SynopsisAdv Reena B. Lokhande

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Title of Research: A study of Motor Insurance cases with special

Reference to Settlement of claims from insurance


Motor insurance is a vital component of modern-day life as it

provides protection against the financial loss that may arise due to
accidents or damage caused to vehicles. In today's world, where the
number of vehicles on the road is increasing every day, the need for motor
insurance is becoming more and more critical. However, the process of
settling claims from insurance companies is often a difficult and
challenging task for policyholders.

This study aims to examine the motor insurance claims

settlement process and its impact on policyholders. Motor insurance is a
type of insurance that provides financial protection to policyholders
against loss or damage caused to their vehicles. It is a legal requirement in
many countries, and it is essential for vehicle owners to have insurance
coverage for their vehicles.

Motor insurance policies come in various types, including third-

party liability insurance, comprehensive insurance, and collision
insurance. In the event of an accident or damage to the vehicle, the
policyholder must file a claim with their insurance company to receive
compensation for the loss or damage. The claims settlement process is a
critical aspect of motor insurance, and the timely settlement of claims is
essential to ensure policyholder satisfaction.

Shri Shivaji Law College,Parbhani.

Statement Problem :

The process of settling claims from insurance companies can often be a

challenging and complex task for policyholders. The process involves several steps,
including filing a claim, providing evidence of damage, negotiating with the
insurance company, and finally receiving compensation.

This process can be time-consuming and stressful, and policyholders may not
always receive the compensation they are entitled to. Moreover, there have been
instances where insurance companies have been accused of unfair practices and
delaying the claims settlement process intentionally.

This situation creates a negative perception of the insurance industry among

policyholders, leading to reduced trust in insurance companies and unwillingness to
purchase insurance policies. Therefore, the problem statement of this study is to
investigate the motor insurance claims settlement process and its impact on

Aims and Object: The present study focuses on the following objectives
mentioned below
• To study the operations vehicle motor insurance in India.

• To study the growth and development for car insurance in India.

• To study the role played by IRDA

• To study the policies towards vehicle insurance by government of India.

• To make the suggestions and recommendations based on the Present

Shri Shivaji Law College,Parbhani.

Significance of the Study:
This study's significance lies in its potential to provide insights into the motor
insurance claims settlement process and its impact on policyholders. The study's
findings can help insurance companies identify the gaps in the claims settlement
process and take necessary steps to improve the process's effectiveness.

The study's findings can also help policyholders understand the claims
settlement process and their rights and obligations under the policy. This knowledge
can help policyholders make informed decisions while purchasing insurance
policies and filing claims. Furthermore, the study's findings can contribute to the
existing literature on motor insurance and claims settlement. The study's results can
provide a basis for further research in the field and help policymakers develop
regulations that promote a fair and efficient claims settlement process. The primary
objective of this study is to examine the motor insurance claims settlement process
and its impact on policyholders. The specific objectives of the study are:

• To identify the challenges faced by policyholders in settling their claims from

insurance companies.
• To understand the factors that affects the claims settlement process.
• To assess the effectiveness of the claims settlement process in meeting the
needs and expectations of policyholders.
• To investigate the role of insurance companies in the claims settlement

Area Of Research:
As the proposed research work A study and survey of Motor Insurance cases
with special reference to settlement of claims from insurance companies In Nanded
District is a doctrinal research, it covers the study of rules, laws, regulations,
policies, guidelines, enactments etc. related to the topic. Data is collected from the
text books, commentaries, journals, magazines. On the basis of research
methodology, i.e. Doctrinal research, the Data is collected with the help of
secondary sources.

Shri Shivaji Law College,Parbhani.

Review of Literature:
The literature review is an essential part of any research study, and
it involves the critical analysis and evaluation of existing literature relevant to
the research topic. In this section, we will review the literature on motor
insurance claims settlement process and its impact on policyholders. The
literature review will cover the following areas:

• There is continuous and consistent growth in Car and Motor
Vehicle Insurance Companies in India
• In the era of Globalization there is competition in Car insurance
Companies in India.
• Government Policies are responsible for growth and development
of Car insurance Companies.

Shri Shivaji Law College,Parbhani.

Research Methodology:
The Method of sample selection for present study are mentioned below:-

• Sample selection method for car insurance companies

i. All four government companies were selected as sample for the present
ii. From rest of the companies registered with IRDA there were eight
companies established from 2000 to 2003. Out of that, four
companies were selected who were displacing their documents for
the public.
iii. As per the information available about the companies registered
with IRDA till March 2012. There were no companies
established from 2003 to 2006.
iv. The companies registered with IRDA there were six companies
established from 2006 to 2009. Out of these four companies were
selected displaying their documents for public.

It is a doctrinal and analytical research based on the study of

Books, Reports, Journals, Magazines, Legislative and Judicial
pronouncements, declarations, conventions, treaties and information
available on internet etc. for this I visited libraries of various
institutions, to consult the journal and books of learned authors. I
also consulted articles published in various newspapers and
magazines related to the matter.

Shri Shivaji Law College,Parbhani.

Chapter I: Introduction

Chapter II: Essential part of research study settlement process

Chapter III: Special Reference to Settlement of Claims from Insurance


Chapter IV: Settlement & Rejection of Claims from Insurance


Chapter V: Profile of Selected CompaniesSettlement Process

Chapter VI: Motor Insurance Products for the selected companies

Chapter VII: Settlement of Claims And List Of Cases.

Chapter VIII: Findings, Suggestions & Conclusion.

1. Janak Raj JAl. "Motor Accidents Claims and Procedures""
UniversalLaw Publishing Co Ltd. New Delhi 2007.
2. V.B. Kolhatkar, V.A. Pai "Motor Insurance"" IC 72, insurance
instituteof India Publications. Mumbai 1999,
3. R.K. Gantra. "Motor Insurance"" I.C. 72 Insurance Institute of
India.Publications. Mumbai. 2010.
4. "You can save money on Car Insurance Policy" Indian Express, Amitabh Jain.
VP Costumer Service Motor ICICI Lombard. (IndianMoney Editions, Indian
5. R.K. Gantra. "Motor Insurance" I.C. 72 Insurance Institute of IndiaPublications.
Mumbai 2010.
6. U.R. Sarkar "Motor vehicles Act 1988" 4th Edition Sodhi Publications.New
Delhi - Allahabad 2011
7. Janak Raj JAI "Motor Accidents Claims and Procedures" Universal Law
Publishing Co Ltd. New Delhi 2007.
8. Mr. H. Narayanan. "Indian Insurance a Profile - Past and Present ofIndian
Insurance Industry with focus on Global Changes",
JICO Publishing House Mumbai 2010,
9. Janak Raj JAI "Motor Accidents Claims and Procedures"
UniversalLaw Publishing Co Ltd. New Delhi 2007,

11. Oxford, Dictionary. (1952). The Advanced Learner‘s Dictionary of
12. Kothari, C.R. (2008). Research Methodology, Methods and Techniques. New
AgeInternational Publishers.
13. Young, P. V. (1977). Scientific Social Surveys and Research. Pub. Prentice
Hallof India.
14. Saravanavel. P.(2007).Research Methodology. Kitab Mahal Publicatoin,
• (Source of all Product Information of the Companies)
1. official website of New India Assurance Company Limited:
2. official website of ICICI Lombard GIC Limited:
3. Policy wordings, Boucher and Advertisements.

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