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Autoimmune Chronic Pancreatitis

Lien-Fu Lin*, Pi-Teh Huang, Ka-Sic Ho, Jai-Nien Tung
Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine,
Tung’s Taichung Metroharbor Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Background: Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) is a unique form of chronic pancreatitis that is characterized by swelling of
the pancreas, narrowing of the main pancreatic duct (MPD), elevation of serum gamma globulin, or immunoglobulin G or
presence of autoantibody, lymphoplasmacytic infiltration and dense fibrosis on histopathology. It is responsive to steroid
therapy. The incidence of AIP can reach 5–6% of chronic pancreatitis. It can present as obstructive jaundice, body weight
loss, and pancreas head mass mimicking pancreatic cancer. The recognition of AIP can avoid major surgery such as
pancreatic resection.
Methods: From May 2003 to July 2007, a total of 5 cases of AIP were reviewed retrospectively. The diagnosis was made
on imaging study, serology, steroid response and/or histology if surgery was carried out.
Results: There were 2 male and 3 female patients, with a mean age of 61 (39–75) years. Atypical AIP was found in the first
case and typical AIP in the remaining 4. The presenting clinical pictures were mild epigastric pain, obstructive jaundice,
and loss of body weight in 4 cases, with associated autoimmune disease in 1. Diffuse or long segmental enlargement of
the pancreas without peripancreatic fat infiltration was found in all patients except 1 who only had focal pancreatic head
enlargement. Distal common bile duct (CBD) stricture was seen in 4 cases and the median CBD stricture length was
1.2 (0.5–2.5) cm. Multiple narrowing of the whole MPD was seen in 2 cases, focal narrowing of the MPD in 2 and long
segmental narrowing of the MPD in 1. Serum immunoglobulin G tests were done in 4 cases and were elevated in all.
Antinuclear antibody was positive in 3. The first case was operated on after a preoperative diagnosis of suspicious
pancreatic head tumor. The subsequent 3 cases were diagnosed correctly as AIP. The last case presented with distal
CBD stricture and hypoechoic lesion in the pancreas head on endoscopic ultrasound, with only borderline pancreatic
enlargement on computed tomography, and he was operated on. Retrospective endoscopic retrograde pancreatogram
review revealed MPD narrowing in the pancreatic body. Endoscopic retrograde brush cytology was performed and was
negative for malignancy in 3 cases. Steroid therapy was given in 3 and was responsive, but there were 2 recurrences.
Conclusion: AIP should be a differential diagnosis in distal CBD stricture and pancreatic head mass when the patient has:
(1) diffuse or long segmental enlargement of the pancreas without peripancreatic fat infiltration, with multiple narrowing
of the MPD without much upstream dilatation, or narrowing of the MPD not corresponding to the region of CBD stricture;
and (2) abnormal immunoserologic tests. [J Chin Med Assoc 2008;71(1):14–22]

Key Words: antinuclear antibody, autoimmune chronic pancreatitis, common bile duct stricture, immunoglobulin G

Introduction process with heavy lymphocyte infiltration and fibro-

sis that result in organ dysfunction.3 There are various
Sarles et al first described a form of chronic pancreati- morphologic descriptions to characterize this disease:
tis with marked swelling, lymphocyte infiltration and nonalcoholic duct-destructive chronic pancreatitis,4
hypergammaglobulinemia in 1961.1 Autoimmune lymphoplasmacytic sclerosing pancreatitis with cholan-
pancreatitis (AIP) was then introduced by Yoshida and gitis,5 chronic sclerosing pancreatitis,6 pseudotumorous
co-workers in 1995.2 AIP is defined as a form of chronic pancreatitis,7 and duct-narrowing chronic pancreati-
pancreatitis caused by autoimmune inflammatory tis;8 AIP is now widely accepted. AIP can present with

*Correspondence to: Dr Lien-Fu Lin, Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Tung’s Taichung
Metroharbor Hospital, No. 8, 11th Floor, Mei Tsun Road, Section 2, Lane 168, Taichung 402, Taiwan, R.O.C.
E-mail: ● Received: July 16, 2007 ● Accepted: December 31, 2007

14 J Chin Med Assoc • January 2008 • Vol 71 • No 1

© 2008 Elsevier. All rights reserved.
Autoimmune chronic pancreatitis

pancreas-related symptoms such as mild epigastric pain,

CT = computed tomography; ERC = endoscopic retrograde cholangiography; ERP = endoscopic retrograde pancreatography; MPD = main pancreatic duct; ERBC = endoscopic retrograde brush cytology; ETPB = endoscopic
transpapillary biopsy; IgG = immunoglobulin G; Obstr J = obstructive jaundice; BW = body weight (> 10% BW loss in the past few months); JP = joint pain; CBD = common bile duct; ANA = antinuclear antibody; NA = not applicable.
loss of body weight, obstructive jaundice,9 and extra-



pancreatic symptoms such as associated autoimmune

diseases like Sjögren’s syndrome, rheumatoid arthri-
tis, inflammatory bowel disease, and retroperitoneal

after steroid
fibrosis.10–15 It can present as an atypical form of AIP

with focal pancreatic mass mistaken as pancreatic can-


cer.16–18 One quarter of Whipple resection (benign


cases) was due to AIP in North America,19 so by rec-

Not given

Not given
ognizing the disease, major surgery can be avoided.

Herein, we report our experience with 5 cases of AIP.







From May 2003 to July 2007, a total of 5 cases of

AIP (with no alcohol history) were reviewed retro-


spectively. The diagnosis was made on imaging study

and one of the following criteria: serology, steroid




response and histology if surgery was carried out.20,21
Computed tomography (CT), endoscopic retrograde

cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), and serology for





antinuclear antibody (ANA) were performed in all
5 cases. Serum immunoglobulin (Ig) G was measured
IgG (mg/dL)

in 4 cases, endoscopic retrograde brush cytology Not done

(ERBC) in 3, and endoscopic transpapillary biopsy

(ETPB) from distal common bile duct (CBD) in 2.
Enlarged pancreas was considered if the anteroposte-


rior diameter of the pancreas was greater than 2 cm

Not done
Not done
on CT.22






There were 2 male and 3 female patients, with a mean

age of 61 (39–75) years. The clinical pictures, associ-
Table 1. Summary of 5 cases of autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP)

No stricture

ated autoimmune disease, image pattern of the pan-

Distal CBD

Distal CBD

Distal CBD
Distal CBD




creas, main pancreatic duct (MPD), length of distal


CBD stricture, serology results, steroid outcome, and

follow-up duration are shown in Table 1.

In the first case (Figure 1), total bilirubin was




6.6 mg/dL, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) was



2.8 ng/L (upper limit, 5 ng/L), CA19-9 was 109 U/


mL (upper limit, 33 U/mL), and ANA was positive

Pain, BW loss, JP

Obstr J, BW loss

at 1:320. She was operated on after a preoperative

Pain, obstr J,

Pain, obstr J,
Pain, obstr J

diagnosis of suspicious pancreatic uncinate process


BW loss

BW loss

tumor, distal CBD stricture, obstructive jaundice and

with a biliary stent in situ. Intraoperative biopsy showed
fibrosis, lymphocyte infiltration, small pancreatic duct
destruction and obliterative phlebitis (Figure 2), and


pancreas resection was not performed. She was given


steroid therapy (prednisolone 40 mg/day for 1 week,







followed by 5 mg reduction/week). The MPD and

J Chin Med Assoc • January 2008 • Vol 71 • No 1 15

L.F. Lin, et al



Figure 1. (A) Computed tomography shows a focal mass in the pancreas head region (arrow). (B) ERC shows distal stricture (arrow). (C) ERP
reveals multiple narrowing of the main pancreatic duct (arrows). (D) Resolved main pancreatic duct narrowing after steroid therapy.


Figure 2. (A) Histology shows fibrosis (arrow). (B) Obliterative phlebitis (arrow).

CBD stricture resolved after 8 weeks (by ERCP), and stricture and obstructive jaundice; Figure 3) had total
she then maintained good response for 4 years. bilirubin of 2.9 mg/dL, CEA of 2.9 ng/L, CA19-9
The subsequent 3 cases were diagnosed as AIP of 83.8 U/mL, and negative ANA. He was given
without operation. The second case (with distal CBD steroid therapy (same dose as Case 1) but the clinical

16 J Chin Med Assoc • January 2008 • Vol 71 • No 1

Autoimmune chronic pancreatitis



Figure 3. (A) Diffuse enlargement of the pancreas (arrow). (B) Distal

common bile duct stricture (arrow). (C) Resolved distal common bile duct
stricture (arrow) after steroid therapy. (D) Multiple narrowing of the main
pancreatic duct (arrows). (E) Resolved narrowing of the main pancreatic
duct (arrows) after steroid therapy.

course was complicated by Candida esophagitis in The third case (Figure 4) had narrowing of the
the 3rd week of steroid therapy, resulting in reduced MPD in the body and tail regions, without CBD
steroid dosage (20 mg/day from the 4th week, with a stricture. ANA was positive with a titer of 1:160, and
reduction of 7.5 mg/week). The distal CBD stricture Sjögren’s syndrome was diagnosed in our rheumatol-
resolved after 8 weeks of steroid therapy but recurred ogy department. Her CEA was 1 ng/L and CA19-9
5 months later. Given his associated comorbid dis- was 4.2 U/mL. No steroid was given, and the process
eases (ischemic heart disease, diabetes mellitus), risk remained stable for 3.5 years.
of fluid retention with higher dose of steroid, and The fourth case, with typical imaging pictures
reluctance to undergo repeated endoscopic proce- (swelling of pancreas without peripancreatic fat infil-
dure, he underwent biliary metallic stent insertion. tration and narrowing of the MPD), presented with
He was stable for 2 years until he died of intracranial ANA positive at 1:160, CEA of 4.2 ng/L, and CA19-9
hemorrhage due to head injury. of 2.5 U/mL. She had steroid therapy (prednisolone

J Chin Med Assoc • January 2008 • Vol 71 • No 1 17

L.F. Lin, et al


Figure 4. (A) Swelling of the pancreas (arrow). (B) Irregular narrowing of the main pancreatic duct in the body and tail regions (arrows).



Figure 5. (A) Long segment enlargement of the pancreas (arrow). (B) Distal common bile duct stricture (arrow). (C) Focal narrowing of
the main pancreatic duct (arrow). (D) Endoscopic ultrasound reveals a hypoechoic mass in the pancreatic head region (arrow).

30 mg/day due to small body weight, with a reduc- The last case (Figure 5) presented with distal CBD
tion of 5 mg/week) with improved CBD obstruc- stricture for 2 months with borderline pancreas
tion, but recurrence of CBD stricture (by abdominal enlargement on CT. Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)
ultrasound) and elevation of liver function test were demonstrated a hypoechoic lesion in the pancreatic
seen after 3 months. head region, endoscopic retrograde pancreatogram

18 J Chin Med Assoc • January 2008 • Vol 71 • No 1

Autoimmune chronic pancreatitis

Plasma cells



Figure 6. (A) Gross specimen: the white area corresponds to the hypoechoic
mass seen on endoscopic ultrasound (arrow). (B) Hematoxylin and eosin
staining (400×) reveals fibrosis, plasma cells and eosinophils (arrows).
(C) Masson staining (200×) shows fibrosis (arrow).

(ERP) revealed normal MPD in the head region. The the revised Japanese criteria,21,23 atypical form or
patient was operated on under the impression of sus- focal type of AIP or tumefactive pancreatitis are
picious intrapancreatic CBD tumor. The CEA level included.25–28 The diagnoses of our cases fit with the
was 1.6 ng/L, CA19-9 was 42.3 U/mL, and ANA revised Japanese and Kim et al’s criteria9,21 in imaging
was negative. Histology showed lymphoplasmacytic study of pancreatic enlargement (either diffuse or
infiltration, fibrosis without fat necrosis, ductal dilata- focal), MPD narrowing (focal or multiple) and any one
tion, and stone (Figure 6). Retrospective review of of the following such as serology or pathology or
ERP of the last case showed that he had focal narrow- response to steroid. There is no international consen-
ing of the MPD at the body region. sus with regard to the diagnostic criteria for AIP. For
ERBC was performed in 3 cases; all were negative practical purposes, the revised Japanese and Kim et al’s
for malignancy. The median follow-up duration was criteria would be more useful as they focus on imag-
24 (2–48) months. Cases 2, 4 and 5 had diabetes ing studies. The revised Japanese criteria added focal
mellitus, but no other symptoms such as steatorrhea. enlargement of the pancreas, and steroid response was
included in Kim et al’s criteria.
We had 2 male and 3 female patients with a mean
Discussion age of 61 years. In the literature, males are twice as
common as females, and they are usually more than
There are 4 types of diagnostic criteria for AIP: the 50 years old.9 Our female predominance may be due
revised Japanese and Kim et al’s criteria9,21 emphasize to the small number of cases. Obstructive jaundice and
imaging study, whereas the Mayo Clinic’s HISORt mild abdominal pain were found in 4 of 5 cases in our
criteria (histology, imaging, serology, other organ series, while jaundice was seen in 63% and abdominal
involvement, and its response to steroid therapy) and pain in 35% from Kim et al’s cases.9 We had 1 case
Italian criteria23,24 focus on histology. In HISORt and associated with Sjögren’s syndrome. The incidence

J Chin Med Assoc • January 2008 • Vol 71 • No 1 19

L.F. Lin, et al

and types of associated autoimmune disease vary with and could be minimal in 1 third of AIP patients.36
different studies, ranging from 20% in Kim’s group Lymphoplasmacytic sclerosing pancreatitis (LPSP)
up to 50% in an Italian study.9,24 In the Italian study, and more than 10 positive IgG4 cells per high power
about half of the associated autoimmune disease was field can be the sole diagnostic criterion for AIP in the
diagnosed before the onset of AIP, while the remain- HISTORt (Mayo Clinic) criteria.23 LPSP is character-
ing half was diagnosed during the follow-up period.1 ized by dense periductal infiltration of lymphocytes,
The most common associated autoimmune diseases plasma cells, perilobular, intralobular fibrosis, obliter-
were inflammatory bowel disease in Western litera- ative phlebitis and a lack of the changes seen in other
ture,24 rheumatoid arthritis and sialoadenitis in the chronic pancreatitis such as ductal dilatation, stones,
Japanese study, and retroperitoneal fibrosis in Kim et al’s and fat necrosis. But these findings need a larger tis-
series.29 sue specimen, at least more than a wedge biopsy,37
The CT images in AIP include diffuse or focal and therefore has less clinical practicality. Only 8 of
enlargement of the pancreas with delayed homoge- 14 AIP patients who underwent EUS-guided trucut
neous enhancement of focal mass or capsule like low- biopsy had the pictures of dense lymphoplasmacytic
density ring. The pancreatogram pictures were of infiltration and positive IgG4 stained cells of more
diffuse or focal narrowing of the MPD without much than 10 cells per high power field.38 Also, the diagno-
upstream dilatation.30,31 We had diffuse pancreatic sis of LPSP required a skilled pathologist, and only
enlargement in 2 cases, long segment enlargement in 6 of 31 cases of LPSP were correctly diagnosed the
2 and focal pancreatic enlargement in 1; we did not first time round,37 and obliterative phlebitis could
have the delayed homogeneous enhanced parenchyma be easily missed unless elastic special stain is used.
or ring picture as mentioned in the literature.30,31 We Regarding positive IgG4 cells on histology, only 37%
had diffuse narrowing of the MPD in 2 cases, long of AIP patients had such findings, and they could also
segment narrowing of the MPD in 1 and focal nar- be found in 25% of alcoholic chronic pancreatitis.39
rowing of the MPD in 2 without much upstream In cases without preoperative suspicion of AIP, the
dilatation. In the fifth case, EUS detected a hypoe- diagnosis of AIP can still be possible by solely
choic mass in the pancreatic head region but with no depending on histology using the HISTORt (Mayo
MPD stricture in that region; the patient was diag- Clinic) criteria.
nosed with intrapancreatic CBD tumor and was oper- Steroid was given in 3 cases with 2 recurrences in
ated on. Retrospectively, he did have MPD narrowing our series. Our third case had only narrowing of the
in the body region and elevated IgG, and together MPD in body and tail with no CBD stricture, and the
with the pathology results, he was finally diagnosed fifth case underwent Whipple’s operation; therefore,
with AIP. no steroid was given in these 2 cases. Pancreatic
With EUS, hypoechoic mass could be found in 6 enlargement and biliary strictures can improve spon-
of 14 cases.17 Serum IgG4 was included in Kim et al’s, taneously in some AIP.8 Pancreatic enlargement and
HISTORt’s, and the revised Japanese criteria for the narrowing of the MPD can improve with steroid
diagnosis of AIP. IgG4 is more sensitive than IgG in therapy in almost all patients, though some irregular-
AIP patients (73.3% vs. 54.3%), and was elevated in ity of the MPD and side branches can remain.40 CBD
20% of AIP patients without IgG elevation in Kim stricture can improve with varying degrees and biliary
et al’s experience.9 Kawa and Hamano reported that drainage tube can be removed in almost all patients.40
the sensitivity of IgG was 70.5% and that of IgG4 was Extrapancreatic lesions such as salivary gland and
90.9% in AIP.32 In the literature, the sensitivity of lymph node enlargement, and retroperitoneal fibrosis
IgG4 can range from 67% to 71%.33,34 Elevated IgG4 can improve with steroid therapy.41
is associated with more extrapancreatic organ involve- Recurrence after steroid therapy ranged from 6%
ment.34 Autoantibody test was positive in 2 of 31 AIP to 31%.9,42 The reason for recurrence in our second
patients who had no elevation of IgG or IgG4,29 and case was probably due to lower steroid dose owing to
was included in Kim et al’s and the Japanese criteria. the complication of esophageal Candidiasis. Zambomni
On histology, our first and fifth cases had lympho- et al also reported a recurrence rate of 67% (2 of 3
plasmacytic infiltration and fibrosis which were cases) with steroid therapy.43 For those with recurrence,
included in the Japanese and Kim et al’s criteria. Such high-dose steroid should be re-administered.40 Steroid
histologic findings were not specific to AIP and could is effective and indicative, particularly in those with
also be found in 88% of alcoholic chronic pancreati- CBD stricture or positive immunoserologic results.8
tis.35 The severity of lymphoplasmacytic infiltration The following points can be used to differentiate
was dependent on the activity and stage of the disease AIP from alcoholic chronic pancreatitis. AIP usually

20 J Chin Med Assoc • January 2008 • Vol 71 • No 1

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22 J Chin Med Assoc • January 2008 • Vol 71 • No 1

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