DTP Training of Trainers October 28, 2022: Engr. Marie Kristine R. Gonzales
DTP Training of Trainers October 28, 2022: Engr. Marie Kristine R. Gonzales
DTP Training of Trainers October 28, 2022: Engr. Marie Kristine R. Gonzales
*Credits to Engr. LA Alipio for providing the base material used in these slides
Effect of Water on Standard Method of Test for
Compressive Strength of Bulk Specific Gravity (Gmb) of
Compacted Bituminous Compacted Asphalt Mixtures
Mixtures Using Saturated Surface-Dry
(AASHTO T165) Specimens
Immersion- Compression Test (AASHTO T166)
Immersion-Compression Test
9.6 MPa
AASHTO T165/ (1400 psi) Min
ASTM D1075
Wet -