Reyna Mae Comaling - First Output
Reyna Mae Comaling - First Output
Reyna Mae Comaling - First Output
• In traditional education, curriculum is designed based • In outcome-based education, the curriculum is more
on the development and evolution of the subject. focused on application. All discussions will be directed
towards a particular goal.
• Traditional education gives a broad understanding over
the subject concepts. But applications will be more • In outcome-based education systems, the curriculum
divergent. is designed as per the needs of the students, keeping
in mind the skills that students need to develop to
• Faculties are focused on completing the syllabus given
Both used to help work in the industry.
to them by the end of the semester or term. This
teaching method allocates a pre-decided time for
student’s acquiring • Outcome-based education does not mandate a
success. specific teaching style for educators. Rather, educators
learning a particular course, and all students are
expected to adhere to it. are free to choose how they help their students learn.
To impart knowledge, they may choose a classroom
• Traditional education focuses too much on what the
instruction model, a project-based model, or a
teachers teach as input rather than what the students
combination of different pedagogies.
are learning as outcome.
• Every student has the flexibility and freedom of
• Teacher centered, where the teacher is discussing for
learning in their ways. Student centered.
the students to understand.
• Reduces comparison among the students as everyone
has a different target
II. Direction: Put your thoughts into words. Explain comprehensively the importance of Authentic Assessment in your field of specialization.
The Bachelor of Arts in English Language program is becoming increasingly popular as a way to earn a degree in the humanities in today's
world. Individuals with this degree can pursue a variety of professional and academic opportunities, as well as gain a thorough understanding of
the English language and its many cultural nuances. However, as this program grows in popularity, it is important to remember that true
mastery of the language can only be achieved through authentic assessment. Authentic assessment is a method of evaluating a student's
knowledge of a subject as well as their ability to apply it in real-world situations. This type of evaluation is especially important for the students
who takes up Bachelor of Arts in English Language program because it allows for a thorough evaluation of student learning. Authentic
assessment enables instructors to assess their students' ability to understand and apply concepts learned in various contexts. Authentic
assessment, as opposed to traditional assessment methods that rely on rote memorization, requires students to demonstrate a thorough
understanding of the material they have studied. As a result, it can assist instructors in identifying areas where students are struggling so that
they can provide additional support and resources to assist them in succeeding. Authentic assessment also encourages students to think
critically and critically analyze what they've learned. Students can develop the skills needed to succeed in the workplace by requiring them to
apply their knowledge in real-world settings. This type of assessment also encourages students to be creative and imaginative in their problem-
solving approaches, which is a necessary skill for all professionals. Finally, authentic assessment enables instructors to assess their students'
progress in the Bachelor of Arts in English Language program. Instructors can provide feedback and guidance to students on track to complete
the program by assessing their progress over time. Students can use this feedback to make any necessary adjustments to ensure their