Fusion Series Ball Valve Product Literature

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iadelle: Full Port: Size 1/4-2” 2000 WOG Size 21/2 - 4” 1500 WOG Steam hated: $23 250 WSP 123 150 WSP ait Fi DESIGN & TECHNICAL DATA ‘Tech Bulletin Page 14-17 Page? Fusion Series T23 - 2PC Body Materials of Construction OR A i he aS ae 1 [Boas ASIMASSI CRIM | ASTMARGWOB 2 [acy ASTHIASSI CRIM [ ASTMARI6WCH os # [Soper Sipe Tk = [pa STMCASST CFIM_[ ASTM CFS | a) | TESTING © [se asmwanveais —[asTiaaiea0 ‘Allvalves are factory tested as | 9 [und S208 S304 listed below in open and closed [10 [rand wane | S808 S04 position fr bubble tight intogrty seat: air under water at | ee neo ean 180-100 PSI (MSS-SP-72) 12 [He ssi08 Zine Pas et shelt Hydrostatic @ 3000S! [13 [ndlecner [PVC Pe ANeHE IES) 14 [sepsacn | ss08 Sel OOOO 15 [tacking ve [ S08 Zins Peds MODELS THREADED ENDS "Pas udoa nropar ts; Fre Soe aos raphe ANS! B1-20-1 NPT T23-SS Stainless Stee! —Brich Pipe Thread _-API.607-6th: Certined * Vacuum service: T23-CS Carbon Steel available, C/F NACE MR-0175: Compliance Standard valve to 25 tor. SIZE Range 1/4 thru 4” CRN Registered Specially prepared valve va-2 2o00woe ALSO! AVALLAEE: CE Approved per PEDS7/29/EC to 20 microns 212-4" 1600WOG Oval Handle TRACEABILITY: FOUNDRY HEAT # FOR ALL VALVES 150 WSP Stem Extension METAL NAME PLATES IDENTIFY ALL SOFT PARTS, Safe Design Feature: eID Ball Design Added | s1tuteepersat wats . ‘723 valves can be supplied as standard with ili te ems \\\yyye eesphite stem packing and body seal. Valves Safety Feature for | snsatopmemeceane Pk \ \_are certified fire safe. In the event of fire, after = |recmvattspntemey | \\\) heat destroys the primary resilient seat, the ball A Sizes 083 To mth ita e Y ‘makes contact with the secondary metal seat, and 123, ie nap pion forming a secure seal. The graphite body seal prevents external leakage. The graphite ster = e packing prevents stem leakage. Pressure/Temperature Chart Dimensions and Weights fmfote—e— [el [| [*[o al aa | 049 [ saz [217 [ 090 | 020 | oar [ons [ama [ wes [ose [sar] a os] wy wa" | 039 ian | 22ef ua [020 oar [ows 2a | ws [ow [sar] 15 a7 a [om | 142 | 246 [| 128 | 021 | 039 [059 [207 | ms [a | sar [ oe 138 [ome [vs [2m | va [oni | on | ons | 35 | wef om | es0_| os as] * rae [65 [291 | was [oat | om | an [an [ xs | ue [oso | us FI 1a0_[ 197 [336 | aor [oar [oss | am [asa [ we [ uae [| 9s sof frum] ase | are | sos ais | oa? [om [ie] ose [we | use | 6 | ao a7 [aoe omm [as0 [ear [oar [one [rae [9m [mio [aor pro [uo noo [a NPERATURY ‘Torque bases on Goan iqud mesa fTAYELOW DESIGN & TECHNICAL DATA Fusion Series S23 - 1PC Body Tech Bulletin Page 14-17 Page3 Materials of Construction Ts ae me 1 [aa TaTaans Grn [AST AaIG WOR 2 [ent Ge asians cr [ASTM WOR , t 3 [se sertec | Sere ; : + [oa ‘astoanst Grn [ AST A051 CFR = [ater [one Cotte 7 [som Ping —# [Opie Gti ] ‘TESTING 9 | Giant 's8308 'ss304 [Al vaes are factory tested as 1 fisted below in open and cases [12 | Mantes [S01 S04 poston for bust ight intogrty [ir [Hatenx —[ ss00 S500 oat alr under water a 5 1 | Hane soe Zn aI i 80-100 PSI (MSS-SP-72) shel: Hydrostatic @ 3000 Psi [13 [HaniteCover__ [pve ve. (ansrere34) 12 [Sopserew [500 Se ‘THREADED ENDS ‘ rtaetve tr, p06 eer MODELS ANSI B1-20-1 NPT $23-8S Stainless Steel British Pipe Thread $23-CS Carbon Steel Available, C/F. SIZE Range 1/4 thru 4" So AVAILABE: ‘W4-2" — 2000WOG Locking Handle 2172-4" 1800WOG Oval Handle 200 WSP Stem Extension Seal Weld Design Model $23 inating the possiblity of body tal piece unthreading API 607-5th: Certiaed NACE MR-0175: Compliance CRN Registered CE Approved per PEDS7/23/EC to 20 microns Vacuum service: Standard valve to 25 torr. Specially prepared valve ‘TRACEABILITY: FOUNDRY HEAT # FOR ALL VALVES METAL NAME PLATES IDENTIFY ALL SOFT PARTS, Eliminating any possible leakage at body joints - safe, sure pressure containment. Automatic Welding equipment is used for welding body joints. The welding width is always uniform and the weld penetration is consistent. Our equipment maintains a consistent water flow inside the valve, this assures a safe ‘temperature which prevents damage to all valve seats and seals, Dimensions and Weights Fire Safe Design Feature: ‘823 valves are supplied as standard with ‘graphite stem packing and body seal. Valves \ are certified fire safe, In the event of fire, after heat destroys the primary resilient seat, the ball makes contact with the secondary metal seat, forming a secure seal. The graphite body seal prevents external leakage. The graphite stem packing prevents stem leakage. Pressure/Temperature Chart [welofefe[e[o]> [ex]: ]«[o[™ | [Tie [ow [aaa [arr [ome [oan [aan | oa ase | we [ose [sar ar] [Ge [ow [ie [or [om [ox fan[oss[ os] we [om [aa oar 12 | oss [var [ae a6 | onn [oar 04s [ase ws [oss [an om 7 [oe [ras [270 [re [on [oar [oes [95] ws | 051 [as zs] E Tae [ 26 [resent fs oar oar Lar [ave ws fe | 630 20 riae[rse-[ro7 [ase f ear [oar oss [om [ase [me [6 [ oa 20 tor Pier [arr [ase [oss [ass [or [san] we [uae [oes aes asc [are [sofas fom fom [ue [ese | wm se |e 17 ai [are] s@ [a [oar [om [ue [rae wm Pose Pe ai [sx [am [ew Paar Poor poor [ae [om [oo] 207 ow a7 ‘Torque based on Sean id made fTAYELOW Unique Valve Designs for Safety and Gonvemiemee 2 Pe 4-17 oes Valve with Oval Dimensions Grewenes Ueno ren eeoeoeeeoeeeceeeeeeceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees Standard Unique Features = + Hlo-Thes safety trigger handle is designed to prevent accidental movement. +The valve can he latch locked In the open or closed positions, + The valve can also be padiocked to limit unwanted access. The safety trigger locking device is also standard. ‘Due o contimous development & improvement of our product range, we reserve the sight to alter the dimensions and technical ata inched inthis brochure

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