Cir 11-2018 Reply Slip
Cir 11-2018 Reply Slip
Cir 11-2018 Reply Slip
1. National Scout Organization
3. Position in the NSO (Example: Chief Commissioner, Program Commissioner, Youth Programme Director, Unit Leader, Rover Scout, etc.)
4. Residential Address
Important Reminders:
1. If visa is required prior to your entry in the Philippines, kindly send a copy of your passport and the
details of your participation ahead of time in order for the Boy Scouts of the Philippines to be able to
prepare and issue the corresponding invitation letter to facilitate your visa application.
2. If you do not have a working email address, kindly create one in order to facilitate easier communication
and exchange of documents and materials.
3. Kindly submit this Reply Slip not later than 18 May 2018, Friday to:
Position Date