Chap. 6 History

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Chapter: 06 (Topic: Simla deputation 1906)

Q Why was the Simla deputation of 1906 an important turning point for the Muslims of
the sub continent? [7]
1) [Muslim relation with British]
(a) Muslim relation with British were improved and it also removed bad feelings between
them. Simla deputation proved that Sir Syed efforts (hard work) to improve Muslim relation
with British were successful.
(b) British were ready to work with Muslim.
2) [Promotion of Muslim rights]
(a) Simla deputation increased confidence and political awareness (understanding) in
Muslims to struggle for their rights.
(a) Muslim demand of separate electorates was accepted.
(b) Due to right of separate electorates fixed number of Muslim members became part of
(c) Weightage for Muslims in all elected bodies was accepted.
3) [Establishment of Muslim League]
(a) Simla deputation showed that Muslims had no faith (trust) in Congress party so they set
up Muslim league. Many Muslims left Congress party and joined Muslim League.
(b) Due to Muslim League Muslims of India had become more united and organized.
(c) Muslim belief that they could play separate role in Indian politics increased.
(d) Muslim belief in two nation theory became stronger. Later it had set up the way for
separated home land for the Muslims of India.

Topic: Muslim league.

Q Why Muslim league was founded in 1906? [7] (N-14) (Write any three points)
1)[Fear of Hindu parties]
Muslims were worried due to activities of Hindu militant (extremist) groups like Tilak and
Arya Samaj. Tilak was trying to ban cow slaughtering and Arya Samaj was trying to change
Muslims to Hindu by force. Muslims realized that their religion and culture were in danger so
they set up a Muslim League to protect Muslims rights.
2) [Role of Congress]
The Congress was trying to declare (make) Hindi as official language. The partition of
Bengal was in interest of Muslims but Congress was opposing it. Muslims realized the
Congress was only working for Hindu rights. It was necessary to set up a Muslim party to
protect Muslim interests (rights).
3) [Success of Simla deputation]
When British government announced to increase role of Indians in government through
election, Muslims were worried because they were in minority. Muslim leaders decided to
take some serious action. At Simla positive reply of Viceroy Minto towards Muslim demand
of separate electorate realized Muslims the importance of joint efforts so they established
Muslim league to protect Muslim rights.
4) [Two Nation theory]
Muslim belief in two nation theory was increasing with the passage of time. Educated
Muslim class wanted to play an independent role in Indian politics, they wanted to improve
their relation with British and get better terms for Muslims. Muslim league was setup in
5) [Hindu view]
Some Hindu claimed (say) that British were behind the setting up of the Muslim League to
act as opposition of Congress. But it was the Muslims themselves who had set up Muslim
League. Once Lord Minto had accepted the idea of separate electorates, once Congress had
become a Hindu party and once the Hindu had begun opposition to the partition of Bengal, it
was certain (clear) that the Muslims would form their own party to pass on their views to
British government.

Topic: Partition of Bengal reversed.

Q Why partition of Bengal was reversed in 1911? [7] (J-14)

(1) [Hindu opposition]
(a) Hindus celebrated black day on 16th October, the day on which Bengal was divided.
(b) Congress organized public meetings, gatherings and hunger strikes against the partition of
(c) Hindu news papers published articles against partition of Bengal.
2) [Swadeshi movement]
Congress started Swadeshi movement in which Hindus refused to buy British goods. Hindus
had started to use Indian made cloth and products to put pressure on British. British made
goods were set on fire. Sale of British goods in Indian markets reduced clearly. So the British
had to reverse (change) the decision of partition of Bengal.
3) [Terrorist activities]
Government building was set at fire. Hindus tried to murder Lord Minto twice. Attacks were
made on British officers; many were killed in these attacks. Trains and telegraph lines were a
constant (fixed/set) target of attacks. Hindu-Muslim clashes (fightings/quarrels) were
common. Houses and property of Muslim was set at fire. At last British had to bow down
before the Hindu opposition and thus reversed the partition of Bengal.
4) [Lack of Muslim League influence]
Congress was an old party and got lot of influence. Muslim league was not organized to face
the efforts of Congress to reverse the partition of Bengal.
5) [New viceroy]
Lord Curzon who had decided partition of Bengal was no more viceroy of India so it was
easy for new Viceroy to reserve (change) partition of Bengal. British wanted to change
capital of India from Calcutta to Delhi so they changed the decision of the partition of Bengal
to reduce Hindu opposition on change of capital city.

Topic: Morley-Minto reforms 1909.

Q Why did the Congress Party oppose the Morley-Minto Reforms of 1909? [7] (June-
Ans: Congress opposed Morley-Minto reforms in 1909 due to number of reasons.
[Lack of role of Indians]
(a) Congress was demanding for self rule but no real role was given to Indians in government
affairs (matters). The role of councils was only advisory.
(b) Members of councils were only given chance to express their opinion without any power
to change government policy.
(c) Members of the Councils were not allowed to discuss foreign affairs and government
relations with Princely States.
(d) The number of nominated (official) members was in majority in councils.
(e) Morley clearly stated that these reforms should not be seen as a step toward self rule in
2) [Separate electorate]
(a) Muslims right of separate electorate was disliked by Congress. Congress was in favour of
joint elections. Congress believed that it would increase divide in India and other
communities would also demand for reserved seats. Congress considered separate electorate
as old British policy of “divide and rule” to destroy the national feelings.
(b) Congress was also angry due to high position of Muslim league in councils. Muslim
league members were given importance equal to Congress, despite the Muslims were in
3) [Voting rights]
(a) Voting rights were given to small part of population because only the owner of large
property was allowed to vote.
(b) Landlords and members of the chamber of commerce were given too much importance,
only Indians loyal to British from upper classes, could reach the Legislative Councils.
(c) Women were not allowed to vote. Indirect methods of election were against the basic
principles of democracy.

Topic: Lucknow Pact 1916.

Q Explain why the Lucknow pact of 1916 came about? [7] (June-2013)
Ans: Lucknow pact was an agreement on upcoming reforms between Congress and Muslim
league in 1916 due to number of reasons.
1) [Change in Muslim league policy]
(a) Language issue spoiled Muslim relation with British government when Hindi was also set
as second official language. Moreover reverse of the partition of Bengal realized (showed)
Muslim that they can't depend on British promises.
(b) Muslim league added the demand of self-rule in its policy in 1912 which improved
Muslim league relations with Congress so both parties were ready to sign Lucknow pact.
2) [Cruel British policies]
The failure of the British to give more rights to Indian in the period up to 1914, and cruel
policies of British during World War 1 brought Congress and Muslim league closer to each
other. Muslim league believed (thought) that if they wished to protect their political rights,
they had to work with all political parties of India. So Muslim League signed Lucknow pact
with Congress.
3) [Jinnah efforts]
Mr. Jinnah was a strong supporter of Hindu-Muslim unity. He believed that joint demands
would put more pressure on the British. With the efforts of Mr. Jinnah Congress and Muslim
league held their annual sessions (meetings) in Bombay in 1915. Congress and Muslim
League decided to improve common understanding on key issues (matters). Both parties
signed Lucknow pact in a joint session in 1916.
4) [Congress view]
Congress wanted to solve differences with Muslim league to reduce hurdles (problems) in the
way of upcoming reforms, so it was ready to give some concessions (rights) to Muslims. In
Lucknow pact Congress accepted separate electorate and one third seats for Muslim in
councils. Some Hindu became convinced that Hindu-Muslim problem was so deep-rooted
that some sort of partition would be necessary.

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