Board of Managers FAQ

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Board of Managers: FAQs

Board of Managers: FAQ’s

What is a Board of Managers?

Appointed by the Commissioner of Education, a board of managers temporarily replaces the current elected board of
trustees and exercises all powers and duties assigned to trustees to oversee the management of the school district.

When is a Board of Managers Appointed?

The Commissioner may appoint a board of managers if a school district or charter school fails to satisfy at least one of
the following: accreditation criteria, academic performance standards, financial accountability standards, or on the
basis of a special accreditation investigation or identified governance failures. The Commissioner may also appoint a
Board of Managers if the district has been managed by a conservator for two consecutive school years.

On what authority did the Commissioner of Education appoint a Board of Managers in HISD?
The Board of Managers is being appointed on two legal grounds. First, under prior law a Board of Managers is being
appointed because one of the district’s campuses received unacceptable academic accountability ratings for more than
five consecutive years, requiring action to either close the campus or appoint a Board of Managers to govern the
district. Second, the Board of Managers is being appointed pursuant to prior and current law because the district has
had a conservator assigned for more than two consecutive school years.
Board of Managers: FAQ’s

What is the process for appointing a board of managers?

When the need for a board of managers is established at a school district, a call for applications is made within the
respective community.
In collaboration with the school district and regional Educational Service Center, the Texas Education Agency hosts
informational community meetings to provide information on the role, duties, and projected timelines for a
commissioner-appointed Board of Managers. The community meetings also serve as an opportunity to answer questions
on the application process.
When the application window closes, applications are screened, candidates take part in governance training, and
interviews are conducted. Once finalists are identified, they are presented to the Commissioner for final review and

The following slides outline and extended process that was initiated in 2019 as well as the additional process steps the
agency will conduct in 2023:
What is the process for appointing a Board of Managers?

2019: Application & Selection Process

Application & Preliminary Applicant
Engagement Screening Training

Sessions &
Training …
Houston legislative
delegation opportunity Phone Interview Interview
to provide feedback Screening Screening
regarding applicants

… Phone
In person

*Denotes components unique to the HISD application and selection process

2023: Application & Selection Process to Build Upon Prior Efforts

Applicant BOM
Application Screening Training Interview Appointment

Application Community
& Information
Applicant Reference
Training Interview Appointment June 1
Review Check

Houston legislative delegation

opportunity to provide feedback
regarding applicants

Board of Managers: FAQ’s
What is the function of a board of managers?
A board of managers exercises all the powers and duties assigned to a board of trustees of a school district by law, rule, or

What happens to the elected board of trustees when a board of managers is appointed?
If the Commissioner appoints a board of managers to govern a school district, the powers of the board of trustees of the
district are suspended for the period of the appointment. Authority is removed, but trustees remain elected officials.
Board elections continue and when a Board of Managers is removed, elected board members return.

How long will a board of managers remain in HISD?

Under the Texas Education Code (TEC), the Commissioner determines when the board of managers will exit the district.
Exit criteria will be established and communicated to the district. Before the Commissioner announces the expiration of
the appointment and begins the transition to local control, the Board of Managers is expected to achieve the identified
Once the expectations set out in the exit criteria have been met, the Commissioner must formally initiate and announce a
transition back to the elected board. That transition period is as follows:
Timeline for Return to Elected Trustee Control

Up to 2 years Time To Be Determined ** 1 year 1 year

Commissioner must:
Announce Board of Board of Board of
Transition Trustees Trustees Trustees
Timeline transition begins 2nd begins final
Board of
OR begins. transition. transition.
1/3 of Board of 1/3 of Board of 1/3 of Board
Extend Announce Managers Managers of Managers
placement for Transition replaced with replaced with replaced with
up to 2 years* Timeline trustees trustees trustees
6 Managers / 3 Managers / 0 Managers /
Exit criteria are typically announced at the time of placement 3 Trustees^ 6 Trustees^ 9 Trustees^

*Per Tex. Educ. Code § 39A.208(c), Commissioner’s decision to extend placement depends on local feedback as to whether sufficient academic progress has been made.
**Per Tex. Educ. Code § 39A.209(a), BOM required to continue until the campus which serves as a basis for the appointment has an acceptable academic performance rating for two
consecutive years.
^ Transition structure assumes 9-member board of managers
Board of Managers: FAQ’s

Additional Information and Resources

The roles and responsibilities of an appointed board of managers can be found on the TEA website. In addition,
some key legal citations regarding an appointed board of managers include:
• Appointment of Monitor, Conservator, or Board of Managers (TAC §97.1073)
• Appointment of Board of Managers (TEC §39A.004)
• Board of Managers for School District Managed by Conservator or Management Team (TEC §39A.006)
• General Powers and Duties of Board of Managers (TEC §39A.201)
• Board of Managers School District (TEC §39A.202)
• Role of the Board of Trustees (TEC. §39A.202)
• Expiration of Appointment (TEC.§39A.208)

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