The document discusses caring for two indoor plant options: the arrowhead plant and plant Rex begonia. The arrowhead plant thrives in low light and is easy to care for, while the plant Rex begonia has decorative leaves and benefits as a natural medicine. Both plants require consistent watering and placement in indirect sunlight. The author took care of the plants by watering them sufficiently and making sure they received the proper sunlight levels, and documented their growth over five months.
The document discusses caring for two indoor plant options: the arrowhead plant and plant Rex begonia. The arrowhead plant thrives in low light and is easy to care for, while the plant Rex begonia has decorative leaves and benefits as a natural medicine. Both plants require consistent watering and placement in indirect sunlight. The author took care of the plants by watering them sufficiently and making sure they received the proper sunlight levels, and documented their growth over five months.
The document discusses caring for two indoor plant options: the arrowhead plant and plant Rex begonia. The arrowhead plant thrives in low light and is easy to care for, while the plant Rex begonia has decorative leaves and benefits as a natural medicine. Both plants require consistent watering and placement in indirect sunlight. The author took care of the plants by watering them sufficiently and making sure they received the proper sunlight levels, and documented their growth over five months.
The document discusses caring for two indoor plant options: the arrowhead plant and plant Rex begonia. The arrowhead plant thrives in low light and is easy to care for, while the plant Rex begonia has decorative leaves and benefits as a natural medicine. Both plants require consistent watering and placement in indirect sunlight. The author took care of the plants by watering them sufficiently and making sure they received the proper sunlight levels, and documented their growth over five months.
BSCE 3 OPTION C: INDOOR PLANTS: ARROWHEAD PLANT AND PLANT REX BEGONIA I chose the indoor plants: Arrowhead Plant and Plant Rex Begonia since it is one of the easiest plants to be found within the market. The arrowhead plant is a popular houseplant with many benefits. This long-lasting, easy-care plant has large, broad, glossy, arrow-shaped leaves and does well in low light, so it’s a good choice for offices and other less sunny spots. Arrowhead plants grow from rhizomes, which are thick underground stems. New plants can be grown from both stem and root cuttings. The Plant Rex Begonia has a lot of benefits especially in terms of them being a natural medicine, they are also fast growing unlike any other indoor plants. Bright indirect light is excellent for the painted leaf begonia. It will need to be shielded from the direct summer heat and sunlight in more southern climates, but you can plant it outside all year. Begonia rex is one of the most beautiful and dramatic plants. OPTION C: INDOOR PLANTS: ARROWHEAD PLANT AND PLANT REX BEGONIA I took care of both indoor plants by how we usually take care of other plants. Both plants need consistent watering and placing them in the right place to achieve their desired sunlight. The Arrowhead Plant needs sufficient water for them to survive and grow. Also, when the Arrowhead Plant starts climbing, put a stick to let if climb the desired path, and avoid it running off the ground Rex Bergonia can survive with careful cultivation is important to realize its full beauty. Use a porous potting mix in a relatively shallow pot, feed the plant regularly, and keep the plant moist, but avoid over-watering. Provide the plant with plenty of bright indirect sun, but keep it out of direct sunlight and rotate frequently to expose it to equal light on all sides. Rex begonias require regular water, but be careful not to overwater them. They thrive on humidity but be careful if misting leaves that they don't stay too wet. INDOOR PLANTS: ARROWHEAD PLANT AND PLANT REX BEGONIA DOCUMENTATION: INDOOR PLANTS: ARROWHEAD PLANT AND PLANT REX BEGONIA DOCUMENTATION: 1ST MONTH 2ND MONTH 3RD MONTH