Basic Programming in Bash PDF
Basic Programming in Bash PDF
Basic Programming in Bash PDF
Linux environment
• UNIX is an operating system originally developed in AT&T’s Bell labs
in the 1970s
• AT&T had to provide the source code to anyone who asked
• GNU is a UNIX-based open source project started in the 1980s
• Linux was first released in 1991 and is considered (by some) to be a
part of the GNU project
• Bash is a command language interpreter
• It is a Shell, a user interface (command-line interface)
• Sophisticated execution of commands is possible through Bash scripts
• In bash, everything is a file
• It can have Read (r), Write (w) and/or Execute (x) permissions
Simple Bash commands
• cd - change directory • less - show file content
• ls - list directory • pwd - show current directory
• cat - concatenate and print file
• head - print beginning of the file
• tail - print end of the file
• wc - word count
• rm - remove
• mkdir - make directory
• man - show manual of a command (quit by pressing 'q')
• Basic programming is useful as it allows you to automate tasks
• MMseqs2 software suite allows creating tailored computational tools
by combining its modules and workflows in Bash scripts
createdb createdb
taxonomy search
filterdb filterdb
The script file
• The first line of a Bash script is usually:
• This indicates this file is a Bash script
• Lines that start with ‘#’ are comments
• To print something we use ‘echo’
• A script is just a text file.
• Under your home directory, create a directory called “Bash_scripts”
• We will create Bash scripts there
Creating the script file
Running a Bash script
• You need to give your script execution permission:
chmod +x ~/Bash_scripts/
• Then you can run it from the terminal:
echo "Hello $NAME, you have $NUMBER_OF_EYES eyes"
echo "Humans usually don't have more than
• Create a Bash script with a variable AGE and assign it your age. Print
the age you will be in one year
• If/else structures allow us to execute commands only in certain cases
if [ "$AGE" -eq 20 ]; then
echo "Wow, you are exactly 20!"
fi Description Numeric String
less than -lt <
echo "Enter your name and press [ENTER]: "
read NAME
echo "Hi $NAME"
• Create a script that asks for the user’s age and serves beer only if
the user is at least 18
What does this code do?
echo "Enter a directory name and press [ENTER]: "
read DIR
if [ -d "$DIR" ]; then
ls "$DIR"
mkdir "$DIR"
Repetitive execution of commands
• Often we would like to perform the same thing more than once:
• Say hello to all students in the class (there are 22 of you!)
• Make a copy of each file in a directory
• Refine an MMseqs2 clustering…
2. Sum the numbers the user provides you until they provide a
negative number
• -f: indicates columns to print (e.g.: 1,4-9,12-)
• -d: specifies column separator character (e.g.: ",")
comma separated
Redirect operator
> and >> redirects the Standard Output (stdout) to a file or elsewhere
• '>' creates and/or overwrites the file
• '>>' appends to the end of the file
Use the man command to find out what those flags mean
man sort
man uniq
man wc
grep <pattern> <file> - extracts and prints all the lines that
match a specific pattern or string in the files
-c: counts occurrences of the pattern
-v: print only the lines that DO NOT contain the pattern
-i: case insensitive flag
1. Count number of students from 'India'
2. Count number of students that are not from 'Germany'
3. How many people contain the the word 'an' in their names?
-E: let's you use 'regular expressions'