Questionnaire On Horticulture
Questionnaire On Horticulture
Questionnaire On Horticulture
Respondent no.:..............
1. Personal Information:
1.1 Name:.....................................................................................................................................................
1.2 Address:..........................................................................................................................Block:.............
1.3 Age:................................ 1.4. Male Female
1.5 Caste: General ST SC OBC EWS
1.6 Educational Qualification:
Primary school
Secondary school
High School
Post Graduate and higher
1.7 Number of Family Member: Male:............. Female:................................ Children:..........................
2. Information about Land:
2.1 Size of Land holding:.............................................................................................................................
2.2 Size of Land holding used for horticultural purpose:...........................................................................
2.3 Soil Type:...............................................................................................................................................
2.4 Size of irrigated land holding:..........................Size of non irrigated land holding:...............................
3. Package of practices for crops
Crop Area Variety Sowing time Spacing and seed No. of
rate Irrigation
4. Nutrient doses for crops grown by farmers
S. No Crop N P K Micro Nutrients
Recommended Applied Recommend Applied Recommend Applied Recommended Applied
ed ed
8. Pest Infestation
What are the insect pests that you are observing in your horticultural crops and what are the management practices used?
S No Crop Pests Management practices used
9. Disease Infestation
What are the diseases that your are observing in your horticultural crops and what are the management practices used?
S No Crop Diseases Management practices used
10. What is the yield of five horticultural products and at what is the profit incurred from each crop?
S No Crop Cost of Cultivation Yield Income