Cooper 2005

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Species- and Preparation-Dependence

of Stretch Effects on Sino-Atrial

Node Pacemaking
Laboratory of Physiology, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3PT, UK

ABSTRACT: Acute dilation of the right atrium (e.g., via increased venous return)
raises spontaneous beating rate (BR) of the heart in many species. Neural
mechanisms contribute to this behavior in vivo, but a positive chronotropic re-
sponse to stretch can also be observed in isolated right atrial tissue prepara-
tions and even at the level of single sino-atrial node (SAN) cells. The underlying
mechanism has previously been reported to be compatible with stretch-activation
of cation nonselective ion channels (SAC). This review reports species peculiar-
ities in the chronotropic response of isolated SAN tissue strips to stretch: in
contrast to guinea pig, murine SAN preparations respond to distension with a
reduction in spontaneous BR. This differential response need not necessarily
involve disparate (sub-)cellular mechanisms, as SAC activation would occur
against the background of very different SAN electrophysiology in the two spe-
cies. On the basis of single SAN cell action potential recordings, this review il-
lustrates how this may give rise to potentially opposing effects on spontaneous
BR. Interestingly, streptomycin (a useful SAC blocker in isolated cells) has no
effect on stretch-induced chronotropy in situ, and this is interpreted as an in-
dication of protection of SAC, in native tissue, from interaction with the drug.
KEYWORDS: guinea pig; in situ; mouse; streptomycin; stretch activated chan-
nels; volume activated channels


Changes in venous return to the heart do not only affect the volume available for
rapid ventricular filling and subsequent atrial contraction, but also diastolic atrial di-
mensions. Increased right atrial filling distends the atrial wall, including the sino-
atrial node (SAN), which impinges on pacemaker function. Francis Bainbridge
showed in 1915 that injection of fluids into the jugular vein of anaesthetised dogs
elevates venous return and increases cardiac beating rate (BR).1 This was attributed
to a vagal response and is referred to as the Bainbridge Reflex. Several investigators
repeated Bainbridge’s experiments, and the majority indeed observed tachycardia
upon increased venous return (although some found little change, or even brady-
cardic responses; for reviews, see Refs. 2 and 3).

Address for correspondence: Dr. Peter Kohl, M.D., Ph.D., Laboratory of Physiology, Univer-
sity of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3PT, UK. Voice: 44 1865 272500; fax: 44 1865 272554.
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1047: 324–335 (2005). © 2005 New York Academy of Sciences.
doi: 10.1196/annals.1341.029


Subsequent studies in isolated hearts4 and SAN tissue5 revealed that—even in

denervated preparations—stretch of the SAN pacemaker may give rise to a positive
chronotropic response. More recent work, involving acute and chronic pharmacolog-
ical blockade of intrinsic cardiac autonomic pathways, illustrated that this intrinsic
component of the positive chronotropic response to stretch is not mediated via the
activity of cardiac neurones, either.6 Furthermore, experiments in isolated, sponta-
neously active SAN pacemaker cells confirmed that axial stretch may reliably and
reversibly increase their spontaneous BR via a mechanism that involves stretch acti-
vation of an ion current with the properties of cation non-selective stretch activated
channels (SAC).7 This data confirms that Bainbridge’s observation is encoded, in part
at least, at the level of SAN pacemaker cells.
The stretch-induced increase in BR observed in single cells (+5% of initial spon-
taneous BR7) is significantly smaller than that seen in multicellular preparations
(+15% to +40%4,5) and whole animal studies (+32% in dog;1 +23.5% in man8).
Clearly, a multitude of factors—such as the level of investigation, biological prepara-
tion, amplitude of stretch, experimental techniques and tools—affect SAN mechano-
sensitivity and subsequent electrophysiological behavior.
There are, however, similarities in the electrophysiological responses reported
from SAN preparations at various levels of functional integration. Thus, the electro-
physiological signature of the SAN’s positive chronotropic response to stretch is (1)
a reduction in maximum diastolic potential (less negative), (2) a reduction in maxi-
mum systolic potential (less positive), and (3) an increase in BR.
Also, at each level of investigation, the response to stretch is affected by the char-
acteristics of mechanical stimulation (the larger the rate of rise and/or amplitude of
stretch, the more pronounced the BR response) and by background BR (the lower the
initial BR, the larger the potential effect of stretch within a given species). The latter
has been investigated in some depth by Coleridge and Linden,3 who studied the
influence of anaesthetics employed in whole animal experiments (dog) to replicate
the observations of Bainbridge.1 They found that the type of anaesthetic influenced
background BR of the heart, and that bolus fluid injections could increase BR at low
initial BR (50–100 bpm) or, conversely, decrease BR at high initial BR (150–200 bpm).
This may help to explain some of the variability of findings reported by researchers
who attempted to reproduce Bainbridge’s observations in vivo.
Here, we investigate whether in addition to (or instead of) variations in back-
ground BR, species differences in action potential (AP) characteristics may affect
SAN responses to mechanical stimulation. This is assessed using SAN tissue iso-
lated from species with very different cardiac electrophysiological background char-
acteristics: guinea pig and mouse.


Right atrial tissue containing the SAN was dissected from Langendorff-perfused
hearts of either guinea pig (n = 46) or mouse (n = 25), after 5 min of coronary per-
fusion with physiological saline solution. Standard solution contained (in mM):
NaCl 118, KCl 4.8, MgSO4 1.2, KH2PO4 1.2, NaHCO3 25, Glucose 11, CaCl2 1.8;
it was bubbled with 95% O2/5% CO2, maintained at 37°C, and checked for correct
osmolarity (297–305 mOsm, A0300; Knauer, Berlin, Germany).

The SAN region was identified as the area on the posterior wall of the right atrium
between the superior and inferior venae cavae, Crista terminalis (CT) and atrial
septum. One to three SAN tissue strips were cut perpendicular to the CT, near the lead-
ing pacemaker site. Silk suture loops (7/0, Ethicon Johnson and Johnson; St-Stevens
Woluwe, Belgium) were tied to either end of the strips (CT and atrial septum), and
attached to miniature hooks on a vertical force transducer (FORT10; WPI, Stevenage,
UK) and a micrometer. Manual adjustment of the micrometer allowed setting of rest-
ing diastolic tension (0.1 g) and permitted length changes for experimental interven-
tion (usually between 25%–60% of strip length, except for FIGURE 1 where length
was increased by up to 123% of strip length for reference purposes). The tension de-
veloped by the preparation was recorded online using Acknowledge 3.7 software and
Biopac MP150 data acquisition equipment (Biopac Systems Inc., Goleta, CA). BR
was determined in real-time as the inverse of the peak-to-peak interval of active force
Sino-atrial node tissue preparations were placed in a water-jacketed organ bath
containing 50 mL of physiological saline solution (at 37°C, unless otherwise stated)
and allowed to equilibrate for 30 min for stabilization of BR. Pharmacological agents,
when used, were added directly to the superfusate and allowed to equilibrate for
at least 10 min (in some cases this was subsequent to coronary perfusion with the
same drug for 5 min prior to SAN dissection). Complete exchange of the organ bath
solution occurred every 15 min.
All stretch protocols were performed on the background of a stable BR. Based on
previous data in the literature on rabbit SAN stretch,9 passive tension was adjusted
(via the micrometer screw) to the following levels relative to control diastolic ten-
sion: +0.5 g, +1.0 g, +1.5 g, and +2.0 g. Tissue strips were held at the new length
for about 30 s (during which passive tension would, after an initial tissue-viscosity
related peak, decline to a quasi-steady state), before length was returned to the orig-
inal (pre-stretch) level. A recovery period of at least 5 min followed each intervention.
Within this range of passive diastolic tension increases, the BR response rose lin-
early with the amplitude of stretch (see FIG. 1B). It is important to note that these
tension steps, modelled after a prior report,9 cause very significant strain of the SAN
tissue strips (e.g., +28 to +64% at +0.5 g, and +85 to +123% at +2.0 g). This extent
of SAN tissue lengthening clearly exceeds expected (patho-)physiologically relevant
changes in situ (a rise in right atrial pressure by 10 mmHg, observed in heavy exer-
cise,10 has been related to a 30% change in SAN strip length).5
Subsequent investigations, therefore, employed the smallest tension level at which a
rate response could be reliably observed (+0.5 g, unless otherwise stated), to avoid
non-physiological strain and possible injury-related artefacts.
All drugs (except GsMTx-4, courtesy of Dr. Fred Sachs) used in this study were
sourced from Sigma-Aldrich Ltd. (Poole, UK) and dissolved appropriately to pre-
pare stock solutions on the day of the experiment. Final concentrations used were as
follows: 1 mM 9-anthracene carboxylate (9-AC); 40 to 500 µM streptomycin sul-
phate; 0.1 to 2 µM acetylcholine.
Background BR was determined by averaging the rate of contractions during 15 s
prior to application of stretch. During stretch, both peak BR (as in Arai et al.9) and
sustained changes (averaged over 30 s) were assessed. Recovery BR at original tis-
sue length was monitored for 5 min after return to control length. Analysis of peak

BR responses to stretch did not provide qualitatively different results to the sustained
responses reported in the following text (although both the overall amplitude and the
variability of the response were larger).
Where data is presented as a group’s mean, the error is expressed as the standard
error of the mean (mean ± SEM). Statistical analysis was performed in Prism (v4.0;
GraphPad, San Diego, CA), using Student’s t-test or ANOVA, where appropriate,
and significance of null-hypothesis rejection was accepted at p < 0.05.


Effect of Stretch
In order to describe the effect of stretch characteristics on SAN pacemaking rate
in guinea pig tissue strips, mechanical stimulation was initially applied at a number
of tension levels. Usually, BR peaked with maximum passive tension and then
declined during the subsequent reduction in tissue stress (attributed to gradual
lengthening of tissue viscous elements; see example in FIG. 1A). Upon release of
stretch, BR recovery was not necessarily instantaneous and could require a period
of up to 15 s.
FIGURE 1B illustrates that the stretch-induced increase in guinea pig SAN BR is
linearly related, within the tested range of mechanical stimuli, to the extent of pas-
sively applied tension, and reaches 5.0% to 14.4% of initial BR values (p = 0.006).
This is similar (although slightly less pronounced) to the increase in peak BR ob-
served by Kodama et al.11 and Arai et al.,9 who used rabbit SAN tissue strips. Dif-

FIGURE 1. Effect of stretch on guinea pig sino-atrial node tissue. (A) Upper panel
shows stretch-induced change in tissue tension (by <+0.5 g), and the lower panel shows the
concomitant increase in beating rate (BR). (B) Mean (± SEM) percentage increase in BR
recorded at different tension levels (p = 0.006, ANOVA, across all groups; numbers above
columns refer to n values).

ferences may be species dependent or related to minor differences in experimental

procedures or data analysis (e.g., peak vs. maintained response).
In comparison, axial stretch of single rabbit SAN cells (by up to 8% of cell length,
using carbon fibers) causes an increase in spontaneous BR of approximately 5%,7
which is quite compatible with the tissue response observed in this investigation at
the lower levels of mechanical stimulation.

It has been suggested that mechano-dependent ion channels may underlie the
stretch-induced increase in heart rate.12 There are at least two possible candidates for
this response: cation non-selective SAC7 and cell-volume activated chloride chan-
nels (VAC).9
Arai and colleagues9,11 found that application of various VAC blockers caused a
reduction in the stretch-induced increase in BR of rabbit isolated SAN tissue (which
was significant only at high levels of tissue distension). To reassess this, we applied
mechanical stimuli at the lower, more physiological range reported in the literature
(+0.5 g).9 Even this intervention causes strains that potentially exceed the levels
normally observed in situ.5 Application of 1 mM 9-AC (a blocker of VAC) has no
effect on the stretch-induced increase in BR (FIG. 2), supporting the notion that VAC
do not underlie the SAN response to (near-) physiological stress or strain.
As in the study by Arai et al.,9 pharmacological block of VAC reduces back-
ground BR (i.e., in the absence of mechanical stimulation). This is different from ob-
servations made in single isolated SAN pacemaker cells, where a 9-AC induced
reduction in spontaneous BR was only observed subsequent to hyposmotic cell
swelling.13 It is likely that tissue dissection and/or experimental conditions (i.e.,
colloid-free perfusion) will cause cell swelling in multicellular preparations (despite
checking osmotic pressure of solutions). In any case, the observed reduction in BR
in the presence of 9-AC would, if anything, favor the identification of a stretch-
induced increase in BR. Importantly, it confirms that 9-AC is likely to have reached

FIGURE 2. Effect of 9-AC (1 mM) on guinea pig sino-atrial node. (A) 9-AC reduced
initial heart rate to 71.7 ± 5.5% (n = 3, p = 0.035). (B) 9-AC had no significant effect on the
stretch-induced increase in beating rate (n = 3, p = 0.865).

FIGURE 3. Effect of streptomycin on guinea pig sino-atrial node (SAN) tissue. (A)
Negative chronotropic effect of high streptomycin concentrations (100–500 µM, p = 0.006)
on spontaneous beating rate (BR) in guinea pig SAN tissue strips. (B) Streptomycin (40 and
200 µM) did not affect the stretch-induced increase in spontaneous BR (p = 0.76), regardless
of whether the drug was applied to the superfusate only (Incubation), or additionally by
5 min coronary perfusion prior to SAN tissue extraction (Pre-perfusion). Numbers above
columns indicate n values for each group.

VAC inside the SAN tissue strip, thereby making it less probable that the lack of a
9-AC effect on stretch-induced chronotropy is a false-negative finding.
To investigate the alternative possibility that activation of SAC might underlie the
stretch-induced increase in BR, we applied streptomycin at concentrations from
40 to 500 µM.14 At the lowest concentration (40 µM), streptomycin blocks SAC rela-
tively selectively in isolated cardiac cells. At higher concentrations the drug is known
to affect Ca2+ transients (200 µM or more) and to inhibit the L-type Ca2+ current (by
50% at 2 mM).15 In keeping with the latter, high concentrations (100–500 µM) of
streptomycin reliably and reversibly reduced spontaneous BR (p = 0.006; FIG. 3A) and
contractility (p = 0.02; not shown) of guinea pig SAN tissue strips. This observation
lends credibility to the suggestion that streptomycin reaches pacemaker cells inside the
isolated SAN tissue strips. The streptomycin-induced reduction in background BR was
observed regardless of whether the drug was applied by coronary perfusion prior to tis-
sue dissection, or via the superfusate only (where the effect occurred within 5 min).
Interestingly, streptomycin did not affect the ability of SAN tissue to respond to
distension by an increase in spontaneous BR, neither at low concentrations that are
known to block SAC in isolated cells (40 µM), nor at levels that are high enough to
affect background BR in the present multi-cellular preparation (200 µM; see FIG.
3B). This was, again, observed regardless of the drug application protocol, including
coronary pre-perfusion and incubation for durations of up to 50 min.

Species Differences
The overall response to stretch, observed in the guinea pig preparations, is similar
to previous observations in other slow-beating species, such as the rabbit. To assess
the effect of species differences, we compared stretch effects on BR in guinea pig to
those in mouse hearts, which show a much higher average BR (240 bpm and 450 bpm,
respectively). FIGURE 4 shows a summary of stretch responses in guinea pig and
mouse SAN tissue strips. Some of the experiments were performed at a reduced tem-

FIGURE 4. Species differences in sino-atrial node (SAN) beating rate (BR) response
to stretch. (A) Upper panel shows change in passive tension level (here to <+1.0 g) with a
stretch intervention, and the lower panel shows the concomitant BR reduction in a mouse
SAN strip, recorded at 27°C. (B) Summary of stretch responses in guinea pig at 37°C and
mouse SAN tissue strips recorded at either 37°C (Mouse37) or 27°C (Mouse27), plotted as
a function of initial BR.

perature (27°C instead of 37°C) or after application of acetylcholine (0.1–2 µM) in or-
der to extend the range of background BR and their overlap between the two species.
In line with earlier suggestions, reduced background BR appears to enhance the
stretch-induced effects on chronotropy if studied within a species. Thus, in guinea
pig the average stretch-induced increase in BR was +13.8% from a control BR of
58 ± 5 bpm (at 27°C), yet only +9.8% from a control BR of 150 ± 12 bpm (at 37°C,
n = 4, p = 0.0004, paired observations; not shown).
More striking, however, is the observation that the BR-dependence of stretch ef-
fects on BR cannot be extrapolated between species. Thus, murine SAN tissue strips
overwhelmingly responded to stretch with a reduction in BR—a negative chronotro-
pic response (FIG. 4)—which is also more pronounced at lower background BR. The
stretch-induced negative chronotropy was observed over a wide range of background
BR levels, which overlapped completely with the BR range of guinea pig (FIG. 4B)
or rabbit9 (two species that show a positive chronotropic response to stretch).
These responses (either positive or negative chronotropy) are independent of neu-
ronal influences, as experiments conducted in the presence of 1 µM atropine and
1 µM propranolol did not alter the response (guinea pig: n = 6, p = 0.67; mouse: n =
12, p = 0.77; not shown).


In many species employed in classical physiology studies (including man8), the

heart responds to stretch of the SAN region with an increase in spontaneous BR. This
has been observed in whole animals, isolated hearts, SAN tissue strips, and single
SAN cells. However, the mechanisms underlying this response have not yet been
comprehensively identified.

In this study, we used tissue strips from the right atrium, including the SAN re-
gion, from guinea pig and mouse. In order to keep the strain of SAN preparations
closer to physiological limits, we employed changes in tissue tension at the low end
of those used in previous experimental investigations. Additionally, stretch interven-
tions were applied only up to three times per strip (during control, drug application,
and washout, for analysis of paired observations). This is different from previous
work, where multiple stretch interventions across large tension ranges (from +0.5 g,
over +1.0 g, and +1.5 g, to +2.0 g) were repeated 8 to 12 times per strip.9
We found in this study that repeated mechanical stimulation—in particular after
high levels of stretch—required larger length changes in order to elicit matching ten-
sion levels, suggesting irreversible (or at least long-lasting) changes in visco-elastic
properties of the tissue strip. This is not surprising if one considers that a +2.0 g
stress causes tissue strain by 73% to 123%. Such distension is very likely to cause
cell and/or tissue damage. This may potentially be associated with stretch-induced
swelling, which may have contributed to some of the controversy on the effects of
VAC block on the chronotropic response of the heart to stretch, which has been
observed only at non-physiologically high levels of tissue distension.9
We focused our analysis on the average BR response over a 30 s period of stretch.
The sustained response to stretch, both in the presence and absence of pharmacolog-
ical agents, shows the same qualitative behavior as the peak BR, albeit at a smaller
amplitude. Hence, we are reporting conservative values for stretch-induced re-
sponses, compared to other published experimental work that focussed solely on peak
changes in BR.
Based on the previous identification, in rabbit single SAN pacemaker cells, of
VAC (activated by cell inflation via a pipette in ruptured patch mode),16 it had been
suggested that VAC might underlie the positive chronotropic response of the heart to
right atrial distension. Mechanical activation of VAC has also been demonstrated
using centrifugal magnetic bead stretching of β1-integrins in ventricular myocytes,17
and underlying channel properties have been reported in atrial cells.18
In contrast, Lei and Kohl showed that hyposmotic swelling of spontaneously
beating rabbit SAN pacemaker cells slows their spontaneous BR.13 This suggests
that cell swelling may be an inappropriate intervention to mimic effects caused by
changes in diastolic wall stress or strain. In addition, Sasaki et al.19 found no activa-
tion of VAC in ventricular myocytes by direct cell membrane manipulation; only in
the presence of cell volume changes was VAC activation observed. As there is no ev-
idence to suggest that SAN cell volume changes during the normal cardiac cycle of
contraction and relaxation, it is probable that other mechanisms must be involved.
These mechanisms could be related to mechanical activation of SAC.
In order to identify a potential contribution by SAC, we applied streptomycin.
This antibiotic has been shown to inhibit stretch-mediated effects in isolated ventric-
ular myocytes at concentrations of 40 µM.14,20 At higher concentrations (2 mM),
voltage-dependent ion channels (e.g., the L-type Ca2+ channel and the delayed rec-
tifier K+ channel15) are affected in isolated cardiac cells. In whole heart preparations,
however, varied results have been obtained. Salmon et al. found that 200 µM (but not
50 µM) streptomycin causes a significant reduction in wall-stress induced arrhyth-
mias in working rat heart.21 In contrast, Sung et al. saw no effect of 200 µM strep-
tomycin on acute load-induced changes in conduction velocity and AP duration in
rabbit whole heart preparations.22

In our superfused SAN tissue preparations, high concentrations of streptomycin

(100–500 µM) caused a reduction in control BR (and contractility), suggesting an
inhibitory effect on the L-type Ca2+ channels. However, streptomycin had no effect
on the stretch-induced positive chronotropic response, neither at 40 µM (where it
blocks single cell SAC), nor at 200 µM (where it reduces BR in our multi-cellular
preparations, compatible with the previously reported blocking action on L-type
Ca2+ channels).
This observation may be interpreted in two principally different ways: either SAC
play no role in stretch-induced changes in SAN electrophysiology, or streptomycin
does not succeed in blocking SAC in situ. Given that (1) the axial stretch induced
changes in single SAN pacemaker cell electrophysiology are fully consistent with
SAC activation, (2) implementation of matching SAC currents in mathematical
models of SAN cell and tissue activity is sufficient to fully reproduce experimentally
observed stretch effects, and (3) the signature of single cell stretch effects (reduced
maximum diastolic potential, reduced AP amplitude, increased BR) is fully compat-
ible with isolated SAN tissue electrophysiology responses,5,7 we believe that the first
of the previously listed interpretations (lack of SAC effect in SAN tissue) is unlikely
to be correct. Alternatively, SAC may be protected, in situ, from the blocking action
of streptomycin. Such an interpretation would be in keeping with the observation
that vestibular inhibition in patients taking aminoglycoside antibiotics (such as
streptomycin) is usually observed only after long-term exposure to the drug.23
To assess the principal plausibility of this suggestion, we conducted a pilot exper-
iment using the novel peptide blocker of SAC, GsMTx-4.24 This drug can be used in
multi-cellular preparations25 and has been reported to be highly selective for cationic
SAC.24 In our guinea pig SAN preparation, 400 nM GsMTx-4 caused full and re-
versible inhibition of the stretch-induced increase in BR. Using a +1.0 g mechanical
stimulus, the stretch-induced change in BR was: +11.1% during control conditions
(initial BR 140 bpm), −2.0% after 5 min exposure to GsMTx-4 (initial BR 119 bpm),
and +11.9% after 6 min wash-out (initial BR 121 bpm).
It should be noted, therefore, that streptomycin—while being a useful drug to dis-
sect cation non-selective SAC effects in single cells—is likely to give false-negative
results at higher levels of functional integration, including native tissue preparations,
isolated heart, and whole animal studies.
In our experiments, the magnitude of stretch-induced BR changes was correlated
to background BR (and mechanical stimulus amplitude) within each species. The di-
rection of change, however, was opposite, with guinea pig SAN tissue showing a
positive chronotropic response to stretch, and murine preparations overwhelmingly
a negative chronotropic response (see FIG. 4B; note that only 1% of 322 individual
stretch applications caused negative chronotropy in guinea pig SAN tissue, even in
tissue maintained at 27°C [not shown]).
This difference in stretch-induced changes in BR may be a consequence of the
very different underlying electrophysiology of species with moderate (guinea pig,
rabbit) and very high BR (mouse). Thus, murine pacemaking involves a significant
contribution of the fast Na+ current26 and has much faster repolarization dynamics
(no plateau), giving its repolarization a “convex,” rather than “concave,” appearance.
To illustrate this point, FIGURE 5 shows a superimposition of pacemaker AP, re-
corded from rabbit and mouse single SAN cells. Overlaying this with an indication
of the SAC reversal potential, one can appreciate that rabbit SAN pacemaking is

FIGURE 5. Superimposition of isolated

sino-atrial node (SAN) cell action poten-
tials from rabbit (gray) and mouse (black).
The dashed line at −10 mV indicates the
expected reversal potential for cation non-
selective stretch-activated currents (as
identified in rabbit SAN cells7).

dominated by periods of time during which the SAN AP moves toward the stretch-
activated reversal potential. The corresponding potential change would be acceler-
ated by activation of SAC, thereby shortening cycle length. In contrast, in murine
cells the duration of time during which the SAN AP moves away from the SAC re-
versal potential is more pronounced and often exceeds 50% of the cardiac cycle.27
Thus, SAC activation would have the potential of slowing murine pacemaking.
The same mechanisms—SAC activation by mechanical stimulation—may there-
fore be expected to have differential effects on overall BR in different species and
could underlie both the positive chonotropic response to stretch in hearts with low to
moderate BR and the negative chronotropy seen in species with very high BR.
Finally, in order to resolve any potential contribution of differences in cardiac in-
trinsic nerve system activity, we performed experiments in the presence of atropine
and propranolol (1 µM each), which had no effect on the initial BR. Stretch-induced
responses in both guinea pig and mouse SAN tissue strips were not affected by this
autonomic block (as previously reported for rat SAN tissue).6 This underscores the
suggestion that intracardiac neurons are unlikely to have a significant effect on me-
chanical modulation of BR in isolated tissue.


The chronotropic response of the heart to stretch can be explained on the basis of
SAC activation, while VAC do not appear to play a significant role under physiolog-
ical conditions. Likewise, the response does not require a contribution of the in-
trinsic cardiac autonomous nervous system.
Streptomycin, a suitable blocker of SAC in isolated cells, appears ineffective for
experimental identification of acute SAC effects in situ.
Background BR affects stretch responses, with lower BR generally promoting
more pronounced (relative and absolute) stretch-induced changes in chronotropy,
whether positive or negative. There is not an absolute relation between background
BR and stretch-induced changes, and extrapolation across species boundaries may
be misleading.
The principally different effects of stretch on SAN BR in guinea pig (acceleration)
and mouse (deceleration) do not necessarily need to involve disparate underlying
mechanisms, but may be a consequence of species-dependent differences in SAN

electrical activity. Further studies, involving axial distension of isolated SAN cells
from species with moderate and fast BR, are required to verify this hypothesis.


We thank Drs. Fred Sachs (for kindly providing us with a sample of GsMTx-4),
Alan Garny (for help with modeling studies), and Ming Lei (who contributed to
mouse SAN cell electrophysiology work). Peter Kohl is a Royal Society Research
Fellow. This work was supported by the British Heart Foundation and the UK Med-
ical Research Council.


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