Core Values
Core Values
Core Values
Core values is the process by which people give values for others and to approach different good
behavior for themselves and their community. This core values taught and process to develop our values.
Like Maka-Diyos , Maka-tao, Makakalikasan, and Makabansa. Values education can show which morals
are bad and good or right or wrong. Describe how teaching people as personal and social beings skills as
the ability to listen, communicate, recognize and respond to the needs and feeling of others, as well as
helping to understand children behavior.
Every individual has a set of his or her own personal values that dictates how he or she reacts to
situations in life and these values also define who he or she is.Some examples of values are integrity,
loyalty, honesty, virtue, love, selflessness, and zeal. My core values are honesty, love, trust,
spirituality or prayerful life, family, accomplishment, respect, and perseverance. My most
important value is family, no matter where an individual is or what an individual goes through in life I
believe that family should always be first. MAKA-DIYOS is faith in the Almighty and respect
for family and future generation and encourage learners to express their spiritual beliefs and
respecting for others. MAKATAO is focuses to love, truth, equality and peace to give us a clear direction
of mind and body of a human personality. My faith is very strong in my life because without God I would
not be here and I know that his love will take me further than what man can. I also believe in honesty
because if I am honest with people they will trust me. One cannot have honesty without trust.
MAKAKALIKASAN is involves in the conservation and development of our patrimony and respect of
the environment we have. We need to embraces our society to feel good and better. Disciplineus to what
adapt in the environment to be hard work and human activities in the people. MAKABAYAN is
appreciate and love for our country environment and that they became empowerment to
participate our society in terms of different activities in our places. Each society have their own
instruments how they adapt the environment in their place.
Each core values has corresponding ideas how we handle different situation in terms of core
values. We need to develop ourselves to be better and understand what are they talking and listening to
guide us for the better.