Sathya, B., Et Al.2010
Sathya, B., Et Al.2010
Sathya, B., Et Al.2010
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4 authors, including:
Seenivasan Ramasubbu
VIT University
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Seaweed or benthic marine algae are the group of plants that live either in marine or
brackish water environment. Like the land plants seaweed contains photosynthetic
pigments and with the help of sunlight and nutrient present in the seawater, they
photosynthesize and produce food. Seaweeds are found in the coastal region between
high tide to low tide and in the sub-tidal region up to a depth where 0.01 %
photosynthetic light is available. The application of seaweed fertilizer for different crop
was of great importance to substitute the commercial chemical fertilizers and to reduce
the cost of production. Liquid fertilizers derived from seaweeds are found to be superior
to chemical fertilizers due to high level of organic matter, micro and macro elements,
vitamins and fatty acids and also rich in growth regulators. In the present study the
effect of seaweed liquid fertilizer prepared from different seaweeds Grateloupia lithophila
(Red algae), Chaetomorpha linum (Green Algae), Sargassum wightii (Brown algae) at
different concentrations (10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 100%) on the plant Cajanus cajan
were studied. At 30% concentration the SLF prepared from Chaetomorpha linum showed
maximum growth parameters on Cajanus cajan. Similarly SLF of Sargassum wightii
promoted maximum photosynthetic pigments and biochemical parameters at 20%
concentration than the control. Among the three seaweeds used Sargassum wightii and
Chaetomorpha linum showed better results than the Grateloupia lithophila at lower
concentration. (SLF- Seaweed Liquid Fertilizer).
B. Sathya et al. Influence of Seaweed Liquid Fertilizer on the Growth and Biochemical Composition of Legume Crop, Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. J Phytol 2/5 (2010)
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1. Introduction
Seaweeds are the macroscopic marine one of the most important marine resources
algae found attached to the bottom in of the world and being used as human food,
relatively shallow coastal water. They grow animal feed and raw material for many
in the intertidal, shallow and deep sea areas industries. Seaweeds are rich in minerals,
upto 180 meter depth and also in estuaries protein, lipid, carbohydrate, vitamins,
and backwaters on the solid substrate such as bromine, iodine etc. So algae have been
rocks, dead corals and pebbles. The seaweeds harvested by man for centuries particularly
are totally different from higher plants as in China and Japan where they form a part of
they neither have true leaves, stems and the staple food. Seaweeds have been used as
roots nor vascular systems with specialized manure, cattle feed, food for human
organs. Seaweeds are classified into three consumption and as a source of
groups namely green (Chlorophyceae), phycocolloids such as agar, alginic acid and
brown (Phaeophyceae), red (Rhodophyceae) carrageenan (Chapman, 1970).
based on their pigments like chlorophylls, Seaweed fertilizer is a natural bioactive
carotenoids and phycobilins. Seaweeds are material, water soluble derived from marine
B. Sathya et al./J Phytol 2/5 (2010) 50-63
macro algae. Seaweed extract is a new effects on Phaseolus vulgaris. Rama rao (1979)
generation of natural organic fertilizers reported good yields of Zizyphus rugosa fruits,
containing highly effective, nutritious and where leaf spray of SLF obtained from
promotes faster generation of seeds and Sargassum was used. Seaweed manures have
increase yield and resistant ability of many the advantage of being free from weeds and
crops. Seaweed fertilizer could be absorbed pathogenic fungi. Seaweeds are known to
by plant within several hours after contain appreciable quantities of plant
application and safe to human, animals and growth regulators (Mooney and Van Staden,
environment. The growing agricultural 1985), IAA (Abe et al., 1972), gibberellins and
practices need more fertilizers for higher gibberellin like substance (Radley, 1961;
yield to satisfy food for human beings. The Sekar et al., 1995). Hence marine algae,
seaweed extracts contain plant growth particularly seaweeds have vital role to play
hormones, regulators, promoters, in agriculture, especially in third world
carbohydrates, amino acids, antibiotics, country where irrational use of chemical
auxins, gibberellins and vitamins fertilizer and pesticides is a cause of concern.
consequently which enhance the yield and Main seaweed extract known to play useful
quality which are induce the yield of crops, role in agriculture are Maxicrop, Algifert,
seed germination, resistance to frost, fungal Germar GA14, Kelpak 66, Seaspray, Seasol,
and insect attacks (Erulan et al., 2009). An S.M.3, Seacrop16, Citex10, Cytokin11,
adequate amount of potassium, nitrogen, Algistim12 , Biozyme, Ujazyme, Agrimore13,
growth promoting hormones, micronutrients, Seamac and Alginex14, and MAC8.
humic acid etc. present in seaweeds make it Application of seaweed extract as an organic
an excellent fertilizer. Fertilizers derived biostimulant is fast becoming unaccepted
from seaweeds (Fucus, Laminaria, practice in horticulture (Turan & Kose, 2004).
Ascophyllum and Sargassum) are Seaweed liquid fertilizer contained
biodegradable, nontoxic, nonpolluting and macronutrients, trace elements, organic
non hazardous to human, animals and birds. substances like amino acids and plant
Chemical fertilizers have degraded the growth regulators such as Auxin, Cytokinin
fertility of the soil by making it acidic, and Gibberellins (Williams et al., 1981). The
rendering it unsuitable for raising crops. use of natural seaweed products as
Seaweed manure besides increasing the soil substitutes to the conventional synthetic
fertility increases the moisture holding fertilizers has assumed importance. In
capacity and supplies adequate trace agriculture, the application of seaweeds are
elements thereby improving the soil so many, as soil conditioners, fertilizers and
structure (Dhargalkar and Neelam Pereira, green manure, due to the presence of high
2005). Recently adopted technique, of amount of potassium salts, micronutrients
spraying fertilizer on the plants has increased and growth substances. The present study is
nutrient absorption in the plants. Leaves additional information for an alternate to
absorb nutrient within 10 to 15 minutes of its synthetic fertilizers and further study is
application. Many brands of seaweed liquid necessary to recompense the constraints.
fertilizers like Maxicrop (UK), Kelpak 66 Seaweed liquid fertilizer contained
(South Africa), Seagrow (New Zealand), macronutrients, trace elements, organic
Algifert (Norway), plantozyme, Shaaktizyme substances like amino acids and plant
(India) etc are available in the market. The growth regulators such as auxin, cytokinin
diluted extract when sprayed on plants, and gibberellins. They are particularly
increase in rate of growth, resistance to pests, suitable content (Chapman and Chapman,
higher yield of 25 to 30% etc., Experiments 1980), it has been proved that SLF promoted,
on the use of seaweeds as manure have been the growth and the yield of crop plants
carried out by Thivy (1960), who showed (Nelson and Van Staden, 1984; Rama Rao
higher rate of growth and higher yield in 1991; Rama Rao, 1992). The SLF obtained
crop plants. Bhosle et al., (1975) prepared a from brown, red and green seaweeds are
Seaweed liquid fertilizer and studied its now available commercially in trade names
B. Sathya et al./J Phytol 2/5 (2010) 50-63
such as ‘Maxicrop’ (sea born), ‘Algifert’ of Cajanus cajan are reported to contain (per
(Manure), ‘Golmar’, ‘GA 14’, ‘Kelpak 66’, 100 g) 345 calories, 9.9% moisture, 19.5 g
‘Seaspray’, ‘Seasol’, ‘SM3’, ‘Cytex and protein, 1.3 g fat, 65.5 g carbohydrate, 1.3 g
Seacrop 16’ for use in agriculture (Jeanin et al., fiber, 3.8 g ash, 161 mg Ca, 285 mg P, 15.0 mg
1991). Beneficial effects from the use of Fe, 55 mg b-carotene equivalent, 0.72 mg
seaweed extracts as natural regulators have thiamine, 0.14 mg riboflavin, and 2.9 mg
included increased crop yield, delay of fruit niacin. (Duke, 1981).
senescence, improved overall plant vigour,
improved yield quantity and quality, and The present study has been designed to
improve ability to withstand adverse evaluate the effect of seaweed liquid fertilizer
environmental conditions (Featonby-Smith on the growth, photosynthetic pigments and
and Van Staden, 1983). Application of biochemical composition of Cajanus cajan (L.)
seaweed extract as organic biostimulant is Millsp. The Aim & Objective of the present
fast becoming accepted practice in study is:
horticulture due to its beneficial effects
(Verkleij, 1992). Recent researches have To prepare seaweed liquid fertilizer
proved that SLF is better than other chemical at different concentrations
fertilizers (Rajkumar Immanuel and
Subramanian, 1999). Seaweeds have recently To treat the crop plant with different
gained importance as foliar sprays for concentration of seaweed liquid fertilizer viz.,
several crops (Thivy, 1961; Metha et al., 1967; 10%, 20%,
Bokil et al., 1974) because the extract contains
growth promoting hormones (IAA and IBA), To study the morphological
cytokinins, trace elements, vitamins and characteristics like shoot length, root length,
amino acids (Challen and Hemingway, 1965). dry weight and fresh weight of the plants
Seaweed fertilizer was found to be superior after seaweed liquid fertilizer treatment.
to chemical fertilizer because to the high
level of organic matter aids in retaining To analyze the biochemical
moisture and minerals in the upper soil level characteristics like lipid, protein, amino acid
available to roots (Wallen Kemp, 1955). content of the plants after application of
The pulse crop take for this study is seaweed liquid fertilizer.
Cajuns Cajan (Pigeon pea) it is an important
grain legume commonly grown and To evaluate the pigment content
consumed in tropical and subtropical regions (carotenoids, chlorophyll ‘a’, chlorophyll ’b’
of the world. India accounts for over 80% of and total chlorophyll) of the plants after
the world supply of pigeon pea [ICRISAT, seaweed liquid fertilizer treatment.
1986]. The pigeon pea is a perennial member
of the family Fabaceae. Pigeon pea is a rich 2. Materials and Methods
source of protein, carbohydrates and certain Study area
minerals. It is made of three anatomical The study area of the sample collection
structures; the seed coat, the cotyledons and was Vellar estuary, Parangipettai. The Vellar
the embryonic tissue. It is the major pulse estuary is located at Porto Novo (Lat.11°29;
crop of the semiarid tropics, has been used Long. 79°46' E). Having its origin in the
for centuries in intercropping systems, and is Servarayan hills in Salem district in Tamil
an ideal source of fodder, food and firewood Nadu, South Arcot District for over distance
in agro forestry systems. of 480 km and drains into Bay of Bengal at
Pigeon peas were reported to contain Porto Novo.
moisture, 15.2; protein, 22.3; fat (ether
extract), 1.7; mineral matter, 3.6;
carbohydrate, 57.2; Ca, 9.1; and P, 0.26%;
carotene evaluated as vitamin A, 220 IU and
vitamin B1, 150 IU per 100 g. Sun-dried seeds
B. Sathya et al./J Phytol 2/5 (2010) 50-63
8.16±2.0 mg g-1 f. wt. The maximum lipid SLF of Sargassum wightii and the minimum
content recorded was 8.16±2.0 mg g-1 f. wt in content was noted in the plants that were
the plants that was treated with 20% SLF of treated with 100% SLF of Sargassum wightii
Sargassum wightii and the minimum lipid (Table8).
content observed was 2.61±1.0 mg g-1 f. wt in
concentration of 0.75% in black gram. Green wightii and thereafter in the higher
gram showed the maximum of 0.75% in concentration it declines
black gram. Green gram showed the
maximum concentration of SM3
5. Conclusion
Seaweed fertilizer is a natural bioactive
(Venkataraman Kumar et al., 1993).
material, water-soluble derived from marine
The amino acid content was also found to
macro algae. Seaweed fertilizer could be
be high in 20% SLF (Sargassum wightii) than
absorbed by plant within several hours after
that of the higher concentrations and control.
application and safe to humans, animals and
The sugar content increased up to 20%
the environment. Seaweed liquid fertilizers
concentration of SLF and the content
will be useful for achieving higher
decreased at higher concentrations. Similar
agricultural production, because the extract
results were also reported in Vigna sinensis
contains growth promoting hormones,
by Sivasankari et al. (2006a), the same trend
Cytokinins, Gibberellins, trace elements,
was observed in the Hypnea musciformis with
vitamins, amino acids, antibiotics and
NPK application in black gram (Tamilselvan
micronutrients. From the present study, the
and Kannan, 1994), Vigna catajung and
following conclusion can be drawn on the
Dolichos biflorus (Anandharaj and
effect of seaweed liquid fertilizer on the
Venkatesalu, 2001). Jothinayagi and
growth and biochemical composition of
Anbazhagan (2009) also reported that the
Cajanus cajan: The maximum growth
total sugar content increased at 20% SLF
parameter (root length, shoot length, fresh
concentration in Abelmoschus esculentus after
weight and dry weight) was recorded in the
Sargassum wightii treatment and the content
plants that received 30% SLF of Chaetomorpha
decreased at higher concentrations. The lipid
linum. The maximum photosynthetic
content increased upto 20% concentration
pigments were observed in the plants that
and the content decreased at higher
were treated with 20% SLF of Sargassum
wightii. The maximum biochemical
In general, it was observed that the
composition was observed in the plants that
seaweed liquid fertilizer prepared from the
were treated with 20% SLF of Sargassum
brown alga, Rosenvingea intricata, applied to
wightii. The seaweed liquid fertilizer of
crop plant gave better results in all aspects of
Sargassum wightii is more effective at 20%
growth to yield and soil nutrient content
concentration for biochemical composition
when compared to the seaweed fertilizer of
and photosynthetic pigments. The 30% SLF
green alga (Kannan and Tamilselvan, 1987
of Chaetomorpha linum is more effective in
and Whapham, 1993). Similar results were
Cajanus cajan for growth parameters. Based
reported that the brown alga applied to crop
on the findings of the study Sargassum wightii
plants gave better results when compared to
can be used as the fertilizer for the plants at
the plants that received Chaetomorpha linum
20% concentration in order to increase the
and Grateloupia lithophila. It is probably due
agricultural production. Among the three
to the presence of growth promoting
seaweeds used Sargassum wightii and
hormones and nutrients in more quantities in
Chaetomorpha linum showed better results
the brown alga than in other groups of algae,
than the Grateloupia lithophila at lower
seaweed liquid fertilizer can be applied to
concentration and at higher concentration it
various crop plant in order to enrich the
declines. Thus the SLF was found to be a
nutrient content of the soil and intern to
good source of plant growth but further
increase the growth and yield of cultivable
more research is need to strongly establish
the mechanism of action of the seaweed
Chaetomorpha linum showed better results
extract on the plant growth.
in case of growth parameters in Cajanus cajan
at 30% SLF concentration where as the Acknowledgments
photosynthetic pigments and biochemical We would like to thank the Hon.
parameters were found to be high in the Chancellor Dr. G. Viswanathan, Mr. Sankar
plants that received 20% SLF of Sargassum Viswanathan, Vice President
B. Sathya et al./J Phytol 2/5 (2010) 50-63
(Administration), Mr. G.V. Sampath, Vice Ltd., London and Southampton, II Edn.
President (Operations), and authorities of 63-85 pp.
VIT University, Vellore, India for providing Chapman V.J. and Chapman D.J, Seaweeds
all necessary support and laboratory and their uses, 1980. 3rd edition.
infrastructure. Chapman and Hall. London Newyork.
pp: 30-42.
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