Reaction Paper
Reaction Paper
Reaction Paper
What assumptions had you had about certain topics prior to the class? Have you and your
seriously weary, boring, and frightening matter as it was so difficult that I had a painful
experience from conducting my research previously, and I was tortured by its overwhelming
dilemmas. Honestly, I thought it was too suffering for me to take a risk, yet I would like to take
another chance to change my life and overcome my fear. In fact, the word ‘research’ has always
been haunting me since I was not keen on doing research and I might have forgotten much or
everything about it. I felt terrible when I could not manage myself to succeed in conducting
research during my previous employment. Thus, it made me scared like I always had this scar
tattooed in my heart. I am afraid of doing it, talking about it, or learning it on my own. No
matter how hard I tried, I found it difficult for me to keep my head cool. However, since I
started learning the ‘Qualitative Research’ course, I felt like it has gradually changed my
hopeless thought and fearful attitude towards conducting research little by little, and I hope that,
by the end of the course, I can change my whole life to overcome my fearest quest.
To begin with, I have never realized that the significance and differences between
Research. I never realized or clearly knew how to differentiate various kinds of research design
qualitative case studies. In addition, I did not expect that there are more types of qualitative
research methods such as action research, mixed method, critical research, and arts-based
sampling or a systematic method of sample selection. From selecting a topic, determining the
research problem, defining a statement of problem, and realizing a purpose of the study to
reviewing previous literature might not be sufficient for conducting quality research enough.
Scrutinizing types of sampling or sample selection types like non-probability and probability is a
like me. Particularly, typical sampling, atypical sampling, maximum variation sampling,
convenience sampling, snowball / chain / network sampling, and theoretical sampling /emerging
sampling / on-going sampling are like long-lost memories, which just returned to my mind.
Another point of my turning is when I studied Chapter 5: Interview Method. I have just
been aware that there are three basic types of research interview: highly structured interview or
interview. Moreover, I have just uncovered that there are two more types for interview: Focus
Group and Online Interview, both of which are currently popular. I also learned how to ask good
questions and avoid bad questions during interview as well as useful probes or follow-up
questions. Indeed, I have been informed some systematic sets of interview guidance from the
very start to record and transcribe the data with a format of transcript and quality, all of which
systematic observation is the most concerned part for me and my knowledge thus far. Because I
am not very careful nor observant, I found this chapter invaluable. Furthermore, I have learned
to differentiate between field notes and field study as well as I can differ daily observation from
research observation. Also, I have been added from my instructor that there are 3 different types
of observation: descriptive, focused, and selective, as well as there are 4 main roles between a
and complete participant. In addition, I have realized that online observation is also another
popular tool of data collection in modern days, and they call for many sensitive precautions.
Additionally, the relationship between an observer and participants, either covert or overt,
is worth noting that some ethical issues related to participants such as confidentiality,
subjectivity, and interpretation should be taken into consideration. From entry to exit, by
carefully selecting the data, richly describing, safely recording, and cautiously analyzing the
data, I have learned that a researcher should employ a narrative style with thick description as
well as reflexive commentary or richly descriptive fieldnotes for observation to ensure the data
quality and recall the memories when analyzing and discussing the data.
Now that I have embarked on the qualitative research course, I have gained countless bits
of bites for my brain. Although it is just a halfway journey, I personally start to see myself as a
newly unearthened who has just brushed all the old dusts off and become enriched with the
sophisticated instruction, guidance, and discussion with bright classmates. Finally, I can still
remember the quote saying: “Sometimes, you have to lose the battle in order to win the war.”
This statement provided by my course instructor does always keep ringing in my head, for I wish
I will overcome my greatest fear so that I can change my whole life destiny.
Reaction Paper # 2
What is your gut rection to the reading(s) and in-class discussion(s) during the past weeks?
Chapter 6: How to become a careful observer has brought the light to my darkness of
hope. Before my first trial on writing fieldnotes, I never observed anything with care and
caution. However, after my instructor’s assigned task, I have learned to observe for a
verification. All this experience has awestruck me and myself since such observation and
fieldnotes help me expand my horizons and change my perspectives towards the world in a more
subtle manner than ever before. Such experience taught me to become more independent, yet less
pessimistic, at the same time. The lesson I learned from observation and fieldnotes is that
everything must have been there for a reason, and such reason can be varied for a specific
purpose, for a temporary situation, and for a particular group of people or individuals. Thus, I
should not take anything for granted even if it was just a trivia or small matters.
In Chapter 7: Mining data from the document and artifacts, I realized how to
differentiate and validate the data from studying and observing from artifacts or documents.
Considered as an indirect observation, collecting data from the document and artifacts is not only
truth. Particularly, when I was reading this chapter, I found it foolproof in determining the
authenticity of materials for enhancing the trustworthiness when collecting data. I was surprised
by how multiple types of documents and artifacts such as public records, personal documents,
popular culture documents, visual documents, artifacts and physical materials, and researcher-
generated ones. In addition, the consideration for ethical issues as well as the balance between
merits and hindrances have taken into my account, while the caution for research congruence is
also emphasized.
The guidance of how to analyze the qualitative data suddenly triggered my curiosity
when I began to read Chapter 8: Qualitative data analysis. I realized that the steps and strategies
in analyzing the qualitative data consist of open (descriptive) versus analytical (axial) coding,
naming, numbering, determining, and classifying into categories and themes. Moreover, I was
reassured to my certainty when the instructor emphasized that all the qualitative data must be
‘responsive but consistent’; ‘exhaustive yet sensitizing’; and ‘mutually exclusive and
conceptually congruent’ while thinking from “trees” to “forest” was the moment of E-U-R-E-K-
A to me.
whole stages can always be reconnected interchangeably, it can reassure the pursuit of truth and
verification of life phenomenon. Although the qualitative data may be thick, rich description and
usually filled with subjectivity or biases, it can be ascertained by the triangulation and other
methods for trustworthiness: Dealing with Validity, Reliability, Generalizability, and Ethics.
Personally, I was struggling to make my comprehension more enlightened when I started reading
Chapter 9. Seeing unfamiliar terms such as Validity, Reliability, or Generalizability was such a
hard time for me until the discussion with my classmates and the instructor. In fact, I was
extremely baffled at first because I did not understand their definitions, nor could I differentiate
between the similarities and differences among such technical terms. Yet, after completing the
worksheets on discussion questions, I was able to differentiate between validity and reliability, as
well as I could identify the internal validity from external validity, but no sooner than had I
and consideration for critical issues in preparation for writing and designing the research
qualitatively. It can be said that determining the audience, selecting components, outlining, and
visualizing through displays are golden rules when reporting or disseminating the research
Conversely, the stages for research writing, in Chapter 10, did refer me back to Chapter 4
regarding the research designing and selecting the sampling for data collection. To me, writing
up the qualitative research can be seen as an alternative form of arts and sciences since it
critically requires both breadth and depth in identifying the qualitative data; meanwhile, there are
certain strict modes of etiquettes and ethical manners which the researcher need to guarantee