Computer Networks Chapter 2 Application Layer Notes
Computer Networks Chapter 2 Application Layer Notes
Computer Networks Chapter 2 Application Layer Notes
Client-server architecture
always-on host
permanent IP address
often in data cencers for scaling
communicate with server
may be intermittently connected
may have dynamic IP addresses
do not communicate directly with each other
program running within a host
- client: browser that requests, receivies, (using HTTP protocol) and dispalys Web
- server: Web server sends (using HTTP protocol) objects in resporse to requests
HTTP is stateless
server mantains no information about past client requests
non-perisistent HTTP
perisistent HTTP
Request messages
POST method:
web page often includes form input
user input sent from client to server in entity body of HTTP POST request messages
GET method:
uses GET method
input is uploaded in URL field of request line
many Web sites use cookies
four components:
User Agent
aka mail reader
composing, editing, reading mail messages
e.g., Outlook, iPhone mail client
outgoing, incoming messages stored on server
Mail servers
mailbox contains incoming messages for user
message queue of outgoing (to be sent) mail messages
SMTP protocol between mail servers to lend email messages
client: sending mail server
server receiving mail server
uses TCP to reliably transfer email message from client(mail server initiating
connection) to server, port 25
SMTP handshaking
SMTP tranfer of messages
SMTP closure
iterated query:
recursive query:
Attacking DNS
DDoS attacks
bombard root servers with traffic
not successful to date
traffic filtering
local DNS servers cache IPs of TLD servers, allowwing root server bypass
bombard TLD servers
potentially more dangerous
Spoofing attacks
intercept DNS queries, returning bogus replies
DNS cache poisoning