Clearing and Forwarding Agent - Curriculum

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Curriculum Document

Curriculum Code Curriculum Title [insert image here]

333101000 Clearing and Forwarding Agent

Name Email Phone Logo

Development Transport 011 577 7017 [insert image

Quality Partner Education here]
Authority (TETA)

______________________ ______________________

Learner QDF Signature Date

______________________ ______________________

QDF Signature Date

______________________ ______________________

DQP Representative Signature Date

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Table of content

SECTION 1: CURRICULUM SUMMARY ........................................................................................ 6

1. Occupational Information ............................................................................................................. 6

1.1 Associated Occupation .......................................................................................................... 6

1.2 Occupation or Specialisation Addressed by this Curriculum ........................................... 6

1.3 Alternative Titles used by Industry ....................................................................................... 6

2. Curriculum Information ................................................................................................................. 6

2.1 Curriculum Structure............................................................................................................... 6

2.2 Entry Requirements ................................................................................................................ 7

3. Assessment Quality Partner Information .................................................................................. 7

4. Part Qualification Curriculum Structure ..................................................................................... 7

SECTION 2: OCCUPATIONAL PROFILE ....................................................................................... 8

1. Occupational Purpose .................................................................................................................. 8

2. Occupational Tasks ...................................................................................................................... 8

3. Occupational Task Details ........................................................................................................... 8

3.1. Forward cargo within the International logistics environment (NQF Level 5) ............... 8

3.2. Observe compliance with Statutory requirements within the international logistics
environment (NQF Level 5) .......................................................................................................... 8

3.3. Conduct warehousing operations within the international logistics environment (NQF Level
5) ...................................................................................................................................................... 9

3.4. Assist with distribution of cargo within the international logistics environment (NQF Level
5) ...................................................................................................................................................... 9

SECTION 3: CURRICULUM COMPONENT SPECIFICATIONS................................................ 10

SECTION 3A: KNOWLEDGE MODULE SPECIFICATIONS ................................................... 10

List of Knowledge Modules for which Specifications are included .............................................. 10

1. 333101000-KM-01, Freight Forwarding Practice and Procedures Theory, NQF Level 5,

Credits 20...................................................................................................................................... 11

1.1 Purpose of the Knowledge Modules ......................................................................................... 11

1.2 Guidelines for Topics ................................................................................................................... 11

1.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria ............................................................................. 16

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1.4 Exemptions.................................................................................................................................... 17

2. 333101000-KM-02, Compliance and Brokerage Theory,, NQF Level 5, Credits 12 .... 18

2.1 Purpose of the Knowledge Modules ......................................................................................... 18

2.2 Guidelines for Topics ................................................................................................................... 18

2.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria ............................................................................. 20

2.4 Exemptions.................................................................................................................................... 21

3. 333101000-KM-03, Warehouse and Distribution Theory, NQF Level 5, Credits 5....... 22

3.1 Purpose of the Knowledge Modules ......................................................................................... 22

3.2 Guidelines for Topics ................................................................................................................... 22

3.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria ............................................................................. 23

3.4 Exemptions.................................................................................................................................... 24

4. 333101000-KM-04, Environment, Energy Efficiency and Ethics , NQF Level 5, Credits 3 25

4.1 Purpose of the Knowledge Modules ......................................................................................... 25

4.2 Guidelines for Topics ................................................................................................................... 25

4.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria ............................................................................. 27

4.4 Exemptions.................................................................................................................................... 27

SECTION 3B: PRACTICAL SKILL MODULE SPECIFICATIONS ........................................... 28

List of Practical Skill Module Specifications .................................................................................... 28

1. 333101000-PM-01, Plan and co-ordinate freight movement of cargo, NQF Level 5, Credits
10 ................................................................................................................................................... 29

1.1 Purpose of the Practical Skill Modules ..................................................................................... 29

1.2 Guidelines for Practical Skills ..................................................................................................... 29

1.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria ............................................................................. 31

1.4 Exemptions.................................................................................................................................... 32

2. 333101000-PM-02, Plan and co-ordinate customs clearing, delivery and pickup of cargo,
NQF Level 5, Credits 8 ............................................................................................................... 33

2.1 Purpose of the Practical Skill Modules ..................................................................................... 33

2.2 Guidelines for Practical Skills ..................................................................................................... 33

2.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria ............................................................................. 35

2.4 Exemptions.................................................................................................................................... 35

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3. 333101000-PM-03, Prepare and process data/ documentation associated with international
trade in compliance with applicable and current legislation, NQF Level 5, Credits 8 ....... 36

3.1 Purpose of the Practical Skill Modules ..................................................................................... 36

3.2 Guidelines for Practical Skills ..................................................................................................... 36

3.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria ............................................................................. 41

3.4 Exemptions.................................................................................................................................... 41

4. 333101000-PM-04, Audit commodities against customs and other statutory requirements,

NQF Level 5, Credits 10 ............................................................................................................. 42

4.1 Purpose of the Practical Skill Modules ..................................................................................... 42

4.2 Guidelines for Practical Skills ..................................................................................................... 42

4.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria ............................................................................. 45

4.4 Exemptions.................................................................................................................................... 45

5. 333101000-PM-05, Apply rebate, drawback and bond facilities, NQF Level 5, Credits 10 46

5.1 Purpose of the Practical Skill Modules ..................................................................................... 46

5.2 Guidelines for Practical Skills ..................................................................................................... 46

5.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria ............................................................................. 48

5.4 Exemptions.................................................................................................................................... 49

6. 333101000-PM-06, Prepare documents for receipt, storage and removal of warehoused

cargo, NQF Level 5, Credits 5 ................................................................................................... 50

6.1 Purpose of the Practical Skill Modules ..................................................................................... 50

6.2 Guidelines for Practical Skills ..................................................................................................... 50

6.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria ............................................................................. 52

6.4 Exemptions.................................................................................................................................... 53

7. 333101000-PM-07, Prepare receipts of cargo to be distributed , NQF Level 5, Credits 3 54

7.1 Purpose of the Practical Skill Modules ..................................................................................... 54

7.2 Guidelines for Practical Skills ..................................................................................................... 54

7.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria ............................................................................. 56

7.4 Exemptions.................................................................................................................................... 57

SECTION 3C: WORK EXPERIENCE MODULE SPECIFICATIONS...................................... 58

List of Work Experience Module Specifications ............................................................................. 58

1. 333101000-WM-01, Conduct cargo forwarding processes, NQF Level 5, Credits 8 ... 59

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1.2 Guidelines for Work Experiences .............................................................................................. 59

1.3 Contextualised Workplace Knowledge ..................................................................................... 60

1.4 Criteria for Workplace Approval ................................................................................................. 61

1.5 Additional Assignments to be Assessed Externally ................................................................ 61

2. 333101000-WM-02, Process customs compliance procedures, NQF Level 5, Credits 862

2.2 Guidelines for Work Experiences .............................................................................................. 62

2.3 Contextualised Workplace Knowledge ..................................................................................... 63

2.4 Criteria for Workplace Approval ................................................................................................. 63

2.5 Additional Assignments to be Assessed Externally ................................................................ 63

3. 333101000-WM-03, Communication and documentation for warehousing processes and

requirements, NQF Level 5, Credits 2 ...................................................................................... 64

3.2 Guidelines for Work Experiences .............................................................................................. 64

3.3 Contextualised Workplace Knowledge ..................................................................................... 65

3.4 Criteria for Workplace Approval ................................................................................................. 65

3.5 Additional Assignments to be Assessed Externally ................................................................ 65

4. 333101000-WM-04, Documentation for distribution processes and procedures , NQF Level

5, Credits 8 ................................................................................................................................... 66

4.2 Guidelines for Work Experiences .............................................................................................. 66

4.3 Contextualised Workplace Knowledge ..................................................................................... 66

4.4 Criteria for Workplace Approval ................................................................................................. 66

4.5 Additional Assignments to be Assessed Externally ................................................................ 67

SECTION 4: STATEMENT OF WORK EXPERIENCE................................................................. 68

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1. Occupational Information

1.1 Associated Occupation

333101: Clearing and Forwarding Agent

1.2 Occupation or Specialisation Addressed by this Curriculum

333101000: Clearing and Forwarding Agent

1.3 Alternative Titles used by Industry

 None

2. Curriculum Information

2.1 Curriculum Structure

This qualification is made up of the following compulsory Knowledge and Practical Skill Modules:

Knowledge Modules:

 333101000-KM-01, Freight Forwarding Practice and Procedures Theory, NQF Level 5, Credits 20

 333101000-KM-02, Compliance and Brokerage Theory,, NQF Level 5, Credits 12

 333101000-KM-03, Warehouse and Distribution Theory, NQF Level 5, Credits 5

 333101000-KM-04, Environment, Energy Efficiency and Ethics , NQF Level 5, Credits 3

Total number of credits for Knowledge Modules: 40

Practical Skill Modules:

 333101000-PM-01, Plan and co-ordinate freight movement of cargo, NQF Level 5, Credits 10

 333101000-PM-02, Plan and co-ordinate customs clearing, delivery and pickup of cargo, NQF Level
5, Credits 8

 333101000-PM-03, Prepare and process data/ documentation associated with international trade in
compliance with applicable and current legislation, NQF Level 5, Credits 8

 333101000-PM-04, Audit commodities against customs and other statutory requirements, NQF Level
5, Credits 10

 333101000-PM-05, Apply rebate, drawback and bond facilities, NQF Level 5, Credits 10

 333101000-PM-06, Prepare documents for receipt, storage and removal of warehoused cargo, NQF
Level 5, Credits 5

 333101000-PM-07, Prepare receipts of cargo to be distributed , NQF Level 5, Credits 3

Total number of credits for Practical Skill Modules: 54

This qualification also requires the following Work Experience Modules:

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 333101000-WM-01, Conduct cargo forwarding processes, NQF Level 5, Credits 8

 333101000-WM-02, Process customs compliance procedures, NQF Level 5, Credits 8

 333101000-WM-03, Communication and documentation for warehousing processes and

requirements, NQF Level 5, Credits 2

 333101000-WM-04, Documentation for distribution processes and procedures , NQF Level 5,

Credits 8

Total number of credits for Work Experience Modules: 26

2.2 Entry Requirements

NSC, SC or NC(V) at NQF Level 4

3. Assessment Quality Partner Information

Name of body: Transport Education Training Authority (TETA)

Address of body: Sonsono Building 344 Pretoria Avenue Ramndburg 2125

Contact person name: Nkosinathi

Contact person work telephone number: 011 577 7017

4. Part Qualification Curriculum Structure

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1. Occupational Purpose

a clearing and forwarding agent carries out customs clearing procedures and ensures that insurance,
export/import licenses and other formalities are in order to facilitate the movement of cargo internationally
and locally and ensures compliance with current legislations.

2. Occupational Tasks

 Forward cargo within the International logistics environment (NQF Level 5)

 Observe compliance with Statutory requirements within the international logistics environment (NQF
Level 5)

 Conduct warehousing operations within the international logistics environment (NQF Level 5)

 Assist with distribution of cargo within the international logistics environment (NQF Level 5)

3. Occupational Task Details

3.1. Forward cargo within the International logistics environment (NQF Level 5)

Unique Product or Service:

Movement of cargo facilitated

Occupational Responsibilities:

 Plan and co-ordinate freight movement of cargo

 Plan and co-ordinate customs clearing, delivery and pickup of cargo

Occupational Contexts:

 Conduct cargo forwarding processes

3.2. Observe compliance with Statutory requirements within the international logistics
environment (NQF Level 5)

Unique Product or Service:

Customs documentation compliant

Occupational Responsibilities:

 Prepare and process data/ documentation associated with international trade in compliance with
applicable and current legislation

 Audit commodities against customs and other statutory requirements

 Apply rebate, drawback and bond facilities

Occupational Contexts:

 Process customs compliance procedures

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3.3. Conduct warehousing operations within the international logistics environment (NQF
Level 5)

Unique Product or Service:

Warehousing documentation prepared

Occupational Responsibilities:

 Prepare documents for receipt, storage and removal of warehoused cargo

Occupational Contexts:

 Communication and documentation for warehousing processes and requirements

3.4. Assist with distribution of cargo within the international logistics environment (NQF
Level 5)

Unique Product or Service:

Distribution documents prepared

Occupational Responsibilities:

 Prepare receipts of cargo to be distributed

Occupational Contexts:

 Documentation for distribution processes and procedures

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List of Knowledge Modules for which Specifications are included

 333101000-KM-01, Freight Forwarding Practice and Procedures Theory, NQF Level 5, Credits 20

 333101000-KM-02, Compliance and Brokerage Theory,, NQF Level 5, Credits 12

 333101000-KM-03, Warehouse and Distribution Theory, NQF Level 5, Credits 5

 333101000-KM-04, Environment, Energy Efficiency and Ethics , NQF Level 5, Credits 3

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1. 333101000-KM-01, Freight Forwarding Practice and Procedures Theory, NQF Level 5,
Credits 20

1.1 Purpose of the Knowledge Modules

The main focus of the learning in this knowledge module is to build an understanding of to build an
understanding of the theory required for freight forwarding practices and procedures. The knowledge
acquired will enable learners to demonstrate an understanding of: basics of freight forwarding, international
freight forwarder and the freight business, organization of the freight forwarding company, basic principles of
finance and accounting, freight forwarding professional organizations, general knowledge of transport and
related geography, special transport services cooperation with other service providers, information and
communication technologies, logistics and forwarding, transport equipment and transport and accompanying

The learning will enable learners to demonstrate an understanding of:

 KM-01-KT01: An introduction to Freight Forwarding (5%)

 KM-01-KT02: International freight forwarder and the freight business (15%)

 KM-01-KT03: Organization of the company (5%)

 KM-01-KT04: Basic Principles of finance and accounting (10%)

 KM-01-KT05: Professional organizations (5%)

 KM-01-KT06: General knowledge of transport and related geography (15%)

 KM-01-KT07: Special transport services (10%)

 KM-01-KT08: Cooperation with other service providers (3%)

 KM-01-KT09: Information and communication technologies (5%)

 KM-01-KT10: Logistics and forwarding (14%)

 KM-01-KT11: Transport equipment (10%)

 KM-01-KT12: Transport and accompanying documents (3%)

1.2 Guidelines for Topics

1.2.1. KM-01-KT01: An introduction to Freight Forwarding (5%)

Topic elements to be covered include:

 KT0101 Definitions of concepts, administrative approaches of freight forwarding and clearing


 KT0102 Principles of system theory and its application to international trade

 KT0103 Structures of different modes (air, maritime, surface

 KT0104 Principles and approaches to choices of transport mode in international trade

 KT0105 Approaches to the handling of different types cargo

 KT0106 Basic concepts of cargo care

 KT0107 Interpretation of maps and major national and international geographic points
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 KT0108 Management principles of loss and damage of goods

 KT0109 Fundamentals of international purchasing

 KT0110 Fundamentals of international trade (import and export) transaction

 KT0111 Organization, roles and principles of international commercial terms

 KT0112 Types and uses of different international freight carriers (all modes)

Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight

 IAC0101 Discuss various concepts of freight forwarding operations

 IAC0102 Explain the role of different role players involved in freight forwarding operations

 IAC0103 Interpret maps and Locate major geographical points on a map

 IAC0104 Describe approaches for purchasing internationally sourced goods in terms of legislation
and organizational policy and procedures

 IAC0105 Describe the respective roles of the international regulatory and industry representative
bodies in terms of their impact on airfreight forwarding

 IAC0106 Explain the cargo care requirements for specialized cargo

 IAC0107 Explain across all the modes the freight transport operations and ancillary service providers
involved in the movement of freight

(Weight 5%)

1.2.2. KM-01-KT02: International freight forwarder and the freight business (15%)

Topic elements to be covered include:

 KT0201 Business principles and practices for international freight forwarding

 KT0202 Calculation of customs for international trade (import and export) transaction

 KT0203 Uses and applications of certificates of origin and other commercial documents

 KT0204 Legal principles for international freight business

 KT0205 Infrastructure and equipment in international freight forwarding

 KT0206 Approaches to multimodal surface freight import clearances

Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight

 IAC0201 Discuss the significance of certificates of origin and other commercial documents in
international trade transactions

 IAC0202 Identify and explain different uses of different infrastructure and equipment in international
freight forwarding

 IAC0203 Explain the legal principles used in international freight business

(Weight 15%)
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1.2.3. KM-01-KT03: Organization of the company (5%)

Topic elements to be covered include:

 KT0301 Different structures of an organisation within freight forwarding and clearing environment

 KT0302 Types and functioning of sea freight carriers and agents

 KT0303 Principles of security and confidentiality in organisations

Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight

 IAC0301 Identify and explain the roles played by different structures and organisations within freight
forwarding and clearing environment

 IAC0302 Explain why security and confidentiality is important for effective function of these

(Weight 5%)

1.2.4. KM-01-KT04: Basic Principles of finance and accounting (10%)

Topic elements to be covered include:

 KT0401 Basic principles and concepts of financial accounting

 KT0402 Principles of costing and estimates (Intermodal surface, shipment, airfreight)

 KT0403 Interpretation of Financial Statements (Balance Sheet and Income Statements)

 KT0404 Techniques for the purpose of allocating costs in international trade transactions involving a
number of commodities

 KT0405 Uses and forms of invoicing

Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight

 IAC0401 Calculate profit from the financial statements

 IAC0402 Detail the processes involved for allocation of costs in international trade transactions
involving a number of commodities

 IAC0403 Explain the processes involved in determining the commodity invoicing

(Weight 10%)

1.2.5. KM-01-KT05: Professional organizations (5%)

Topic elements to be covered include:

 KT0501 History and functions of different national and international organizations (FIATA, IATA,
SAAFF, etc

 KT0502 Uses of different documents and forms

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Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight

 IAC0501 Explain the roles of different professional organizations in relations to international freight
forwarding operations

 IAC0502 Discuss the uses of different documents and forms

(Weight 5%)

1.2.6. KM-01-KT06: General knowledge of transport and related geography (15%)

Topic elements to be covered include:

 KT0601 Basic concepts of geography

 KT0602 Geography of ocean transport and port facilities

 KT0603 Approaches to mapping a trade route (different transport modes)

Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight

 IAC0601 Identify different locations and ports for different mode of transport

 IAC0602 Explain different concepts used in geography

(Weight 15%)

1.2.7. KM-01-KT07: Special transport services (10%)

Topic elements to be covered include:

 KT0701 Forms and types of different and special transport services

 KT0702 Types of documentation for special transport services

 KT0703 Types of barges used in inland waterways carriage

 KT0704 Air transportation for perishable

 KT0705 National and international carriage by inland waterways

Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight

 IAC0701 Identify and describe different forms and types of special transport services

 IAC0702 Describe the packaging requirements for perishable cargo which is intended for
transportation by air

(Weight 10%)

1.2.8. KM-01-KT08: Cooperation with other service providers (3%)

Topic elements to be covered include:

 KT0801 Stakeholders in freight forwarding and clearing environment

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 KT0802 Structure of the Business and relations between stakeholders

Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight

 IAC0801 Identify different stakeholders and their roles in international freight forwarding and clearing

 IAC0802 Explain relationships between different stakeholders

(Weight 3%)

1.2.9. KM-01-KT09: Information and communication technologies (5%)

Topic elements to be covered include:

 KT0901 Introduction to use of Personal Computer

 KT0902 Programmes used in the international freight forwarding world or environment

 KT0903 Storage, management and database of different forwarding environment

 KT0904 E-Commerce

 KT0905 Role of information technology in the freight forwarding including the modern day technology

Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight

 IAC0901 Select data storage, management and database relative to different forwarding

 IAC0902 Discuss the use and importance of the programs frequently used in the international freight
forwarding world or environment

 IAC0903 Explain the role of modern day information technology in freight forwarding

(Weight 5%)

1.2.10. KM-01-KT10: Logistics and forwarding (14%)

Topic elements to be covered include:

 KT1001 Concept of groupage and surface imports

 KT1002 Approaches to multimodal surface clearance

 KT1003 Movement of goods between locations

 KT1004 Basic concepts of logistics

 KT1005 Calculations and determination of international and national charges

 KT1006 Basic concepts and tools of project management

Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight

 IAC1001 Explain different equipment/ materials and their use in forwarding logistics

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 IAC1002 Identify different project management tools and their relevance in managing forwarding

 IAC1003 Discuss the importance of instructions from overseas groupage principals and their use in
unpacking consignments

(Weight 14%)

1.2.11. KM-01-KT11: Transport equipment (10%)

Topic elements to be covered include:

 KT1101 Types and uses of transport equipment in international transportation

 KT1102 Use of hand operated Fire fighting equipment

 KT1103 Types and specification for most used containers

Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight

 IAC1101 Explain the uses of different transport equipment in international transportation

 IAC1102 Identify and describe the uses for different containers used for cargo shipment and storage

(Weight 10%)

1.2.12. KM-01-KT12: Transport and accompanying documents (3%)

Topic elements to be covered include:

 KT1201 Forms and uses of way-bills

 KT1202 Uses of bills of lading manifest

Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight

 IAC1201 Identify and explain uses of way bills and bills of lading manifest

(Weight 3%)

1.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria

Physical Requirements:

 Access to working OR simulated international freight logistics environment

 Access to information technology with appropriate software to enable the learner process
documentation relevant to international freight logistics transactions

Human Resource Requirements:

 Trainers should have a minimum requirement to include a level 5 qualification that includes
competencies related to freight forwarding or at least 3 years relevant experience working within a
freight forwarding environment

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 Trainer/learner ratio 1 to 24

Legal Requirements:

 Accredited with QCTO

 Compliant with Safety, Health, Environmental, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) requirements

 Compliant with Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) requirements

1.4 Exemptions

 None

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2. 333101000-KM-02, Compliance and Brokerage Theory,, NQF Level 5, Credits 12

2.1 Purpose of the Knowledge Modules

The main focus of the learning in this knowledge module is to build an understanding of to build an
understanding of the theory required for compliance and brokerage. The knowledge acquired will enable
learners to demonstrate an understanding of: national and international laws and regulations freight
operations, managing risks for freight operations, customs tariff classification, basic supply chain
management and basic principles of insurance.

The learning will enable learners to demonstrate an understanding of:

 KM-02-KT01: National and international laws and regulations freight operations (20%)

 KM-02-KT02: Managing risks for freight operations (20%)

 KM-02-KT03: Customs tariff Classification (20%)

 KM-02-KT04: Basic Supply Chain Management (20%)

 KM-02-KT05: Basic principles of insurance (20%)

2.2 Guidelines for Topics

2.2.1. KM-02-KT01: National and international laws and regulations freight operations (20%)

Topic elements to be covered include:

 KT0101 International law principles for logistics forwarding and clearing operations

 KT0102 Legal principles of different mode of transportation (road, rail, water way and air)

 KT0103 Approaches to managing freight liability

 KT0104 Types and use of legal documentation and compliance

 KT0105 The legal basis of the concept of dangerous goods, handling and (modes of) transportation

Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight

 IAC0101 Explain the differences between ordinary documentation and documentation relating to the
movement of dangerous goods and described as it relates to South African

 IAC0102 National Standard and South African Bureau of Standards codes of practice

 IAC0103 Explain the differences between ordinary documentation and documentation relating to the
movement of dangerous goods and described as it relates to South African

 IAC0104 National Standard and South African Bureau of Standards codes of practice

 IAC0105 List different statutes and protocols regulating different mode of transportation in freight

 IAC0106 Explain the liability of the freight forwarder in terms of the international convention

(Weight 20%)

2.2.2. KM-02-KT02: Managing risks for freight operations (20%)

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Topic elements to be covered include:

 KT0201 Principles of risk management (liability in the event of incidents)

 KT0202 Quality Risk Management Process (risk identification, contingency planning, deviance

 KT0203 Approaches and identification and handling (and packaging)different forms of cargo and
dangerous goods

 KT0204 Risk analysis and contingency planning for goods in transit and selected consignment

 KT0205 Approaches to identification and management of different forms of dangerous goods

Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight

 IAC0201 List the principles of risk and define the concept of risk management in freight operations

 IAC0202 Describe risks associated with goods in transit, packaging and selected consignments

 IAC0203 Explain approaches to contingency planning for different forms of risks identified

 IAC0204 Analyse and classify whether goods in a specific consignment are fragile, non-fragile,
hazardous, perishable, target goods or pilferable

 IAC0205 Explain the importance of continuous training and assessment in the area of Dangerous
Goods in accordance to the International Civil Aviation Organisation regulations

(Weight 20%)

2.2.3. KM-02-KT03: Customs tariff Classification (20%)

Topic elements to be covered include:

 KT0301 Concepts and principles of custom tariffs

 KT0302 Forms and types of custom tariff classification

 KT0303 Payment of custom duties

 KT0304 Reconciliation of custom duty payments and disputes management

Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight

 IAC0301 Explain different forms of custom tariff classification and payments methods

 IAC0302 Discuss forms of disputes that can arise from processing of custom duty payments and
approaches to resolving such disputes

 IAC0303 Explain different forms of custom tariff classification and payments methods

(Weight 20%)

2.2.4. KM-02-KT04: Basic Supply Chain Management (20%)

Topic elements to be covered include:

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 KT0401 Introduction to Supply Chain Management

 KT0402 Stakeholders and Responsibilities in Supply Chain Management

 KT0403 Key Concepts of Inventory Control (marking of cargo, handling and storage, identification of
origin of goods

 KT0404 Supply Chain Contexts

Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight

 IAC0401 Explain liability and responsibilities of different stakeholders involved in freight

transportation and logistics

 IAC0402 Discuss inventory control principles for different types of goods

(Weight 20%)

2.2.5. KM-02-KT05: Basic principles of insurance (20%)

Topic elements to be covered include:

 KT0501 International conventions on liabilities of freight forwarder

 KT0502 Basic theories of insurance

 KT0503 Concepts of insurance, liability and insurance administration

 KT0504 Approaches to insurance documentation

 KT0505 Concept of transit insurance

 KT0506 Analyze the transportation risk in a selected consignment

 KT0507 Transportation insurance (Sea, air, road and rail)

Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight

 IAC0501 Discuss the liability of freight forwarder within international conventions

 IAC0502 Describe the reasons for insuring internationally traded goods in the context of freight

 IAC0503 Analyse and classify goods in a specific consignment in terms of whether they are fragile,
non-fragile, hazardous, perishable, target goods or pilferable

 IAC0504 Explain the transportation insurance in terms of the carriage of cargo

(Weight 20%)

2.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria

Physical Requirements:

 Access to working OR simulated international freight logistics environment

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 Access to information technology with appropriate software to enable the learner process
documentation relevant to international freight logistics transactions

Human Resource Requirements:

 Trainers should have a minimum requirement to include a level 5 qualification that includes
competencies related to freight forwarding or at least 3 years relevant experience working within a
freight forwarding environment

 Trainer/learner ratio 1 to 24

Legal Requirements:

 Accredited with QCTO

 Compliant with Safety, Health, Environmental, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) requirements

 Compliant with Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) requirements

2.4 Exemptions

 None

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3. 333101000-KM-03, Warehouse and Distribution Theory, NQF Level 5, Credits 5

3.1 Purpose of the Knowledge Modules

The main focus of the learning in this knowledge module is to build an understanding of to build an
understanding of the theory required for warehouse and distribution. The knowledge acquired will enable
learners to demonstrate an understanding of: introduction to warehousing and distribution operations,
construction layout and safety, basic concepts of physical distribution systems and administration and
documentation for warehousing.

The learning will enable learners to demonstrate an understanding of:

 KM-03-KT01: Introduction to warehousing and distribution operations (10%)

 KM-03-KT02: Construction layout and Safety (20%)

 KM-03-KT03: Basic Concepts of Physical Distribution Systems (35%)

 KM-03-KT04: Administration and Documentation for Warehousing (35%)

3.2 Guidelines for Topics

3.2.1. KM-03-KT01: Introduction to warehousing and distribution operations (10%)

Topic elements to be covered include:

 KT0101 Types and roles of role players in warehousing and distribution operations

 KT0102 Concept and principles of warehousing and distribution

 KT0103 Protocols for warehousing and distribution operator and customer

 KT0104 Basic concepts of customer relationship

Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight

 IAC0101 Describe the concepts of warehousing and distribution and their relation to freight

 IAC0102 Discuss the roles of different stakeholders in warehousing and distribution

 IAC0103 Define customer relations concepts

(Weight 10%)

3.2.2. KM-03-KT02: Construction layout and Safety (20%)

Topic elements to be covered include:

 KT0201 Construction, layout and safety consideration for warehouse

 KT0202 Types of materials and relations to different forms of warehousing

 KT0203 Principles of Safety, Health, Environment, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) Management

Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight

 IAC0201 Discuss the consideration for construction, layout and safety of a warehouse

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 IAC0202 Explain the principles of SHERQ

(Weight 20%)

3.2.3. KM-03-KT03: Basic Concepts of Physical Distribution Systems (35%)

Topic elements to be covered include:

 KT0301 Types and roles of role-players in cargo distribution

 KT0302 Role of information technology in modern distribution systems

 KT0303 Appropriate routing for a consignment

Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight

 IAC0301 Explain the liabilities and responsibilities of a warehouse operator towards the clients cargo

 IAC0302 Select the mode of transport based on service requirements, final destination, special
instructions and description of goods

 IAC0303 Explain and demonstrate and understanding of modern day technology in the freight
forwarding environment

(Weight 35%)

3.2.4. KM-03-KT04: Administration and Documentation for Warehousing (35%)

Topic elements to be covered include:

 KT0401 Calculating warehouse and distribution charges

 KT0402 Document filing systems

Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight

 IAC0401 Identify documents and process required for receipt, dispatch and storage of cargo

(Weight 35%)

3.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria

Physical Requirements:

 Access to working OR simulated international freight logistics environment

 Access to information technology with appropriate software to enable the learner process
documentation relevant to international freight logistics transactions

Human Resource Requirements:

 Trainers should have a minimum requirement to include a level 5 qualification that includes
competencies related to freight forwarding or at least 3 years relevant experience working within a
freight forwarding environment

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 Trainer/learner ratio 1 to 24

Legal Requirements:

 Accredited with QCTO

 Compliant with Safety, Health, Environmental, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) requirements

 Compliant with Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) requirements

3.4 Exemptions

 None

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4. 333101000-KM-04, Environment, Energy Efficiency and Ethics , NQF Level 5, Credits 3

4.1 Purpose of the Knowledge Modules

The main focus of the learning in this knowledge module is to build an understanding of to develop an
understanding within the learner of the importance of environmental sustainability and energy efficiency
factors impacting on undertaking business operations and processes in an environmentally sustainable and
responsible manner. The learner will also be exposed to the concept and practices with regard to ethics in
order for them to be able to interpret ethical and non-ethical behaviour and practices.

The learning will enable learners to demonstrate an understanding of:

 KM-04-KT01: Theories and principles of relevant environmental sustainability requirements (30%)

 KM-04-KT02: Concepts, theories and principles of energy efficiency (30%)

 KM-04-KT03: Theories, concepts and principles of ethics (40%)

4.2 Guidelines for Topics

4.2.1. KM-04-KT01: Theories and principles of relevant environmental sustainability requirements


Topic elements to be covered include:

 KT0101 National Environmental Management Act applicable to transportation and how they impact
or affect the work activities on a construction project/site

 KT0102 Global, regional and local environmental issues

 KT0103 Environmental aspects and impacts

 KT0104 Environment education and the work environment

 KT0105 Construction and environmental sustainability

 KT0106 Eco footprint

 KT0107 Pollution types and their impact

Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight

 IAC0101 Explain the impact of specific aspects of the National Environmental Management Act on
transportation on activities

 IAC0102 Identify components of the environment and describe their interrelationships

 IAC0103 List pollution types and discuss their impact on the environment

 IAC0104 Discuss the global, regional and local environmental issues and the contribution of
business to it

 IAC0105 List at least 5 applicable environmental laws in South Africa

 IAC0106 Define the environmental legislation specific to your industry and list the ramifications for
environmental damage caused

 IAC0107 Discuss how to test the effectiveness of the Environmental Management System within the
context of the larger transportation system

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 IAC0108 Describe the effects of various human activities on the environment.

 IAC0109 Discuss pollution types and their impact

(Weight 30%)

4.2.2. KM-04-KT02: Concepts, theories and principles of energy efficiency (30%)

Topic elements to be covered include:

 KT0201 Energy efficiency legislation applicable to transportation and how they impact or affect the
work activities on the transportation system

 KT0202 Energy saving

 KT0203 Managing water usage

 KT0204 Waste management

Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight

 IAC0201 Explain the impact of specific aspects of the Energy Efficiency legislation on transportation

 IAC0202 Discuss energy saving activities that are applicable in the transportation sector to improve
their Eco footprint

 IAC0203 Evaluate practices within the Transport sector that contribute toward environmental

 IAC0204 Discuss the importance of managing water usage

 IAC0205 Explain why it is important that the environment is taken care of and identify waste
management practices in the Transport sector and their relationship to environmentally damaging

(Weight 30%)

4.2.3. KM-04-KT03: Theories, concepts and principles of ethics (40%)

Topic elements to be covered include:

 KT0301 Ethics Defined

 KT0302 Implementing Ethics in the Workplace

 KT0303 Employer / Employee Rights

 KT0304 Business and Social Responsibilities

 KT0305 Ethical Decisions

 KT0306 Unethical Behaviour

Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight

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 IAC0301 Define what business ethics is and identify how it is relevant to your business

 IAC0302 Discuss how to ensure ethical behaviour and describe the characteristics of an ethical

 IAC0303 Identify unethical behaviour and discuss preventative measures to address unethical

(Weight 40%)

4.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria

Physical Requirements:

 Classroom furniture (chairs and tables, audio equipment and all other equipment conducive to a
learning environment)

 Handouts and stationery (electronic consumables, pencils/paper)

 Learning material

Human Resource Requirements:

 Facilitator/learner ratio 1 to 24

 Relevant qualifications/experience

Legal Requirements:

 Accredited with NAMB/AQP

 Compliance to SHERQ

 Compliance with ISO 50001

 Accredited with TETA

 Compliance with Department Agriculture and Water Affairs

4.4 Exemptions

 None

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List of Practical Skill Module Specifications

 333101000-PM-01, Plan and co-ordinate freight movement of cargo, NQF Level 5, Credits 10

 333101000-PM-02, Plan and co-ordinate customs clearing, delivery and pickup of cargo, NQF Level
5, Credits 8

 333101000-PM-03, Prepare and process data/ documentation associated with international trade in
compliance with applicable and current legislation, NQF Level 5, Credits 8

 333101000-PM-04, Audit commodities against customs and other statutory requirements, NQF Level
5, Credits 10

 333101000-PM-05, Apply rebate, drawback and bond facilities, NQF Level 5, Credits 10

 333101000-PM-06, Prepare documents for receipt, storage and removal of warehoused cargo, NQF
Level 5, Credits 5

 333101000-PM-07, Prepare receipts of cargo to be distributed , NQF Level 5, Credits 3

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1. 333101000-PM-01, Plan and co-ordinate freight movement of cargo, NQF Level 5, Credits

1.1 Purpose of the Practical Skill Modules

The focus of the learning in this module is on providing the learner an opportunity to Plan and coordinate
freight movement of cargo within a simulated environment. The learner will be practicing skills related to
opening and processing shipping file, Administer cost, responsibility and risk and prepare estimation and
costing of freight movement.

The learner will be required to:

 PM-01-PS01: Open and process shipping file for a cargo

 PM-01-PS02: Administer cost, responsibility and risk in accordance with chosen international
commercial terms (incoterms)

 PM-01-PS03: Prepare estimation and costing of freight movement

1.2 Guidelines for Practical Skills

1.2.1. PM-01-PS01: Open and process shipping file for a cargo

Scope of Practical Skill

Given shipping instructions, applicable legislation, standard operating procedures, invoices, packing list,
international commercial terms notes, process flow, transaction documents, the learner must be able to the
learner must be able to:

 PA0101 Identify status of shipment and mode of transport

 PA0102 Analyse the data contained in the shipment

 PA0103 Process the shipment (for export or import)

 PA0104 Capture shipment data

 PA0105 Identify the type and need for insurance coverage

 PA0106 Process the insurance claim

 PA0107 Evaluate and analyse the disbursement/ invoicing criteria

 PA0108 Effect disbursement of a third party invoice

Applied Knowledge

 AK0101 Risk management, assessment, applications and contingency planning approaches

 AK0102 INCO terms and guidelines

 AK0103 Sourcing and applications of rates within the international logistics environment

 AK0104 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0105 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0106 Interpretation of geographic elements (to map trade routes)

 AK0107 Problem solving techniques and applications

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Internal Assessment Criteria

 IAC0101 The shipment files are correctly completed and comply to standard operating procedures,
INCO terms and statutory regulations

 IAC0102 Analysis and interpretation of shipment identified required documentation that would dictate
all risks, insurance requirements, compliance to legislation and follow elements of the process flow

1.2.2. PM-01-PS02: Administer cost, responsibility and risk in accordance with chosen international
commercial terms (incoterms)

Scope of Practical Skill

Given shipping instructions, applicable legislation, standard operating procedures, invoices, packing list,
international commercial terms notes, process flow, transaction documents, the learner must be able to the
learner must be able to:

 PA0201 Identify commercial term from commercial invoice

 PA0202 Assign costs, risks and responsibility

Applied Knowledge

 AK0201 Risk management, assessment, applications and contingency planning approaches

 AK0202 INCO terms and guidelines

 AK0203 Sourcing and applications of rates within the international logistics environment

 AK0204 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0205 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0206 Interpretation of geographic elements (to map trade routes)

 AK0207 Problem solving techniques and applications

 AK0208 Stakeholder liaison techniques and approaches

Internal Assessment Criteria

 IAC0201 Assigned risks, cost and responsibilities are in conformance to identified commercial terms

 IAC0202 Assigned costs, risks and responsibility complies to standard application of problem solving

1.2.3. PM-01-PS03: Prepare estimation and costing of freight movement

Scope of Practical Skill

Given request for pricing from customer, third party and internal rate structures, applicable legislation,
standard operating procedures, international commercial terms notes, process flow, completed shipment file,
the learner must be able to the learner must be able to:

 PA0301 Identify, communicate and receive information requirements

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 PA0302 Analyse and interpret the information

 PA0303 Simulate the cargo movement scenario and identify the costs points along the route and
third party providers

 PA0304 Source pricing

 PA0305 Prepare and dispatch cost estimates

 PA0306 Analyse completed shipment file

 PA0307 Identify disbursement, outstanding billings and up-liftman

 PA0308 Calculate costs for invoicing

 PA0309 Process and dispatch invoice

 PA0310 Prepare and dispatch landed costing based on customer requirements

Applied Knowledge

 AK0301 Risk management, assessment, applications and contingency planning approaches

 AK0302 INCO terms and guidelines

 AK0303 Sourcing and applications of rates within the international logistics environment

 AK0304 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0305 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0306 Interpretation of geographic elements (to map trade routes)

 AK0307 Problem solving techniques and applications

 AK0308 Stakeholder liaison techniques and approaches

Internal Assessment Criteria

 IAC0301 Simulation of the cargo movement scenario and identification of the costs points along the
route and third party providers is conducted efficiently based on geographic elements

 IAC0302 Source of pricing follow standard industry practice

 IAC0303 Disbursement, billing and customer invoicing is completed in accordance with industry
standard practice

 IAC0304 Different forms of estimation and costing prior to invoicing complies to industry standard

1.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria

Physical Requirements:

 Access to working OR simulated international freight logistics environment

 Access to information technology with appropriate software to enable the learner process
documentation relevant to international freight logistics transactions

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Human Resource Requirements:

 Trainers should have minimum of 5 years international freight logistics environment with international
logistics qualification or related fields

 Trainer/ learner ratio of 1trainer to 10 learner

Legal Requirements:

 Accredited with QCTO

 Compliant with Safety, Health, Environmental, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) requirements

 Compliant with Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) requirements

1.4 Exemptions

 None

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2. 333101000-PM-02, Plan and co-ordinate customs clearing, delivery and pickup of cargo,
NQF Level 5, Credits 8

2.1 Purpose of the Practical Skill Modules

The focus of the learning in this module is on providing the learner an opportunity to plan and co-ordinate
freight movement, customs clearing, delivery and pickup of cargo. The learner will be practicing skills related
to plan and coordinate freight movement, comply with customs clearing requirements and coordinate delivery
and pickup of cargo.

The learner will be required to:

 PM-02-PS01: Plan and coordinate freight movement

 PM-02-PS02: Comply with customs clearing requirements

 PM-02-PS03: Coordinate delivery and pickup of cargo

2.2 Guidelines for Practical Skills

2.2.1. PM-02-PS01: Plan and coordinate freight movement

Scope of Practical Skill

Given shipping instructions, applicable legislation, standard operating procedures, invoices, packing list,
international commercial terms notes, process flow, transaction documents, the learner must be able to the
learner must be able to:

 PA0101 Identify the different types of cargo for international freight movement

 PA0102 Determine the appropriate mode of cargo movement

 PA0103 Coordinate documents for release of cargo

 PA0104 Plan cargo storage

Applied Knowledge

 AK0101 Risk management, assessment, applications and contingency planning approaches

 AK0102 INCO terms and guidelines

 AK0103 Sourcing and applications of rates within the international logistics environment

 AK0104 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0105 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0106 Interpretation of geographic elements (to map trade routes)

 AK0107 Problem solving techniques and applications

 AK0108 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0109 Financial Services Board Rules

Internal Assessment Criteria

 IAC0101 Different types of cargo are moved by appropriate mode compliant to the INCO terms

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 IAC0102 Released cargo is stored correctly based on SARS/ customs regulations

2.2.2. PM-02-PS02: Comply with customs clearing requirements

Scope of Practical Skill

Given tariff book, applicable legislation, standard operating procedures, invoices, packing list, international
commercial terms notes, process flow, transaction documents, the learner must be able to the learner must
be able to:

 PA0201 Input cargo information into information system

 PA0202 Confirm appropriateness of tariff for different types of cargo

 PA0203 Verify tariffs and communicate with customs officials to solve problems

Applied Knowledge

 AK0201 Risk management, assessment, applications and contingency planning approaches

 AK0202 INCO terms and guidelines

 AK0203 Sourcing and applications of rates within the international logistics environment

 AK0204 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0205 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0206 Interpretation of geographic elements (to map trade routes)

 AK0207 Problem solving techniques and applications

 AK0208 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0209 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0210 SARS tariff guidelines

Internal Assessment Criteria

 IAC0201 Tariffs are correctly calculated and captured to comply with SARS/ customs guidelines

 IAC0202 Shipment stoppage problems are assessed and rectified in accordance with SARS/
customs guidelines

2.2.3. PM-02-PS03: Coordinate delivery and pickup of cargo

Scope of Practical Skill

Given work instructions, work area, case study, activity documents, any templates, form, safety and quality
principles and standards available, the learner must be able to the learner must be able to:

 PA0301 Determine and confirm the destination of the delivery for the cargo

 PA0302 Identify and sort the cargo for delivery according to packing list

 PA0303 Verify details of the cargo with customer

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 PA0304 Confirm customer order and identification

Applied Knowledge

 AK0301 Risk management, assessment, applications and contingency planning approaches

 AK0302 INCO terms and guidelines

 AK0303 Sourcing and applications of rates within the international logistics environment

 AK0304 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0305 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0306 Interpretation of geographic elements (to map trade routes)

 AK0307 Problem solving techniques and applications

 AK0308 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0309 Financial Services Board Rules

Internal Assessment Criteria

 IAC0301 The sorted cargo and pack list correctly identifies correct customer, identification and

2.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria

Physical Requirements:

 Access to working OR simulated international freight logistics environment

 Access to information technology with appropriate software to enable the learner process
documentation relevant to international freight logistics transactions

Human Resource Requirements:

 Trainers should have minimum of 5 years international freight logistics environment with international
logistics qualification or related fields

 Trainer/ learner ratio of 1trainer to 10 learner

Legal Requirements:

 Accredited with QCTO

 Compliant with Safety, Health, Environmental, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) requirements

 Compliant with Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) requirements

2.4 Exemptions

 None

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3. 333101000-PM-03, Prepare and process data/ documentation associated with
international trade in compliance with applicable and current legislation, NQF Level 5,
Credits 8

3.1 Purpose of the Practical Skill Modules

The focus of the learning in this module is on providing the learner an opportunity to prepare and process
data/ documentation associated with international trade in compliance with applicable and current legislation.
The learner will be practicing skills related to validating client information, assessing and applying valuation
criteria, assessing and applying tariff classification processes, assessing and applying prohibition and
restriction processes, processing clearance in accordance with clearing instructions, submit to SARS,
customs and receiving SARS response

The learner will be required to:

 PM-03-PS01: Validate client information

 PM-03-PS02: Assess and apply valuation criteria

 PM-03-PS03: Assess and apply tariff classification processes

 PM-03-PS04: Assess and apply prohibition and restriction processes

 PM-03-PS05: Process clearance in accordance with clearing instructions

 PM-03-PS06: Submit to SARS, Customs

 PM-03-PS07: Receive SARS response

3.2 Guidelines for Practical Skills

3.2.1. PM-03-PS01: Validate client information

Scope of Practical Skill

Given shipping instructions, applicable legislation, standard operating procedures, invoices, packing list,
international commercial terms notes, process flow, transaction documents, the learner must be able to the
learner must be able to:

 PA0101 Process DA1855 for different types of clients and customers

 PA0102 Identify and supply supporting documents

 PA0103 Process registration or licencing details

 PA0104 Audit client Customs information

Applied Knowledge

 AK0101 Risk management, assessment, applications and contingency planning approaches

 AK0102 INCO terms and guidelines

 AK0103 Sourcing and applications of rates within the international logistics environment

 AK0104 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0105 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0106 Interpretation of geographic elements (to map trade routes)

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 AK0107 Problem solving techniques and applications

Internal Assessment Criteria

 IAC0101 The registration or licencing including application documentations complies to applicable

regulations and legislations

 IAC0102 Identified supporting documentation are relevant for specific cases of each client

3.2.2. PM-03-PS02: Assess and apply valuation criteria

Scope of Practical Skill

Given shipping instructions, applicable legislation, standard operating procedures, invoices, packing list,
international commercial terms notes, process flow, transaction documents, the learner must be able to the
learner must be able to:

 PA0201 Access invoice for point of valuation

 PA0202 Use valuation guide to access the value

 PA0203 Recognise and apply dutable or non dutable charges

 PA0204 Apply factorisation

 PA0205 Prepare a work sheet for valuation on a declaration

 PA0206 Process valuation on rand invoicing

 PA0207 Apply for value determination

Applied Knowledge

 AK0201 Risk management, assessment, applications and contingency planning approaches

 AK0202 INCO terms and guidelines

 AK0203 Sourcing and applications of rates within the international logistics environment

 AK0204 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0205 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0206 Interpretation of geographic elements (to map trade routes)

 AK0207 Problem solving techniques and applications

Internal Assessment Criteria

 IAC0201 Initial values used are correctly accessed from the valuation guide

 IAC0202 Application for value determination complies with the industry standards and process

3.2.3. PM-03-PS03: Assess and apply tariff classification processes

Scope of Practical Skill

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Given shipping instructions, applicable legislation, standard operating procedures, invoices, packing list,
international commercial terms notes, process flow, transaction documents, the learner must be able to the
learner must be able to:

 PA0301 Identify product data (composition, use and function)

 PA0302 Compare data to the harmonised explanatory notes

 PA0303 Identify rules of interpretation

 PA0304 Identify areas of dispute

 PA0305 Motivate an application for determination

 PA0306 Motivate a dispute for DA51 or DA52 regarding tariff

Applied Knowledge

 AK0301 Risk management, assessment, applications and contingency planning approaches

 AK0302 INCO terms and guidelines

 AK0303 Sourcing and applications of rates within the international logistics environment

 AK0304 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0305 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0306 Interpretation of geographic elements (to map trade routes)

 AK0307 Problem solving techniques and applications

Internal Assessment Criteria

 IAC0301 The acquired criteria is appropriate for tariff classification and is consistent with the SARS
tariff (schedule)

 IAC0302 The motivation for tariff determination has considered and addressed all aspects required
for classification

3.2.4. PM-03-PS04: Assess and apply prohibition and restriction processes

Scope of Practical Skill

Given shipping instructions, applicable legislation, standard operating procedures, invoices, packing list,
international commercial terms notes, process flow, transaction documents, the learner must be able to the
learner must be able to:

 PA0401 Identify import or export controls related to products

 PA0402 Identify actions and documentary requirements for import or export controls related to

 PA0403 Apply for required permits

 PA0404 Effect cargo release after specific detention

Applied Knowledge
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 AK0401 Risk management, assessment, applications and contingency planning approaches

 AK0402 INCO terms and guidelines

 AK0403 Sourcing and applications of rates within the international logistics environment

 AK0404 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0405 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0406 Interpretation of geographic elements (to map trade routes)

 AK0407 Problem solving techniques and applications

Internal Assessment Criteria

 IAC0401 Relevant prohibition restriction or import control are correctly identified and aligned to
correct products

 IAC0402 Applications for permits issued meet the relevant industry standards and complies to
applicable regulations and legislations

 IAC0403 Release of cargo is conducted following correct industry standards

3.2.5. PM-03-PS05: Process clearance in accordance with clearing instructions

Scope of Practical Skill

Given shipping instructions, applicable legislation, standard operating procedures, invoices, packing list,
international commercial terms notes, process flow, transaction documents, the learner must be able to the
learner must be able to:

 PA0501 Identify clearing instructions

 PA0502 Confirm availability of required documentation and information

 PA0503 Apply valuation, tariff, prohibition and restriction criteria to shipment

 PA0504 Process declaration

Applied Knowledge

 AK0501 Risk management, assessment, applications and contingency planning approaches

 AK0502 INCO terms and guidelines

 AK0503 Sourcing and applications of rates within the international logistics environment

 AK0504 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0505 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0506 Interpretation of geographic elements (to map trade routes)

 AK0507 Problem solving techniques and applications

Internal Assessment Criteria

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 IAC0501 Relevant prohibition restriction or import control are correctly identified and aligned to
correct products

 IAC0502 Documentation and information identified is correct for the specific product/ shipment file

3.2.6. PM-03-PS06: Submit to SARS, Customs

Scope of Practical Skill

Given shipping instructions, applicable legislation, standard operating procedures, invoices, packing list,
international commercial terms notes, process flow, transaction documents, the learner must be able to the
learner must be able to:

 PA0601 Evaluate and quality control declaration

 PA0602 Reject or correct error

 PA0603 Submit declaration (electronically)

 PA0604 Validate successful submission

 PA0605 Follow up on error in submission

 PA0606 Refresh and resubmission process

Applied Knowledge

 AK0601 Risk management, assessment, applications and contingency planning approaches

 AK0602 INCO terms and guidelines

 AK0603 Sourcing and applications of rates within the international logistics environment

 AK0604 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0605 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0606 Interpretation of geographic elements (to map trade routes)

 AK0607 Problem solving techniques and applications

Internal Assessment Criteria

 IAC0601 Submission to SARS, customs contain minimum errors not in excess of industry standards

 IAC0602 Quality control processes correctly identifies document errors for correction

3.2.7. PM-03-PS07: Receive SARS response

Scope of Practical Skill

Given shipping instructions, applicable legislation, standard operating procedures, invoices, packing list,
international commercial terms notes, process flow, transaction documents, the learner must be able to the
learner must be able to:

 PA0701 Identify response code

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 PA0702 Effect adjustment in accordance with response code

 PA0703 Obtain release and supply to forwarding

Applied Knowledge

 AK0701 Risk management, assessment, applications and contingency planning approaches

 AK0702 INCO terms and guidelines

 AK0703 Sourcing and applications of rates within the international logistics environment

 AK0704 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0705 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0706 Interpretation of geographic elements (to map trade routes)

 AK0707 Problem solving techniques and applications

Internal Assessment Criteria

 IAC0701 Different response codes are correctly identified and adjustment effected according to
industry practices

 IAC0702 Documentation obtained and released to forwarding are correct according to existing

3.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria

Physical Requirements:

 Access to working OR simulated international freight logistics environment

 Access to information technology with appropriate software to enable the learner process
documentation relevant to international freight logistics transactions

Human Resource Requirements:

 Trainers should have minimum of 5 years international freight logistics environment with international
logistics qualification or related fields

 Trainer/ learner ratio of 1trainer to 10 learner

Legal Requirements:

 Accredited with QCTO

 Compliant with Safety, Health, Environmental, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) requirements

 Compliant with Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) requirements

3.4 Exemptions

 None

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4. 333101000-PM-04, Audit commodities against customs and other statutory requirements,
NQF Level 5, Credits 10

4.1 Purpose of the Practical Skill Modules

The focus of the learning in this module is on providing the learner an opportunity to audit commodities
against customs and other statutory requirements. The learner will be practicing skills related to selecting
files and data in accordance with audit criteria, auditing documentation/data for error specific to audit criteria,
comparing criteria to available technical information, reporting findings on pre determined audit criteria and
secondary findings, advising on rehabilitative action or and course of action in order to achieve revenue
return and recording and action in accordance with client instruction

The learner will be required to:

 PM-04-PS01: Select files and data in accordance with audit criteria

 PM-04-PS02: Audit documentation/data for error specific to audit criteria

 PM-04-PS03: Compare criteria to technical information and report findings

 PM-04-PS04: Advise on rehabilitative action or and course of action in order to achieve revenue

 PM-04-PS05: Record and action in accordance with client instruction

4.2 Guidelines for Practical Skills

4.2.1. PM-04-PS01: Select files and data in accordance with audit criteria

Scope of Practical Skill

Given shipping instructions, applicable legislation, standard operating procedures, invoices, packing list,
international commercial terms notes, process flow, transaction documents, the learner must be able to the
learner must be able to:

 PA0101 Confirm selection criteria for audit

 PA0102 Draw list of transactions fitting criteria

 PA0103 Draw required documentation and data for benchmark criteria

Applied Knowledge

 AK0101 Risk management, assessment, applications and contingency planning approaches

 AK0102 INCO terms and guidelines

 AK0103 Sourcing and applications of rates within the international logistics environment

 AK0104 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0105 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0106 Interpretation of geographic elements (to map trade routes)

 AK0107 Problem solving techniques and applications

Internal Assessment Criteria

 IAC0101 Selected list of transactions complies with the audit criteria identified
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4.2.2. PM-04-PS02: Audit documentation/data for error specific to audit criteria

Scope of Practical Skill

Given shipping instructions, applicable legislation, standard operating procedures, invoices, packing list,
international commercial terms notes, process flow, transaction documents, the learner must be able to the
learner must be able to:

 PA0201 Record non-compliant document or data

 PA0202 Report non compliance

Applied Knowledge

 AK0201 Risk management, assessment, applications and contingency planning approaches

 AK0202 INCO terms and guidelines

 AK0203 Sourcing and applications of rates within the international logistics environment

 AK0204 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0205 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0206 Interpretation of geographic elements (to map trade routes)

 AK0207 Problem solving techniques and applications

Internal Assessment Criteria

 IAC0201 Report covers all areas of non compliance in accordance with the standard audit practices

4.2.3. PM-04-PS03: Compare criteria to technical information and report findings

Scope of Practical Skill

Given shipping instructions, applicable legislation, standard operating procedures, invoices, packing list,
international commercial terms notes, process flow, transaction documents, the learner must be able to the
learner must be able to:

 PA0301 Data or documentation are compared to criteria to assess its compliance

 PA0302 If error is found in data or documentation, a record of findings must be made and non-
compliance reported

Applied Knowledge

 AK0301 Risk management, assessment, applications and contingency planning approaches

 AK0302 INCO terms and guidelines

 AK0303 Sourcing and applications of rates within the international logistics environment

 AK0304 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0305 Applicable regulations and legislations

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 AK0306 Interpretation of geographic elements (to map trade routes)

 AK0307 Problem solving techniques and applications

Internal Assessment Criteria

 IAC0301 Data or documentation not compliant to the criteria is correctly identified using pre-
determined criteria

 IAC0302 Report of findings is accurate and based on correct interpretation of the criteria

4.2.4. PM-04-PS04: Advise on rehabilitative action or and course of action in order to achieve revenue

Scope of Practical Skill

Given shipping instructions, applicable legislation, standard operating procedures, invoices, packing list,
international commercial terms notes, process flow, transaction documents, the learner must be able to the
learner must be able to:

 PA0401 Assess and recommend the short term corrective action (corrective)

 PA0402 Assess and recommend long term corrective action (preventative)

Applied Knowledge

 AK0401 Risk management, assessment, applications and contingency planning approaches

 AK0402 INCO terms and guidelines

 AK0403 Sourcing and applications of rates within the international logistics environment

 AK0404 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0405 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0406 Interpretation of geographic elements (to map trade routes)

 AK0407 Problem solving techniques and applications

Internal Assessment Criteria

 IAC0401 Report and recommendation for corrective and preventative action compliance to standard
and best industry practices

4.2.5. PM-04-PS05: Record and action in accordance with client instruction

Scope of Practical Skill

Given shipping instructions, applicable legislation, standard operating procedures, invoices, packing list,
international commercial terms notes, process flow, transaction documents, the learner must be able to the
learner must be able to:

 PA0501 Evaluate audit process and report

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 PA0502 Record all actions including findings, prevention and corrections and actions in accordance
with client mandate

Applied Knowledge

 AK0501 Risk management, assessment, applications and contingency planning approaches

 AK0502 INCO terms and guidelines

 AK0503 Sourcing and applications of rates within the international logistics environment

 AK0504 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0505 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0506 Interpretation of geographic elements (to map trade routes)

 AK0507 Problem solving techniques and applications

Internal Assessment Criteria

 IAC0501 Audit report meet the existing industry standards

 IAC0502 Recommendations/ actions enables easy processing of refunds and appeals

4.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria

Physical Requirements:

 Access to working OR simulated international freight logistics environment

 Access to information technology with appropriate software to enable the learner process
documentation relevant to international freight logistics transactions

Human Resource Requirements:

 Trainers should have minimum of 5 years international freight logistics environment with international
logistics qualification or related fields

 Trainer/ learner ratio of 1trainer to 10 learner

Legal Requirements:

 Accredited with QCTO

 Compliant with Safety, Health, Environmental, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) requirements

 Compliant with Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) requirements

4.4 Exemptions

 None

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5. 333101000-PM-05, Apply rebate, drawback and bond facilities, NQF Level 5, Credits 10

5.1 Purpose of the Practical Skill Modules

The focus of the learning in this module is on providing the learner an opportunity to Apply rebate, drawback
and bond facilities. The learner will be practicing skills related to register and administer the bond, rebate and
drawback facility.

The learner will be required to:

 PM-05-PS01: Register and administer the bond facility

 PM-05-PS02: Register and administer the rebate facility

 PM-05-PS03: Apply and administer for refund/ drawback facility

5.2 Guidelines for Practical Skills

5.2.1. PM-05-PS01: Register and administer the bond facility

Scope of Practical Skill

Given shipping instructions, client instructions, applicable legislation, standard operating procedures,
invoices, packing list, international commercial terms notes, process flow, transaction documents, and the
learner must be able to the learner must be able to:

 PA0101 Complete application/capture data for bond

 PA0102 Identifying supporting documentation that needs to be submitted with application

 PA0103 Record and apply checks and controls to the bond process

 PA0104 Identify documentation and processes within the administration of bond

 PA0105 Identify any non conformity in documentation and processes within the administration of

 PA0106 Action rehabilitative action or and course of action in order to achieve revenue return.

Applied Knowledge

 AK0101 Risk management, assessment, applications and contingency planning approaches

 AK0102 INCO terms and guidelines

 AK0103 Sourcing and applications of rates within the international logistics environment

 AK0104 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0105 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0106 Interpretation of geographic elements (to map trade routes)

 AK0107 Problem solving techniques and applications

Internal Assessment Criteria

 IAC0101 Completed application and captured data for bond is in accordance with client information

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 IAC0102 Rehabilitative action or and course of action to achieve revenue return complies to
appropriate problem solving techniques

5.2.2. PM-05-PS02: Register and administer the rebate facility

Scope of Practical Skill

Given shipping instructions, applicable legislation, standard operating procedures, invoices, packing list,
international commercial terms notes, process flow, transaction documents, the learner must be able to the
learner must be able to:

 PA0201 Complete application/capture data for rebate in accordance with client instruction and
current legislation

 PA0202 Identifying supporting documentation that needs to be submitted with application

 PA0203 Record and apply checks and controls to the rebate process.

 PA0204 Identify documentation and processes within the administration of rebate

 PA0205 Identify any non conformity in documentation and processes within the administration of

 PA0206 Action rehabilitative action or and course of action in order to achieve revenue return

Applied Knowledge

 AK0201 Risk management, assessment, applications and contingency planning approaches

 AK0202 INCO terms and guidelines

 AK0203 Sourcing and applications of rates within the international logistics environment

 AK0204 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0205 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0206 Interpretation of geographic elements (to map trade routes)

 AK0207 Problem solving techniques and applications

Internal Assessment Criteria

 IAC0201 Completed application and captured data for rebate is in accordance with client information

 IAC0202 Rehabilitative action or and course of action to achieve revenue return complies to
appropriate problem solving techniques

5.2.3. PM-05-PS03: Apply and administer for refund/ drawback facility

Scope of Practical Skill

Given shipping instructions, applicable legislation, standard operating procedures, invoices, packing list,
international commercial terms notes, process flow, transaction documents, the learner must be able to the
learner must be able to:

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 PA0301 Complete application/capture data for refund/ drawback in accordance with client instruction
and current legislation

 PA0302 Identifying supporting documentation that needs to be submitted with application

 PA0303 Record and apply checks and controls to the drawback process.

 PA0304 Identify documentation and processes within the administration of drawback

 PA0305 Identify any non conformity in documentation and processes within the administration of

 PA0306 Action rehabilitative action or and course of action in order to achieve revenue return

Applied Knowledge

 AK0301 Risk management, assessment, applications and contingency planning approaches

 AK0302 INCO terms and guidelines

 AK0303 Sourcing and applications of rates within the international logistics environment

 AK0304 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0305 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0306 Interpretation of geographic elements (to map trade routes)

 AK0307 Problem solving techniques and applications

Internal Assessment Criteria

 IAC0301 Completed application and captured data for drawback is in accordance with client

 IAC0302 Rehabilitative action or and course of action to achieve revenue return complies to
appropriate problem solving techniques

5.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria

Physical Requirements:

 Access to working OR simulated international freight logistics environment

 Access to information technology with appropriate software to enable the learner process
documentation relevant to international freight logistics transactions

Human Resource Requirements:

 Trainers should have minimum of 5 years international freight logistics environment with international
logistics qualification or related fields

 Trainer/ learner ratio of 1 trainer to 10 learner

Legal Requirements:

 Accredited with QCTO

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 Compliant with Safety, Health, Environmental, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) requirements

 Compliant with Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) requirements

5.4 Exemptions

 None

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6. 333101000-PM-06, Prepare documents for receipt, storage and removal of warehoused
cargo, NQF Level 5, Credits 5

6.1 Purpose of the Practical Skill Modules

The focus of the learning in this module is on providing the learner an opportunity to prepare documents for
receipt, storage and removal of warehoused cargo apply rebate, drawback and bond facilities. The learner
will be practicing skills related to verification of incoming and outgoing goods, documenting and notifying
warehousing and storing cargo according to their attribute

The learner will be required to:

 PM-06-PS01: Verify compliance of incoming and outgoing goods to industry related regulations and
best practice

 PM-06-PS02: Generate documentation or data notification to warehouse regarding incoming and

outgoing cargo/ goods

 PM-06-PS03: Place/ store cargo according to physical attributes

6.2 Guidelines for Practical Skills

6.2.1. PM-06-PS01: Verify compliance of incoming and outgoing goods to industry related regulations
and best practice

Scope of Practical Skill

Given shipping instructions, applicable legislation, standard operating procedures, invoices, packing list,
international commercial terms notes, process flow, transaction documents, the learner must be able to the
learner must be able to:

 PA0101 Check cargo for completeness and possible losses and damage

 PA0102 Amend and record just received inbound document to confirm loss or damage

 PA0103 Fill up just received inbound documentation

Applied Knowledge

 AK0101 Risk management, assessment, applications and contingency planning approaches

 AK0102 INCO terms and guidelines

 AK0103 Sourcing and applications of rates within the international logistics environment

 AK0104 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0105 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0106 Interpretation of geographic elements (to map trade routes)

 AK0107 Problem solving techniques and applications

 AK0108 Practices of administering distributing and warehousing documentation for different cargo
and legislation

 AK0109 Attributes and handling of cargo within international logistics environment

Internal Assessment Criteria

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 IAC0101 Just received inbound document are amended and recorded to confirm loss or damage
following standard operating procedures

 IAC0102 Cargo is checked for completeness and losses and damage is recorded correctly

6.2.2. PM-06-PS02: Generate documentation or data notification to warehouse regarding incoming

and outgoing cargo/ goods

Scope of Practical Skill

Given shipping instructions, applicable legislation, standard operating procedures, invoices, packing list,
international commercial terms notes, process flow, transaction documents, the learner must be able to the
learner must be able to:

 PA0201 Complete the goods received/ goods dispatched notes

 PA0202 Complete the documents to confirm weight and dimensions of the cargo

 PA0203 Assess the type of cargo for storage and risk profiling purposes

Applied Knowledge

 AK0201 Risk management, assessment, applications and contingency planning approaches

 AK0202 INCO terms and guidelines

 AK0203 Sourcing and applications of rates within the international logistics environment

 AK0204 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0205 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0206 Interpretation of geographic elements (to map trade routes)

 AK0207 Problem solving techniques and applications

 AK0208 Practices of administering distribution and warehousing documentation for different cargo
and legislation

 AK0209 Attributes and handling of cargo within international logistics environment

Internal Assessment Criteria

 IAC0201 Weight and dimensions of the cargo is documented correctly using appropriate tools

 IAC0202 Cargo is stored correctly taking into account correct storage areas and risk profiling
associated with the cargo

6.2.3. PM-06-PS03: Place/ store cargo according to physical attributes

Scope of Practical Skill

Given shipping and customer instructions, temporary storage facilities, applicable legislation, standard
operating procedures, invoice, packing list, international commercial terms notes, process flow, transaction
documents, the learner must be able to the learner must be able to:

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 PA0301 Identify and allocate storage space for clients

 PA0302 Evaluate and record storage space for different types of cargo

 PA0303 Conduct stock taking activities

 PA0304 Place cargo with client or temporary storage facility

Applied Knowledge

 AK0301 Risk management, assessment, applications and contingency planning approaches

 AK0302 INCO terms and guidelines

 AK0303 Sourcing and applications of rates within the international logistics environment

 AK0304 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0305 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0306 Interpretation of geographic elements (to map trade routes)

 AK0307 Problem solving techniques and applications

 AK0308 Practices of administering distributing and warehousing documentation for different cargo
and legislation

 AK0309 Attributes and handling of cargo within international logistics environment

 AK0310 Types, size and use of different containers

Internal Assessment Criteria

 IAC0301 Storage space is recorded and stock taken to maintain adequate space for different types
of cargo

 IAC0302 Record of stock taking complies to standard practices

6.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria

Physical Requirements:

 Access to working OR simulated international freight logistics environment

 Access to information technology with appropriate software to enable the learner process
documentation relevant to international freight logistics transactions

Human Resource Requirements:

 Access to working OR simulated international freight logistics environment

 Access to information technology with appropriate software to enable the learner process
documentation relevant to international freight logistics transactions

Legal Requirements:

 Accredited with QCTO

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 Compliant with Safety, Health, Environmental, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) requirements

 Compliant with Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) requirements

6.4 Exemptions

 None

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7. 333101000-PM-07, Prepare receipts of cargo to be distributed , NQF Level 5, Credits 3

7.1 Purpose of the Practical Skill Modules

The focus of the learning in this module is on providing the learner an opportunity to prepare receipts of
cargo to be distributed. The learner will be practicing skills related to verification of incoming and outgoing
goods, documenting and notifying distribution and storing cargo according to their attributes

The learner will be required to:

 PM-07-PS01: Verify compliance of incoming and outgoing goods to industry related regulations and
best practice

 PM-07-PS02: Generate documentation or data notification to distribution facility regarding incoming

and outgoing cargo/ goods

 PM-07-PS03: Place/ store cargo according to physical attributes

7.2 Guidelines for Practical Skills

7.2.1. PM-07-PS01: Verify compliance of incoming and outgoing goods to industry related regulations
and best practice

Scope of Practical Skill

Given shipping instructions, applicable legislation, standard operating procedures, invoices, packing list,
international commercial terms notes, process flow, transaction documents, the learner must be able to the
learner must be able to:

 PA0101 Check cargo for completeness and possible losses and damage

 PA0102 Amend and record just received inbound document to confirm loss or damage

 PA0103 Fill up just received inbound documentation

Applied Knowledge

 AK0101 Risk management, assessment, applications and contingency planning approaches

 AK0102 INCO terms and guidelines

 AK0103 Sourcing and applications of rates within the international logistics environment

 AK0104 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0105 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0106 Interpretation of geographic elements (to map trade routes)

 AK0107 Problem solving techniques and applications

 AK0108 Practices of administering distributing and warehousing documentation for different cargo
and legislation

 AK0109 Attributes and handling of cargo within international logistics environment

Internal Assessment Criteria

 IAC0101 Just received inbound document are amended and recorded to confirm loss or damage
following standard operating procedures
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 IAC0102 Cargo is checked for completeness and losses and damage is recorded correctly

7.2.2. PM-07-PS02: Generate documentation or data notification to distribution facility regarding

incoming and outgoing cargo/ goods

Scope of Practical Skill

Given shipping instructions, applicable legislation, standard operating procedures, invoices, packing list,
international commercial terms notes, process flow, transaction documents, the learner must be able to the
learner must be able to:

 PA0201 Complete the goods received/ goods dispatched notes

 PA0202 Complete the documents to confirm weight and dimensions of the cargo

 PA0203 Assess the type of cargo for storage and risk profiling purposes

Applied Knowledge

 AK0201 Risk management, assessment, applications and contingency planning approaches

 AK0202 INCO terms and guidelines

 AK0203 Sourcing and applications of rates within the international logistics environment

 AK0204 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0205 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0206 Interpretation of geographic elements (to map trade routes)

 AK0207 Problem solving techniques and applications

 AK0208 Practices of administering distribution and warehousing documentation for different cargo
and legislation

 AK0209 Attributes and handling of cargo within international logistics environment

Internal Assessment Criteria

 IAC0201 Weight and dimensions of the cargo is documented correctly using appropriate tools

 IAC0202 Cargo is stored correctly taking into account correct storage areas and risk profiling
associated with the cargo

7.2.3. PM-07-PS03: Place/ store cargo according to physical attributes

Scope of Practical Skill

Given shipping and customer instructions, temporary storage facilities, applicable legislation, standard
operating procedures, invoice, packing list, international commercial terms notes, process flow, transaction
documents, the learner must be able to the learner must be able to:

 PA0301 Identify and allocate storage space for clients

 PA0302 Evaluate and record storage space for different types of cargo
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 PA0303 Conduct stock taking activities

 PA0304 Place cargo with client or temporary storage facility

Applied Knowledge

 AK0301 Risk management, assessment, applications and contingency planning approaches

 AK0302 INCO terms and guidelines

 AK0303 Sourcing and applications of rates within the international logistics environment

 AK0304 Financial Services Board Rules

 AK0305 Applicable regulations and legislations

 AK0306 Interpretation of geographic elements (to map trade routes)

 AK0307 Problem solving techniques and applications

 AK0308 Practices of administering distributing and warehousing documentation for different cargo
and legislation

 AK0309 Attributes and handling of cargo within international logistics environment

 AK0310 Types, size and use of different containers

Internal Assessment Criteria

 IAC0301 Storage space is recorded and stock taken to maintain adequate space for different types
of cargo

 IAC0302 Record of stock taking complies to standard practices

7.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria

Physical Requirements:

 Access to working OR simulated international freight logistics environment

 Access to information technology with appropriate software to enable the learner process
documentation relevant to international freight logistics transactions

Human Resource Requirements:

 Trainers should have minimum of 5 years international freight logistics environment with international
logistics qualification or related fields

 Trainer/ learner ratio of 1trainer to 10 learner

Legal Requirements:

 Accredited with QCTO

 Compliant with Safety, Health, Environmental, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) requirements

 Compliant with Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) requirements

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7.4 Exemptions

 None

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List of Work Experience Module Specifications

 333101000-WM-01, Conduct cargo forwarding processes, NQF Level 5, Credits 8

 333101000-WM-02, Process customs compliance procedures, NQF Level 5, Credits 8

 333101000-WM-03, Communication and documentation for warehousing processes and

requirements, NQF Level 5, Credits 2

 333101000-WM-04, Documentation for distribution processes and procedures , NQF Level 5,

Credits 8

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1. 333101000-WM-01, Conduct cargo forwarding processes, NQF Level 5, Credits 8

1.1 Purpose of the Work Experience Modules

The focus of the work experience is on providing the learner an opportunity to:

observe, assist and autonomously conduct cargo forwarding processes within a real life international freight
forwarding environment. The Learner will be required to work within different environments and complete
each of the work experiences at least twice within two weeks

The learner will be required to:

 WM-01-WE01: Plan and co-ordinate freight movement of cargo

 WM-01-WE02: Work in the registration section for a week to open and process shipping file for a

 WM-01-WE03: Process insurance cover and claim for a cargo

 WM-01-WE04: Co-ordinate customs clearing procedures for cargo

1.2 Guidelines for Work Experiences

1.2.1. WM-01-WE01: Plan and co-ordinate freight movement of cargo

Scope of Work Experience

The person will be expected to engage in the following work activities:

 WA0101 Establish availability of full set of shipping documents

 WA0102 Establish mode, size, type and status of shipment

 WA0103 Map routing of cargo

Supporting Evidence

 SE0101 The copy of commercial invoice signed by both an authorised person in charge of training
and the learner

 SE0102 Stamped certificate of origin

 SE0103 Document of carriage (Bill of lading and airway bills) identifying the mode of transportation
signed by the learner or electronic document opened by the learner with his/ her password

 SE0104 Full set of document associated with the shipment are confirmed as complete
demonstrating the work done by the learner

1.2.2. WM-01-WE02: Work in the registration section for a week to open and process shipping file for
a cargo

Scope of Work Experience

The person will be expected to engage in the following work activities:

 WA0201 Register the shipment

 WA0202 Process shipment

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Supporting Evidence

 SE0201 Completed manual or electronic registry of shipment information confirming work done by
the learner

 SE0202 Good received notes signed by the learner and supervisor

1.2.3. WM-01-WE03: Process insurance cover and claim for a cargo

Scope of Work Experience

The person will be expected to engage in the following work activities:

 WA0301 Establish insurance requirements from the INCO term

 WA0302 Complete insurance documents

 WA0303 Notify parties of pending insurance claim

Supporting Evidence

 SE0301 Approved insurance certificate

 SE0302 Official proved for claim forms and correspondences relating to cargo claims confirming the
work of the learner

1.2.4. WM-01-WE04: Co-ordinate customs clearing procedures for cargo

Scope of Work Experience

The person will be expected to engage in the following work activities:

 WA0401 Batch and date stamp shipment documents

 WA0402 Process and maintain shipping file

Supporting Evidence

 SE0401 Official document conforming specific document receipt note as work of the learner and
date stamped by entries

1.3 Contextualised Workplace Knowledge

1 INCO terms

2 SARS customs regulations

3 Standard Operating Procedures for receipt and handling of shipment and commercial documentation

4 Company policies on internal and third parties communication

5 Company policy on handling of commercial documentation

6 Company schedule of suppliers for freight forwarding and clearing operations

333101000 - Clearing and Forwarding Agent Page 60 of 76

7 Management approved and accredited rate schedule

8 Company policy on use of tariff information

1.4 Criteria for Workplace Approval

Physical Requirements:

 A safe working environment providing the learner with adequate workplace resources (desk,
computers, telephone, stationery) and accessible facilities

Human Resource Requirements:

 Human resource development policies promoting learning, mentoring and coaching

 Assigned person/s to supervise and administer activities of learners throughout the defined learning

 Learner placement policy

Legal Requirements:

 Accredited with AQP

 Compliance with OHS Act, environmental and other labour legislation

 Compliance with the Basic Conditions of Employment Act

 Company specific legal requirements, procedures and policies

1.5 Additional Assignments to be Assessed Externally


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2. 333101000-WM-02, Process customs compliance procedures, NQF Level 5, Credits 8

2.1 Purpose of the Work Experience Modules

The focus of the work experience is on providing the learner an opportunity to:

Observe, assist and autonomously process customs compliance procedures within a real life international
freight forwarding environment. The Learner will be required to work within different environments and
complete each of the work experiences at least twice within two weeks

The learner will be required to:

 WM-02-WE01: Administer data/documentation procedures and processes associated with

international trade in compliance with applicable and current legislation

 WM-02-WE02: Implement tariff classification, customs valuation and calculate duties and taxes

2.2 Guidelines for Work Experiences

2.2.1. WM-02-WE01: Administer data/documentation procedures and processes associated with

international trade in compliance with applicable and current legislation

Scope of Work Experience

The person will be expected to engage in the following work activities:

 WA0101 Perform registration / licencing and accreditation procedures

 WA0102 Check and verify document set

 WA0103 Process and submit declaration and required documentation or data

 WA0104 Conducted post clearance audit

 WA0105 Perform adjustment or refunds (Stops/detains/import control/state vessel etc)

Supporting Evidence

 SE0101 Signed company documentation confirming contribution of the learner in ensuring approval
of application documents, resulting licence or registration and quality control

 SE0102 Audit report authenticated as conducted or demonstrating the role the learner played in its

 SE0103 Approved released voucher of (VOC) or refunds pay out

2.2.2. WM-02-WE02: Implement tariff classification, customs valuation and calculate duties and taxes

Scope of Work Experience

The person will be expected to engage in the following work activities:

 WA0201 Tariff classify a range of internationally traded goods

 WA0202 Calculate the value and apply factorisation

 WA0203 Calculate the duty and VAT payable in terms of Schedule 1 to 6

Supporting Evidence
333101000 - Clearing and Forwarding Agent Page 62 of 76
 SE0201 Company documentation confirming the role of the learner in approved tariff classification of
traded goods

 SE0202 Company documentation confirming the role of the learner in approved and correctly
calculated worksheet

2.3 Contextualised Workplace Knowledge

1 INCO terms

2 Harmonized system ( Determination of correct ruling

3 Customs Exercise Act, Rules and Schedules

4 Valuation guideline prohibitions and restrictions

5 Company schedule of suppliers for freight forward and clearing operations

6 Management approved and accredited rate schedule

7 Determination of local international or world customs organisation (WCO) ruling

8 Company ( SOP) Standard Operating Procedures and policy in processing Declarations and Audits

2.4 Criteria for Workplace Approval

Physical Requirements:

 Company( SOP) Standard Operating Procedures and policy in processing Declarations and Audits

Human Resource Requirements:

 Human resource development policies and procedures promoting training, mentoring ,assessors ,
moderation and coaching

 Quality system in terms of disciplinary processes

Legal Requirements:

 Accredited with AQP

 Compliance with OHS Act, environmental and other labour legislation

 Compliance with the Basic Conditions of Employment Act

 Company specific legal requirements, procedures and policies

 Customs and Exercise Act (Rules and Schedules)

 Import control prohibitions and restrictions

2.5 Additional Assignments to be Assessed Externally


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3. 333101000-WM-03, Communication and documentation for warehousing processes and
requirements, NQF Level 5, Credits 2

3.1 Purpose of the Work Experience Modules

The focus of the work experience is on providing the learner an opportunity to:

observe, assist and autonomously prepare documentation for warehousing and storage processes and
procedures within a real life international freight forwarding environment. The Learner will be required to work
within different environments and complete each of the work experiences at least twice within one week

The learner will be required to:

 WM-03-WE01: Process warehousing documentation

 WM-03-WE02: Coordinate storage and movement of cargo to warehouse

3.2 Guidelines for Work Experiences

3.2.1. WM-03-WE01: Process warehousing documentation

Scope of Work Experience

The person will be expected to engage in the following work activities:

 WA0101 Prepare shipping document and request customs release

 WA0102 Receive delivery of instructions from the client

 WA0103 Batch documents issued to warehousing for distribution

 WA0104 Compiled written reports/ documents clarifying scale for the international movement of

Supporting Evidence

 SE0101 Approved customs release document and supporting company document demonstrating the
role the learner played

 SE0102 Supporting company document demonstrating the role the learner played in preparation of
batching documents

3.2.2. WM-03-WE02: Coordinate storage and movement of cargo to warehouse

Scope of Work Experience

The person will be expected to engage in the following work activities:

 WA0201 Determine characteristics and storage facility for the freight

 WA0202 Arrange delivery of cargo and ensure delivery note is signed

 WA0203 Determine best mode of transport based on freight characteristics and economy.

Supporting Evidence

 SE0201 Signed of storage facility for different traded goods

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 SE0202 Signed shipping file (waybill, airway bill, packing list and delivery note) conforming
successful delivery of goods

3.3 Contextualised Workplace Knowledge

1 INCO terms

2 SARS customs regulations

3 Standard Operating Procedures for receipt and handling of shipment and commercial documentation

4 Company policies on internal communication and third parties

5 Company policy on Handling of Commercial documentation

6 Company schedule of suppliers for freight forward and clearing operations

7 Management approved and accredited rate schedule

3.4 Criteria for Workplace Approval

Physical Requirements:

 A safe working environment providing the learner with adequate workplace resources (desk,
computers, telephone, stationery, etc) and access to facilities

Human Resource Requirements:

 Human resource development policies promote learning, mentoring and coaching

 Assigned person/s to supervise and administer activities of learners throughout the defined learning

 Learner placement policy

Legal Requirements:

 Accredited with AQP

 Compliance with OHS Act and other labour legislation

 Compliance with the Basic Conditions of Employment Act

 Company specific legal requirements, procedures and policies

3.5 Additional Assignments to be Assessed Externally


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4. 333101000-WM-04, Documentation for distribution processes and procedures , NQF Level
5, Credits 8

4.1 Purpose of the Work Experience Modules

The focus of the work experience is on providing the learner an opportunity to:

observe, assist and autonomously prepare documents to facilitate the distribution within a real life
international freight forwarding environment. The Learner will be required to work and complete the following
work experiences at least twice within one week.

The learner will be required to:

 WM-04-WE01: Co-ordinate documents and movement of cargo for distribution of cargo

4.2 Guidelines for Work Experiences

4.2.1. WM-04-WE01: Co-ordinate documents and movement of cargo for distribution of cargo

Scope of Work Experience

The person will be expected to engage in the following work activities:

 WA0101 Prepare shipping documents

 WA0102 Receive movement instructions

 WA0103 Coordinate movement of cargo

Supporting Evidence

 SE0101 Approved customs release document and supporting company document demonstrating the
role the learner played

 SE0102 Supporting company document demonstrating the role the learner played in preparation of
batching documents

 SE0103 Letter or E-mail requesting movement of cargo

4.3 Contextualised Workplace Knowledge

1 INCO terms

2 SARS customs regulations

3 Standard Operating Procedures for receipt and handling of shipment and commercial documentation

4 Company policies on internal communication and third parties

5 Company policy on Handling of Commercial documentation

6 Company schedule of suppliers for freight forward and clearing operations

7 Management approved and accredited rate schedule

4.4 Criteria for Workplace Approval

Physical Requirements:

333101000 - Clearing and Forwarding Agent Page 66 of 76

 A safe working environment providing the learner with adequate workplace resources (desk,
computers, telephone, stationery, etc) and access to facilities

Human Resource Requirements:

 Human resource development policies promote learning, mentoring and coaching

 Assigned person/s to supervise and administer activities of learners throughout the defined learning

 Learner placement policy

Legal Requirements:

 Accredited with AQP

 Compliance with OHS Act and other labour legislation

 Compliance with the Basic Conditions of Employment Act

 Company specific legal requirements, procedures and policies

4.5 Additional Assignments to be Assessed Externally


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Curriculum Number: 333101000

Curriculum Title: Clearing and Forwarding Agent

Learner Details


ID Number:

Employer Details

Company Name:


Supervisor Name:

Work Telephone:


333101000 - Clearing and Forwarding Agent Page 68 of 76

333101000-WM-01, Conduct cargo forwarding processes, NQF Level 5, Credits 8

WM-01-WE01 Plan and co-ordinate freight movement of cargo

Scope Work Experience Date Signature

WA0101 Establish availability of full set of shipping documents

WA0102 Establish mode, size, type and status of shipment

WA0103 Map routing of cargo

Supporting Evidence Date Signature

SE0101 The copy of commercial invoice signed by both an

authorised person in charge of training and the learner

SE0102 Stamped certificate of origin

SE0103 Document of carriage (Bill of lading and airway bills)

identifying the mode of transportation signed by the
learner or electronic document opened by the learner
with his/ her password

SE0104 Full set of document associated with the shipment are

confirmed as complete demonstrating the work done
by the learner

WM-01-WE02 Work in the registration section for a week to open and

process shipping file for a cargo

Supporting Evidence Date Signature

SE0201 Completed manual or electronic registry of shipment

information confirming work done by the learner

SE0202 Good received notes signed by the learner and


Scope Work Experience Date Signature

WA0201 Register the shipment

WA0202 Process shipment

WM-01-WE03 Process insurance cover and claim for a cargo

333101000 - Clearing and Forwarding Agent Page 69 of 76

Supporting Evidence Date Signature

SE0301 Approved insurance certificate

SE0302 Official proved for claim forms and correspondences

relating to cargo claims confirming the work of the

Scope Work Experience Date Signature

WA0301 Establish insurance requirements from the INCO term

WA0302 Complete insurance documents

WA0303 Notify parties of pending insurance claim

WM-01-WE04 Co-ordinate customs clearing procedures for cargo

Scope Work Experience Date Signature

WA0401 Batch and date stamp shipment documents

WA0402 Process and maintain shipping file

Supporting Evidence Date Signature

SE0401 Official document conforming specific document

receipt note as work of the learner and date stamped
by entries

Contextualised Workplace Date Signature


1 INCO terms

2 SARS customs regulations

3 Standard Operating
Procedures for receipt and
handling of shipment and
commercial documentation

333101000 - Clearing and Forwarding Agent Page 70 of 76

4 Company policies on internal
and third parties

5 Company policy on handling of

commercial documentation

6 Company schedule of
suppliers for freight forwarding
and clearing operations

7 Management approved and

accredited rate schedule

8 Company policy on use of

tariff information

Additional Assignments to Date Signature

be Assessed Externally

333101000-WM-02, Process customs compliance procedures, NQF Level 5, Credits 8

WM-02-WE01 Administer data/documentation procedures and

processes associated with international trade in
compliance with applicable and current legislation

Scope Work Experience Date Signature

WA0101 Perform registration / licencing and accreditation


WA0102 Check and verify document set

WA0103 Process and submit declaration and required

documentation or data

WA0104 Conducted post clearance audit

WA0105 Perform adjustment or refunds (Stops/detains/import

control/state vessel etc)

333101000 - Clearing and Forwarding Agent Page 71 of 76

Supporting Evidence Date Signature

SE0101 Signed company documentation confirming contribution

of the learner in ensuring approval of application
documents, resulting licence or registration and quality

SE0102 Audit report authenticated as conducted or

demonstrating the role the learner played in its

SE0103 Approved released voucher of (VOC) or refunds pay out

WM-02-WE02 Implement tariff classification, customs valuation and

calculate duties and taxes

Supporting Evidence Date Signature

SE0201 Company documentation confirming the role of the

learner in approved tariff classification of traded goods

SE0202 Company documentation confirming the role of the

learner in approved and correctly calculated worksheet

Scope Work Experience Date Signature

WA0201 Tariff classify a range of internationally traded goods

WA0202 Calculate the value and apply factorisation

WA0203 Calculate the duty and VAT payable in terms of

Schedule 1 to 6

Contextualised Workplace Date Signature


1 INCO terms

2 Harmonized system (
Determination of correct ruling

3 Customs Exercise Act, Rules

and Schedules

333101000 - Clearing and Forwarding Agent Page 72 of 76

4 Valuation guideline
prohibitions and restrictions

5 Company schedule of
suppliers for freight forward
and clearing operations

6 Management approved and

accredited rate schedule

7 Determination of local
international or world customs
organisation (WCO) ruling

8 Company ( SOP) Standard

Operating Procedures and
policy in processing
Declarations and Audits

Additional Assignments to Date Signature

be Assessed Externally

333101000-WM-03, Communication and documentation for warehousing processes and

requirements, NQF Level 5, Credits 2

WM-03-WE01 Process warehousing documentation

Scope Work Experience Date Signature

WA0101 Prepare shipping document and request customs


WA0102 Receive delivery of instructions from the client

WA0103 Batch documents issued to warehousing for


WA0104 Compiled written reports/ documents clarifying scale

for the international movement of freight

Supporting Evidence Date Signature

333101000 - Clearing and Forwarding Agent Page 73 of 76

SE0101 Approved customs release document and supporting
company document demonstrating the role the
learner played

SE0102 Supporting company document demonstrating the

role the learner played in preparation of batching

WM-03-WE02 Coordinate storage and movement of cargo to


Scope Work Experience Date Signature

WA0201 Determine characteristics and storage facility for the


WA0202 Arrange delivery of cargo and ensure delivery note is


WA0203 Determine best mode of transport based on freight

characteristics and economy.

Supporting Evidence Date Signature

SE0201 Signed of storage facility for different traded goods

SE0202 Signed shipping file (waybill, airway bill, packing list

and delivery note) conforming successful delivery of

Contextualised Workplace Date Signature


1 INCO terms

2 SARS customs regulations

3 Standard Operating
Procedures for receipt and
handling of shipment and
commercial documentation

4 Company policies on internal

communication and third

333101000 - Clearing and Forwarding Agent Page 74 of 76


5 Company policy on Handling

of Commercial documentation

6 Company schedule of
suppliers for freight forward
and clearing operations

7 Management approved and

accredited rate schedule

Additional Assignments to Date Signature

be Assessed Externally

333101000-WM-04, Documentation for distribution processes and procedures , NQF Level 5, Credits

WM-04-WE01 Co-ordinate documents and movement of cargo for

distribution of cargo

Scope Work Experience Date Signature

WA0101 Prepare shipping documents

WA0102 Receive movement instructions

WA0103 Coordinate movement of cargo

Supporting Evidence Date Signature

SE0101 Approved customs release document and supporting

company document demonstrating the role the
learner played

SE0102 Supporting company document demonstrating the

role the learner played in preparation of batching

SE0103 Letter or E-mail requesting movement of cargo

333101000 - Clearing and Forwarding Agent Page 75 of 76

Contextualised Workplace Date Signature

1 INCO terms

2 SARS customs regulations

3 Standard Operating
Procedures for receipt and
handling of shipment and
commercial documentation

4 Company policies on internal

communication and third

5 Company policy on Handling

of Commercial documentation

6 Company schedule of
suppliers for freight forward
and clearing operations

7 Management approved and

accredited rate schedule

Additional Assignments to Date Signature

be Assessed Externally

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