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Subject: SCIENCE (IPBA) Duration : 180 Minutes

Grade : VII

A. Choose the correct answer

1 The various forms of the earth's surface, both on land and on the seabed, are a process of
the forces that formed it. The forces that shape the earth's surface into various forms are...
a. exogenous and internal forces
b. exogenous and external forces
c. endogenous energy and exogenous energy
d. external power and internal power

2 The power that forms the relief of the earth that comes from within the earth is…
a. intrusion
b. extrusion
c. endogenous
d. exogenous

3 Exogenous energy is energy that comes from the surface of the earth. Types of exogenous
energy are…
a. Water, wind, volcano
b. Sedimentation, erosion, weathering
c. Living things, solar radiation, tectonism
d. Sedimentation, glaciers, earthquake

4 Look at the following picture!

The movement of tectonic plates as shown in the picture causes changes in the shape of the
earth's surface, namely...
a. The formation of a gentle slope due to the movement of dilute lava
b. Earthquakes are caused by faults in the oceanic plate
c. The emergence of symptoms of volcanic activity due to the pressure of magma
d. Rising sea levels due to the subsidence of the continental plate
e. Expandingcontinental shelf in the coastal region

5 The flora and fauna of Papua and its surroundings have similarities with the flora and fauna
of Australia, the cause of this is…
a. Papua is separated by a fault with Australia
b. Papua is close to the Australian continent
c. DisplacementAustralian flora and fauna to Papua due to surface ocean currents
d. Papua and its surroundings were once united with the Australian continent

6 Pay attention to the following statement!

1) The temperature around the mountain is dropping
2) The springs are increasing
3) Make a rumbling sound accompanied by an earthquake
4) The plants around the mountain withered
5) Many animals come down from the mountain
From this statement, which is a natural symptom of the occurrence of volcanic events is…
a. 1, 2, 3
b. 3, 4, 5
c. 1, 2, 4
d. 1, 3, 5

7 Pay attention to the following statement!

1) There is a movement of the earth's plates
2) The occurrence of glaciers in high mountains
3) The occurrence of the hydrological cycle
4) There is a series of volcanic mountains
5) There is sedimentation in the valley area
6) There is a cave in the limestone mountains
From the above statement, two factors that cause many earthquakes in Indonesia are….
a. 1, 4
b. 1, 2
c. 1.5
d. 2.3

8 Indonesia is an area that is prone to earthquakes/tsunami and volcanic eruptions. The

territory of Indonesia is the meeting place of three of the world's major plates. The three
large plates are…
a. Asian, Indonesian, Filipino plates
b. African, Eurasian, Indo Australian Plate
c. Indo-Australian, Pacific and Eurasian Plates
d. pacific plate, america and Africa

9 A tsunami is an event that rises in large waves that have a speed of up to 900 KM / hour,
so that it can cause damage. The following are some of the signs that a tsunami is imminent:
a. The sea suddenly recedes
b. The temperature around the sea is getting colder
c. The sky becomes cloudy with sudden rain
d. Fishermen's catch is decreasing

10 Look to the following statement!

1) Planting and conserving mangrove forests in coastal areas
2) Build houses and buildings on the beach
3) Development of an early warning system for tsunami disasters.
4) Looking for a place to stay that is not steep
Indonesia is an area prone to tsunamis. The way that can be done to minimize the damage
and loss of life due to the tsunami is to…
a. 1 and 2
b. 1 and 3
c. 2 and 3
d. 3 and 4
11 Based on their distance from the sun, the order of the planets from farthest to closest to the
sun is...
a. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
b. Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter
c. Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus and Saturn
d. Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn

12 Each planet has special characteristics that make it different from one planet to another.
Which statement is true about the planets in the solar system...
a. Mercury is the farthest planet from the sun in the solar system, so it has no satellites
b. Mars is known as the "red planet" which has a satellite named moon
c. Earth is an outer planet because it is very far from the sun
d. Saturn is a planet famous for having a "ring" made of ice grains

13 Earth is known as the “blue planet” in the solar system. The factors that cause the earth to
be called the blue planet are…
a. Earth is called the blue planet because 72% percent of the earth is water
b. Earth is called the blue planet because it has ice caps at the poles
c. Earth is called the blue planet because it consists of the same helium gas as Uranus
d. Earth is called the blue planet because it has a moon satellite that emits blue light

14 During the rainy season, we will often encounter lightning and thunder. Lightning and
thunder have a difference. The correct statement about lightning and thunder is...
a. Lightning occurs due to the difference in electric charge.
b. Lightning's speed of sound is faster than the speed of light
c. Lightning occurs on the surface of the earth
d. Lightning causes atmospheric disturbance

15 Indonesia is known to be rich in mining resources such as tin and nickel which can be used
to fulfill the needs of human life. The factors that cause Indonesia to be rich in mining
resources are…
a. Indonesia is located at the confluence of tectonic plates such as the Indo-Australian
plate, the Eurasian plate, the Pacific plate so that it is rich in oil, natural gas and coal.
b. Indonesia has a tropical climate so that it has sufficient rainfall to form nutrients in the
soil as the initial formation of fossil oil
c. Indonesia has a diversity of flora and fauna which ultimately form fossils when they are
below the earth's surface
d. Indonesia is surrounded by oceans which are rich in mining resources below sea level
such as tin, bauxite and iron ore

16 Which of the following statements is correct about the geological location of Indonesia?
a. Indonesia is located between the North American plate and the Indo-Australian plate
b. Geologically, Indonesia is located on the Eurasian plate and the Pacific plate
c. Indonesia is located on the Pacific plate and the Indo-Australian plate
d. Indonesia is located between the Indo-Australian plate, the Cocos plate, and the
Antarctic plate

17 Look at the following picture!

The letter A in the picture shows the deepest layer of the earth's crust, which is named …
A. Outer Core
B. Inner Core
C. Mantle Crust
D. Earth's Crust

18 The following are the positive and negative effects of volcanoes on life:
A. increase in soil fertility due to material coming out of the volcano
B. the occurrence of volcanic eruptions that cause damage both small and large scale
C. the number of damaged buildings within a scale of 2 km from the top of the volcano
D. Various types of plants can thrive in a short time

19 Earth's rotation is the rotation of the earth on its axis with a duration of 24 hours, with the
following effects...
A. day and night events, throughout the prison area with 12 hours of day and 12 hours of
B. The division of world time due to the rotation of the earth from west to east, the area
in the east experiences sunlight first
C. Circulation of all celestial bodies that can be seen by observers only
D. D. Time difference of 2 hours per zone

20 Which The vast landmass that stretches and is above 5-100 and 100- 200 meters above sea
level is called...
A. Highlands
B. Mountains
C. Volcano
D. Lowlands

21 The science that studies the layers of the earth's crust and climate is...
A. Geology
B. Geomorphology
C. Climatology
D. Oceanography

22 Which of the following statements is true about carbon emitters in living organisms?
A. Phytoplankton
B. Animal respiration
C. Plant photosynthesis
D. Industrial emission gas

23 Pay attention to the following statement

1) Changes in ocean temperature and changes in ocean currents
2) Extreme and drastic weather changes and seasons that can slow down or come faster.
3) Causes nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache and increased heart rate
4) If inhaled too much, it will cause poisoning
5) Threaten the sinking of coastal areas
The statement that is true about the negative impact of increasing CO 2 in the environment
A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3
C. 3 and 5
D. 2 and 5

24 The function of CO2 in the environment is...

A. As a supporter of photosynthesis
B. As a mixed gas needed by medical in hospitals
C. Supports the respiratory process of animals and humans
D. As a mixture of drugs
25 The negative behavior that supports the increase in the effect of greenhouse gases on earth
A. make efficient use of single-use plastic with recycled bags
B. Using a motorized vehicle
C. Garbage burning activities
D. The use of purification methods in discharging wastewater into rivers

26 The positive impact of volcanism on the survival of living things is…

A. Fertilize the soil, because of the carbon monoxide contained in the soil.
B. Can be used as building material in volcanic eruption areas
C. Fertilize the soil, because volcanic ash that has undergone weathering contains
minerals that plants need
D. Expanding agricultural area

27 The way that can be done to support the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is to…
A. Managing the waste generated into compost
B. Separate organic and non-organic waste
C. Using paper excessively
D. Use electricity continuously instead of motorized vehicles

28 The function of forests and plants for the environment is…

A. Reduce the occurrence of land erosion
B. Keep rural and urban areas shady and comfortable
C. Keep the earth's temperature condition will get colder
D. Reduce CO2 levels that are too high in the air

B. Match with the correct answer!

1 Match the statements that have a relationship!
Natural Process Category
1. Types of natural resources that are always A. Natural resources are non-
available and require a relatively short time in renewable
the process of re-supplying B. Natural resources are
2. Utilization of sea water as a capture fishery renewable
and source of income for fishing communities C. Marine sustainable
3. The process of transporting heat and water development
vapor from one location to another by D. Infiltration
horizontal air movement E. Advection
4. The entry of water from the soil surface into
the soil pores horizontally
2 Match the statements according to the water cycle!
Statements Answer
1. This cycle begins with the evaporation of sea water a. Long cycle
and water on the earth's surface. After that, the water b. Medium cycle
vapor condenses into clouds. These clouds are carried c. Short cycle
by the wind over land and fall as rain. precipation d. Evaporation
flows into surface runoff, seeps into the ground and e. Evapotranspiration
rivers, and returns to the sea
2. This cycle begins with the evaporation of seawater
and water on the earth's surface. After that, the water
vapor condenses into clouds. Clouds fall carried by
the wind and fall as rain or snow when in
mountainous areas to form glaciers. Then the water
goes into the river and finally back to the sea
3. This cycle begins with the evaporation of sea water,
then forms clouds and falls as rain in the sea area.
4. The combination of the process of evaporation of
water by the sun's heat and the process of evaporation
of water from plants
3 Match the statements according to solar system!
Characteristic Planet
1. Has almost the same size as Jupiter, its atmosphere A. Venus
consists of hydrogen and helium. Have more than B. Saturnus
1000 rings C. Mars
2. Has a rotation period of 24 hours 7 minutes. Its D. Bumi
surface is similar to a barren desert or desert. Its E. Yupiter
satellites are Phobos and Deimos.
3. The brightest planet when viewed from the earth's
surface, is called the morning and evening star.
4. Has a rotation period of 9 hours 50 minutes. It has
66 satellites. There are large red spots on the surface.
4 Match the statements according to location!
Indonesia’s location Geographical condition
1. Located between two oceans, namely the Indian A. Astronomical location
Ocean and the Pacific Ocean B. Geological location
2. Indonesia is located at 95 - 141 degrees east C. Sociological condition
longitude and 6 north latitude - 11 degrees south D. Geomorphological
latitude condition
3. Indonesia is located between three major plates of E. Geographical location
the earth, namely the Indo-Australian plate, the
Pacific plate and the Eurasian plate.
4. Indonesia has various types of topography ranging
from lowlands, highlands, active volcanoes, inactive
mountains, mountains, deep seas, shallow seas,
lakes, rivers.

C. Answer the following questions!

1. Indonesia is located between the confluence of three active world plates. What is the impact of
Indonesia's geological location on life?
2. Earth is a planet that consists mostly of water. Why is water so important for the life of living
3. Indonesia is a country prone to earthquakes. How do you try to save yourself in the event of an
4. Indonesia is famous for having many active volcanoes. When the volcano erupted, many people
fled. Even so, many people still live in mountainous areas after the volcanic eruption has ended.
why it can be happened?
5. One of the positive impacts of Indonesia's geological location which has many volcanoes and is
located between the meeting of the world's plates is that Indonesia has a lot of mining resources.
Why should we use mining resources efficiently?

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