Blue Whale A4 Fact Sheet

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True Blue Whale Pygmy Blue Whale

Blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) Adult length: 23-30m Adult length: maximum 25m
Distribution: Worldwide (see map below and full list of countries in the detailed Adult weight: up to 180,000kg Adult weight: up to 180,000kg
species account online at:
Newborn: 6-7m /2000 – 3000kg Newborn: 4.5-6m /900-1000kg

Relatively small often stubby Threats: Habitat loss, ship strikes, climate change
Light grey, mottled
skin, that can appear dorsal fin positioned far along Habitat: Continental shelf, offshore
Pronounced raised splash the back: ¾ or 4/5 of the way
blue underwater and Diet: Krill, small schooling fish
guard in front of blow toward the tail from the head.
Broad, flattened head
hole It can vary in shape.
– ‘U’-shaped when seen
from above Flukes are massive, IUCN Conservation status:
slender and have smooth Blue Whale: Endangered
trailing edges Antactic Blue Whale: Critically Endangered
Pygmy Blue Whale: Data deficient

Underside may be covered Very thick tail stock

Head uniformly (light)
Pale blue or grey with yellowish diatoms/
grey/blue - not mot- 60-88 dark-coloured
underside algae – especially in polar
tled like body throat grooves Long, slender flippers – up
to 1/7th of body length.
The pointed tips may Individual blue whales can be recognised by the pattern of mottling on their flanks as well as
have light edges. their tail flukes, through a process called photo-identification. (photos courtesy Paula Olson)

Fun Facts Blue whales in almost every ocean basin feed pre-
dominantly on small shrimp-like crustaceans called
krill: Photo credit:

A blue whale’s blow can be 10-12 m high, making

Blue whales are the largest animal to have ever it visible from a long distance. This is a pygmy blue
lived on the planet (bigger than dinosaurs!). whale off the coast of Australia: Photo courtesy of
A blue whale calf can gain 90 kg per day Chris Johnson
from drinking the mother’s rich milk.
An adult blue whale’s heart is the size of a small
car, and a child could crawl through its arteries.
Blue whales are the only whale in
the genus Balaenoptera that lifts
its tail flukes regularly when diving.

Blue whale surfacing

Blue whale global distribution. Adapted by Nina Lisowski from Jefferson, T.A., Webber, M.A. and Pitman, R.L.
(2015). “Marine Mammals of the World: A Comprehensive Guide to Their Identification,” 2nd ed. Elsevier, San
Diego, CA. Copyright Elsevier: com

There are currently five recognised sub-species of blue whale that occur in dif-
ferent parts of the world . B. m. musculus, Northern blue whale, B. m. intermedia,
Antarctic blue whale, B. m. indica,  Northern Indian Ocean blue whale – these
three are considered “True” blue whales. There are also B. m. brevicauda, Pygmy
blue whale, and B. m. un-named subsp., Chilean blue whale.

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