Ketahanan Lipat PDF
Ketahanan Lipat PDF
Ketahanan Lipat PDF
Abstract: Flurbiprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug widely used in the treatment of rheumatism
and non arthritic pain. Flurbiprofen is highly gastric irritant and it may produce nausea and vomiting on oral
administration, hence a transdermal drug delivery system may be suitable for flurbiprofen. The objective of this
study was to formulate and evaluate the transdermal patches of flurbiprofen using synthetic polymers and
permeation enhancers. Polymers used were polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and the
permeation enhancers were dimethylformamide (DMF) and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). Matrix type
transdermal patches of flurbiprofen were prepared by moulding technique. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) of
the films prepared showed the same Rf value as that of the pure drug thus it was concluded that no
incompatibility between the various components of the patch. The results of skin irritation study showed that no
noticeable irritation on rabbit skin indicating the skin compatibility of drug as well as polymer matrix. The
uniformity of drug content was evidenced by low S.D values and the thickness of the formulations varied from
0.15 to 0.21 mm. In vitro permeation through human cadaver skin was carried out using modified Franz
diffusion cell and the results showed that film (P4) containing PVP and PVA (1:0.5) with DMSO showed the
maximum release (83.45%) at 24 hours. The developed transdermal films of flurbiprofen showed promising
physico-chemical characteristics and good in vitro drug release.
Keywords: Transdermal, flurbiprofen, anti-inflammatory, dimethylsulfoxide, polyvinyl alcohol,
Thin layer chromatography (TLC) permeation enhancers. The formulated patches were
Compatibility studies are carried out to assess any subjected to various physico-chemical evaluations
incompatibility between drug and polymers. The and in vitro permeation study. The physicochemical
TLC plates having silica gel coating of 0.25 mm characteristics of the formulated patches are showed
thickness were used after activating in an oven for in Table 2. The films showed uniform drug content
one hour at 120 0C. A spot of the standard solution and minimum batch variation. The thickness of the
was put 2cm from the bottom. The sample solution patches varied from 0.15 to 0.21 mm. The minimum
was spotted 2cms apart from one another and placed standard deviation values assured that the process
in TLC chamber, which was previously saturated used for preparing the delivery system was capable
with the solvent system chloroform : acetone (4:1). of giving reproducible results. A good uniformity of
The solvent was allowed to rise at least 3/4th of the weight was observed in all the films prepared.
plate and the distance travelled by solvent front was Folding endurance was high (>200) thus assuring
noted. The spots were detected by spraying the good flexibility of the films and were able to
acidified potassium permanganate (KMno4) on to the maintain the integrity with general skin folding.
plate. The Rf value was calculated for the standard Moisture uptake capacity increased with increase in
and sample solutions using the formula concentration of PVP which can be supported by
previous reports. PVP might enhance the absorption
Rf value= Distance travelled by the of water vapour by converting the crystalline drug in
solute from the origin to amorphous state on skin surface. Compounds in
Distance travelled by the the amorphous state generally posses a high energy
solvent front from the origin state with improved solubility and the enhancement
of solubility of drug close to the skin surface
Stability studies increases thermodynamic activity that facilitates the
For any rational design and evaluation of dosage permeation rate of drug through skin.12 The in vitro
forms the stability of the active component must be permeation studies through cadaver skin showed that
a major criteria in determining their acceptance or the addition of enhancers promoted the permeation
rejection. Drugs instability is indicated by a change of drug. Among the permeation enhancers used,
in the physical appearance such as colour, odour, DMSO showed better permeation efficacy than
taste or texture of the formulation where as in other DMF. It was observed that, the patch (P4) prepared
instances chemical changes may occur which are not with polymer ratio (PVP:PVA, 1:0.5) and DMSO as
self evident and may only be ascertained through the permeation enhancer had the maximum drug
chemical analysis. To assess the stability of the release of 83.45 % at the end of 24 hours. The
formulated transdermal patches, selected films were release rate of flurbiprofen from film preparations
taken. The stability studies were carried out at room tend to increase as the PVP fraction is increased. A
temperature over a period of 60 days. The patches proposed mechanism for DMSO to improve skin
were evaluated for physical characteristics and drug permeation of drugs is, it denature the protein and on
content at regular intervals of time. application to human skin has shown to change the
intercellular keratin conformation.10
Primary skin irritation studies The Rf value of flurbiprofen was 0.318 and for the
The skin irritation study was carried out by using formulated patch was found to be 0.309. TLC of the
healthy rabbit. The hair of rabbit was shaved from prepared patches had almost same Rf value as that of
the dorsal area on both sides 24 h before the test, the drug, which shows that the drug and polymers
one side of the back serves as control for the test. are compatible with each other. Skin irritation was
The medicated patch was secured on experimental studied by modified draize test and the results
side, and the non-medicated patch was secured on showed no noticeable irritation on rabbit skin,
the control side. Then the patches were removed indicating the skin compatibility of drug as well as
after 24 h and the condition of the dorsal skin was polymer matrix. Stability studies were conducted on
examined visually. The evaluation was based on the selected formulation (P4) and results shown in
scoring method described by Draize, where the Table 3. It was observed that no significant change
scores are assigned from 0 to 4 based on the severity occurred in physical appearance, thickness, weight,
of erythema or oedema.19 folding endurance, % elongation, tensile strength
and drug content. Based on these results it can be
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION concluded that the formulated patches were
physically and chemically stable.
In the present study altogether nine (9) formulations
were prepared by varying the polymer ratio and
Rajesh S et al /Int.J.PharmTech Res.2013,5(1) 180
Fig. 1 In vitro drug permeation through human Fig. 3 Effect of DMF on in vitro drug permeation
cadaver skin Data are expressed as mean S.D (n=3)
Data are expressed as mean S.D (n=3)
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