Ugmath2022 22may PDF
Ugmath2022 22may PDF
Ugmath2022 22may PDF
Unless specified otherwise, in this exam all numbers are real and “function” means a function whose
codomain as well as domain is the set of all real numbers (or an implied subset).
Part A instructions
• Part A has 10 questions, each worth 4 points, for a total of 40. Every question
has a group of four statements. (These statements are numbered 1 to 40 for technical
reasons.) For each statement, independently choose one of the three given options:
True / False / No Attempt. In particular there is no guarantee that at least one of the
four statements in a given question is true.
All 4 answers correct 4 points Note that getting even one of the four
3 correct and 1 No Attempt 2 points answers wrong will result in zero points
for that question. So if you are not sure,
2 correct and 2 No Attempt 1 point you are advised to choose No Attempt
instead of guessing.
Anything else 0 points
• Enter your answers to part A into the computer. Points for part A will be given
based only on answers entered into the computer. If you do not choose an option for
a statement, it will be treated as No Attempt.
• Part A will be used for screening. Part B is assured to be graded if you meet
any one of the following two conditions. (i) You score at least 24 in part A. (ii) You
are among the top 400 students in part A. Thus part B will be graded for at least 400
students, more if enough students score at least 24 in part A.
Part B instructions
• Part B has 6 problems worth a total of 80 points. See each question for the
break-up. You are advised to spend at least 2 hours on part B.
• Clearly explain your entire reasoning. No credit will be given without correct
reasoning. Partial solutions may get partial credit. You may solve a later part of a
problem by assuming a previous part, even if you could not do the earlier part.
• Solve each part B problem on the designated pages in the answer booklet. Use
the blank pages at the end for rough work OR if you need extra space for any problem.
Clearly label any such solution overflowing to last pages. For problems with multiple
parts, clearly label your solution to each part separately.
CMI BSc entrance exam on May 22, 2022
(3) If ∞
P P∞
i=0 ai is +∞ then i=0 gi is also +∞.
(4) If ∞
P P∞
i=0 gi is finite then i=0 ai is −∞.
A2. Any two events X and Y are called mutually exclusive when the probability P (X and Y ) =
0 and they are called exhaustive when P (X or Y ) = 1. Suppose A and B are events and the
probability of each of these two events is strictly between 0 and 1 (i.e., 0 < P (A) < 1 and
0 < P (B) < 1).
(5) A and B are mutually exclusive if and only if not A and not B are exhaustive.
(6) A and B are independent if and only if not A and not B are independent.
(7) A and B cannot be simultaneously independent and exhaustive.
(8) A and B cannot be simultaneously mutually exclusive and exhaustive.
1 2 3 x
A3. Let A = 10 20
30 and v = y , where k is a constant and x, y, z are variables.
11 22 k z
(9) Regardless of the value of k, the matrix A is not invertible, i.e., there is no 3 × 3 matrix
B such that BA = the 3 × 3 identity matrix.
(16) No two of the three given conditions are equivalent to each other. (Two statements
being equivalent means each implies the other.)
A5. Statements
(17) Let a = ln 3
. Then 3a = e.
A6. Let !
1 1
f (x) = + cos x .
| ln x| x
(23) As x → 1, f (x) → ∞.
(24) As x → 0+ , f (x) → 1.
A7. Let f0 (x) = x. For x > 0, define functions inductively by fn+1 (x) = xfn (x) . So
f1 (x) = xx , f2 (x) = xx , etc. Note that f0 (1) = f00 (1) = 1.
(25) As x → 0+ , f1 (x) → 1.
(26) As x → 0+ , f2 (x) → 1.
(27) 0 f3 (x)dx = 1.
(28) The derivative of f123 at x = 1 is 1.
A9. In this question z denotes a non-real complex number, i.e., a number of the form a + ib
(with a, b real) whose imaginary part b is nonzero. Let f (z) = z 222 + z222 .
(33) If |z| = 1, then f (z) must be real.
(34) If z + z
= 1, then f (z) = 2.
(35) If z + z
is real, then |f (z)| ≤ 2.
(36) If f (z) is a real number, then f (z) must be positive.
A10. Suppose that cards numbered 1, 2, . . . , n are placed on a line in some sequence (with
each integer i ∈ [1, n] appearing exactly once). A move consists of interchanging the card
labeled 1 with any other card. If it is possible to rearrange the cards in increasing order by
doing a series of moves, we say that the given sequence can be rectified.
(37) The sequence 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 can be rectified in 8 moves and no fewer moves.
(38) The sequence 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 can be rectified in 8 moves and no fewer moves.
(39) The sequence 1 3 4 2 9 5 6 7 8 cannot be rectified.
(40) There exists a sequence of 99 cards that cannot be rectified.
Part B. Explain your reasoning fully.
B1. [11 points] Given 4XY Z, the following constructions are made: mark point W on
segment XZ, point P on segment XW and point Q on segment Y Z such that
= = = k.
See the schematic figure (not to scale). Extend segments QP and Y X to meet at the point
R as shown. Prove that XR = XP .
Hint (use this or your own method): A suitable construction may help in calculations.
B2. [11 points] In the XY plane, draw horizontal and vertical lines through each integer on
both axes so as to get a grid of small 1 × 1 squares whose vertices have integer coordinates.
(i) Consider the line segment D joining (0,0) with (m, n). Find the number of small 1 × 1
squares that D cuts through, i.e., squares whose interiors D intersects. (Interiors consist
of points for which both coordinates are non-integers.) For example, the line segment
joining (0,0) and (2,3) cuts through 4 small squares, as you can check by drawing.
(ii) Now L is allowed to be an arbitrary line in the plane. Find the maximum number
of small 1 × 1 squares in an n × n grid that L can cut through, i.e., we want L to
intersect the interiors of maximum possible number of small squares inside the square
with vertices (0, 0), (n, 0), (0, n) and (n, n).
B3. [14 points] For a positive integer n, let f (x) = ni=0 xi = 1 + x + x2 + · · · + xn . Find
the number of local maxima of f (x). Find the number of local minima of f (x). For each
maximum/minimum (c, f (c)), find the integer k such that k ≤ c < k + 1.
Hints (use these or your own method): It may be helpful to (i) look at small n, (ii) use the
definition of f as well as a closed formula, and (iii) treat x ≥ 0 and x < 0 separately.
B4. [14 points] Let R+ denote the set of positive real numbers. For a continuous function
f : R+ → R+ , define
Ar = the area bounded by the graph of f , X-axis, x = 1 and x = r
Br = the area bounded by the graph of f , X-axis, x = r and x = r2 .
Find all continuous f : R+ → R+ for which Ar = Br for every positive number r.
Hints (use these or your own method): Find an equation relating f (x) and f (x2 ). Consider
the function xf (x). Suppose a sequence xn converges to b where all xn and b are in the
domain of a continuous function g. Then g(xn ) must converge to g(b). E.g., g(3 n ) → g(1).
B5. [15 points] Two distinct real numbers r and s are said to form a good pair (r, s) if
r 3 + s2 = s3 + r 2 .
(i) Find a good pair (a, `) with the largest possible value of `. Find a good pair (s, b) with
the smallest possible value s. For every good pair (c, d) other than the two you found,
show that there is a third real number e such that (d, e) and (c, e) are also good pairs.
(ii) Show that there are infinitely many good pairs of rational numbers.
Hints (use these or your own method): The function f (x) = x3 − x2 may be useful. If (r, s)
is good pair, can you express s in terms of r? You may use that there are infinitely many
right triangles with integer sides such that no two of these triangles are similar to each other.
B6. [15 points] Solve the following. You may do (i) and (ii) in either order.
(i) Let p be a prime number. Show that x2 + x − 1 has at most two roots modulo p, i.e.,
the cardinality of {n | 1 ≤ n ≤ p and n2 + n − 1 is divisible by p} is ≤ 2.
Find all primes p for which this set has cardinality 1.
(ii) Find all positive integers n ≤ 121 such that n2 + n − 1 is divisible by 121.
(iii) What can you say about the number of roots of x2 + x − 1 modulo p2 for an arbitrary
prime p, i.e., the cardinality of
{n | 1 ≤ n ≤ p2 and n2 + n − 1 is divisible by p2 } ?
You do NOT need to repeat any reasoning from previous parts. You may simply refer
to any such relevant reasoning and state your conclusion with a brief explanation.