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Health effects of refinery emissions on residents living near refineries. A case

study of an undisclosed area in Oman

Article · September 2021


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Victor Olabode Otitolaiye

International college of engineering and management Oman


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Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 8 Issue 9, September - 2021

Health effects of refinery emissions on

residents living near refineries. A case study of
an undisclosed area in Oman
Victor O. Otitolaiye Ghadeer M. Al-Harethiya
Department of Health Safety and Environmental Department of Health Safety and Environmental
Management, International College of Engineering Management, International College of Engineering
and Management, CPO Seeb 111, Muscat, Oman and Management, CPO Seeb 111, Muscat, Oman.

Abstract—The vicinity of petroleum refineries that are prone to numerous hazards with potential
and people residing in the adjoining areas are effects on the health and safety of the workers and
prone to several hazards such as noise, radiation, people residing within the proximity of the plants [3].
vibration and dust. The most prominent hazards The risk arises from the toxic pollutants, emissions,
faced by refinery residents are the emission of and wastes generated from the plants [4, 5]. The
pollutants and toxic substances, which pose emissions from refineries are typically various gases
severe risks to human health safety and the and heavy metals, which are precursors for adverse
environment. Despite the risks associated with health effects such as cancer-related illnesses [6-8].
refinery emissions, there are some discrepancies Over the years, researchers have investigated the
about the health effects of refinery emissions on socio-economic, environmental, health and safety
residents living around refineries. To address this impacts of petrochemical plants on human health,
gap, this study investigated the acute and chronic safety, and the environment [7, 9, 10]. The findings
health effects of refinery emissions on residents have shown that people living near petroleum
living near a refinery in Oman using a survey refineries across various countries have complained
questionnaire. The questionnaires were about innumerable adverse health complications due
distributed to fifty (50) respondents aged 15 – 65 to gaseous emissions from refineries released into the
years, whereas the resulting data were analysed environment [11, 12]. These adverse health effects
using Microsoft Excel software. The demographic arise from either exposure to pollutants at toxic
results showed youths account for 76% of the concentrations or through odious smells that leads to
stress-related symptoms [13-15]. The most notable
study population. Questionnaire analysis revealed
adverse effects include cancer (childhood and adult),
that offensive smells from gases, fumes or dust
cardiovascular and respiratory disease along with
are the most prevalent health effects affecting diabetes, leukaemia, and renal diseases [16-18]. Due
refinery residents. Therefore, the local authorities to growing concerns about the adverse effects of
and refineries urgently need to establish refinery emissions on refinery residents across various
comprehensive health and safety strategies, contexts, it becomes necessary to research how these
culture, and management practices to mitigate or emissions impact the health of residents living near
curb the emissions. In addition, periodic refineries in Oman.
environmental or air quality assessment as well as
citing refinery or chemical plants away from According to the World Health Organization (WHO),
residential areas is critical to preventing the acute developing countries experience 25% of mortality due
to environmental hazards [19]. Likewise, people living
and chronic effects of pollutants, emissions, and
around petroleum refineries, dumpsites and resource
wastes. It is envisaged that such measures will exploration sites are exposed to various environmental
help to prevent the long term effects of toxic hazards such as toxic gases, chemicals and dust
emissions from refineries and other chemical which poses risks to their health and safety [20, 21].
plants. Hence, the effects of refinery emissions on refinery
residents have been examined by various researchers
Keywords— Acute Health, Refinery Emissions,
in the literature [16, 22]. However, the findings have
Petroleum Refining, Muscat, Oman
been inconsistent albeit controversial. Axelsson, et al.
I. INTRODUCTION [23] observed that a region in Sweden with a high
concentration of petrochemical industries showed no
People living around industrial areas are exposed excess risk for lung, leukaemia, lymphoma, liver or
to numerous hazards such as noise, vibrations and central nervous system cancer. In another study, a
excessive heat due to various operational processes region in the UK with large industrial activity including
[1, 2]. The outlined hazards have a considerable petrochemical complexes was compared with a region
impact on the health, safety and wellbeing of people. with no industry but similar socio-economical
Petroleum refineries are examples of industrial areas characteristics. The industrialized area showed an
JMESTN42353866 14530
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 8 Issue 9, September - 2021

increase in the risk of lung cancer particularly in C. Data Analysis

women [24]. After the data collection procedure was completed,
The inconsistency of such findings suggests that the data was input in Microsoft© Excel Spreadsheet for
more studies are required to ascertain the health computation and subsequent analysis. The data
effects of various toxic chemicals and pollutant analysis included computation of the findings which
emissions on residents living around refineries and included the health problems and complaints from
petrochemical plants. To address this gap, this study respondents, was based on percentages and pie chart
seeks to examine the health impacts of refinery plots.
emissions on refinery residents in Oman. Although
numerous studies have been carried out across
various contexts, there is limited knowledge on the III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
health effects of refinery emissions on residents
around refineries in Oman. A. Demographic results
The total number of questionnaires distributed in
the study was fifty (50). The data collection process
II. METHODOLOGY revealed that all respondents successfully returned the
questionnaires, which indicates a response rate of
A. Population of the study
100%. Based on the returned questionnaires, the
The target population of the study consists of 70 respondents were subsequently classified into three
people living near an undisclosed refinery in the age groups according to age. The groups include 15-
Sultanate of Oman. The selected respondents 29 years, 30-44 years, and 45-65 years of age. Table
numbering 50 people were randomly selected to 1 presents the demographic distribution of the
represent the entire population that resides within the respondents in the study.
numerous residential areas and neighbourhoods
Table 1: Demographic distribution of respondents
surrounding the undisclosed refinery. The sample size
based on Age
was selected based on the findings of Krejcie and
Morgan [25]. The residents of the target populations Age Group Population Size Percentage (%)
that reside near the refinery were selected due to their 15 - 29 21 42
risk to community exposure. 30 - 45 17 34
46 - 65 12 24
Based on the demographic characteristics, the
B. Study instruments
population of the respondents ranged from 12 to 21.
In this study, the selected instrument for data The age group with the highest population is 15-29,
collection was a self-administered survey whereas the lowest population was observed for the
questionnaire. The questions were adopted from 46-65 age group. The findings indicate the youths
Gadalla, et al. [22] who conducted a similar study on account for 76% of the entire population of the study,
health effects and complaints among locals residing which suggests high vulnerability to toxic substances
near petroleum plants in El Brega, Libya. The use of a and emissions from refinery or manufacturing
survey questionnaire in this study was to enable the operations. However, older members of society are
researcher to justify the aims and advantages of the usually more vulnerable to diseases and illnesses
study as well as encourage participants to provide which could arise due to the long-term effects of
reliable responses [26]. Likewise, the respondents various experiences in their lives. Examples of such
were reassured that the questionnaire information will experiences could be exposed to toxic chemicals,
be kept confidential, whereas their responses were gases and emissions from the industry. According to
strictly for academic purposes. Based on Gadalla, et various studies, these substances pose significant
al. [22], the questionnaire included information on the threats to human health, safety and the environment.
demographic characteristics and risk factors (such as These effects are typically evident in the prevalence of
respiratory diseases and illnesses). Furthermore, the diseases, illnesses and even death to people living in
study included cardinal symptoms including respiratory the vicinity of such places. The most notable are the
symptoms such as cough pain during breathing and diseases or disorders of the human respiratory system,
irritations of upper respiratory airways. Likewise, which are typically categorized into various groups
dermal problems such as itching, burning, and such as obstructive, restrictive, acute or chronic [27].
dermatitis or irritation as well as irritation of eyes and
complaints from offensive odours were also included in
the questionnaire. The questions were close-end B. Questionnaire results
questions with either yes or no responses required
from the respondents. However, the study question did Figure 1 shows the results of the respondents who
not include the medical history of the respondents from have experienced chronic respiratory diseases
the questionnaires since it emphasizes only acute (CRDs). The CRDs are illnesses that affect the
health effects. airways and other parts of the respiratory system such
as the nose, larynx, pharynx, trachea, bronchi and
lungs. Examples of some of the most common CRDs
JMESTN42353866 14531
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 8 Issue 9, September - 2021

include bronchitis, asthma, allergic rhinitis, chronic

obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary
hypertension, and occupational lung diseases among
others [28]. Studies have shown that over 3 million
people around the globe suffer from CRDs owing to
the toxic emissions, pollution, industrial chemicals, NO
wastes and dust from chemicals, landfills, dumpsites, 46%
power plants and secondary tobacco smoke [29].
However, another factor is recurrent lower respiratory
infections from infancy [28]. In addition, Figure 1 54%
shows that 50% of the population reported symptoms
related to CRDs such as bronchitis, asthma, and
allergic rhinitis. However, the remainder (50%) did not
manifest any of such symptoms. The findings indicate
that refinery emissions may be responsible for the high
number of cases of CRDs among the respondents of
the study. Since CRDs are incurable, treatments are
administered to aid dilate the primary airways to Fig.2: Respondents who have experienced symptoms of
acute respiratory diseases (ARD)
address the issues of shortness of breath, regulate
symptoms and enhance the quality of life of patients
[28]. Another group of illnesses caused by emissions
are acute respiratory diseases (ARD). Typically, the Figure 3 shows the percentage of respondents who
ARDs include illnesses such as coughing, wheezing have experienced symptoms of nose irritation or red
and pain while breathing from the target population. nose. As observed, 22% of the respondents reported
symptoms of nose irritation and red nose, whereas
78% did not show any prevalent symptoms. The
findings are in good agreement with Gadalla, et al.
[22]. The respondents of the study were also found to
have experienced offensive smells from the refinery.

No Yes YES
50% 50% 22%

Fig. 1: Respondents who have experienced symptoms of 78%
chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs)

Figure 2 presents the results of the respondents

who have experienced symptoms of acute respiratory Fig. 3: Respondents who experienced symptoms of nose
diseases (ARD) such as coughing, wheezing and pain irritation or red nose
while breathing. The findings indicate that 54% of the
population reported symptoms related to ARDs, Figure 4 presents the results of the respondents
whereas 46% did not report any of such symptoms. who experienced emissions of gases, fumes and dust
These results of the present study are in good from the refinery during the study. The findings show
agreement with Gadalla, et al. [22] carried out on the that 82% had experienced offensive smells from
residents of a petrochemical plant in Libya. Likewise, refinery emissions such as gases, fumes, and dust.
the findings are in good agreement with Spitzer, et al. Likewise, the study by Tanyanont and Vichit-Vadakan
[11] carried out on residents living near petrochemical [30] reported similar findings for respondents who
plants in Canada. The above-mentioned studies complained about odours arising from a nearby
support our findings that residents who reside near refinery. The study also revealed the residents
petrochemical plants experience ARD symptoms. Due experienced far more emissions when compared to
to the higher prevalence of ARDs (such as nose others who reside farther from the petroleum sites.
irritation) when compared to CRDs, further analysis of Another notable complaint among residents who
the results and symptoms was examined. reside near petroleum refineries is the problem of eye
irritation or red eye.
JMESTN42353866 14532
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 8 Issue 9, September - 2021

causative relationship between refinery emissions and

the health effects of residents who live close to



Fig. 4: Percentage of the respondents who experienced 76%
offensive smell from gases emissions

Figure 5 presents the percentage of respondents Fig. 6: Percentage of respondents with symptoms of dermal
who experienced eye irritation or red eye. As reactions
observed, 34% of the respondents experienced
symptoms of eye irritation and red eye, whereas 66%
did not experience any such symptoms. Likewise, the IV. CONCLUSIONS
findings are in tandem with Tanyanont and Vichit-
The study examined the acute health effects of
Vadakan [30] and Gadalla, et al. [22]. The findings
refinery emissions on residents living near a refinery in
show that eye irritation or red eye arising from
the Sultanate of Oman. The findings revealed that the
exposure to refinery emissions from the refinery is also
a critical concern due to the respondents who have felt most prevalent health effect of refinery residents
such symptoms. Likewise, the respondents reported around the refinery arise from offensive smells from
gases, fumes or dust. Therefore, the local authorities
symptoms of dermal reactions.
must prohibit emissions or substances to safeguard
the health and safety of the populace. The
establishment of proper safety culture and
management could help to prevent the long-term
YES effects of toxic emissions from refineries and other
34% chemical plants. Furthermore, it is imperative to
enforce strategies such as periodic environmental or
air quality assessment to reduce odour and the
emission of fumes to protect human health, safety, and
the environment. Lastly, the locating and relocation of
NO refinery and chemical plants away from residential
66% areas is critical to preventing the acute and chronic
effects of pollutants, emissions, and wastes.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the
Fig. 5: Percentage of respondents who have experienced Department of Health Safety and Environmental
feeling eye irritation or red eye
Management of the International College of
Engineering and Management (ICEM), Oman and the
Figure 6 presents the results of respondents who respondents of the study for their support during the
have shown symptoms of dermal or skin reactions study.
such as irritations, rash or redness. As observed, 24%
of the respondents reported experiencing such
symptoms, whereas 66% did not feel any such
symptoms. It is important to note that this study VI. REFERENCES
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