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Company R1 R2 R3
Q4 Yaers of service
Performance Rating
3 83
2 85
1 63
Correlation 0.821994937
As there is positive correlation the performance rating increases with years of service
No of hours 4 1
Q2. 6 Warehouse
Cost W1 W2 W3 Plant Capicity
P1 7 4 4 200
P2 8 5 3 200
P3 11 7 6 300
wareshouse 300 300 100
Q2. 7 A B
profit 50 70 Inv
capacity 0 0 #VALUE! 6
material 2 3 #VALUE! 19
packaging 1 1 2 8
qty 0 6
max 420
Q2. 8 Channel no of app no of eligible no of hired Amount spent Rate of hiring Amount spent for each
1 online job boards 21 18 7 15 33.33333333 2.142857
2 social media 25 15 8 20 32 2.5
3 company websites 32 30 10 10 31.25 1
4 internal recriutment 5 3 1 2 20 2
5 employee referrals 10 10 1 2.5 10 2.5
6 email campign 10 6 1 5 10 5
7 events 15 10 0 20 0 0
- The best rate of hiring is done by online job boards and the least is done by events.
- The channels are ranked according to their best rate of hiring.
- The least amount of money spent for the most number of candidates hired is 1 per candidate and that channel is
through company websites.
sl no Highest qualification Years of service
Total experienceName
1 MS 7 12 meena kd
2 BE 5 10 arun milind
3 MBA 3 5 Sonali jain
4 MBA 2 4 pratham desai
5 BE 4 8 saleem m
Total Experinece and highest qualification
10 12
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MS BE MBA MBA BE
As seen in charts above experinece and years of service are directly proportional.
Employees who have the most experinece are MBA graduates and BE graduates.
11 part - c
Group A Group B
67 64
62 83
50 86
46 77
72 88
76 68
56 77
69 77
86 85
72 71
49 71
77 81
66 70
Group A Group B
Group A Group B
Mean 65.23077 76.76923
Variance 146.359 57.35897
Observations 13 13
Pooled Variance 101.859
Hypothesized Mean Difference
df 24
t Stat -2.91477
P(T<=t) one-tail
t Critical one-tail
P(T<=t) two-tail
t Critical two-tail
From T-test we can infer that , P value is <0.05, hence null hypothesis is rejected