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2023 Virginia Ram Test Consignment Packet

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DATE: March 9, 2023

TO: Potential Virginia Ram Test Consignors

FROM: Scott P. Greiner, Extension Sheep Specialist

Dear Sheep Producer:

The Rules and Regulations for the 2023 Virginia Ram Lamb Performance Test are now
available. We invite you to consign another set of high quality rams for this year’s test
and sale. All information is available on our website:

Nominations are due April 5th, and ram delivery is scheduled for Monday, May 1.
Upon receipt of your nominations, we will send you a consignment form and other
details pertaining to delivery of the rams.

Please read through the rules and regulations carefully. The program is open to
breeders from Virginia and surrounding states, and for rams of all breeds (born
September 2022 through February 2023). A summary of program expenses and sale
results for the last five years can be found at the back of the Rules and Regulations.

Here are few reminders for 2023:

• Feed deposit to $50 per ram is due at delivery. This deposit will be credited
towards total expenses at the conclusion of the program.
• Our buyers very much favor moderate framed, stout, muscular rams that have
growth. Keep this in mind as you evaluate your potential consignments.
• Again this year we will host a consignment ewe lamb sale along with the ram test
sale. Additionally, we will have a Sheep Field Day & Educational Program the
morning of the sale. Both of these items have been highly successful the last few
years, and helped us attract a nice crowd.

Should you have any questions, please give us a call. We look forward to working with
Rules and Regulations
2023 Virginia Ram Lamb Performance Test

Location: Virginia Sheep Evaluation Station

Virginia Tech Shenandoah Valley Research and Extension Center
2763 Raphine Road, Raphine, Virginia

Sponsor: Virginia Sheep Producers Association

VSPA Seedstock Council

Coordinator: Dr. Scott Greiner

Extension Animal Scientist, Sheep
Virginia Tech
366 Litton Reaves Hall (0306)
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Phone: (540) 231-9159
email: sgreiner@vt.edu

Manager: Gabe Pent, Superintendent

Shenandoah Valley AREC
128 McCormick Farm Circle
Raphine, VA 24472
Phone: (540) 377-2255 (main office)
email: gpent@vt.edu

I. Program Purpose
1. To provide a standard, impartial postweaning performance test that will furnish records
which will be useful to the consignor’s breeding program.
2. To provide a source of and market for performance tested rams.
3. To serve as an educational tool for the sheep industry.

II. Administration and Management

Virginia Cooperative Extension (Dr. Scott Greiner) is responsible for consignments,
performance record keeping, correspondence, and general coordination/oversight of the
program. Care, feeding, and management of the rams on a daily basis are conducted by
staff at the Shenandoah Valley AREC. The Virginia Sheep Evaluation Station is owned by
the Virginia Sheep Producers Association and the VSPA Seedstock Council is responsible
for decisions regarding its use and upkeep. All finances of the program will be handled
through VSPA. Faculty from the VA-MD Regional College of Veterinary Medicine will serve
as consulting veterinarians for the program.

III. Program Overview

At delivery, rams will be weighed, vaccinated for clostridial diseases and soremouth, be
dewormed, have feet trimmed and soaked, and have scrotal measurements taken (and
other procedures as recommended by the consulting veterinarian). Rams will be allocated
to one of four pens based on test group. Test groups for evaluation of performance will be
determined by breed and age (i.e. fall and winter-born rams evaluated as separate test
groups within breed as numbers allow). After a two-week adjustment period, the rams will
start on test. Weights will be taken at the beginning of the test, 21 days, 35 days, 49 days,
and off test (63 days). Average weights on two consecutive days will be used for on and off
test weights. The following performance measures will be determined:
Test Average Daily Gain (ADG) = total weight gain/number of days on test
Weight Per Day of Age (WDA) = weight/age in days
ADG Ratio = individual ADG/test group average ADG
WDA Ratio = individual WDA/test group average WDA
Ultrasound Loin Muscle Area (LMA) = adjusted to 125 lb.
Ultrasound LMA Ratio = individual Adj. LMA/test group average LMA
Ultrasound Fat Thickness (FT) = adjusted to 125 lb.
Ultrasound FT Ratio = individual Adj. FT/test group average Adj. FT
Station Index = 0.67 x WDA ratio + 0.33 x ADG ratio
Sale Index = 0.75 x Station Index + 0.25 x LMA ratio

Rams will be fed ad-libitum a pelleted ration containing approximately 75% TDN and 14%
CP, and will have unlimited access to grass paddocks surrounding the station while on test.
Ultrasonic evaluation for carcass merit/body composition will be conducted at appropriate
times during the test. At the conclusion of the test and up to sale day, rams will by limit fed
the pelleted ration and have access to pasture. Rams will be run through the foot bath on
a regular basis. FAMACHA will be utilized as tool to manage internal parasites, and rams
will be dewormed as needed. Rams eligible for the sale will be sheared, and have their feet
trimmed prior to the sale.

“Custom test” rams may participate in the program. These rams will be evaluated for
performance, but will not be eligible for the sale. Custom test rams will be subjected to the
same rules and regulations, as well as fees and costs as rams that participate in the regular
test. Reports on custom test rams will be furnished only to the consignor, and performance
will be evaluated separately from sale eligible rams (ratios expressed within consignor
groups only).

IV. Eligibility of Consignors

1. Open to Virginia breeders and breeders from states which border Virginia.
2. All consignors must be members of, and in good standing with, the Virginia Sheep
Producers Association ($15 annual dues) and the VSPA Seedstock Council ($15 annual

V. Dates

2023 Dates
Nomination Deadline April 5
Ram Delivery Monday, May 1
Start Test May 15 & 16
21-day Interim Weight June 6
35-day Interim Weight June 20
49-day Interim Weight July 4
Off-test (63 days) July 17 & 18
Sale & Field Day Saturday, August 26

Other procedures such as ultrasound evaluation, off-test grading, and breeding soundness
exams will be scheduled at appropriate times.

VI. Entry and Delivery Requirements

1. Breed: Program open to registered rams of any breed, as well as crossbred rams.
Registered rams must be recorded with and have registration papers issued from a
national breed association (rams need not be purebred if percentage/appendix rams are
recognized and recorded by respective breed association). Crossbred, non-
registered/recorded rams must be from registered parents of different breeds, and
registration papers must be furnished on both the sire and dam. Breeds new to the test
(breeds other than Dorset, Suffolk, Hampshire, Katahdin, Dorper), a minimum of three
rams of similar age (age difference of not more than 60 days) must be consigned for
breed to be eligible.
2. Age: Rams born September 1, 2022 through February 28, 2023.
3. Number: A maximum of 15 total rams and no more than 10 ram lambs per breed will be
accepted per consignor (for sale eligible rams). First-time consignors may test a total of
3 rams per breed, and a maximum of 6 total rams. Any number of "custom test" rams
may be consigned as long as the ram test facilities can comfortably handle them (these
rams will not be eligible for the sale). The test and sale committee may use their
discretion in making adjustments.
4. Health, Soundness, and Management:
a) Rams must be accompanied at delivery by a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection
(health paper) stating that the flock of origin is free of contagious disease. Rams
delivered from out of state must comply with interstate health requirements.
b) Rams must carry appropriate Federal Scrapie Program identification tag at delivery.
c) Rams must be vaccinated for clostridium perfringens types C & D two to three weeks
before delivery to the test.
d) Rams must be weaned prior to delivery.
e) Rams must be started on feed and bunk-broke prior to delivery (adapted to ad-
libidum diet recommended).
f) Ram lambs must be sheared just prior to delivery.
g) Feet must be trimmed on all rams just prior to delivery.
h) Rams cannot be vaccinated for epididymitis.
i) On arrival at the test station, ram lambs will be evaluated for type, soundness
(reproductive, mouth, feet/leg structure), and health (including any foot problems) by
a committee and veterinarian appointed by VSPA. Rams not qualifying under any
of the above conditions will not be accepted.
5. Minimum Weight at Delivery: As guideline, ram lambs must meet the following minimum
weight guidelines on arrival at the test station (for breeds not listed contact the test

Hampshire Dorset
Birthdate Suffolk North Country Cheviot Hair Breeds
September 1-30 135 111 100
October 1-31 121 100 89
November 1-15 113 92 86
November 16-30 104 86 84
December 1-15 97 78 74
December 16-31 88 70 64
January 1-15 79 63 54
January 16-31 68 54 49
February 1-15 59 49 45
February 16 and later 50 45 40

VII. Sale Requirements and Policies

1. Number: One sale will be held at the Virginia Sheep Evaluation Station with a maximum
of 60 rams sold.
2. Minimum Test Performance: Rams must have a minimum ADG ratio of 67, or a
minimum WDA ratio of 100 to be eligible for the sale (ratios calculated within breed/age
test group).
3. Type and Structural Soundness: Rams will be inspected at the end of the feeding period
for structural soundness (including feet/legs and mouth) and type by a committee
appointed by VSPA and a representative of the Virginia Department of Agriculture and
Consumer Services. Only sound rams of desirable type and quality will be sold. The
decisions of the committee shall be final.
4. Breeding Soundness and Health: Rams must achieve an acceptable breeding
soundness examination rating as determined by the attending veterinarian prior to the
sale. Guidelines published by the Society for Theriogenology will be applied. This will
include physical examination, body condition score, genitalia examination, scrotal
examination and palpation (including scrotal circumference), and semen examination
(motility and morphology). Rams must also test negative for B. ovis. All rams must be
healthy and eligible for interstate shipment as approved by the consulting veterinarian
(this may include necessary diagnostic tests for issuance of interstate health papers).
5. Spider Syndrome Genotype: Only rams free of the spider gene will be sold. All rams of
all breeds will sell guaranteed by the breeder as free of the spider gene (NN genotype).
DNA genotyping will be conducted as part of the ram test procedures for breeders
wishing to have their rams tested (consignor will be obligated to pay genotyping
expense). Rams are not required to be genotyped, however consignors must agree to
guarantee their rams as NN.
6. Codon 171 Genotype: All rams of all breeds must be DNA genotyped for scrapie
susceptibility. Copies of official test results (showing flock ID and genotype) must be
furnished to ram test coordinator on rams tested on-farm prior to delivery. For rams not
tested prior to arrival at the station, DNA samples will be drawn at delivery and
genotyping conducted as part of the ram test procedures (at consignor’s expense).
Genotypes officially recorded on breed association registration certificates will be
accepted as documentation.
7. Additional Cuts: If more than 60 rams meet the above minimum requirements, then
numbers will be reduced to 60 by eliminating rams according to performance based on
Sale Index.
8. Sale Order: Rams will sell by breed/age test group. The top 10% of the rams in each
breed/age test group will sell first. The 10% of each breed/age test group to sell first will be
determined by a committee appointed by VSPA (including a representative of VDACS, along
with other qualified members which are not consignors). The top 10% will be established by
the committee based on performance data and visual appraisal (rams must have a Sale
Index of ≥100 to be eligible for top 10% consideration). Sale order thereafter will be
determined by Sale Index within test group. The order and alternation of test groups for
sale order (after the top 10% in each test group) will be determined by the test and sale
committee and will be dependent on the number of rams selling (with an effort to
alternate breeds each year).
9. Catalog Information: All pertinent information on the rams will be published in the sale
catalog. This will include pedigree, birth date, birth type, test ADG/ratio, WDA/ratio, off-
test weight, scrotal circumference, adjusted ultrasound data/ratios (fat thickness and loin
muscle area), and genotyping results. EBVs will also be published on rams from flocks
participating in NSIP. Consignors are responsible for providing appropriate information
for inclusion in the sale catalog in a timely fashion.
10. Registration Certificates: The test coordinator must have the endorsed registration
certificates on rams by sale day or they are subject to losing sale eligibility.
11. Floor Price: A floor price on all ram lambs will be established by participating consignors.
Rams failing to command a bid at the floor price will be subject to sale expenses.
12. Sale Guarantee: All consignors agree to abide by the breeding guarantee published on
sale rams.
VIII. Costs
1. Consignment Fee: $10 per head due at the time of nomination. If a breeder fails to
deliver a consigned ram, the consignment fee will be forfeited. Rams turned down prior
to or at delivery will receive a refund. The consignment fee will be credited towards test
expenses at the conclusion of the test.
2. Feed Deposit: A $50 per ram feed deposit will be collected on all rams at delivery. The
feed deposit will be credited towards test expenses at the conclusion of the test.
3. Feed Costs: Feed costs for the entire period will be pro-rated on a per head basis by
test pen, according to average feed consumption per head per day.
4. Yardage: Rams will be charged an $10 per head yardage fee. Proceeds will be utilized
for the maintenance and upkeep of the Sheep Evaluation Station facilities.
5. Veterinary and Medical Costs: Charged on an average per head basis for all
vaccinations, treatments, and tests provided (includes delivery vaccinations,
deworming, breeding soundness exams, treatments, pre-sale tests for
TB/Brucellosis/other if necessary, etc.). Veterinary and medical costs for rams with
chronic health problems will be the responsibility of the consignor.
6. Insurance: Commercial insurance will be purchased to cover rams against accidental
death by fire, lightning, wind, etc. This cost will be charged on a per head basis.
7. Other Costs: Other costs associated with conducting the test charged on a per head
basis (ear tags, bedding, genotyping, etc.).
8. Sale Expenses: Advertising, catalogs, mailing, auctioneer, and other sale and marketing
expenses charged on a per head basis for rams selling. Registration papers will be
transferred to the new owner at the consignors’ expense. Rams failing to bring the floor
price will be charged sale expense. Rams “bought back” will also be charged sale
9. Settlement: Feed, yardage, veterinary, sale, and other costs shall be deducted from the
sale proceeds for consignors with one or more rams in the sale. In the event a consignor
does not have one or more rams qualify for the sale, complete test expenses must be
paid at the time rams are removed. Consignors are responsible for payment of all
applicable feed, yardage, veterinary, and other costs on rams not qualifying for the sale,
rams removed from the test, and rams which die while at the test station. VSPA reserves
the right to withhold settlement on rams for which registration papers have not been
10. Custom Test Rams: Custom test rams (not sale eligible) will be subject to the same
fees and test costs as sale eligible rams.

IX. General Rules

1. Reports: Consignors will receive reports following each weigh date. These reports will
also be made available to potential buyers and other interested parties. It is the
responsibility of the consignor to furnish appropriate information for inclusion in these
reports and the sale catalog.
2. Removal of Rams: No ram may be withdrawn from the test without proper authorization
from the test management. All rams must remain for the entire length of the test unless
removal is authorized for health or other reasons. If a consignor wishes to remove rams
at the end of the test for home use, the test management must be notified by July 25.
3. Notification of Consignors: The test station manager will notify consignors immediately
in the case of severe sickness or malperformance of any ram. A diagnostic statement
from the veterinarian will accompany such notification when warranted. The consignor
agrees to have appropriate health treatments and diagnostic tests conducted on rams
as authorized by the ram test management. All individual treatments to rams must be
given by or under the supervision of the test supervisor or veterinarian.
4. Other Procedures: Consignors agree to allow their rams to be used in
research/education/demonstration projects related to genetic improvement,
performance evaluation and/or management. Such projects will have prior approval
from the ram test committee, and will not jeopardize or disrupt the normal performance
evaluation process of the test.
5. Station Visits: The station is open to interested parties for the viewing of rams at any
time. However, any consignor or other person interested in handling the rams for any
purpose (photos, videos, close inspection, etc.), at any time (including after hours and
weekends), shall do so with the knowledge and consent of the station management.
Consignors and others should contact the station management in advance of such
6. Rules Infractions: The test committee may act at their discretion and may make, or have
necessary investigations made, and may act to eliminate rams from the test and sale
which, in their opinion, have been misrepresented or which may be a discredit to the test
and sale.

X. Liability
The owner assumes full risk and liability for animals during the feeding period and sale.
Virginia Tech, Virginia Cooperative Extension, the Virginia Sheep Producers Association,
test station management, and the ram test committee assume no responsibility whatsoever
for loss of animal, personal injury, or property damage.
Virginia Performance Ram Lamb Test Historical Test and Sale Expense Summary
2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Number of Rams Tested 78 64 64 73 89 86 92 77 78
Test Costs
Feed $126.17 $117.80 $103.42 $94.14 $99.21 $97.94 $84.65 $86.21 $95.28
Yardage $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00
Codon 171/Spider Genotyping $11.50 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00
Vet/Medical $4.92 $4.60 $9.44 $12.24 $1.50 $6.01 $1.22 $3.31 $4.54
Misc. $14.40 $14.42 $15.85 $10.48 $12.75 $7.23 $8.98 $4.94 $6.50
Total Test Costs $164.99 $155.82 $147.71 $135.86 $132.46 $130.18 $113.85 $113.46 $125.32
Sale Costs
Shearing $7.50 $7.00 $7.00 $6.50 $6.50 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00
Sale costs $30.00 $30.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $23.50 $12.00 $9.00
Registration Transfer $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $9.00 $8.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00
VA Check-off $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50
Total Sale Expenses $48.00 $47.50 $42.50 $41.00 $40.00 $37.50 $36.00 $24.50 $21.50
Average Sale Price $715 $799 $592 $615 $672 $573 $611 $483 $467
Avg. Total Test & $213 $203 $190 $177 $172 $168 $150 $138 $147
Sale Expenses
Avg. Net to Consignor $502 $596 $402 $438 $500 $405 $461 $345 $320

SALE RESULTS 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Breed Group No. Avg. No. Avg. No. Avg. No. Avg. No. Avg.
Winter Suffolk 14 $464 21 $721 16 $556 19 $614 22 $527
Fall Suffolk 2 $1000 2 $875 2 $700 2 $750 2 $638
Fall Dorsets 8 $1069 5 $910 11 $652 8 $781 10 $868
Winter Dorsets 8 $538 10 $745 9 $483 5 $560 3 $400
Winter Hampshire
Fall Katahdin 1 $500 1 $850 4 $400 1 $1000
Winter Katahdins 5 $1080 4 $900 3 $433 3 $367 3 $775
Fall White Dorper 4 $819 7 $964 3 $1000 5 $420 4 $938
Winter White Dorper 3 $733 1 $900 1 $650 1 $550 1 $875
Winter NC Cheviot 1 $400 2 $675 1 $400 1 $1000
Fall Crossbred 1 $575
Winter Crossbred 1 $500 1 $850 1 $400
Winter Texel 1 $1950
Total Rams 47 $715 53 $799 48 $592 48 $615 48 $672

Commercial Ewe Lambs 37 $321 26 $423 20 $313 19 $328 27 $310


Farm Name __________________________________________________________________

Owner __________________________________________________________________

Address __________________________________________________________________

City/State/Zip __________________________________________________________________

Home Phone __________________________ Cell Phone _____________________________

Email __________________________________________________________________

Website __________________________________________________________________

Please indicate number of rams for each breed and age:

Fall-born Winter-born Custom Test
(9/1 - 12/31/22) (1/1 -2/29/23) (specify age)
Crossbred (specify cross)

Other breeds (specify)

Return by April 5 along with a check

payable to VSPA for $10 per ram to: Scott Greiner
School of Animal Sciences (0306)
366 Litton Reaves Hall
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Email: sgreiner@vt.edu

*Note an additional $50 per ram feed deposit will be due at delivery (may be paid with
nominations if so desired)



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