A Review of Wave Energy Converter Technology
A Review of Wave Energy Converter Technology
A Review of Wave Energy Converter Technology
Article in Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part A Journal of Power and Energy · December 2009
DOI: 10.1243/09576509JPE782
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3 authors:
Mehmet Sahinkaya
Kingston University London
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The manuscript was received on 26 March 2009 and was accepted after revision for publication on 16 June 2009.
DOI: 10.1243/09576509JPE782
Abstract: Ocean waves are a huge, largely untapped energy resource, and the potential for
extracting energy from waves is considerable. Research in this area is driven by the need to meet
renewable energy targets, but is relatively immature compared to other renewable energy tech-
nologies. This review introduces the general status of wave energy and evaluates the device types
that represent current wave energy converter (WEC) technology, particularly focusing on work
being undertaken within the United Kingdom. The possible power take-off systems are identified,
followed by a consideration of some of the control strategies to enhance the efficiency of point
absorber-type WECs. There is a lack of convergence on the best method of extracting energy from
the waves and, although previous innovation has generally focused on the concept and design
of the primary interface, questions arise concerning how best to optimize the powertrain. This
article concludes with some suggestions of future developments.
3. Natural seasonal variability of wave energy, which considerable amount of the published academic work
follows the electricity demand in temperate cli- has been primarily on sea performance and survival,
mates [6]. as well as the design and concept of the primary wave
4. Waves can travel large distances with little energy interface. However, the methods of using the motion of
loss. Storms on the western side of the Atlantic the primary interface to produce electricity are diverse.
Ocean will travel to the western coast of Europe, More detailed evaluation of the complete system is
supported by prevailing westerly winds. necessary if optimized, robust yet efficient systems are
5. It is reported that wave power devices can generate to be developed
power up to 90 per cent of the time, compared to
∼20–30 per cent for wind and solar power devices
2.2 Type
Despite the large variation in designs and concepts,
WECs can be classified into three predominant types.
2.3.4 Overtopping device Each Pelamis is 120 m long, and contains three
power modules, each rated at 250 kW. It is designed
An overtopping device captures sea water of incident to operate in water depths of ∼50 m. The shape
waves in a reservoir above the sea level, then releases and loose mooring of Pelamis lets it orient itself to
the water back to sea through turbines. An example of the predominant wave direction, and its length is
such a device is the Wave Dragon, which is shown in such that it automatically ‘detunes’ from the longer-
Fig. 7. This device uses a pair of large curved reflectors wavelength high-power waves, enhancing its surviv-
to gather waves into the central receiving part, where ability in storms [29]. A wave farm using Pelamis
they flow up a ramp and over the top into a raised technology was recently installed in Aguçadora Wave
reservoir, from which the water is allowed to return to Park, about 3 miles from Portugal’s northern coast,
the sea via a number of low-head turbines. near Pòvoa do Vorzina. This followed full-scale pro-
totype testing at the EMEC facility in Orkney [30]. The
2.4 UK-based research and development wave farm initially uses three Pelamis P-750 machines
developing a total power of 2.25 MW.
2.4.1 Commercial operations
There are many companies currently developing wave 2.4.2 University-based research
power devices. UK-based companies are listed in Working in parallel and sometimes collaboratively
Table 1. A more exhaustive list of companies worldwide with the wave energy developer companies listed in
can be found at the European Marine Energy Centre Table 1, are universities and other research institutes.
(EMEC) website [28]. The primary ones identified in this study are listed
The Pelamis device deserves more details as it is the below.
offshore device closest to commercial operation (the
Wavegen Limpet, while it also operates commercially, 1. The University of Edinburgh: The Wave Power
is a shoreline mounted OWC). The Pelamis is a floating Group at the University of Edinburgh [31], founded
device comprised of cylindrical hollow steel segments in 1974, is very active inWEC development. Stephen
(diameter of 3.5 m) connected to each other by two Salter, one of the early pioneers in wave energy
degree-of-freedom hinged joints. Each hinged joint is research, was based at Edinburgh, and thus much
similar to a universal joint, with the central unit of work was focused on the Salter’s nodding ‘duck’
each joint containing the complete power conversion device. The Duck concept is reported to be theoret-
system. The wave-induced motion of these joints is ically one of the most efficient devices, and the pri-
resisted by four hydraulic cylinders that accommodate mary interface is able to absorb 100 per cent of the
both horizontal and vertical motion. These cylinders energy contained in a wave [20]. The efforts to effi-
act as pumps, which drive fluid through a hydraulic ciently convert motion from this device to electric-
motor, which in turn drives an electrical generator. ity have motivated research into efficient hydraulic
Accumulators are used in the circuit to decouple the drives [32, 33]. The University of Edinburgh is also
primary circuit (the pumps) with the secondary cir- involved in the EquiMar project (see below).
cuit (the motor), and aid in regulating the flow of fluid 2. Lancaster University: There is a wide range of
to produce a more constant generation. The hydraulic wave energy projects in which the Lancaster
power take off (PTO) system uses only commercially University Renewable Energy Group (LUREG) is
available components. involved. They were involved in Supergen 1 and
now Supergen 2 (see below), along with the Car- when marine energy devices can contribute to
bon Trust’s Marine Energy Accelerator Programme emissions reduction [39]. It follows on from the
and NaREC’s development test rig (see below for Marine Energy Challenge project [5], which sup-
more information on NaREC). They work in a wide ported development and understanding of wave
range of fields within wave energy, looking at new and tidal stream energy technologies.
device designs, numerical modelling and control, 4. SuperGen (Sustainable Power Generation and Sup-
PTO development (with a focus on electrical linear ply): Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
generation), and device evaluation. Council supported research (in partnership with
3. PRIMaRE (Universities of Plymouth and Exeter): Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research
The Peninsular Research Institute for Marine Council, Economic and Social Research Coun-
Renewable Energy is a collaboration between the cil, Natural Environment Research Council, and
universties of Exeter and Plymouth to research the Carbon Trust) in sustainable power genera-
marine renewable energy [34]. This recently estab- tion and supply, enabling the UK to meet envi-
lished group undertakes inter-disciplinary research ronmental emissions targets. The Marine Energy
and is directly linked to the SWERDA-funded Wave Research Consoritum, led by Edinburgh Univer-
Hub project [35] (see below for more details). The sity, and including LUREG (Lancaster), Heriot-Watt,
University of Exeter is also involved in the EquiMar Robert Gordon University, Strathclyde and Queen’s
project (see below). University Belfast, aims to increase the knowledge
and understanding of extraction of energy from the
sea. Funding is £2.6 million over 4 years. More infor-
2.4.3 Wave energy projects and organizations
mation about the SuperGen Marine, currently in its
The list below includes some of the wave energy second phase, can be found in reference [40].
projects currently being undertaken, with links to 5. Wave Hub: The aim of the Wave Hub project is to
UK institutions and companies. The following have construct a wave farm demonstration/evaluation
technical content, but there are a number of other site off the northern coast of Cornwall [36]. The
wave energy organizations and projects that focus on budget of the project is £28 million, with £21.5
promotion, economics, marketing, and other aspects million coming from the South West of England
to speed up the introduction of marine energy (for Regional Development Agency. The project will lay
example Waveplam [36] and WavEC [37]). a high-voltage cable 10 miles out to sea and con-
nect it to the National Grid. Companies will be able
1. EMEC: The European Marine Energy Centre was to test their WECs in a leased and consented area of
set up in 2003 with funding partly from the Car- sea. It is reported that the installation of Wave Hub
bon Trust and aims to stimulate and accelerate is planned for Spring 2010.
the development of marine power devices, ini-
tially through the operation of a testing centre More details on other wave energy projects and
in Orkney [30]. Similar to the planned Wave Hub operations world wide can be found in references [3],
project, the facilities at EMEC are test berths, with [6], [7], [9] to [11], and [41].
electrical connections enabling wave energy device
developers to test full-scale prototypes.
2. EquiMar: The Equimar Project (Equitable Test-
ing and Evaluation of Marine Energy Extraction 3 POWER TAKE OFF METHODS
Devices in terms of performance, cost, and envi-
ronmental impact) is an FP7-funded (European The method of energy capture varies from device
Commission) collaborative research and develop- to device, but with the exception of linear electri-
ment project that involved a consortium of 23 cal generation, discussed later, the general method of
partners and will run for 3 years from 15 April 2008. producing electrical power is through conventional
The aim of the EquiMar project is to ‘deliver a suite high-speed rotary electrical generators [42]. One of
of protocols for the equitable evaluation of marine the major challenges of WECs is concerned with how
energy converters. These protocols will harmonize to drive these generators. Heaving- and nodding-type
testing and evaluation procedures across the wide devices are not directly compatible with conventional
variety of devices’. These protocols will be used to rotary electrical machines, and a transmission system
establish a base for future marine energy standards. is required to interface the WEC with the electrical
More details about this project can be found in generator [20].
reference [38]. In this section, different types of rotary generators
3. Marine Energy Accelerator: The Carbon Trust’s are briefly presented, followed by an overview of differ-
current Marine Energy Accelerator is an initia- ent energy transfer methods. This starts with turbine
tive to reduce the costs associated with marine transfer, moving on to hydraulic conversion methods,
energy technologies, bringing forward the time and then discussing direct electrical linear generators,
which could be considered as a competing technology. As discussed above, the requirements for genera-
These different PTO mechanisms are shown in Fig. 8. tors in OWCs, such as variable speed input, are similar
to those of a wind turbine, and thus have been well
researched (for example, see references [44] to [46]).
3.1 Rotary generator types
The significant advantage of using sea water tur-
Traditional power stations use on-line synchronous bines is that leakage of fluid causes no environmental
generators (SGs), and are operated at a virtually problems. The disadvantage is that sea water is a com-
constant speed, matching the frequency of the grid plex fluid with various unpredictable constituents.
connection. Depending on the conversion system, In addition, in nearshore devices, abrasive particles
generators used for wave energy may have to cope could damage seals and valves. Cavitation could also
with variable speed. Four generator types are identi- be a problem, unless the turbine is in deep water to
fied: doubly fed induction generators (DFIG), squirrel maintain positive pressure. In low-pressure situations,
cage induction generators, permanent magnet SGs, experienced in overtopping devices, propeller-type
and field would SGs. turbines are often used, such as the Kaplan design.
O’Sullivan and Lewis [43] discuss these generator Using air as the working fluid has the advantage
options in terms of suitability for an OWC applica- of increasing the slow velocities of waves to high
tion, by examining the advantages and disadvantages air flow rate. The most popular air turbine design is
in terms of environmental, electrical, and cost factors, the Wells turbine, because of its ability to rotate in
and by using a time-domain MATLAB model. The gen- the same direction, irrespective of airflow direction.
erators in OWC devices typically operate at variable Inherent disadvantages include low efficiency (around
speed. There are similarities in this application with 60–65 per cent [47, 48]), poor starting, high noise,
the mature technologies currently used in wind tur- and high axial thrust when compared to traditional
bines. The favoured generators used in wind turbines turbines [49]. Pitch control of the turbine blades can
(DFIG driven via a gear box, and direct drive low-speed increase efficiency [50].
SG with dedicated power electronics) are possible can-
didates for use in OWC WECs. O’Sullivan and Lewis’s
3.3 Hydraulics
study concludes that the latter, the SG, are the pre-
ferred option due to its better energy yield, weight, and Another method of converting the low-speed oscil-
controllability, despite the requirement for a full fre- lating motion of the primary WEC interface is to
quency converter between the generator and the grid. employ a hydraulic system. Waves apply large forces
The significant disadvantage of the DFIG is its mainte- at slow speeds and hydraulic systems are well suited
nance requirement; DFIGs are not brushless machines to absorbing energy in these situations [51]. The use of
– a significant issue in offshore WECs. hydraulics operating at a pressure of 400 bar is a dis-
Linear electrical generators are discussed in greater tinct advantage of some types of WEC where size and
detail in section 3.4. weight are an issue [42], and the force created by these
pressures are considerably greater than those from the
best electrical machines.
3.2 Turbine transfer
Figure 9 is a circuit diagram for a basic hydraulic
‘Turbine transfer’ is the term used here to represent PTO system for a WEC. The rod of the hydraulic cylin-
the method employed in devices where the flow of der is forced up and down by a floating buoy, which
fluid (either sea water or air) drives a turbine, which forces fluid through check valves, rectifying the flow,
is directly coupled to a generator. The types of devices to a hydraulic motor. In this case, the generator could
using direct transfer include OWCs and overtopping be a constant speed device, and the hydraulic motor
devices. has variable capacity, to drive the generator at close
3.3.3 Efficiency
The efficiency of the PTO system is vital to the abil-
ity to harness the energy of the device. Traditional
hydrostatic transmissions tend to use coupled vari-
able displacement pumps and motors, which have an
ideal operating point and a peak efficiency of around
Fig. 10 Flow-time representations for hydraulic WEC 80 per cent. Away from this ideal operating point,
efficiency drops away; the part-load losses (including from the offshore or nearshore device to shore, and the
coulomb and viscous friction, leakage, and compress- associated significant power loss.
ibility) are significant. Although the hydraulic system
may have a high rating, it is reasonable that the device 3.3.5 End-stop
will spend most of the time operating at a fraction
of this rating, and therefore the system must have The end-stop issue is not exclusive to devices employ-
the highest part-load efficiencies [54]. The DTI report ing a hydraulic PTO system; it applies to all moving
[52] also highlights the efficiency issue of hydraulics, body converters with rigid connections to PTOs. The
recommending that work should focus on the devel- problem arises from the oscillating interface exceed-
opment of dedicated hydraulic motors with low part- ing its design travel. With a hydraulic transfer system,
load losses and high torque pumps. In addition, the the oscillating interface could be connected to linear
check valves used to rectify the flow, and the throttling hydraulic rams used to pump fluid to the motor. The
valve to control the flow, have pressure drops associ- high forces and corresponding energy experienced
ated with their orifices, leading to a loss in power and in extreme conditions cannot be suddenly absorbed
reduced efficiency. by hitting the end of cylinder stroke, damaging the
Driven by the need for very high-efficiency high- system. Mitigating this by employing high-stroke actu-
pressure bi-directional oil hydraulic transmissions ators is compromised by their mass and expense, and
that could implement the advanced control algo- their stroke capability will not be exploited most of
rithms required to obtain the most energy out of the time. Buckling of extended stroke actuators may
waves, a novel digital displacement pump–motor con- also be an issue, particularly if side loads are present
cept was developed [32, 50, 55]. The basic structure at maximum extension.
of the pump–motor is similar to a conventional Methods to mitigate end-stop issues with hydraulic
radial piston pump–motor, but includes electro- actuators include specific designs that mechanically
magnetically operated poppet valves for each cylinder, limit the stroke (Pelamis uses this technique), or are
allowing the device to go from full output to zero based on rotation, in which case a radial piston pump
output in one revolution. Part-load efficiency is also can be employed (the SEAREV [59] uses this method).
greatly increased due to the complete deactivation of A winch mechanism could also be employed to drive
cylinders. A prototype digital displacement transmis- a rotary pump, and Salter has also examined a rotary
sion is currently being developed for a wind turbine machine for use with the duck WEC [50].
application, obviating the need for heavy gearboxes There are other designs such as the inter project
or full-power electronics and frequency converters service heaving buoy [21] (such as AquaBuOY [60])
for low-speed electrical generators [56]. A similar that does not suffer from the end-stop issue. The inter
device is currently being developed for marine energy project service concept consists of a long tube, open at
applications [57, 58]. both ends attached to a floating buoy. Within the tube
is a piston. As the buoy heaves, the water within the
tube forces the piston to move relative to the buoy. As
3.3.4 Maintenance the tube is open at both ends, the concept does not
suffer from the ‘end-stop’ issue.
Carrying out maintenance in the marine environ-
ment is expensive, time-consuming, and poses many 3.3.6 Energy storage
risks. In a hydraulic conversion system, there are likely
to be several stages between the primary interface Some form of energy storage is usually incorporated
and the electrical generator, each comprising mov- in a PTO system, as the fluctuations in absorbed wave
ing parts, and thus may require maintenance. It is power will result in very variable electrical power
important that the required maintenance is mini- output, which is unsuitable for the grid [61]. Accu-
mized, preferably only requiring inspection annually mulators can function as short-term energy storage
or less [52]. In addition, metal surfaces and compo- as part of the hydraulic system. By storing energy,
nents must be protected from corrosion and erosion. accumulators would help the system deal with the
Ceramic coatings (such as Ceramax, manufactured high level of variance, reducing the capital cost and
by Bosch Rexroth) offer a promising method of pro- power losses of all subsequent powertrain elements
tecting the components in direct contact with sea [50]. The Pelamis hydraulic PTO system uses accu-
water. mulators to provide a ‘smooth’ flow to the hydraulic
One method that could be employed to minimize motors, and are used to separate the primary transmis-
maintenance costs (and potentially reduce the possi- sion (hydraulic cylinders and their controls) from the
bility of leakage from hydraulic devices) would be to secondary transmission (hydraulic motors and elec-
position the hydraulic PTO system at the shore. This tric generators). It is argued that this separation allows
has received limited interest due to the long, costly, for efficient absorption over a large range of incident
and inefficient pipework required to transport the fluid power; up to 80 per cent is reported [51].
from having significantly less shear stress. These two be increased if the power factor is not equal to one,
topologies are also discussed in reference [66]. which can be accommodated by an active rectifier.
Leijon et al. [67] have conducted multiphysics simu- The method of converting the current through power
lations of a three-phase linear permanent magnet gen- electronics is beyond the scope of this review, but is
erator (using the Archimedes Wave Swing as the target covered in more detail by Baker et al. [65], Brooking
device), with the results confirming its potential. This et al. [70], and Ran et al. [71].
work was followed by an experimental setup that suc-
cessfully verified the simulations [13]. The work also
briefly discussed the interconnection scheme when 4 CONTROL
dealing with an array of devices. Polinder et al. [68]
also discuss the linear permanent magnet generator In regular waves, energy is captured most efficiently
designed for use with the Archimedes Wave Swing. The in a point-absorber-type WEC when the undamped
authors highlighted that such a machine was chosen natural frequency of the device is close to the domi-
because of its high force density, reasonable efficiency nant frequency of the incident wave [72]. At resonance,
at low speeds, the availability of cheaper magnets with the velocity of the oscillator is in phase with the
high power density, and the lack of electrical contact dynamic pressure (and hence force) of the incoming
to the translator. Reasonable correlation between cal- wave, resulting in a substantial transfer of energy from
culated results from simulations and measured results the wave to the oscillator [73]. The behaviour of the
from experimental testing indicates that the generator device therefore is dependent on the damping. For
is appropriate [69]. most power extraction, damping must be adjusted to
achieve maximum energy conversion efficiency. If the
damping is too high then the motions are limited and
3.4.2 Signal processing
little power is produced. If the damping is too light,
One issue of linear electrical generators is converting then the damper absorbs little power and little power
the signal to one appropriate for grid connection. If is taken off. With any PTO system, the correct damping
the motion of the WEC is sinusoidal, the induced EMF is vital for an efficient system.
varies in amplitude and frequency during a wave cycle. Real seas, however, rarely exhibit regular conditions.
As the translator reciprocates, the speed is continu- Instead, waves are continually changing in height and
ously changing, resulting in a varying frequency of the frequency, and thus the requirement is a device that
induced voltage. Figure 12 from reference [20] shows a can adapt to behave as if resonant over the wide range
typical EMF plot from a variable reluctance permanent of frequencies. It is noted that major improvements
magnet machine excited by a sinusoidal displacement. in efficiency (and hence cost-effectiveness) of WECs
For grid connection, this waveform, which is vari- are possible with the implementation of active control
able in both frequency and amplitude, must be recti- of the dynamics [14], along with potential improve-
fied before conversion into a sinusoidal fixed voltage ment in year-round productivity [74]. The level of
and frequency waveform using power electronics. The device tuning can range from adjusting parameters for
rectification can be passive or active. A passive rectifier a particular sea state to wave-by-wave adaptation (also
can be a simple diode bridge, and this is characterized known as fast tuning). This section covers some of the
by having a power factor of one. The active power can techniques that can be employed to achieve efficient
energy conversion.
Salter et al. [50] review a range of different con-
trol strategies with varying degrees of sophistication.
Although many are suitable for specific incident wave
frequencies and amplitudes, the range of frequencies
and amplitudes that each can deal with gives the more
advanced strategies their advantage. Instead of restat-
ing the details in this review, more focus is given to
some selected strategies that have attracted greater
attention in the literature.
frequency [50]. This theoretically optimal control followed by reactive control, with latching increasing
strategy involves adjusting the dynamic parameters of the efficiency further, and feedback linearization pro-
the primary converter, such as the spring constant, viding the greatest improvement. Feedback lineariza-
inertia, and energy absorbing damping, to enable tion, however, requires detailed knowledge of the
maximum energy absorption at all frequencies. Korde machine dynamics and characteristics, and as such
considers reactive control in reference [14], and found is not practical.
that velocity feedback could be used to adjust the Another reason why, in practice, it is not possi-
damping coefficient provided by the PTO system to ble for reactive control to be fully optimal, is due to
balance the radiation damping of the device to enable velocities that could become extremely high. As such,
maximum permissible energy absorption. Optimal constraints are necessary to safeguard against hazards
power absorption requires that the primary converter of mechanical/electrical overdriving [74].
feels no reactive force (as at resonance) and that the
energy absorption rate (damping) equals the rate at
which kinetic energy is being radiated from the device. 4.3 Simulation for controller development
Reactive loading introduces a phase shift into the Some considerations are necessary concerning the
PTO force to cancel some of the undesirable stiff- modelling of WECs and the assessment of control
ness or inertia. Either side of the resonant frequency, strategies using these simulations. Yavuz et al. [84]
the wave force goes into deflecting the ‘spring’ of the present a time-domain model of a single-DOF heav-
device (a semi-submerged float represents a spring), ing buoy WEC to investigate the effect on performance
or accelerating the inertia, reducing overall efficiency. of a dynamically changing sea wave frequency. A
Maximum efficiency is achieved if the force is in phase time-domain simulation study is necessary, as single-
with the velocity of the device, as at resonance. frequency-based mathematical models of WECs are
Through simulation, Korde studied reactive con- not suitable to predict the performance of real systems,
trol of wave energy devices in irregular waves [74] as real sea waves are complicated and ever changing.
and later in reference [72], using a time history of This need is confirmed by Falcão [61], who investigates
past velocity measurements to estimate future veloc- the modelling and control of a heaving buoy WEC with
ity of the primary energy converter. In reference [72], a hydraulic PTO, by stating that the WEC examined
two approaches are considered: where only the static is highly non-linear, which requires a time-domain
reactive components due to calm-water inertia and model consisting of a set of coupled equations: (a)
hydrostatic spring are cancelled by the control force an integral-differential equation that accounts for the
at constant damping; and where, in addition, further hydrodynamics of wave energy absorption and (b)
improvement is sought using estimates of future oscil- an ordinary differential equation that models various
lations (derived from past oscillations). Significant aspects of the hydraulic system (including accumula-
efficiency gains were observed in the first approach, tors, valves, flows, and viscosity effects). Josset et al.
with further gains with estimations of future oscil- [85] constructed a ‘wave to wire’ time-domain model
lations. A better prediction strategy or estimation of the SEAREV WEC, including the PTO system, to
algorithm is needed. study the various elements of the complete device.
Valério et al. [83] compares reactive control, phase With respect to the hydrodynamics, many simu-
and amplitude control (another theoretically optimal lation studies treat the incident waves using linear
strategy), latching control, and feedback lineariza- models. It is generally agreed that this is suitable for
tion control (two intrinsically sub-optimal strate- relatively calm seas, but in extreme conditions, this
gies), using the Archimedes Wave Swing as the target linear approximation is not accurate, as non-linear
device. Reactive control and phase and amplitude factors dominate (personal communication, Jun Zang,
control are examined, but since the implementa- University of Bath, 4 July 2008). Work is ongoing at the
tion of these devices require approximations, and University of Bath, and elsewhere, investigating the
both strategies rely on energy to be added to the modelling of these non-linear sea states (for example,
device (essentially supplying energy to the waves), see reference [86]).
reducing overall efficiency, the strategies are ren- In terms of supplying models with an accurate
dered sub-optimal. Latching is achieved through the wave spectrum, many authors have used the Pierson–
use of water dampers so as to prevent the floater Moskowitz spectrum [87], which accurately models
from moving. Feedback linearization control aims to the behaviour of real sea waves [76].
provide a control action chosen to cancel the non-
linear dynamics of the plant, so that the closed-loop
dynamics will be linear. Simulations were carried 5 CONCLUDING REMARKS
out to test the strategies, with the assumption that
the behaviour of the incident waves is known. All The potential for generating electricity from wave
strategies improved the efficiency of the device, with energy is considerable. The ocean is a huge resource,
phase an amplitude providing the least improvement, and harnessing the energy in ocean waves represents
an important step towards meeting renewable energy Sjöström, P., Søresen, H. C., and Thorpe, T. Wave energy
targets. in Europe: current status and perspectives. Renew. Sust.
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8 Wavegen. Available from http://www.wavegen.co.uk/
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erator. There are, however, various design challenges their impact on power systems. In Proceedings of the
such as efficiency and reliability. A linear electri- 2005 International Conference on Future power systems,
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13 Leijon, M., Danielsson, O., Eriksson, M., Thorburn, K.,
technology is less mature.
Bernhoff, H., Isberg, J., Sundberg, J., Ivanova, I., Sjöst-
The active control of a WEC can significantly edt, E., Ågren, O., Karlsson, K. E., and Wolfbrandt, A. An
increase its efficiency, and hence cost effectiveness. electrical approach to wave energy conversion. Renew.
This research is currently ongoing with latching con- Energy, 2006, 31, 1309–1319.
trol being highlighted as a promising, simple method 14 Korde, U. A. Control system applications in wave
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Despite considerable research and development, 2000 MTS/IEEE Conference and Exhibition, Providence,
the concepts for converting a slow, high-force, recipro- Rhode Island, USA, 11–14 September 2000, vol. 3.
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16 OPT — Ocean Power Technology. Available from
Questions arise over which concept to use, how best
http://www.oceanpowertechnologies.com/ (access date
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a system. Future research should take a systems engi- 17 Pelamis. Available from http://tinyurl.com/pelamis/
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