Hum 10 Exam No.2

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NAME: Antonette R Noya


Course Code/Description: HUM 10- ARTS APPRECIATION

GENERAL DIRECTION: Read and understand the direction carefully. Strictly no

TEST I: Identification
DIRECTION: Identify what is being asked on the following questions.
_DECORATIVE ARTS__1. This is an art or craft whose object is the design and
manufacture of objects that are both beautiful and functional.

_FOOD PLATING_____ 2. This form of art focuses on presentation that allows chefs to
showcase their creations and demonstrate to guests that they’re getting their money’s

_ANCIENT_ARCHITETURE_______ 3. This civilization developed a unique style of

architecture, largely consisting of massive burial chambers in the form of pyramids and
underground tombs.

__SCULPTURE_________________ 4. This is also known as plastic art, for the

shaping process it involves, it should be fairly simple to define, but unfortunately it’s not.

___MAKING MUSIC________________ 5. This is the process putting sounds and

tones in an order, often combining them to create a unified composition.

__EASTERN PAINTING_________________ 6. This Eastern style of painting is mostly

a direct result of traditions and changing lifestyles over the years.

___ENAMELWORK________________ 7. This is a technique of decoration whereby

metal objects or surfaces are given a vitreous glaze that is fused onto the surface by
intense heat to create a brilliantly colored decorative effect.

__ROMAN ARCHITECTURE______ 8. This form of architecture was catalyzed by the

rediscovery of architectural styles and theories of Ancient Rome.

The Lord watches to see if we are

fair or if we cheat others
Proverbs 16:11
_ARCHITECTURE___________ 9. The practice of this art is employed to fulfill both
practical and expressive requirements, and thus it serves both utilitarian
and aesthetic ends.

___SCULPTURE____________ 10. This is an element of sculptural design where the

body must be physically stable and the statue must project a sense of dynamic or static

__ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM________ 11. This is a break away from the

traditional form of art of painting.

__PAINTING______________12. It is an image created using pigments on a surface

such as paper or canvas.

__ABSTRACTION_________ 13. In this form of art, the artist does not show the subject
at all as an objectively reality, but only his idea, or his feeling about it.

__REPRESENTATIONAL_ART_____ 14. They are those arts which depict objects that
are commonly recognized by most people.

__NAPOLEON ABUEVA________ 15. A famous Filipino artist who is noted as the

Father of Modern Filipino sculpture.

__BLANCHING_________________16. This is a cooking technique which food

substance is plunge into boiling water, removed after a brief, timed interval.

___RHYTHM__________ 17. The organization of music in time, also closely related to


__PLATING TECHNIQUES_________ 18. An understanding of this technique will help

restaurant staff to improve overall presentation and enhance the dining experience of
their guests.

__MOSAIC ARTS_________19. It is an art decoration of a surface with designs made

up closely set, usually variously colored, small pieces of material such as stone,
mineral, glass, tile, or shell.

__RHYTHM AND BLUES__________20. This music genre originated in te 1940’s, this

African-American music is a combination of hip hop, funk, dance, pop and soul focusing
on themes like relationships, sex and freedom.

The Lord watches to see if we are

fair or if we cheat others
Proverbs 16:11

DIRECTION: Discuss the following in at least 5 sentences. 15 points each. (arial 12,
spacing 1 and justified).

1. Differentiate fine arts from applied arts.

Any type of visual art that cannot be used for commercial or utilitarian reasons is
considered fine art. Painting, drawing, and sculpture are common examples of
fine arts mediums. Applied art, on the other hand, is art made for a valuable end
product such as design or decoration.

2. What is the importance of art appreciation?

Work appreciation facilitates critical dialogue and the realization that there are
multiple approaches to anything by allowing people to listen to other perspectives
and ideas as well as interpretations of the art.r

The Lord watches to see if we are

fair or if we cheat others
Proverbs 16:11

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