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March 13-17, 2023
DAILY LESSON LOG TEACHING 11- A (1:00- 2:00- MTTh, 2:00- 3:00-F)
DATES 11-B (10:30-11:30- MT, 2:00- 3:00 WTh) QUARTER 3
AND TIME 11- C (8:30-9:30- TWTh, 7:30-8:30- F)
11-D (8:30-9:30-M, 7:30-8:30-T, 9:30-10:30-W, 3:00-4:00- F)

Objectives must be the met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be
followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies.
These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable
children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standards The learner... realizes that information in a written text may be selected and organized to achieve a particular purpose.
B. Performance Standards The learner... critiques a chosen sample of each pattern of development focusing on information selection, organization, and development.
Compare and contrast patterns of written texts across disciplines
Compare and contrast each Define problem-solution and Compare each writing pattern Contrast each writing pattern
writing pattern (comparison and persuasion as patterns of (problem-solution and persuasion) (problem-solution and
contrast and cause and effect) development in writing based on its aim/purpose and its persuasion) based on its
C. Learning
based on its aim/purpose and feature through sample aim/purpose and its feature
feature (WRITTEN WORKS) paragraphs through sample paragraphs
Critiques a sample written text
Write the LC code for
based on its information
selection, organization, and
List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that
there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages NONE NONE NONE
Reading and Writing Skills PIVOT- Reading and Writing Skills
Learner’s Material- Department of PIVOT- Learner’s Material-
Reading and Writing Skills Education – Region IV-A Department of Education –
4. Additional
Materials from
NONE Department of Education – (from "Argumentative Essay," https://webs.um.es/lourdesc/mi
Learning Resource
Region IV-A CALABARZON Literary Devices, last modified May wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php%3Fid%3
(LR) portal
22, 2020, Dwriting%26cache%3Dcache%2
https://literarydevices.net/argum 6media%3Dwriting_persuasive_
entative-essay/. essay_samples_2.pdf
B. Other Learning
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by
demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by
providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes and draw conclusions
about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
• What is comparison-
contrast pattern?
• What are the transition
signals used to show
comparison and
A. Reviewing previous • What is a cause-effect
lesson or presenting pattern?
the new lesson • What are the transition
(Drill/Review/Unlocking of signals used to show
Difficulties) cause and effect?
• How do comparison-
contrast and cause-effect
pattern similar and or
different in terms of its
aim/purpose and
B. Establishing a purpose • Did you happen to • What are the problems
for the lesson experience a difficult that you have encountered
(Motivation) situation in the past? before?
• How did you overcome • How did you solve those
that difficult situation? problems?
• • What did you realize about
yourself after solving your
own problems?
• How should we assert our
beliefs and ideas in
Communicate Learning Communicate Learning Communicate Learning
Objectives: Objectives: Objectives:
• Define problem-solution • Compare each writing • Contrast each writing
C. Presenting
and persuasion as pattern (problem-solution pattern (problem-
examples/instances of
patterns of development and persuasion) based on solution and persuasion)
the new lesson
in writing its aim/purpose and its based on its
feature through sample aim/purpose and its
paragraphs feature through sample
Activity 1: Life Skills Social What’s New: Activating Prior Knowledge (15
Scenarios “What will you do?” Read the given passage and minutes) By group: Using the
(5 minutes) Students will be identify the problem/s and Diagram below, write the
called randomly in class. The solution/s cited in the passage: important features or
student will pick a “Healing a Child’s Stitches and
question/problem inside a box Burns” by: Emerson T. Armero. (5
and answer it in 1 minute. minutes)
• You forgot to do your
homework which is due Think- Pair- Share: (10 minutes)
that day. Your teacher • Make an outline of the
warned you (the class) passage regarding the
D. Discussing new
that copied homework problem/s and solution/s
concepts and practicing
will not be given any cited in the passage.
new skills #1
points. What will you • Share to class the prepared
do? outline.
• A waiter in a well-known
restaurant spilled some
gravy on your shirt in
accident. What will you
• You saw your friend steal
something from your
classmate’s bag, but he
denies it. What will you
• You feel like one of your Class Discussion: (Key Focus- characteristics of the two
friends is upset with you, structure of problem-solution patterns of development.
but you don’t know why. pattern) • How do problem-
What will you do? solution and persuasion
• You are at the mall and a differ in
friend dare you to steal feature/structuring the
something. What will paragraphs?
you do?

Activity 2. Convince Me! (15

The class will be divided into
groups. Each group will be given
a card to discuss in front of the
class. The group should be able
to persuade other groups about
the topic/issue given to them.
Analysis (5minutes)
1. How did you like the activity?
2. What difficulty did you
encounter while doing the
3. What were your observations
on the activities?
4. Was it related/the same or
different from the pattern of the
previous activities?
5. What do you think is the
relevance of these activities to
our lesson for today?

Abstraction (20 minutes): What’s More: Read the text below Reading Text 1. Obesity and
Inciting Questions: and identify the issue, the Poor Fitness
• What do you think is the argument/s and conclusion. (5 1. What is the writer’s main
E. Discussing new applicable pattern to use minutes) argument?
concepts and practicing to organize the ideas 2. How does the writer support
new skills #2 (Guided based from activity 1? When we consider the ubiquity of the main argument?
Practice) • What do you think is the cellphones, iPods, personal 3. Do you notice any faulty
applicable pattern to use computers and the internet, it’s reasoning in the arguments? If
to organize the ideas easy to see how science (and the so, what are these?
based from activity 2? technology to which it leads) is
• Based from the previous woven into the fabric of our day- 4. Has the author convinced you
activities, define what is to-day activities. When we benefit to agree to the main argument of
problem-solution and from CT scanners, M.R.I. devices, the text?
persuasion pattern. pacemakers and arterial stents, we 5. What course of action is the
can immediately appreciate how author persuading person to do?
science affects the quality of our If there is?
lives. When we assess the state of
the world, and identify looming Reading Text 2. The Importance
challenges like climate change, of Reading and Writing
global pandemics, security threats Post-reading:
and diminishing resources, we 1. What is the writer’s main
don’t hesitate in turning to science argument?
to gauge the problems and find 2. How does the writer support
solutions. And when we look at the the main argument?
wealth of opportunities hovering 3. Do you notice any faulty
on the horizon— stem cells, reasoning in the arguments? If
genomic sequencing, personalized so, what are these?
medicine, longevity research, 4. Has the author convinced you
nanoscience, brain-machine to agree to the main argument of
interface, quantum computers, the text?
space technology—we realize how 5. What course of action is the
crucial it is to cultivate a general author persuading person to do?
public that can engage with
scientific issues; there’s simply no
other way that as a society we will
be prepared to make informed Then, the teacher will
decisions on a range of issues thatconsolidate the answers of the
will shape the future. students and starts introducing
and deepening the lesson of the
Then, the teacher will consolidate day.
the answers of the students and
starts introducing and deepening Class Discussion: (Key Focus-
the lesson of the day. transition signals of problem-
solution pattern and
Class Discussion: (Key Focus- persuasion)
structure of persuasion pattern)
F. Developing mastery Inciting Questions: Inciting Questions:
(Leads to Formative • What is the aim of the • What is the aim of the
Assessment 3) authors in writing the authors in writing the
(Independent Practice) above paragraphs? above paragraphs?
• How do the two • How does problem-
paragraphs share the same solution and persuasion
purpose in developing the differ in terms of
paragraphs? purpose in developing
How do the two the paragraphs?
paragraphs share
commonalities in
feature/structuring the

Teacher will ask: Teacher will ask:

• As a student, how can you • In what ways can
G. Finding practical
help solve problems in your problem-solution skills
applications of
community? and persuasion skills
concepts and skills in
• How can we show respect help you in your
daily living
for other people’s everyday living?

• What is a problem- • How do problem-solution • How do problem-

H. Making generalizations solution pattern? and persuasion pattern solution and persuasion
and abstractions about • What is persuasion share commonalities in pattern differ in terms of
the lesson pattern? terms of feature/structuring the
(Generalization) feature/structuring the paragraphs?
LONG QUIZ- 1-15. 1. Which of the following 1. The following are the techniques
PERFORMANCE patterns of development in in developing a persuasive
TASK(CONTINUATION) writing is used to deal with topics paragraph except:
OUTLINE OF THE CRITIQUE: that pose problems and present A. Using evidence
The paragraph talks about solutions in a logical manner? B. Giving examples
___________________________ A. Comparison and contrast C. Attacking an opposing view
_____________. It makes use of B. Cause- effect D. Attacking one’s opinion
___________________________ C. Problem- solution 2. Which structure of a problem-
I. Evaluating learning
_ as pattern of development in D. Exemplification solution pattern identifies and
writing. 2. Which of the following analyzes the cause of the problem
The use of patterns of development in before a possible solution is
______________________ as writing intends to convince presented?
pattern of development in writing readers to do or believe in A. problem-solution pattern
can be observed as when the something? B. problem-process-solution
writer A. Problem- solution C. problem-cause-solution
__________________________. B. Cause- effect pattern D. problem-solution- process
Based from the above- C. Narration 3. Which structure of a problem-
mentioned information, it can be D. Persuasion solution pattern discusses the
noted 3. What is referred to as an procedure/process extensively,
that_______________________. unsatisfactory situation that wherein the readers are led to the
causes troubles or difficulties solution?
that need to be solved? A. problem-solution pattern
A. Cause B. problem-process-solution
B. Effect C. problem-cause-solution
C. Problem D. problem-solution- process
D. Solution 4. Readers will more likely be
4. What is referred to as a way toconvinced to side with the writer’s
deal with the situation so that position or agree with his or her
the troubles or difficulties are opinion if it is backed up by
removed? verifiable evidence. Which
A. Cause technique in persuasive writing is
B. Solution described?
C. Effect A. Using evidence
D. Problem B. Giving examples
C. Attacking an opposing view
5. Persuasion can be D. Attacking one’s opinion
synonymous with 5. This adds to the credibility of
_____________. persuasive writing. The writer does
A. Convince not only present evidence that
B. Conclude favors his or her ideas, but he or
C. Contrast she also acknowledges some
D. Convey evidence that opposes his or her
own. Which technique in
persuasive writing is described?
A. Using evidence
B. Giving examples
C. Attacking an opposing view
D. Accurate and balanced

E. Additional activities for

application or remediation
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to
VI. REFLECTION be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can
ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these works?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?


Secondary School Teacher 1 Secondary School Principal II

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