Action-Plan Subject Coor - Science
Action-Plan Subject Coor - Science
Action-Plan Subject Coor - Science
Areas of Concern Objectives Activities/Strategies Persons Involved Resources Needed Time Frame Success Indicator
PUPIL DEVELOPMENT To provide pupils Provide activities that Science Coordinator, Interactive materials, Develop team and
opportunities to will develop their school head modules, self- cooperation and team
Shall have improve their academic participate actively in leadership skills at Stakeholders and learning home task August 2022-July work in in group
performance in Science Science activities that home and behavior Teacher, pupils 2023
will develop potential,
skills and leadership Varied activities that Improve pupils
of pupils to enhance will enhance team academic. Personal
their performance work and cooperation and social
To identify the
strengths and Massive supervision Monitor progress of
weaknesses in doing Modules and SLHT
and guidance of the Science Coordinator, pupils in terms of
all activities parents and providing academic
pertaining to Science pupils school head Summative test August 2022-July
activities at home and Stakeholders and performance of the
Lesson actual manipulation of 2023 pupils
Teachers Performance task
science related
materials to enhance
their academic Portfolio
Provide interesting
exercises to the pupils
such as games, puzzles
and the like. Teacher, parents,
pupils and school
Conduct home visit to head
all pupils to monitor August 2022-July
the pupils’ progress in 2023
Science competences
Record of home visit
Conduct remedial
teaching to struggling
Provide alternative
assessment or authentic
assessment through
project and portfolio
Encourage teachers to
facilitate pupils who
are struggling
To update knowledge Attend In- Service School head , Science Laptop, loads, office Attendance, narrative
and skills in trainings Coordinator and supplies report, pictures
teaching/develop Teacher February 2023 Certificates
teacher competencies Attend national
webinars on LDM
August 2022-July
Attend seminars on 2023
To provide
opportunities in social School head ,Science Attendance, narrative
and cultural Attend LAC Sessions Coordinator and Laptops, loads and report, pictures
development Teacher office Supplies August 2022-July Certificates
To upgrade
professional growth Attend team building /
of teachers capacity building
To improve the
making of learning Organize teachers in
plan, instructional the making localized
materials and testing and contextualized
materials in Science materials
Programs and Projects
Pupils shall be
To help maintain the Encourage pupils Radio, TV August 2022-July updated on the current
Environmental Sanitation cleanliness of the through their guardians Science Coordinator 2023 issues locally,
(Save the Mother Earth Tree Planting school and to watch news updates and School Head nationally or even
Activity) community and on television and radio internationally
develop pupils’ related to science through watching TV
environment news and radios
concerned Conduct tree planting
activity at home guided Maintained
by the home tutors cleanliness in the
Seedlings for tree school and
planting, community
Conduct tree planting
activity in school by
the home tutors