ERYLINk Newsletter July Aug 2011
ERYLINk Newsletter July Aug 2011
ERYLINk Newsletter July Aug 2011
AGM 2011
At the 2011 AGM held on 28 June 2011 at the Beverley Arms Hotel in Beverley, the members approved the selection of new Lead Group members John Brown, Maureen Crane, Jane Popplewell and Jim Stead as well as returning member Ron Hart.
Also approved were the nominations for Chair and Vice Chair for the coming year. Acting Chair, Geoff Pearson, was happy to Geoff Pearson ERYLINk Chair 2011/1012 take the role of Chair and was joined by David Vaughan as Vice Chair. Geoff thanked the members present for their vote of confidence before going on to chair the rest of the meeting. The 2010/2011 Annual Report and ERYLINk Annual Accounts also received approval at the meeting. Copies of the Annual Report are available from the ERYLINk website:, or alternatively, please let us know if you require a printed copy.
Through consultations and discussions with members of the public and feedback from ERYLINk members it emerged that not enough was known about the services now available to help people to stay at home for longer. In response to this, ERYLINk members, non-members and professionals attended the Social Care Forum at the Beverley Arms Hotel in Beverley on 28th June 2011. Presentations were made by East Riding of Yorkshire Council Adult Services, the Carers Advisory Group, Single Intake Team and Re-ablement Service. As well as hearing all about the services being offered, delegates participated in TeleHealth demonstrations and saw genuine case studies on the success of TeleHealth and TeleCare. ERYLINk member, Mike Loveday, participating in the practical demonstration of TeleHealth given by Paula Jennings of Adult Services at ERYC. For more information on TeleHealth and TeleCare contact Adult Services on 01482 393939.
ERYLINk - East Riding of Yorkshire Local Involvement Network - Your Voice on Health and Social Care
News in Brief:
The Big Picture, a report produced by the Care in the Community Group, has been considered by GPs involved in commissioning future health services. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this large piece of work. The report may be downloaded via the ERYLINk website or if youd like a printed version, contact Ortrud Nield at the ERYLINk office. Phil Morley, Chief Executive, Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust attended the Acute Hospitals Sub Group and explained his plans for the future development of the Trust, its staff and his commitment to provide good quality services to the community. Bridlington Outpatients received an Enter and View visit by 2 authorised representatives of ERYLINk. The Marketing and Membership Sub Group has completed a Bus Tour of the East Riding updating residents on the work of ERYLINk and enrolling new members. Our thanks are extended to all those who helped and to the new members we met on the way. Terri Martin, Compliance Manager at the CQC, met Lead Group members to broach closer working as we move towards HealthWatch.