Cookery 10 - 3RDQ

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: RHEA LIZ S. CEÑO Learning Area: Cookery

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: FEBRUARY 13-17, 2023 Quarter: 3-WEEK 1


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an Long Test
understanding in preparing understanding in preparing understanding in preparing understanding in preparing
stocks for menu items. stocks for menu items. stocks for menu items. stocks for menu items.
B. Performance Standards The learners independently The learners independently The learners independently The learners independently
prepare and cook stocks for prepare and cook stocks for prepare and cook stocks for prepare and cook stocks for
menu items. menu items. menu items. menu items.
C. Learning Competencies LO 1. Prepare Stocks for Menu LO 1. Prepare Stocks for Menu LO 1. Prepare Stocks for LO 1. Prepare Stocks for
Items Items Menu Items Menu Items

1.1 Use ingredients and 1.1 Use ingredients and 1.2 Produce variety of stocks 1.1 Use ingredients and
flavoring according to enterprise flavoring according to enterprise according enterprise flavoring according to
standards. standards. standards. enterprise standards.
1.2 Produce variety of stocks
according enterprise

1.2 Produce variety of stocks

according enterprise
D. Sub tasking (if needed) At the end of the session, At the end of this session, the At the end of the session, the At the end of the session,
students can classify the stocks. learners can enumerate the learners can familiarize students should be able to
guidelines in preparing stocks. themselves in different kinds attain at least 75% mastery
of spices. from the long quiz.
Write the LC code for each TLE_HECK9-12SSS-IIIa-20 TLE_HECK9-12SSS-IIIa-20 TLE_HECK9-12SSS-IIIa-20 TLE_HECK9-12SSS-IIIa-20
II. CONTENT Principles of Preparing Stocks -Guidelines in Preparing Stocks -Different Kind of Spices - Topics from Session 1- -
(Subject Matter) - Classifications of Stocks -Sample Recipe of White Session 3
- Ingredients in Preparing Stock

III. Learning Resources

A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages NA NA NA NA
2. Curriculum Guide NA NA NA NA
2.Learner’s Materials Pages LM pages 242-244 LM pages 245 LM pages 246-249 NA
3.Textbook Pages NA NA NA NA
4. Additional Materials from Learning NA NA NA NA
Resources (LR) Portal)
B. Other Learning Resources Visuals from Laptop and TV, Visuals from Laptop and TV, Visuals from Laptop and Visuals from Laptop and
pictures, actual tools, chalk, pictures, actual tools, chalk, TV, pictures, actual tools, TV, pictures, actual tools,
eraser, masking tape, speaker, eraser, masking tape, speaker, chalk, eraser, masking tape, chalk, eraser, masking tape,
speaker, speaker,
A.Review Previous Lessons Conduct a recap of the previous Conduct a recap of the previous Conduct a recap of the Not Applicable (NA)
meeting. discussion. previous discussion.
B. Establishing purpose for the Lesson Tell Me What You See! Show video presentation about The teacher will ask the LONG QUIZ
(Motivation) Show different pictures of preparing of stocks. learners about the herbs and
stocks, and the learners will spot spices that they know.
the difference.

C. Presenting examples /instances of the -Power point Presentation -Power point Presentation -Power point Presentation LONG QUIZ
new lessons (show pics, videos, ppt) - Video Presentation - Video Presentation - Video Presentation
D. Discussing new concepts and Conduct a 5-item pretest NA Pretest LONG QUIZ
practicing new skills #1. (Pre-Discussion Show 5 different pictures of
Activity) different spices and
seasonings and the learners
will try to name them.
E. Discussing new concepts & practicing Using visual aids, the teacher Using visual aids, the teacher Using visual aids, the LONG QUIZ
and concern to new skills #2 will deliver the lesson for the will deliver the lesson for the teacher will deliver the
day. day. lesson for the day.
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to The class will identify the The class will fill up the missing Conduct of the graded LONG QUIZ
Formative Assessment) (activity after pictures shown on the screen words under the guidelines for recitation. Ten points if able
the lesson) and they will identify the preparing stocks. to answer correctly and five
different kinds of stocks and its points it not. Ten seconds
ingredients. will be given to answer the
question per students.
G. Finding Practical Applications of Why is it important for us to Why is it important for us to How important is it to LONG QUIZ
concepts and skills in daily living properly identify the different follow the guidelines for identify the different kinds
(application) classifications of stocks? How preparing stocks? of spices and seasoning used
likely are we to apply this for stocks?
knowledge on our day to day
H. Making Generalizations & If time permits, have a synthesis If time permits, have a synthesis If time permits, have a LONG QUIZ
Abstractions about the lessons of the lesson. of the lesson. synthesis of the lesson.
I.Evaluating Learning (assessment/test) The teacher will conduct a ten The teacher will conduct a ten The teacher will conduct a LONG QUIZ
(5) – item formative assessment, (5) – item formative assessment, seven (5) – item formative
advice students to prepare a ¼ advice students to prepare a ¼ assessment, advice students
sheet of paper) sheet of paper) to prepare a ¼ sheet of
J. Additional activities for application or On your TLE notebook, look for Study the lecture prepare for Prepare for a summative test Have an advance reading
remediation (assignment/homework) the different Filipino stocks and graded recitation tomorrow. tomorrow. about Preparing Soups for
their ingredients. List down at Menu Items.
least five (5).
VI. Reflection
A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who requires additional
acts.for remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who caught up with the lessons
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal/supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized materials
did I used/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher School Head
School: Grade Level: 10
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: COOKERY
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: Quarter: 3- WEEK 2


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate
understanding preparing soups understanding preparing soups understanding preparing an understanding preparing
required for menu items. required for menu items. soups required for menu soups required for menu
items. items.

B.Performance Standards The learners independently The learners independently The learners independently The learners independently
prepare soups for menu items. prepare soups for menu items. prepare soups for menu prepare soups for menu
items. items.

C. Learning Competencies LO 2. Prepare soups required LO 2. Prepare soups required for LO 2. Prepare soups LO 2. Prepare soups
for menu items. menu items. required for menu items. required for menu items.

2.1 Select and assemble correct 2.1 Select and assemble correct 2.3 Present and evaluate 2.2 Prepare variety of soup
ingredients in preparing soups ingredients in preparing soups soup recipes in accordance recipes according to
including stocks and garnishes. including stocks and garnishes. with the criteria enterprise.

2.3 Present and evaluate

soup recipes in accordance
with the criteria
D. Sub tasking (if needed) At the end of the session,
students should be able to
come up and present a
Write the LC code for each TLE_HECK9-12SSS-IIIb-21 TLE_HECK9-12SSS-IIIb-21 TLE_HECK9-12SSS-IIIb- TLE_HECK9-12SSS-IIIb-
21 21
II. CONTENT Classification of soups -Basic Principles of Preparing -Suggested Soups Recipe LO 2. Prepare soups
(Subject Matter) Soup required for menu items.
- Cooking soups

III. Learning Resources

1.Teacher’s Guide Pages NA NA NA NA
2. Curriculum Guide NA NA NA NA
2.Learner’s Materials Pages pp.255-258 pp.258-259 p.260-262 NA
3.Textbook Pages NA NA NA NA
4. Additional Materials from Learning NA NA NA NA
Resources (LR) Portal)
B.Other Learning Resources Visuals from Laptop and TV, Visuals from Laptop and TV, Visuals from Laptop and Visuals from Laptop and
pictures, actual tools, chalk, pictures, actual tools, chalk, TV, pictures, actual tools, TV, pictures, actual tools,
eraser, masking tape, speaker, eraser, masking tape, speaker, chalk, eraser, masking tape, chalk, eraser, masking
speaker, tape, speaker,
A.Review Previous Lessons Conduct a recap of the previous Conduct a recap of the previous Conduct a recap of the LABORATORY TIME
discussion. discussion. previous discussion.
B. Establishing purpose for the Lesson The teacher will ask some The teacher will show a picture of Video Presentation of LABORATORY TIME
(Motivation) students, “what is their favorite a soup, he/she will ask the Different Kinds of Soups
soup and why?” question, “WHAT DO YOU and its recipe
C. Presenting examples /instances of the new -Power point Presentation Show picture -Power point Presentation LABORATORY TIME
lessons (show pics, videos, ppt) - Video Presentation - Video Presentation
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing Conduct a 5-item pretest LABORATORY TIME
new skills #1. (Pre-Discussion Activity)

E. Discussing new concepts & practicing and Using visual aids, the teacher Using visual aids, the teacher will -Power point Presentation LABORATORY TIME
concern to new skills #2 will deliver the lesson for the deliver the lesson for the day.
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative The teacher will show different The teacher will show different The teacher will give LABORATORY TIME
Assessment) (activity after the lesson) pictures of soups and the pictures and the students will instructions for the coming
students will classify them identify what principle of Performance Task.
where they belong. preparing soups it belongs.
G. Finding Practical Applications of concepts Why soup is important in every Do we really need to consider Groupings LABORATORY TIME
and skills in daily living (application) meal? doing basic principles of
preparing soup? Why?
H. Making Generalizations & Abstractions If time permits, have a synthesis If time permits, have a synthesis If time permits, have a LABORATORY TIME
about the lessons of the lesson. of the lesson. synthesis of the lesson.
I.Evaluating Learning (assessment/test) The teacher will conduct a ten The teacher will conduct a ten (5) The students will divide in The students will have
(10) – item formative – item formative assessment, (5) groups and they will their Performance Task. A
assessment, advice students to advice students to prepare ¼ sheet discuss their chosen soup rubric will be used to rate
prepare ¼ sheet of paper. of paper. recipe for the PT Day. their output.
J. Additional activities for application or Have an advance reading about List down (5) soups that they Prepare for tomorrow Look for five (5) ways to
remediation (assignment/homework) the Principles in Preparing already tasted. Describe each Laboratory. store vegetables. Write it
Soup. taste. on your TLE notebook.
VI. Reflection
A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who requires additional
acts.for remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who caught up with the lessons
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal/supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by:

____________________________ __________________________
Teacher Principal
School: Grade Level: 10
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: COOKERY
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: Quarter: 3/ WEEK 3


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an
understanding preparing and understanding preparing and understanding preparing and understanding preparing and
cooking sauces required for cooking sauces required for cooking sauces required for cooking sauces required for
menu items. menu items. menu items. menu items.
B. Performance Standards The learners independently The learners independently The learners independently The learners independently
prepare and sauces required prepare and sauces required for prepare and sauces required prepares and sauces required
for menu items. menu items. for menu items. for menu items.
C. Learning Competencies LO 3. Prepare Sauces LO 3. Prepare Sauces Required LO 3. Prepare Sauces LO 3. Prepare Sauces
Required for Menu Items for Menu Items Required for Menu Items Required for Menu Items

3.1 Classify various types of 3.3 Identify the types of 3.5 Evaluate sauces for flavor, 3.6 Identify and deal with
sauces. thickening agents and color and consistency. the problems of sauces.
3.2 Prepare a variety of hot convenience products used in
and cold sauces based on the preparing sauces.
required menu items. 3.4 Use thickening agents and
convenience products

D. Subtasking (if needed) At the end of the session, At the end of the session, the Observation At the end of the session,
students should be able to students should be able to name students should be able to
classify the various types of the different thickening agents. identify and deal with the
sauces. problems of sauces.
Write the LC code for each TLE_HECK9-12SSS-IIIc-22 TLE_HECK9-12SSS-IIIc-22 TLE_HECK9-12SSS-IIIc-22 TLE_HECK9-12SSS-IIIc-
II. CONTENT -Overview of Sauces -Thickening Agents Observation -Basic Finishing Techniques
(Subject Matter) -Basic Sauces for Meat, -Hygienic Principles and in Sauce Making
Vegetables, and Fish Practices in Sauce Making - Common problem in the
-Variation of Sauces preparation of

III. Learning Resources

A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages NA NA NA NA
2. Curriculum Guide NA NA NA NA
2.Learner’s Materials Pages pp. 271 pp. 272-273 pp. 274 p.275-277
3.Textbook Pages NA NA NA NA
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resources (LR) Portal)
B.Other Learning Resources Visuals from Laptop and TV, Visuals from Laptop and TV, Visuals from Laptop and TV, Visuals from Laptop and
pictures, actual tools, chalk, pictures, actual tools, chalk, pictures, actual tools, chalk, TV, pictures, actual tools,
eraser, masking tape, speaker, eraser, masking tape, speaker, eraser, masking tape, speaker, chalk, eraser, masking tape,
A.Review Previous Lessons Conduct a recap of the Conduct a recap of the previous Conduct a recap of the Conduct a recap of the
previous discussion. discussion. previous discussion. previous discussion.
B. Establishing purpose for the Lesson NAME ME! Identify the words in forms of The teacher and learners will The teacher will show
(Motivation) gibberish game. bring different kinds of different pictures of failed
sauces. The learners will be sauces. The learners will try
divided into 5 groups and they to determine the problems of
will choose representative. each sauces.
The representative will be
blindfolded and will taste the
mystery sauce.
C. Presenting examples /instances of the new Power point Presentation Power point Presentation The teacher will bring Power point Presentation
lessons (show pics, videos, ppt) - Video Presentation - Video Presentation different kinds of sauces. - Video Presentation
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing NA NA NA NA
new skills #1. (Pre-Discussion Activity)

E. Discussing new concepts & practicing and Using visual aids, the teacher Using visual aids, the teacher The learners will apply the Using visual aids, the
concern to new skills #2 will deliver the lesson for the will deliver the lesson for the basic sauce making using their teacher will deliver the
day. day. ingredients. lesson for the day.
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative The teacher will present a The learners will choose their The learners will be divided to By group, flashing of the
Assessment) (activity after the lesson) video about making different partner. They will ask each (5) groups. They will evaluate various basic finishing
sauces. You will observe what other about their favorite sauces the different sauces. techniques in Sauce Making,
is the easiest and hardest sauce and why. the learners will identify the
to do. finishing techniques.

G. Finding Practical Applications of concepts In our daily life, how do you Why is it important to apply the Why is it important to be more Why is it important to
and skills in daily living (application) see the importance of sauces hygienic principles and familiarized in making identify the common
in every food. practices in sauce making? sauces? problems in making sauces.
H. Making Generalizations & Abstractions If time permits, have a If time permits, have a synthesis If time permits, have a If time permits, have a
about the lessons synthesis of the lesson. of the lesson. synthesis of the lesson. synthesis of the lesson.
I. Evaluating Learning The teacher will conduct a ten The teacher will conduct a ten The representative of each The teacher will conduct a
(assessment/test) (5) – item formative (10) – item formative group will present their ten (10) – item formative
assessment, advice students to assessment, advice students to observations in class assessment, advice students
prepare ¼ sheet of paper. prepare ¼ sheet of paper. to prepare ¼ sheet of paper.
J. Additional activities for application or Directions: Interview one Bring three (3) ready-made Have an advance study about Make a research on at least
remediation (assignment/homework) member of your family in your sauces. the basic finishing techniques ten sauces and the food
home and ask them the and common problems in where it is commonly used
different food that have making sauces. in the Philippines. Include
sauces. List down 10. descriptions. Write in one
whole sheet of paper.
VI. Reflection

A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who requires additional
acts.for remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who caught up with the lessons
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal/supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by:

____________________________ __________________________
Teacher Principal
School: Grade Level: 10
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: COOKERY
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: Quarter: 3/ WEEK 4


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate
an understanding concepts and understanding concepts and an understanding concepts and an understanding basic
principles in storing and principles in storing and principles in storing and concepts and underlying
reheating stocks, sauces, and reheating stocks, sauces, and reheating stocks, sauces, and theories in preparing poultry
soups soups soups and game dishes
B. Performance Standards The learners independently The learners independently The learners independently The learners prepare a
demonstrate competencies in demonstrate competencies in demonstrate competencies in variety of poultry and game
storing and reheating stocks, storing and reheating stocks, storing and reheating stocks, dishes found in different
sauces, and soups sauces, and soups sauces, and soups culture
C. Learning Competencies LO 4. Store and reconstitute LO 5. Evaluate the finish LO1-LO5 LO 1. Performs mise en
stocks, sauces, and soups product using rubrics. Competencies Place
1.1identify the market forms
4.1. Maintain optimum quality of poultry determine poultry
and freshness of stocks, cuts in accordance with
sauces, and soups prescribed dish

4.2. Reconstitute stocks,

sauces, and soups

D. Subtasking (if needed) At the end of the session, At the end of the session, At the end of the session, At the end of this session,
students should be able to students should be able to come students should be able to the learners can
enumerate the different up and present a soup. attain at least 75% mastery independently select and
methods in storing and from the long quiz. purchase poultry and game.
reconstituting stocks, sauces
and soups.
Write the LC code for each TLE_HECK9-12SSS-IIId-23 TLE_HECK9-12SSS-IIId-24 TLE_HECK9-12PGD-IIIe-
II. CONTENT LABORATORY TIME - LO1-LO5 - Tools and Equipment in
(Subject Matter) -Store and Reconstitute Stocks, Cooking Poultry and
Sauces and Soups Game
- Selecting and Purchasing
Poultry and Game

III. Learning Resources

A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages NA NA NA NA
2. Curriculum Guide NA NA NA NA
2.Learner’s Materials Pages pp. 284-285 NA NA pp.287-288
3.Textbook Pages NA NA NA NA
4. Additional Materials from Learning NA NA NA NA
Resources (LR) Portal)
B.Other Learning Resources Visuals from Laptop and TV, LABORATORY Visuals from Laptop and
pictures, actual tools, chalk, TV, pictures, actual tools,
eraser, masking tape, speaker, chalk, eraser, masking tape,
A.Review Previous Lessons Conduct a recap of the LABORATORY TIME Not Applicable (NA) Conduct a recap of the
previous discussion. previous discussion.

C. Presenting examples /instances of the new Power point Presentation LABORATORY TIME UNIT TEST Power point Presentation
lessons (show pics, videos, ppt) - Video Presentation - Video Presentation
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing NA LABORATORY TIME UNIT TEST Conduct a 10-item pretest
new skills #1. (Pre-Discussion Activity)

E. Discussing new concepts & practicing and Using visual aids, the teacher LABORATORY TIME UNIT TEST Using visual aids, the
concern to new skills #2 will deliver the lesson for the teacher will deliver the
day. lesson for the day.
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative The learners will group into The learners will evaluate each UNIT TEST The teachers will show
Assessment) (activity after the lesson) five. They will talk about their group’s finish product. different kinds of poultry
performance task in stocks, and games and they will
soups and sauce making next answer them in “Quiz Bee”
meeting. style.
G. Finding Practical Applications of concepts Why do we need to follow the LABORATORY TIME UNIT TEST Why is it important to
and skills in daily living (application) proper storage of stocks, soups classify the poultry and
and sauces? games?
H. Making Generalizations & Abstractions If time permits, have a LABORATORY TIME UNIT TEST If time permits, have a
about the lessons synthesis of the lesson. synthesis of the lesson.
I.Evaluating Learning (assessment/test) The teacher will conduct a ten The students will have their UNIT TEST If time permits, have a
(5) – item formative Performance Task. A rubric will synthesis of the lesson.
assessment, advice students to be used to rate their output.
prepare ¼ sheet of paper.
J. Additional activities for application or Prepare for performance task Prepare for Unit Test tomorrow Make an album (collage or Have an advance reading in
remediation (assignment/homework) next meeting. scrapbook) of different stocks, Selecting Good Quality
sauces, and soups. Includes Poultry and Game
description, ingredients, and
procedures, storing procedures
and how it is reconstituted.
Your output will be evaluated
using rubrics. To be submitted
next week.
VI. Reflection

A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who requires additional
acts.for remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who caught up with the lessons
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal/supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by:

____________________________ __________________________
Teacher Principal
School: Grade Level: 10
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: COOKERY
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: Quarter: 3/WEEK 5


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate
understanding basic concepts an understanding basic an understanding basic an understanding basic
and underlying theories in concepts and underlying concepts and underlying concepts and underlying
preparing poultry and game theories in preparing poultry theories in preparing poultry theories in preparing poultry
dishes and game dishes and game dishes and game dishes
B. Performance Standards The learners prepare a The learners prepare a The learners prepare a The learners prepare a
variety of poultry and game variety of poultry and game variety of poultry and game variety of poultry and game
dishes found in different culture dishes found in different dishes found in different dishes found in different
culture culture culture
C. Learning Competencies LO 1. Performs mise en Place LO 1. Performs mise en Place LO 1. Performs mise en Place LO 1. Performs mise en
1.1identify the market forms of 1.1identify the market forms 1.1identify the market forms Place
poultry determine poultry cuts of poultry determine poultry of poultry determine poultry 1.1identify the market forms
in accordance with prescribed cuts in accordance with cuts in accordance with of poultry determine poultry
dish prescribed dish prescribed dish cuts in accordance with
prescribed dish

D. Sub tasking (if needed) At the end of this session, the At the end of this session the At the end of this session, the At the end of this session,
learners can classify poultry learners can explain the learners can differentiate the the learners can
and games. nutritional value/ components different market forms of demonstrate how to cut
of poultry and game. poultry. poultry.
Write the LC code for each TLE_HECK9-12PGD-IIIe-25 TLE_HECK9-12PGD-IIIe-25 TLE_HECK9-12PGD-IIIe-25 TLE_HECK9-12PGD-IIIe-
II. CONTENT -Classification of Poultry and -Nutritional Value/ --Market Forms of Poultry -Different Cuts of Poultry
(Subject Matter) Games Components of Poultry and
-Preparation of Poultry for
III. Learning Resources
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages NA NA NA NA
2. Curriculum Guide NA NA NA NA
2.Learner’s Materials Pages pp. 288-289 pp. 289-290 pp. 291-294 pp. 291-294
3.Textbook Pages NA NA NA NA
4. Additional Materials from Learning NA NA NA NA
Resources (LR) Portal)
B. Other Learning Resources Visuals from Laptop and TV, Visuals from Laptop and TV, Visuals from Laptop and TV, Visuals from Laptop and
pictures, actual tools, chalk, pictures, actual tools, chalk, pictures, actual tools, chalk, TV, pictures, actual tools,
eraser, masking tape, speaker, eraser, masking tape, speaker, eraser, masking tape, speaker, chalk, eraser, masking tape,
A. Review Previous Lessons Conduct a recap of the previous Conduct a recap of the Conduct a recap of the Conduct a recap of the
discussion. previous discussion. previous discussion. previous discussion.
B. Establishing purpose for the Lesson GOOD or BAD TELL ME WHAT YOU DESCRIBE ME! FOUR PICS, ONE WORD
(Motivation) SEE!

C. Presenting examples /instances of the new Power point Presentation Power point Presentation Power point Presentation Power point Presentation
lessons (show pics, videos, ppt) - Video Presentation - Video Presentation - Video Presentation - Video Presentation
The teacher will show different
videos of poultry and game.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing NA NA NA NA
new skills #1. (Pre-Discussion Activity)

E. Discussing new concepts & practicing and Using visual aids, the teacher Using visual aids, the teacher Using visual aids, the teacher Using visual aids, the
concern to new skills #2 will deliver the lesson for the will deliver the lesson for the will deliver the lesson for the teacher will deliver the
day. day. day. lesson for the day.
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Using their last group, the The learners will watch a SHARING Chicken Wings, Chicken
Assessment) (activity after the lesson) learners will give their reaction video about the preparation Share your experience in Wings Song
about the video that they process of chicken in the visiting your nearby market. The learners will sing the
watched. slaughtered house. Describe the place and what song while passing the fish
can you say about the different bowl to each other. If the
market forms of poultry. song stops, the learner who
hold the bowl will pick up a
piece of paper that contain a
question about the different
cuts of chicken.
G. Finding Practical Applications of concepts What can you say about the Give a reaction about the As a Grade 10 learners, how is Write a journal about
and skills in daily living (application) ordinance of the said city about video showing the preparation it important to know the
their meat products? Should we of poultry in slaughtered different market forms of I learned that……..
need to follow them or not? house. poultry? I realized that……..
Explain your answer.
H. Making Generalizations & Abstractions If time permits, have a synthesis If time permits, have a If time permits, have a If time permits, have a
about the lessons of the lesson. synthesis of the lesson. synthesis of the lesson. synthesis of the lesson.
I. Evaluating Learning (assessment/test) The teacher will conduct a ten The teacher will conduct a ten The teacher will conduct a ten The teacher will conduct a
(5) – item formative assessment, (5) – item formative (5) – item formative ten (5) – item formative
advice students to prepare ¼ assessment, advice students to assessment, advice students to assessment, advice students
sheet of paper. prepare ¼ sheet of paper. prepare ¼ sheet of paper. to prepare ¼ sheet of paper.
J. Additional activities for application or Make a research about the Market Visit Prepare for a long quiz.
remediation (assignment/homework) nutritional value and Directions: This will be a Have an advance reading
components of poultry and collaborative activity. Follow about the different cuts of
game. the instructions below: Find a poultry.
partner. Visit a supermarket or
a wet market near you and do
the following:
1. List down the market
forms of poultry being
2. Take note of the
appearance, color, odor
and its cuts.
3. Make a report of your
4. Submit your report in a
short bond paper with

VI. Reflection

A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who requires additional
acts.for remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who caught up with the lessons
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal/supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by:

____________________________ __________________________
Teacher Principal
School: Grade Level: 10
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: COOKERY
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: Quarter: 3/WEEK 6


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate
understanding basic concepts an understanding basic an understanding basic an understanding basic
and underlying theories in concepts and underlying concepts and underlying concepts and underlying
preparing poultry and game theories in preparing poultry theories in preparing poultry theories in preparing poultry
dishes and game dishes and game dishes and game dishes
B. Performance Standards The learners prepare a The learners prepare a The learners prepare a The learners prepare a
variety of poultry and game variety of poultry and game variety of poultry and game variety of poultry and game
dishes found in different culture dishes found in different dishes found in different dishes found in different
culture culture culture
C. Learning Competencies Week 5 Lessons LO 2. Cook poultry and game LO 2. Cook poultry and game LO 2. Cook poultry and
bird dishes bird dishes. game bird dishes.

2.1 prepare poultry and game 2.1 prepare poultry and game 2.1 prepare poultry and
birds hygienically to minimize birds hygienically to minimize game birds hygienically to
risk of food spoilage and risk of food spoilage and minimize risk of food
cross- contamination cook cross- contamination cook spoilage and cross-
various poultry and game bird various poultry and game bird contamination cook various
dishes appropriately. dishes appropriately. poultry and game bird dishes
D. Sub tasking (if needed) At the end of the session, At the end of this session, the At the end of this session, the At the end of this session,
students should be able to attain learners can determine the learners can explain the the learners can be
at least 75% mastery from the types and causes of food difference between dry-heat familiarized in fabricating
long quiz. spoilage and cross method and moist-heat and deboning of chicken.
contamination. method.
Write the LC code for each TLE_HECK9-12PGD-IIIf-h- TLE_HECK9-12PGD-IIIf-h- TLE_HECK9-12PGD-IIIf-
26 26 h-26
II. CONTENT Week 6 Lessons -Types and causes of food Methods of cooking poultry Steps in Fabricating and
(Subject Matter) spoilage and cross and game birds Deboning of Chicken
contamination - Dry-heat cookery
- Moist-heat cookery

III. Learning Resources

A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages NA NA NA NA
2. Curriculum Guide NA NA NA NA
2.Learner’s Materials Pages NA pp. 297-298 pp. 298 pp. 299-306
3.Textbook Pages NA NA NA NA
4. Additional Materials from Learning NA NA NA NA
Resources (LR) Portal)
B. Other Learning Resources Visuals from Laptop and TV, Visuals from Laptop and TV, Visuals from Laptop and
pictures, actual tools, chalk, pictures, actual tools, chalk, TV, pictures, actual tools,
eraser, masking tape, speaker, eraser, masking tape, speaker, chalk, eraser, masking tape,
A. Review Previous Lessons Not Applicable (NA) Conduct a recap of the Conduct a recap of the Conduct a recap of the
previous discussion. previous discussion. previous discussion.
B. Establishing purpose for the Lesson UNIT TEST CROSSWORD PUZZLE GUESS THE DISH! Ask the learners what is
(Motivation) their favorite parts of
chicken and Why?

C. Presenting examples /instances of the new UNIT TEST Power point Presentation Power point Presentation Power point Presentation
lessons (show pics, videos, ppt) - Video Presentation - Video Presentation - Video Presentation
The teacher will show video
about food poisoning.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing UNIT TEST NA NA NA
new skills #1. (Pre-Discussion Activity)

E. Discussing new concepts & practicing and UNIT TEST Using visual aids, the teacher Using visual aids, the teacher Using visual aids, the
concern to new skills #2 will deliver the lesson for the will deliver the lesson for the teacher will deliver the
day. day. lesson for the day.
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative UNIT TEST The learner will group into 5. The learners will identify the The teacher will explain the
Assessment) (activity after the lesson) They will search about the different cooking methods by performance task about
news in food poisoning. They naming the pictures flashes on fabricating and deboning of
will share their thoughts and the board. chicken.
what they think the possible
ways to prevent the food
G. Finding Practical Applications of concepts UNIT TEST As a member of your family, What is the healthiest cooking As a student, why is it
and skills in daily living (application) how can you make sure that method and why? important to familiarized in
the food of your family is safe What do you think is the fabricating and deboning
to eat? dangerous cooking method? chicken?
H. Making Generalizations & Abstractions UNIT TEST If time permits, have a If time permits, have a If time permits, have a
about the lessons synthesis of the lesson. synthesis of the lesson. synthesis of the lesson.
I. Evaluating Learning (assessment/test) UNIT TEST The teacher will conduct a ten The teacher will conduct a ten The learners will group into
(5) – item formative (10) – item formative 8 members. They will talk
assessment, advice students to assessment, advice students to about their next performance
prepare ¼ sheet of paper. prepare ¼ sheet of paper. task.
J. Additional activities for application or Search for the Principles of Make a research about the Search about the methods in Take Home Performance
remediation (assignment/homework) Poultry Cookery. Write it in Different Methods of Cooking Fabricating Chicken Task
your TLE Notebook. Poultry Each group will make a
video presentation with the
title” Fabricating Chicken”
or “Deboning Chicken”. The
rubric will be given to them.
VI. Reflection

A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who requires additional
acts.for remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who caught up with the lessons
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal/supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by:

____________________________ __________________________
Teacher Principal
School: Grade Level: 10
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: COOKERY
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: Quarter: 3/WEEK 7


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate
understanding basic concepts an understanding basic an understanding basic an understanding basic
and underlying theories in concepts and underlying concepts and underlying concepts and underlying
preparing poultry and game theories in preparing poultry theories in preparing poultry theories in preparing poultry
dishes and game dishes and game dishes and game dishes
B. Performance Standards The learners prepare a The learners prepare a The learners prepare a The learners prepare a
variety of poultry and game variety of poultry and game variety of poultry and game variety of poultry and game
dishes found in different culture dishes found in different dishes found in different dishes found in different
culture culture culture
C. Learning Competencies LO 3. Plate/present poultry and LO 3. Plate/present poultry LO 4. Store poultry and LO 4. Store poultry and
game bird dishes and game bird dishes game bird game bird
3.1 identify the type of service 3.1 identify the type of
ware to be utilized in serving service ware to be utilized in 4.1 store and maintain 4.1 store and maintain
poultry and game-bird dishes serving poultry and game-bird
poultry and game bird poultry and game bird
present plated poultry and dishes present plated poultry
game-bird dishes with and game-bird dishes with
according to standards according to standards
appropriate sauces, garnishes, appropriate sauces, garnishes,
and accompaniments and accompaniments
D. Sub tasking (if needed) At the end of this session, the At the end of this session, the At the end of this session, the At the end of this session,
learners can identify the factors learners can independently learners can familiarize in the the learners can apply the
in presenting/plating poultry present poultry dishes. techniques of storing poultry safety practices in handling
dishes. and game bird dishes. and storing poultry and
game products.
Write the LC code for each TLE_HECK9-12PGD-IIIi-27 TLE_HECK9-12PGD-IIIi-27 TLE_HECK9-12PGD-IIIj-28 TLE_HECK9-12PGD-IIIj-
II. CONTENT - Portion Control for Cooked -Plating/Presenting Poultry Techniques in storing poultry - Safety Practices in
(Subject Matter) Poultry and Game Dishes and game bird dishes. Handling and Storing
- Factors to consider in - Plating the Food Poultry and Game
presenting/plating poultry - Decorate the Frame Products
dishes. - Mix Shapes, Colors and
- Present plated poultry and Textures
game-bird dishes with - Garnishes
appropriate sauces, garnishes,
and accompaniments

III. Learning Resources

A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages NA NA NA NA
2. Curriculum Guide NA NA NA NA
2.Learner’s Materials Pages pp. 313-314 pp. 314-318 pp. 320-321 pp. 320-321
3.Textbook Pages NA NA NA NA
4. Additional Materials from Learning NA NA NA NA
Resources (LR) Portal)
B. Other Learning Resources Visuals from Laptop and TV, Visuals from Laptop and TV, Visuals from Laptop and TV, Visuals from Laptop and
pictures, actual tools, chalk, pictures, actual tools, chalk, pictures, actual tools, chalk, TV, pictures, actual tools,
eraser, masking tape, speaker, eraser, masking tape, speaker, eraser, masking tape, speaker, chalk, eraser, masking tape,
C. Review Previous Lessons Conduct a recap of the previous Conduct a recap of the Conduct a recap of the Conduct a recap of the
discussion. previous discussion. previous discussion. previous discussion.

C. Presenting examples /instances of the new Power point Presentation Power point Presentation Power point Presentation Power point Presentation
lessons (show pics, videos, ppt) - Video Presentation - Video Presentation - Video Presentation - Video Presentation

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing NA NA NA NA

new skills #1. (Pre-Discussion Activity)

E. Discussing new concepts & practicing and Using visual aids, the teacher Using visual aids, the teacher Using visual aids, the teacher Using visual aids, the
concern to new skills #2 will deliver the lesson for the will deliver the lesson for the will deliver the lesson for the teacher will deliver the
day. day. day. lesson for the day.
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Enumerate the factors to Fill in the blanks. MULTIPLE CHOICE MULTIPLE CHOICE
Assessment) (activity after the lesson) consider in presenting/plating
poultry dishes.

G. Finding Practical Applications of concepts If you were going to present Why food creative Why is it important to practice Why proper storing is
and skills in daily living (application) poultry dishes, will you consider presentation is important in proper handling and storing of important for all types of
following these factors in food business’s like poultry? foods?
presenting/plating poultry restaurant?
dishes? Why?

H. Making Generalizations & Abstractions If time permits, have a synthesis If time permits, have a If time permits, have a If time permits, have a
about the lessons of the lesson. synthesis of the lesson. synthesis of the lesson. synthesis of the lesson.
I. Evaluating Learning (assessment/test) The teacher will conduct a ten The teacher will conduct a ten The teacher will conduct a ten The teacher will conduct a
(5) – item formative assessment, (5) – item formative (5) – item formative ten (5) – item formative
advice students to prepare ¼ assessment, advice students to assessment, advice students to assessment, advice students
sheet of paper. prepare ¼ sheet of paper. prepare ¼ sheet of paper. to prepare ¼ sheet of paper.
J. Additional activities for application or Search what is plating? Search for the Different Search the following Prepare for a long quiz.
remediation (assignment/homework) Write it on your TLE Notebook. Techniques in Storing Poultry 1. Manufacturing date
and Game Bird
2. Expiration date
3. Best before date

VI. Reflection

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the


B. No. of learners who requires additional

acts.for remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who caught up with the lessons
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal/supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by:

____________________________ __________________________
Teacher Principal
School: Grade Level: 10
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: COOKERY
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: Quarter: 3 WEEK 8


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate REMEDIAL DAY
understanding basic concepts an understanding basic an understanding basic
and underlying theories in concepts and underlying concepts and underlying
preparing poultry and game theories in preparing poultry theories in preparing poultry
dishes and game dishes and game dishes
B. Performance Standards The learners prepare a The learners prepare a The learners prepare a
variety of poultry and game variety of poultry and game variety of poultry and game
dishes found in different culture dishes found in different dishes found in different
culture culture
C. Learning Competencies Week 7 Lessons LO 5. Evaluate the finish LO 5. Evaluate the finish
product using rubrics. product using rubrics.

D. Subtasking (if needed) At the end of the session, At the end of the session, At the end of the session,
students should be able to attain students should be able to students should be able to
at least 75% mastery from the come up and present a come up and present a
long quiz. chicken dish using dry heat chicken dish using moist heat
method. method.
Write the LC code for each
(Subject Matter)
III. Learning Resources
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages NA NA NA
2. Curriculum Guide NA NA NA
2.Learner’s Materials Pages NA NA NA
3.Textbook Pages NA NA NA
4. Additional Materials from Learning NA NA NA
Resources (LR) Portal)
B. Other Learning Resources LABORATORY LABORATORY
D. Review Previous Lessons Not Applicable (NA) LABORATORY TIME LABORATORY TIME
B. Establishing purpose for the Lesson UNIT TEST LABORATORY TIME LABORATORY TIME

C. Presenting examples /instances of the new UNIT TEST LABORATORY TIME LABORATORY TIME
lessons (show pics, videos, ppt)
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing UNIT TEST LABORATORY TIME LABORATORY TIME
new skills #1. (Pre-Discussion Activity)

E. Discussing new concepts & practicing and UNIT TEST LABORATORY TIME LABORATORY TIME
concern to new skills #2
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative UNIT TEST The teacher will rate the finish The teacher will rate the finish
Assessment) (activity after the lesson) product using the rubric. product using the rubric.
G. Finding Practical Applications of concepts UNIT TEST LABORATORY TIME LABORATORY TIME
and skills in daily living (application)
H. Making Generalizations & Abstractions UNIT TEST LABORATORY TIME LABORATORY TIME
about the lessons
I. Evaluating Learning (assessment/test) UNIT TEST The students will have their The students will have their
Performance Task. A rubric Performance Task. A rubric
will be used to rate their will be used to rate their
output. output.
J. Additional activities for application or Prepare for Performance Task Prepare for the next Accomplish your requirements 4.
remediation (assignment/homework) Performance Task. for third quarter.

VI. Reflection

A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who requires additional
acts.for remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who caught up with the lessons
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal/supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to share with other
Prepared by: Checked by:

Teacher Principal

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