This chapter presents the result of reviewing of some theories that are
background information to support the study and the discussion of findings. The
A. Reading
There are four skills in English language known by common people such
as speaking, listening, reading and writing. All of those skills exactly have tight
relation and all of them are very important to be mastered. Absolutely, each skill
The term of reading may not strange in our life; everywhere we can get
information from reading, even less in school every day we can‟t separate with
these activities. Teacher always asks the student to read and understand the text.
the reader uses a variety of strategies to reconstruct the meaning that the author is
assumed to have intended, based on data from the text and from the reader‟s prior
process. Effective readers know that when they read, what they read is supposed
to make sense. They monitor their understanding, and when they lose the meaning
of what they are reading, they often unconsciously select and use a reading
strategy (such as rereading or asking questions) that will help them reconnect with
the meaning of the text. In addition, Cahyono (2011:57) said that reading is a
means of communicating information between the writer and the reader. The
reader tries to understand ideas that the writer has put in print.
Provided that students more or less understand what they read, the more they read.
readers combining information from a text and their own background knowledge
of view in the form of text. The mechanical skills and comprehension skills are
1. Skimming
interest or not. Being able to look over material rapidly for given purposes
Skimming enables people to select content that they want to read and to
people to again a general idea about material when that is their purposes
2. Scanning
3. Intensive reading
4. Extensive reading
The reader deals with longer text as a whole, which requires the
Each kind of reading skills that has been explained above is used for
certain purposes. Each also requires different approach and technique to achieve
its goal. For example, skimming and scanning techniques are usually used by
readers when they read a reading selection when take a reading test. By using
techniques, they may be able find the information they need without have to read
3. Models of Reading
Barnett in Aebersold and Field (1997: 1719) provides three main models
of reading as follows:
a. Bottom up theory
The readers construct the text from the smallest unit (letters to
text from that small unit becomes so automatic that readers are not aware
about reading.
when reader uses prior knowledge to make prediction about the data they will find
information processing.
thought. There are three kinds of activities involved in relation to the reading class
a. Pre-reading activities
During reading activities are the activities that a reader does while
identifying the main idea, (b) finding details in a text, (c) following a
sequence, (d) inferring from the text, and (e) recognizing the discourse
reading. The activities are used to recheck reader understands on the text
topic being read. The activity of post reading can also be in the forms of
may depend on the class size. If the class is big, it will be better to have
class discussion.
5. Testing Reading
reading tasks which will result in behavior that will demonstrate their successful
According Isnawati (2012: 41), the technique that might be used to test
a. Multiple Choices
Example: Tom was surprised when he met Ann at the party. He was
under the impression she had gone away from the locality. The last time
he saw her was when Bob was teaching her to drive. A few days
afterword she had suddenly become ill. Tom was surprised when............
b. True / false
the two choices, true or false. Example: put a circle round the letter T if
the statement is true and put a circle round the letter F if the statement is
c. Completion
Example: ................ was the man responsible for the first steam railway.
d. Short answer
Example: according to the author, what does the increase in divorce rates
to them.
f. Summary cloze
B. Reading Comprehension
sense of what someone reads and connecting the ideas in the text to what he
already knows. It means readers can answer questions or explaining texts because
opinions or ideas. They try to understand what the text tells about. After getting
opinions or ideas, they can answer questions or make prediction. Trabasso (2007:
different events in the text and form a coherent representation of what the text
tells about. Understanding what texts tell about means that readers get ideas from
texts. In addition, Trabasso (2007) also adds that the whole text consists of words,
sentences and paragraphs. It means that to comprehend the content of the text,
understand the manner in which words are fused into meaningful phrases, phrases
into sentences, and sentences into paragraphs. To sum up, comprehending a text
refers to understanding the context of the whole text, not only comprehending
words, sentences, but also paragraphs and the whole text. For general, reading
comprehension is, in its most obvious sense, the ability to understand information
with understanding. The understanding the written text means extracting the
workbook, the questions include reader recalling what he has read without further
relates to understanding and thinking process to get the message from the reading
materials. In other words, the reader is understanding all or most of the thoughts
explicitly or in paraphrase, drawing inference from the context, and grabbing idea
in the content.
we read is really the result of 3 levels of skills (Deni Basaraba, 2013: 349). There
1. Literal comprehension
2. Inferential comprehension
3. Evaluative comprehension
strategies are related to bottom-up procedures, and others to enhance the top-down
reading something. By doing so, the students know what they are looking
become acquainted with oral language and have some difficulty learning
not apply because they are still struggling with the control of a limited
students need not be speed readers, but you can help them to increase
d. Skimming
able to predict the purpose of the passage, the main topic or message, and
e. Scanning
clusters, helps the reader to provide some order to the chaos. Making
such semantic maps can be done individually, but they make for a
g. Guessing
h. Analysising Vocabulary
One way for learners to make guessing pay off when they don‟t
1. Look for prefixes (co-, inter-, un-, etc) that may give clues.
2. Look for suffixes (-tion, -tive, -ally, etc) that may indicate what
processing skills. The fact that not all language can be interpreted
The genres of the text are: descriptive, recount, report, procedure, spoof, news
and narrative text. Each the text above has different meaning and function based
In this study, the researcher used narrative text. Narrative is a text focusing
on specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past events and to
entertain the readers. Narrative text tells about what is happening or what has
story telling whether tells a true story or fiction. A narrative text gives an account
event (Syafi‟i: 2007). According to Sudarwati (2005: 72), the purpose of narrative
ways. It is true because narrative text always contents various message for the
reader that may entertain or give education to the reader. The writer can conclude
that narrative texts have several purposes such as; to entertain and to educate the
readers. Examples of the narrative text are legend, fairy tales, science fiction,
Narrative also has the generic structure of the story. There are three stages
3) Resolution: this part brings the series of events to a close and revolves
D. The Concept of Read, Ask Question, and Put into Your Own Words
(RAP) Strategy
with and without disabilities and is extremely flexible. It can be used for
elementary, middle, and high school students across many different content areas
the main idea and two details?” and Put it into your own words. RAP is a strategy
that can help the students how to understand and remember what they have read.
It means that this strategy is used to help students understand and remember what
they read and can help learning process in the classroom. The RAP strategy is a
reading comprehension strategy that asks students to find main ideas and details
from each paragraph that is read and then to paraphrase orally that information.
Joseph Boyle and David Scanlon (2010: 207) state that the purpose of this
for main ideas and details in paragraph and then transforming that information
5) also states that the purpose of the RAP strategy is to aid reading comprehension
selection. Schumaker et. al. reported that the students who were taught to use the
RAP strategy increased their recall of text from 48% to 84%. In addition, many
researchers also used the RAP strategy in teaching reading found that they get
good result of their research, for example; Ellis and Graves used the RAP strategy
with 47 middle school students with Learning Disabilities (LD) to access its
effects on students‟ ability to find the main idea of stories. Result of multiple-
choice tests showed that compared to control students, students given the RAP
strategy could identify significantly more main ideas from passages than control
the main idea and two details?” and Put it into your own words. In teaching
1) Read a paragraph.
Read the paragraph silently. As you read, be sure to think what the
words mean.
2) Ask yourself, "What were the main ideas and details of this
After reading the paragraph, ask yourself, "What were the main
ideas and details?" This question helps you to think about what you just
read. You can also look quickly back over the paragraph to help you find
the main idea and the details related to the main idea.
Now put the main idea and details into your own words. This will
help you remember the information. Try to give at least two details
related to the main idea. Based on the description above, the students will
ask for the teacher on unknown words, but the students did not receive
additional support or assistance from the teacher. They can take notes
while reading the passage to help them remember what they have read.
E. Previous Study
There are some previous studies of the use of RAP strategy. The first is
thesis written by student of Medan State University entitled “The Effect of Read,
Narrative Text” by Dewi Bernike Tampubolon. This research was done in the
experimental group which taught by using RAP strategy and the control group by
using conventional strategy. So, the conclusion can be described as follows: The
student‟s achievement which was taught by using RAP strategy is higher than
taught with conventional strategy. And from the t-test calculation it was found
that t-test was 3,04 while the t-table is 2,00 with p = 0,05. It means that hypothesis
alternative (Ha) is accepted which shows that RAP strategy significantly improves
the student‟s reading comprehension. So, it can be proved that the use of RAP
Syarif Kasim Riau entitled “The Effect of Using Read, Ask Questions, and Put
into your own Words (RAP) Strategy toward Reading Comprehension of The
Second Year Students at Senior High School YLPI Pekanbaru” by Dahlia. Based
on the data presentation and data analysis explained in chapter IV, finally the
writer gives a conclusion of the research about the effect of using RAP strategy
63.09, which was categorized into enough level, and the mean of post-test after
being taught by using Read, Ask Question, and Put into Your Own Words
Strategy was 73.71 which was categorized into good level. (2) The mean pre-test
categorized into enough level, and the mean of post-test of control class was 59.77
which were categorized into enough level. (3) There is significant effect of using
can be seen from the result of data calculation (2.00<7.180>2.65). So, it can be
concluded that Read, Ask questions, and Put into your own words (RAP) strategy
Based on the two previous studies above on the use of RAP strategy, here,
RAP strategy as well. So, it is the same on the use of RAP strategy.
Although it is the same on the use of RAP strategy, but it also has the
difference. The first previous study written by Dewi Bernike Tampubolon, the
compare the scholastic achievement of experimental group and control group after
the experiment and compare the scholastic achievement of high achievers and low
achievers of experimental group and control group after the treatment. The second
experimental research design using one group pre-test and post-test, and describes
by comparing the students‟ score before taught by using RAP strategy and taught