My Ucsp DLL Week3

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Grades 1 to 12

School Barotuan National High School Grade Level Grade XI

Teacher Emily M. Palay Learning Area Understanding Culture, Society & POlitics

Teaching Dates and Time Week 3 Quarter 3rd QUARTER

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4


The concept of culture, society and politics.

A. Content

1.  Appreciate the nat ure of culture and society from the perspe ctives of anthropol ogy and sociology.
B. Performance Standards 2. Demonstrate a holistic understanding of culture and society.
3. Value cultural heritage and express pride of place without being ethnocentric.

C. Learning Competencies/  Explain anthropological and Describe society and culture as a  Identify aspects of culture and Identify aspects of culture and society
Objectives sociological perspective on culture complex whole society UCSPC11DCS-Ic-8
Write the LC code for and society UCSPC11DCS-Ic-7 UCSPC11DCS-Ic-8 Objective:
each UCSPC11DCS-Ic-6 Objective: Objective:
Objective: 1.Explore the holistic appreciation of 1. prove that culture is dynamic, flexible
1. Define Anthropology and Sociology. cultures and societies. and adaptive.
2. Distinguish the different 2. prove that culture is shared and
perspectives in recognizing the contested
existence of culture and society?

II. CONTENT Defining Culture, Society ,and Politics Defining Culture, Society ,and Politics Defining Culture, Society ,and Politics Defining Culture, Society ,and Politics


 A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages p. 6-7 p.
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources

A. Reviewing previous Activity: Three-Two-One (3-2-1) Review Activity: Review:
The teacher will ask the learner
lesson or presenting Writing Activity where students write: 3 key  Ask the following. Everyone up— all the students will stand up;
to identify the goals of
the new lesson terms from what they have just learned, 2 they get to sit down when they can share
Anthropology, Political Science
ideas they would like to learn more about, Why is culture said to be a product of one fact, idea, or new vocabulary word
and Sociology.
and 1 concept or skill they think they society? related to the lesson: Political and
have mastered. leadership structures (Political
B. Establishing a Organization)
purpose for the  Activity: Jumbled Word List all things that make Filipino culture KWL Chart
lesson Students will be given set of unique and different from other cultures. (The teacher will ask the students if they
jumbled letters and they will try to Then explain why Filipinos behave the have an existing idea about the aspects of
compose the words from it. way they do. culture and society)

culture changes along. New trends exist.

C. Presenting ANTHROPOLOGY- is the study of Process Questions:
examples/instances of people throughout the world, their 1.  Are these cultural t raits unchangeable
the new lesson evolutionary history, how they behave, or are they subject to historical and
adapt to different environments, social change?
communicate, and socialize with one 2. Do all Filipinos share the same
another. traits? Explain.
SOCIOLOGY- is the study of human
institutions and their relationships. This
discipline examines how human actions
in modern societies are shaped by
social groups and by wider social,
economic, and political pressures.
D. Discussing new (15 minutes) Present the two different concepts of culture
concepts and Discuss: and society, its own meaning and function.
practicing new skills #1 Anthropological and Sociological Society and Culture as a Complex
Perspectives on Culture and Society Whole

Let us put the two concepts this way Edward B. Tylor defined culture as "that
.Culture complex whole which includes knowledge,
tangible factors art, belief, law, morals, custom, and any
 Language other capabilities and habits acquired by
 Technology man as a member of society."
 institutions−−like our churches,
schools, or houses.  With this premise, it can be said that
intangible aspects culture is a product of society. These
 values and behaviors two exist dependently on each other.
 . norms, the standards or  Culture , just like every person in
rules of acceptable society, is susceptible to change or
behavior. death.
Culture is what makes society a  Society is not constant. Its members
collective whole. It gives the community change from time to time. As a result,
s e ure: Dynamic, Flexible, and Adaptive
I ? c
s D i There are different aspects of culture like
o a art, music, language, food, daily life, clothing,
t l and religion to name a few. These aspects
h y of culture show us that culture
e o f is dynamic, flexible, and adaptive.
r u e
e a
Culture constantly changes and adapts to
p s
the current state of society. It continuously
s r t
restores itself whenever customs do not fit in
o a
the current situation anymore. It does not
m c i
remain stagnant.
e t n
t i
c y Examples:
i e o
n u  In the aspect of music, we can see that
g a r music may change from time to time. The
u c p
n e r
i r o
q t v
u a i
e i n
n c
t e
h c ?
a u
t s
o o
n m
y o
y A
o c s
u e p
r l e
e c
f b t
a r s
m a
i t o
l e f
a C
d u
o s l
e p t
Society - in terms of sociology, is a New technologies are invented and music during the 1920s was mostly
group of people living and interacting new means of interaction have been jazz, ragtime, and broadway music
with one another to create a culture. created. while the popular music during the
Its population is bound by a shared  People evolve over time as a result 1970s was disco music.
culture−−beliefs, attitudes, languages, of their exposure to renewed or  Because we are now more inclined to
and institutions. changed laws, values, and standards use computers and tablets especially
of society. when playing games, some children are
not able to play street games anymore.
Elements of Culture This pushed some game developers to
introduce Filipino street games as video
 When it comes to language, we can also
see how culture adapts to changing
times. We have already developed new
words related to the internet like memes,
netizens, vines, and others
Aspects of Culture: Shared and Contested
 Culture is learned and acquired through
different interactions with people. Culture
is a shared learning experience.
Because culture constantly changes, we
E. Discussing new Activity: Role-Playing a Religious get to share the learning process with
Feast other people
concepts and
 Ask the class to p repare a short skit Observe your interaction with your classmates.
practicing new skills #2
depicting people involved in preparation Try to identify what common culture you and
and celebration of a religious feast. Explore! your classmates share that made you become
Process Question Think about the different factors involved friends.
1. What activities are involved in shaping society and culture. How do
in carrying out a religious they affect continuous societal and
feast? cultural changes?
2. How do they know that a
religious feast requires
these activities?
3. Why do they celebrate
religious feast?

F. Developing mastery
(5 minutes) May Konek: The students will be
(leads to
Activity: “One-sentence summary” grouped to 6 teams. Each team will answer
Formative Summarize the definition of sociology the question in a manila paper.
Assessment 3) and anthropology by doing “one-  Ask: “What is the dividing line between
sentence summary”. Students are anthropology and sociology? Culture and
asked to write a single summary society?
sentence that answers “( what and why
” questions about the topic. .”
G. Finding practical Try It!
applications of
concepts and skills in Identify three societies or groups of
daily living people within the locality Write at least
three characteristics for each group.

H. Making (5 minutes) Activity: 5 Minutes)

generalizations and  Ask the students to choose a partner Sum It Up!
abstractions about the and share what they understand with 1. Today I have learned that
lesson these question: “   .
Why should people use different 2. The topic that is NOT clear to me is/are
perspectives in recognizing the   .
existence of culture and society?

I. Evaluating learning Essay:

Individual Work:3-2-1
1. Why is the study of anthropology Let the students fill the 3-2-1
and sociology important in chart: 3 things learned
understanding culture and society?
2 most important facts still in mind
2. Why is culture said to be a
1 question remains in mind
product of society?
J.  Additional activities for
application or remediation



 A. No. of learners who

80% in the evaluation 0
B. No. of learners who
require additional
C. activities for remediation
Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
No. of learners who
continue to require
D. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help
G. What me solve?
innovation or
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

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