small-fry, merely bugs to be crushed by the protagonist.
Some pose a genuine threat to the main character. And a rare few can be too powerful for
even the protagonist to defeat alone.

Origins get their 100cp perks for free and the other perks 50% off.

General Perks
0cp - Power System: Future Supplement.

0/50/100cp - Shonen Fist: A fighting style from shonen manga for you to be an expert at.
Lets you be a master at that style. Makes you the greatest user of that style. Can be
bought multiple times.

0/50cp - Free Action: Talking, transforming and more are free for you.

0/50cp - A New Challenger: More fights to enjoy and challenge yourself.

50cp - Anime Hairdo: Change your hairstyle anytime you want.

50cp - Epic Soundtrack: Music/Theme Song.

50cp - Name That Attack: Naming your attack/attack booster.

50cp - Scream It Out: Screaming powers you faster.

100cp - Shonen Style: Any Shonen art style you want.

200cp - Filler Arc: Take a break from all the madness.

300cp - Harem Handler: Making sure harems are easy to get and work without problem.

400cp - CMHB: Underestimate me at your own peril.

500cp - Punching The Gordian Knot: When all you have is a hammer, every problem
becomes a nail.

600cp - Shonen Incarnate: Embodiment of Shonen. Capstone Booster

Mysterious Transfer Student (Drop-In)

50cp - The Legend Retold: Stories of your deeds are told to increase reputation.

100cp - Trope Sense: Sense all the shonen tropes.

200cp - So Mysterious: Secrets Can’t Be Found.

300cp - Stylish Shonen: Doing everything epically and looking good while doing it.

400cp - Fate Breaker: Silly rabbit, fate is for fools.

500cp - Chekov’s Power Up: Find more ways to get stronger than change on the floor.

600cp - Hidden Bloodline: Why do you have a monkey tail?

Capstone: I’m sorry, your great grandfather/mother was WHO?!!!

Main Character

50cp - Food, Fighting, and Friendship: A Master at eating, fighting, and making

50cp - Charming Personality: Attracting friends and foes alike.

100cp - Luck of the MC: Winning the lottery without even playing.

200cp - How Dare You Hurt My Friends?!: Touch my friends and die screaming.

300cp - Never Give Up: I can do this all day.

400cp - Never Say Die: I always come back.

500cp - Limit Breaker: Surpass your limits in battle.

600cp - Legendary Power: You’re the Legendary Super Jumper!

Capstone: This is to go even further beyond!


100cp - You’re Not Worth My Time: A PHD in Taunting.

200cp - My Pride!: No one tells me what to do!!!

300cp - Power of Rivals: We’ll see who reaches the top first.

400cp - Training Montage: 10 years of training in just 2.

500cp - I Will Surpass You!: NEVER settle for 2nd place.

600cp - Forbidden Power: Great power at a dangerous cost.

Capstone: Greater power at a mildly inconvenient cost.


100cp - A True Friend: Such a rare thing to have, like finding a unicorn.

200cp - Talk/Punch no Jutsu: Talk about your feelings or just punch them, whichever
works best.

300cp - A Friend In Need: Is a friend indeed.

400cp - Unbreakable Bond: The bond we share can never be broken by you!

500cp - Love Conquers All: With Violet Light.

600cp - The Power of Friendship: Believe in the me that believes in you.



100cp - Malicious Mindset: It feels so good to be bad.

200cp - Backstory no Jutsu: Doesn’t my sad backstory elicit compassion and mercy?

300cp - Perfect Mastermind: All according to cake.

400cp - This Isn’t Even My Final Form: So who’s tired of my third form?

500cp - Anti-MC Power: I DGAF if you’re the protagonist!

600cp - The True Big Bad: I’m the baddest of them all.
Capstone: Not even the author can stop me!


100cp - Canon: One of the many canon characters to join you.

50-300cp - Insert: Your current companions join you.

100cp - Student: Someone to take under your wing with MC-level potential.

200cp - Mentor: You’re mentor, willing to teach you all they know.

100cp - Best Friend:

200cp - Love Interest:

100cp - Sparring Partner:

200cp - Rival:

100cp - Minion:

200cp - Fellow Big Bad:

+500cp for Items
50% Discount for Origin

Shonen Jump(er):
Entertainment System:
Camping Equipment:
Training Gear:
Practice Weapons:
Food Basket:
ShonenTM Wear:
ShonenTM Energy Drinks:
Transformation Gear:
Tournament Stage:
Personal Weapon:
Legendary Weapon:
Extradimensional Training Facility:
Friendship Mech:
Flying Fortress:
Mind Control Device:
Forbidden Artifact:
No Limit
0cp - Fanfic Toggle:
0cp - Supplement:
50cp - Crossover:
50cp - Theme Shift:
100cp - Not So Shonen:
100cp - Trope Blind:
200cp - Simple Minded:
200cp - Denser Than Lead:
300cp - Bottomless Pit:
300cp - Anime Angst:
400cp - Pervert:
400cp - Coward:
500cp - Corrupted Mind:
500cp - Berserker:
600cp - Hated By All:
600cp - Hunted By All:
700cp - Shackled Power:
700cp - Uncontrollable Power:
800cp - Dark Double:
800cp - War Of The Clones:
900cp - Wrath Of The Protagonist:
900cp - Big Bad Is Watching:
1000cp - Bad End:
1000cp - Badder End:


Tournament Arc (MC Edition)

Fight the MC of each series at their most powerful.

Tournament Arc (Big Bad Edition)

Fight the Big Bad of each series at their most powerful.

Jump(er) Force
Side with the heroes, villains, or big bad of this story to decide the fate of the shonen

Shonen Power Supplement

Free/100sp - Shonen Energy: Ki, Chakra, Reishi, Spirit Energy, Mana, etc. Can be
bought multiple times.

100-500sp - Power: How powerful this ability is.

100-500sp - Skill: How skilled you are with it.

200sp - Elemental: Fire, water, earth, air, lightning, light, dark, etc. Can be bought
multiple times.

300sp - Pressure: Emits physical pressure on objects and people.

400sp - Living: Able to act on its own to protect you.

500sp - Divine/Demonic: More powerful than normal version and can’t be sensed,
purifies evil. Similar but causes corruption on targets instead. Can be bought twice.
600sp - Fusion: Combine multiple powers together for a powerful result.


Food, Fighting, Friendship

Epic Soundtrack
Amazing Looks and Attacks
How Dare You Hurt My Friends?!
Power of Friendship
Hidden Bloodline
Legendary Power
Super Jumper
Power of Rivals
My Pride
Endless Glutton
Limitless Potential
Strong Bonds
Never Give Up
Unbreakable Will
Fast Learner
Talk no Jutsu
Anti-Protag Power
Menacing Might
Plans Within Plans
Protag Luck
Protag Charm

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