Compensation Benefit Management

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Course: Compensation and Benefit Management

Semester: Spring 2023

Course ID: 112474, 112475
Faculty: Zia Ur Rehman

Human Resource Management

Course Description
This course aims to provide comprehensive knowledge of Compensation &
benefit Management. This compressive knowledge includes determining the compensation,
benefit and non-compensation needs of an organization. Moreover, construct an effective
compensation, benefit and non-compensation package and strategy.

Program Objectives and Learning Outcomes:

 PO1: To develop knowledge and understanding of business-related concepts and develop

students’ ability to apply them in real-world context.
 PLO1.1: Students are assigned textbooks and reference material for reading and
testing is done to ensure that students have absorbed the conceptual understanding
of important concepts.
 PLO1.2: Exercises are given to students in teams such as industry-related projects
to ensure that students are able to apply conceptual knowledge in real-world

 PO2: To develop the entrepreneurial and leadership spirit in students.

 PLO2.1: Some exclusive Courses are part of the degree that are focused on
inculcating entrepreneurial spirit among our students. An entrepreneurial project
is reserved as core course for every student to develop a business plan for
launching a new business. Support services are to be provided for helping
potential projects to be launched in the marketplace before the student is
graduated from the program.

 PLO2.2: Students are to be encouraged to develop and market their unique

business ideas through regular marketing events such as Marketing Gala, Brand
Activation Activities, etc.

 PLO2.3: Most courses must offer projects in teams to develop student’s

leadership capacity that come out of the team environment. Students’ societies
that are made up of students must encourage students to build their leadership
 PO3: To develop students’ communication skills and building their confidence through
classroom exercises and activities to make them competitive for the business world.
 PLO3.1: Courses of the management sciences domain must have presentations in
the basic as well as advanced courses to build their communication skills and
confidence for the public speaking that is imperative for managerial and
leadership positions.

 PLO3.2: Evaluation of presentations in many courses and final projects be done

by the external evaluators from academia and industry.

 PLO3.3 Courses related to public speaking and activities related to debating be

part of the bachelors program to achieve the goal of superior communication and
developing higher level of confidence among our students.

 PO4: To instil a sense of ethical values and corporate social responsibility in our students.
 PLO4.1: Course/s related to corporate social responsibility be offered to instigate
students for approaching the social responsibility projects for the betterment of

 PLO4.2: Seminars and workshop be offered to gain the understanding of the

importance of social responsibility as well as the progress being made by
individuals and organizations in this domain in the society.

 PLO4.3: Faculty be guided to introduce topics in the classroom that discuss the
ethical perspective for the business domain. Workshops and seminars be
conducted in every term on ethical perspective.

 PO5: To provide knowledge of various business domains like Marketing, Finance,

Management and HR to give a holistic view of the business domain in order to enhance
the employability of graduates and to prepare them for pursuing higher education locally
and internationally.

 PLO5.1. The curriculum must include courses of key business areas and be taught
by the suitable faculty. Courses of business areas must have assignments and
project that is industry focused and be evaluated by the professionals from
industry and academia.

 PLO5.2. Guest speakers from the industry be invited in the classrooms for sharing
their market experience and knowledge in these different domains of Marketing,
Finance, HRM, and Supply Chain etc.
 PLO5.3The mode of communication in the classroom must primarily be in the
English language between the faculty and the students.

 PO6: Develop team building and team working skills among students.
 PLO6.1. Classroom exercises must include team building approach by assigning
students in teams to carryout projects and assignments.

 PLO6.2. Final year projects of capstone orientation be conducted in teams of


 PLO6.3. Specific course/s on leadership and team building be offered for students
to help them gaining the theoretical perspective and team approach dimension.

Course Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

CLO1: To analyze pay model and develop a pay system and assess the relationship between an
organization's business strategy and its pay systems
CLO2: To examine and understand the effectiveness of laws and regulations on compensation
and benefit practices.
CLO3: Describe the components of a compensation and non-compensation system and the need
to combine them into an effective reward system
CLO4: Analyze how compensation motivates employee performance that supports work unit and
organizational effectiveness by rewarding employees.
CLO5: Examine various compensation strategies within various organizational structures.

. General Pedagogy of class conduct:

1. Before class self-study
2. In-class discussion and quizzes
3. Case analysis/assignments for developing analytical skills, problem-solving and decision
4. Application of confidence-building measures through classroom exercises (presentations

CLO PLO Faculty Remarks –

Weeks achieving (CLOs and PLOs)

Week 1-2 Introduction Compensation CLO1 PLO1.1

in Knowledge-based
Week 3-4 Compensation: A CLO1 PLO1.1
Component of HR system
Internal Alignment

Week 5-6 Job Analysis CLO1 PLO1.1

Week7-8 Job Evaluation CLO2 PLO1.1,


Week 9 External Alignment CLO2 PLO1.1,


Week 10 Salary Surveys & Use of CLO2 PLO1.1,

Personnel Data PLO1.2

Week 11 Performance Contributions CLO6 PLO1.1,

& Administration PLO1.2

Week12 Designing Pay levels & Pay CLO6 PLO1.1,

Structures PLO1.2

Week 13 Pay for Performance CLO4 PLO1.1,


Week14 Types of Benefits CLO4 PLO1.1,


Week15 Union Role in Salary & CLO3 PLO1.1,

Administration PLO1.2

Textbook/References Books:

Compensation Management in Knowledge Based World by Richard I. Henderson

Paying for Performance-A Guide to Performance Management by Peter T. Chingos
Human Resource Management-Strategies & Processes by Alan Nankervis, Robert Compton,
Marian Baird
Human Resource Management by Robert L. Mathis & John H. Jackson

Template Project Details:

 A group of 3 to 5 students should be responsible to evaluate compensation and benefits’
practices in the selected organizations.
 Students should choose industry and organization for visit. 
 Students need to conduct comprehensive interview with HR Manager regarding
compensation and benefits practices and models. 
 Students should prepare comprehensive reports and present in class. 

Case Studies


Assessment Methods Rubrics Weightage

Knowledge and for exam
1 Quizzes
preparation 5%
Developing analytical skills,
2 problem-solving approach and 10%
decision making.
Students’ confidence-building
Class participation and
3 measures and encouraging 3-5%
their participation
Must cover around 50% of the
course material. Testing
4 Mid Term test 20-25%
through Multiple choice 30 to
50% and subjective 50 to 70%
Comprehensive. Full course
coverage. Multiple choice 30
5 Final exam to 50% and subjective 50 to 35-40%

Industry-based problem
solving and delivery in front
of the audience to enhance
6 Project and presentation confidence and 15-25%
communication of students as
well as understanding of real-
world issues.
Total 100%

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