Engl5 Feb2019
Engl5 Feb2019
Engl5 Feb2019
4th Grading Examination, (1st Half)
February 18, 2019
Name: ________________________________________________________-
________ 3. Is taking revenge doing good things to those people who have hurt you?
II. Box the letter that gives the correct meaning of the underlined word.
6. Mom reminds us to not blurt the words directly to a person without thinking it twice.
a. say suddenly b. talk loudly c. tell repeatedly d. speak badly
7. We should suppress the media from leaking too much information about the issue.
a. remind b. stop c. report d. support
8. Everyone in the school knows about the embarrassing moment of Dana that’s why her classmates
always snicker every time she enters the room.
a. chuckle b. fight c. bully d. stare
10. I took a peek in my sister’s room through the window to see if she’s around.
a. glimpse b. visit c. stay d. gaze
12. I have not heard from her since. I did learn that some of her siblings were taken in by a
foundation so they could continue their studies. It was several years before I had the chance to
her again, but not in person. She was the featured guest in a TV interview. By that time, I knew
had become a successful entrepreneur, the owner of at least 15 restaurants here and abroad.
What point of view is used in the passage?
a. First Person b. Third Person c. Fourth Person d. Second Person
13. Excitedly, Marie arrived _________ at the bus station to take the first trip.
Which of the following best completes the sentence?
a. earlier b. early c. earliest d. more early
14. The speaker finished his talk early.
Which part in the sentence is the adverb located?
a. middle b. end c. front d. back
16. Bianca blamed herself for not doing her best in the game. She was so disappointed and
embarrassed to face her teammates.
What kind of conflict is presented in the text?
a. Man vs. Nature b. Man vs. Man c. Man vs. Self d. Man vs. Society
18. The students appreciate well the ingenuity of the Filipinos in the past.
What degree of comparison is the adverb in the sentence?
a. comparative b. positive c. superlative d. main
19. Kate fought her baby sister for ripping the pages of her diary notebook.
What kind of conflict is presented in the text?
a. Man Vs. Man b. Man Vs. Nature c. Man Vs. Society d. Man Vs. Self
20. You should obey your parents for they know what’s best for you.
What kind according to purpose is the sentence?
a. Imperative b. Interrogative c. Declarative d. Exclamation
21. But as he was crossing, he saw his own shadow in the water below. He barked at his own
and the bone in his mouth fell into the water – gone forever.
What point of view is presented on the text?
a. Second Person b. Third Person c. Last Person d. First Person
23. My classmates and I planned to go to the park to have our picnic. Suddenly, a heavy rain
came. We didn’t have a choice but to stay at home and cancel our plan for the day.
What kind of conflict is presented in the text?
a. Man Vs. Man b. Man Vs. Self c. Man Vs. Nature d. Man Vs. Society
A lion once fell in love with a beautiful maiden and proposed marriage to her parents.
The old people did not know what to say. They did not like to give their daughter to the Lion,
yet they did not wish to enrage the King of Beasts. At last, the father said: “We feel highly
honored by your Majesty’s proposal, but you see our daughter is a tender young thing, and
we fear that in the vehemence of your affection., you might possibly do her some injury.
Might I venture to suggest that your Majesty should have your claws removed, and your
teeth extracted, then we would gladly consider your proposal again.” The lion was so much
in love that he had his claws trimmed and his big teeth taken out. But when he came again
to the parents of the young girl, they simply laugh in his face, and bade him do his worst.
IV. Encircle the correct degree of comparison of adverb to complete each sentence.
30. I can study (better, best) in the morning than in the evening.
31. He had an accident last year. Now, he drives (carefully, more carefully) than before.
_____________ 32. It’s very difficult for some survivors to recover from trauma.
_____________ 33. During the competition, one of the coaches approached me.
VI. Complete each sentence following the pattern indicated before each number.
VII. Supply the correct punctuation for each sentence and identify its kind according to
_____________ 40. Why did you betray your best friend ____
Knowledg Comprehensi Applicatio Analysi Synthesi Evaluatin Tota
e on n s s g l
Famous Feet 1,5 9 3
A Knock on the 2,6 10 3
My First Mentor 3,7 2
The Outsider 4 8 2
Plot 25,26,27 3
Kinds of Literary 23, 16, 19 3
Point of View 22,12,21 3
Positions of 13 14, 32, 5
Adverbs 33, 34
Kinds of 24, 38, 20 5
Sentences 39, 40
According to
Sentence Patterns 11 ,17 35,36,37 5
Degree of 15 28, 29, 18 6
Adverbs 30,31
7 7 10 10 6