Blue Whale A4 Fact Sheet
Blue Whale A4 Fact Sheet
Blue Whale A4 Fact Sheet
Blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) Adult length: 23-30m Adult length: maximum 25m
Distribution: Worldwide (see map below and full list of countries in the detailed Adult weight: up to 180,000kg Adult weight: up to 180,000kg
species account online at:
Newborn: 6-7m /2000 – 3000kg Newborn: 4.5-6m /900-1000kg
Relatively small often stubby Threats: Habitat loss, ship strikes, climate change
Light grey, mottled
skin, that can appear dorsal fin positioned far along Habitat: Continental shelf, offshore
Pronounced raised splash the back: ¾ or 4/5 of the way
blue underwater and Diet: Krill, small schooling fish
guard in front of blow toward the tail from the head.
Broad, flattened head
hole It can vary in shape.
– ‘U’-shaped when seen
from above Flukes are massive, IUCN Conservation status:
slender and have smooth Blue Whale: Endangered
trailing edges Antactic Blue Whale: Critically Endangered
Pygmy Blue Whale: Data deficient
Fun Facts Blue whales in almost every ocean basin feed pre-
dominantly on small shrimp-like crustaceans called
krill: Photo credit:
There are currently five recognised sub-species of blue whale that occur in dif-
ferent parts of the world . B. m. musculus, Northern blue whale, B. m. intermedia,
Antarctic blue whale, B. m. indica, Northern Indian Ocean blue whale – these
three are considered “True” blue whales. There are also B. m. brevicauda, Pygmy
blue whale, and B. m. un-named subsp., Chilean blue whale.