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A Thesis
Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for S1-Degree



NPM. 1411040393

Study Program : English Education



A Thesis
Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for S1-Degree



NPM. 1411040393

Study Program : English Education

Advisor : Dr. M. Muhassin, M.Hum

Co-Advisor : M. Ridho Kholid, S.S., M.Pd







The research was conducted based on the phenomena that happened in the school.
Grammar is one of important composition in English. The students at the eleventh
grade of SMA N 4 Bandar Lampung still made grammatical errors especially in
simple present tense. The objectives of this research are to find out the errors done by
students in using simple present tense, and to know the proportion of errors made by
students at the eleventh grade of SMA N 4 Bandar Lampung in Academic Year

The research methodology used descriptive qualitative. The data were taken from
students’ writing task. The population of this research was all the sentences in using
simple present tense made by students at the eleventh grade of SMA N 4 Bandar
Lampung that consist 183 students. The sample of this research was 138 sentences
containing errors in using simple present tense based on Linguistic Category
Taxonomy. In this case, the researcher identified and described the errors based on
Linguistic Category Taxonomy. After that, the researcher calculated the proportion
by using percentage formula and found the causes of students to make error.

The result of the research showed that there are five types of errors in using simple
present tense made by students based on Linguistic Category Taxonomy. They are
Noun Phrase Error, Verb Phrase Error, Verb-and-Verb Construction Error, Word
Order Error and Some Transformations Error. The proportion of errors was 49 items
of Noun Phrase Error (35.51%), 49 items of Verb Phrase Error (35.51%), 15 items of
Verb-and-Verb Construction Error (10.87%), 12 items of Word Order Error (8.7%),
and 13 items Some Transformations Error (9.41%). Furthermore, the researcher
found Noun Phrase Error and Verb Phrase Error were the highest error made by the
The result of the analysis of the cause showed that the cause of the most widely
performed is Performance Error with percentage 96.77%. The second cause is
Overgeneralization with percentage 87.09%. The third cause is Markers of
transitional competence with percentage 80.64%. The forth cause is Teacher-induced
error with percentage 67.75%. The fifth cause is Strategy of communication and
assimilation with percentage 64.51%. And the last is Interference with percentage

Keyword: Error Analysis, Grammar, Simple Present Tense


I hereby declare that this mini thesis entitled “Students’ Grammatical Errors in Using

Simple Present Tense in Analytical Exposition Text at the First Semester of the

Eleventh Grade of SMA N 4 Bandar Lampung in the Academic Year 2018/2019” is

completely my own work. I am fully aware that I have quoted some statements and

theories from several sources and they are properly acknowledged in the text

Bandar Lampung, Februai 2019

Declared by,


NPM. 1411040393

This thesis is dedicated to

1. My beloved parents who always pray me for my success and support me in

finishing my thesis

2. My beloved younger sisters, Dinda Uqnul Amalia and Ananda Dinny


3. My beloved lecturers and almamater UIN Raden Intan Lampung


َ‫َو َﻻ ﺗَ ِﮭﻨُﻮا َو َﻻ ﺗَﺤْ َﺰﻧُﻮا َوأَﻧﺘُ ُﻢ ْاﻷَ ْﻋﻠَ ْﻮنَ إِن ُﻛﻨﺘُﻢ ﱡﻣ ْﺆ ِﻣﻨِﯿﻦ‬
So do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are [true]
believers. 1

“Surah Al-imran (On-line), available n “http://quran.com/3/139”

Nadya Risky Hayrunnisa was born on 29th of September 1996 in Atambua. She lives

on Basuki Rahmat Street, Pengajaran, Teluk Betung Utara, Bandar Lampung. She is

the first child of three children of a couple Sartono, S.H. and Ramlah.

Her study was started at SD N 1 Pengajaran in 2002 and finished it in 2008. Then,

continued her study to Junior High School at SMP N 3 Bandar Lampung and

finished in 2011. After graduating her Junior High School, she got on with her study

at SMA N 4 Bandar Lampung and graduated in 2014.

In 2014, she went on with her Bachelor Degree at State Islamic University Raden

Intan Lampung in English Education of Tarbiyah Faculty.

The Writer,


NPM. 1411040393

First of all, Praise to Allah S.W.T. the Almighty, the Most Merciful, the Most

Beneficent for His bleesing and mercy given to the reseacher during her study and

completing this thesis. Then, the best wishes and salutations be upon the great

messenger prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

This thesis entitled “Students’ Grammatical Errors in Using Verb Phrases in

Expository Text at the Eleventh Grade of SMA N 4 Bandar Lampung in the

Academic Year 208/2019” is presented to the English Education Study Program of

UIN Raden Intan Lampung. The primary aim of writing this thesis is to fulfill

students’ partial fulfillment of the requirement to obtain S1- degree.

Then, the researcher would like to thank the following people for their ideas, time

and guidance for this thesis:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Chairul Anwar, M.Pd, the dean of Tarbiyah and Teaching Training

Faculty, UIN Raden Intan Lampung with all staff, who give the researcher

opportunity to study until the end of this thesis composition.

2. Meisuri, M.Pd as the chairperson of English Education Study Program of UIN

Raden Intan Lampung.

3. Dr. M. Muhassin, M.hum, the first advisor for his guidance help and countless

time given to the researcher to finish this final project.

4. M. Ridho Kholid, M.Pd, the second advisor who has spent countless hours

correcting this final project for its betterment.

5. Umar Singgih, S.Pd., M.M I as the principal of SMA N 4 Bandar Lampung and all

the teachers and staff who have helped the researcher in collecting data.

6. All the students at the Eleventh Grade of SMA N 4 Bandar Lampung in the

Academic Year 2018/2019 that gave nice participation during the learning process

in conducting this research.

7. All lecturers of English Department of UIN Raden Intan Lampung, who have

taught the researcher since the first year of her study.

7. All friends of the English Department of UIN Raden Intan Lampung, especially

my beloved friends in B class. Then, all of my best friends who always give

suggestion and spirit in framework of writing this research.

Finally, none or nothing is perfect and neither is this thesis. Any correction

comments and criticism for the betterment of this thesis are always open heartedly


Bandar Lampung, Februari 2019

The Writer,

Nadya Risky Hayrunnisa


1. Time Signal........................................................................................................... 35
2. Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition Text ................................................... 38
3. Example of Analytical Exposition Text ................................................................. 39
4. The total number of the students at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 4 Bandar
Lampung in the academic year of 2018/2019 ........................................................ 43
5. The Proportion of Students’ Errors in Using Simple Present Tense in Analytical
Exposition Text ..................................................................................................... 65
6. The Proportion of Students’ Answers Based on the Questionnaire ......................... 66
7. The Proportion of the Causes of the Students’ Error Based on the Questionnaire ... 68


A. Background of Study

The limits of my language signify the limits of my world. 2 It is a piece of

words from Schulte that reveals if a person has no other language to

communicate he will have a narrow world in the sense of not being able to extend

his knowledge. Language is concerned with cognitive abilities and the human

mind conceptualizes the world.

Language is nothing but symbolism. 3 There are symbols to convey meaning

in language. Humans use language to communicate with each other. Talking,

shouting, whispering, lying, swearing, telling jokes or tales are example of

communication in human language. Brown, the president of International TESOL

from 1980 to 1981, states that language is a system of arbitrary conventionalized

vocal, written or gesture symbol that enable members of a given community to

communicate intelligibly with others.4 In other words language is an instrument

which can be expressed not only through verbal or oral communication but also

through non-verbal communication; written form and physical movement.

Joachim Schulte, Wiigenstein : An Introduction Suny Series In Philosopy, (State University
of New York Press, 1992), p.63
Emile Beneveniste, Problems in General Linguistics, (University of Miami Press, 1971),
H. Douglas Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, (Englewood Cliffs:
Addition Wesley Longman, Inc, 2000), p.5
People who are experiencing extremely disorganized thinking can be difficult

to communicate with. They will not hear what you say the same way other people

world. Sometimes writing down information helps. 5 So, writing is helping us

when we are hard to say what we want. It can be a tool to get and give


There are some people who say that writing is difficult too. One of reasons is

writing needs a special skill to string words to be understood by the reader. King

argues that if you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others:

read a lot and write a lot.6 It shows that to be writer, you have to read a lot, such

as books, articles, newspaper, magazine etc. So, you can write well.

In the process of teaching and learning English, writing ability is the most

difficult and complicated language skill to be learned almost by the students in

every level of education. English text are divide into 8 types. They are narrative,

recount, report, review, historical recount, procedural recount, analytical

exposition, and discussion. 7 Here the researcher only used writing analytical

exposition text to be analyzed.

Actually, writing needs well knowledge and hard thinking when the students

produce words, sentences, paragraph at the same time with good English

Mark R. Wills, Dealing with Difficult People in the Library, (Chicago and London: ALA
Editions of the American Library Association, 1999), p.34
Stephen King, On Writing : A Memoir of the Craft, (New York, Simon and Schuster, 1999),
p. 145
Kate Grenville, Writing From Start to Finish: A Six-Step Guide, (Australia: Griffin Press,
2001), p.194
grammatical. English grammar is more complicated than Indonesian grammar.

Some mistakes are made when the students do not understand well about the

English grammar. Many of the students commonly make grammar mistakes in

their learning especially in writing. But, sometimes the teacher does not aware

about students’ mistakes. Then the students make their mistakes repeatedly

because they do not have the correction and it is what we have called as error.

James opines that, if the learner is inclined and able to correct a fault in his or

her output, it is assumed that the form he or she selected was not the one

intended, and we shall say that the fault is a mistake.8 The commissioner of the

Big Eight Conference from 1980 through 1996 also opines that, if, on the other

hand, the learner is unable or in any way disinclined to make the correction, we

assume that the form the learner used was the one intended, and that is an error.9

Errors in foreign language teaching especially in English are the cases which

are difficult enough to avoid. Many aspects that can cause the learners of English

as a foreign language make errors and sometimes mother tongue interference also

became one of the caused.

In any situation where the second language actually has to be used outside the

classroom in real situations, inevitably the learner finds himself having to cope

with circumstances which the school syllabus has not covered or for which he

Carl James, Errors in Language Learning and Use; Exploring Error Analysis, (London and
Newyork: Addison Wesley Longman Limited, 1998), p.78
may not have the linguistic resources available. Looking at such language

samples, it is often not possible to say whether a particular error is attributable to

a strategy of communication, or to a strategy of assimilation, that is, an

identifiable approach by the learner to the material being learned. 10

According to the explanation above, it is important by the teacher to give

error analysis in students writing. Error analysis is an activity to identify, classify

and interpreted or describe the errors made by someone in speaking or in writing

and it is carried out to obtain information on common difficulties faced by

someone in speaking or in writing English sentences.11 James argues that Error

Analysis is the process of determination the incidence, nature, causes, and

consequences of unsuccessful language.12

Based on the preliminary research that the researcher did in SMA N 4 Bandar

Lampung on 2nd of August 2018, the researcher gained some data from students’

writing about cars and accidents, the importance of library, or social media in

analytical exposition text using simple present tense and conducted some

interviews with the teacher and students. The researcher found that the

motivation of the students to learn English was still low. Besides, they were not

active and did not pay attention to the material in learning teaching process. The

Jack Richard, Error Analysis and Second Language Strategies, (Canada : Department of
Linguistics University Laval, 1971), p. 19
Sunardi Hasyim, Error Analysis in the Teaching of English, (Surabaya: Petra Christian
University, 2002), p.
Carl James, Op.Cit. p.1
researcher found that the writing skill of the students was still low. When the

teacher asked them to write about cars and accidents, the importance of library or

social media in analytical exposition text. The researcher found that the students

had got difficulties in grammatical in their writings. They were still confused

about the grammar.

The researcher found grammatical errors as follows:

1. Most teens now has smart phones.

2. The seat belt only one of the ways to reduce the risk of car accidents.

3. It cause an injury to the head.

As the phenomena that the researcher found in the preliminary research, there

were some errors which students made in their sentences. In the first number (1)

it should be have. Because, the subject is plural noun. For the second number, in

the sentence should use to be after the subject. It became The seat belt is only

one of the ways to reduce the risk of car accident. The last number, cause

should be causes. Because, the subject is It.

The correct sentences:

1. Most teens now have smart phones.

2. The seat belt is only one of the ways to reduce the risk of car accidents.

3. It causes an injury to the head.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher was interested to analyze the

errors of using simple present tense in analytical exposition text. The researcher

would like to analyze the errors in analytical exposition text in SMA N 4 Bandar


To prove originally of this research, the researcher presented some previous

researches that deal especially with descriptive text analysis. The first previous

was done by Ahmad Bustomi in An Error Analysis On Students’ Descriptive

Writing (A Case Study on Student of Harapan Jaya Senior High School at

CIpondoh, Tangerang. This study analyzed students’ difficulties in descriptive

writing and found out type of errors the students often do in writing descriptive

composition and the causes of those errors. 13

The second research had been done by Puspa Dewi in Improving Students’

Ability to Write Analytical Exposition Text Using Youtube’s Video, Surakarta:

Sebelas Maret University, 2012. She found that the students get the ways to

improve their writing.14

Another research was conducted by Laela Hayati Rohmah in An Error

Analysis of Using Simple Present Tense in Descriptive Written by The Tenth

Grade Students of MAN 1 Surakarta Academic Year 2015/2016. Based on this

Ahmad Bustomi, An Error Analysis On Students’ Descriptive Writing: (A Case Study on
Student of Harapan Jaya Senior High School at Cipondoh, Tangerang, (Jakarta: State Islamic
University Syarif Hidayatullah, 2009)
Puspa Dewi, Improving Students’ Ability to Write Analytical Exposition Text Using
Youtube’s Video, (Surakarta: Sebelas Maret University, 2012)
research, the researcher focused on errors in using simple present tense in

descriptive written.15

Overall, this research was different from those researches above. The

previous studied focus on error analysis in descriptive and analytical exposition

text. But in this study, the researcher focused on error analysis in analytical

exposition text. In this case, the researcher analyzed the students’ grammatical

errors in analytical exposition text with the paper entitled “Students’

Grammatical Errors in Using Simple Present Tense in Analytical

Exposition Text at The First Semester of The Eleventh Grade of SMA

Negeri 4 Bandar Lampung in The Academic Year 2018/2019”.

B. Identification of the problem

Based on the background above there were many problems that arise and they

can be identified as follows:

1. The lack of students’ grammatical knowledge was the big problem.

2. Simple present tense was difficult to be mastered for the students.

3. Many students made errors in the form and usage of simple present tense.

C. Limitation of the problem

Laela Hayati Rohmah, An Error Analysis of Using Simple Present Tense in Descriptive
Written by The Tenth Grade Students of MAN 1 Surakarta Academis Year 2015/2016, (Surakarta: The
State Islamic Institue of Surakarta, 2017
To make the research paper clearly understood by the readers, the researcher

would like to limit the problem on the types of syntax error in Using Simple

Present Tense in Analytical Exposition Text at the Eleventh Grade in SMA N 4

Bandar Lampung.

D. Formulation of the problem

Based on the limitation above, the formulation of the problem were

1. What types of errors did the students make of simple present tense in

analytical exposition text based on syntax error?

2. What were the most common errors in using simple present tense based on

syntax error?

3. What were the causes of students to make error in using simple present tense

in analytical exposition text?

E. Objectives of Study

The objective in this study was one of the important things in order the study

reached the target what the researcher hoped.

1. To find out the kinds of errors made by the students in using simple present

tense in analytical exposition text.

2. To discover the most errors of simple present tense in analytical exposition

text made by students of SMA N 4 Bandar Lampung

3. To find the causes why the students made errors in their writing analytical

exposition text.

F. Use of Research

The researcher expected the result of the research could be used:

1. Theoretical benefit

a. The research can be useful to other researcher who wanted to conduct a

research that was related of grammar in using simple present tense.

b. For students, it can be an input to improve their knowledge of English,

and it can be used to encourage students to be more cautious in using

simple present tense.

c. For teachers, this study will provide of students’ errors in using simple

present tense. It will give better insight to the teachers to deal with errors

in tenses, especially in using simple present tense.

2. Practical benefit

a. The finding of the research can be reference for English teacher to

improve student’s grammar usage in simple present tense using error

analysis. It will provide feedbacks which can be used to adapt their

teaching techniques.
G. Scope of Reseacrh

The researcher had been divided the scope of the research into four parts,

they are:

1. Subject of the Research

Subject of the research was students’ writing of the first semester of the

eleventh grade students at SMAN 4 Bandar Lampung in 2018/2019 academic


2. Object of the Research

The object of the research was the errors in using simple present tense.

3. Time of the Research

The research was conducted at the first semester in 2018/2019 academic year.

4. Place of the Research

The research was conducted at SMAN 4 Bandar Lampung.



This chapter explains about the general concept of error and mistake, error

analysis, tense, simple present tense, genre of text and analytical exposition. To

review the theoretical background as the underpinning of the research problems, this

section present relevant theories.

A. Concept of Error and Mistake

Error and mistake are different. Ellis states that mistakes reflect occasional

lapses in performance; they occur because, in a particular instance, the learner is

unable to perform what he or she knows.16 Brown, A mistake refers to a

performance error that is either a random guess or a "slip," in that it is a failure to

utilize a known system correctly. 17 In other words the learner knows the rules,

but they make a slip when producing it.

An error, a noticeable deviation from the adult grammar of a native speaker,

reflects the competence of the learner.18 Errors are reserved for the systematic

deviations due to the learner’s still developing knowledge of the second language

rule system. 19 The definition of error above is called competence errors that

Rod Ellis, Second Language Acquistion, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1997), p.17
H. Douglas Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. (New Jersey:
Prentice-Hall Inc, 1980), p.226
Heidi Dulay et.al, Language Two, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982), p.139
errors due to lack knowledge of the target language. In other word, the error

appears in the middle of the learning process when the learners have not the

target language completely.

Errors are the flawed side of learner speech or writing. They are those parts of

conversation or composition that deviate from some selected norm of mature

language performance. Teacher and mothers who have waged long and patient

battles against their students’ or children’s language errors have come to realize

that making errors is an inevitable part of learning. 20

Sometimes we confuse to differentiate between error and mistake. If the

learner is inclined and able to correct a fault in his or her output, it is assumed

that the form he or she selected was not the one intended, and we shall say that

the fault is a mistake. If, on the other hand, the learner is unable or in any way

disinclined to make the correction, we assume that the form the learner used was

the one intended, and that it is an error.21

Mistakes can only be corrected by their agent if their deviance is pointed out

to him or her. If a simple indication that there is some deviance is a sufficient

prompt for self correction, then we have a first-order mistake. If additional

information is needed, in the form of the exact location and some hint as to the

nature of the deviance, then we have a second-order mistake.

Ibid, p.138
Carl James, Errors in Language Learning and Use; Exploring Error Analysis, (London
and Newyork: Addison Wesley Longman Limited, 1998), p.78
Errors cannot be self-corrected until further relevant (to that error) input

(implicit or explicit) has been provided and converted into intake by the learner.

In other words, errors require further relevant learning to take place before they

can be self-corrected.22

Error is a systematic deviation, when a learner has not learnt something and

consistently gets it wrong’ (Norrish)23 It seems that the phrase ‘systematic

deviation’ in these definitions is a key word which can be interpreted as the

deviation which happens repeatedly. Further, it is necessary to differentiate

between error and mistake. A mistake is also a deviation of the norms of the

language but is not systematic. It means that the use of the norms of the language

in sentences is sometimes true and sometimes wrong. Norrish says that a mistake

is an inconsistent deviation that is sometimes the learner ‘gets it right’ but

sometimes wrong.24 Richards states that mistake is made by a learner when

writing or speaking which is caused of lack of attention, fatigue, carelessness, or

other aspects of performance.25 From these two definitions, it can be concluded

that a mistake is made by a learner because he does not apply the rule (s) that he

actually knows, in other words, a mistake is a non systematic deviation from the

norms of the language. Student can evaluate their own mistakes. Whereas, an

Ibid. p.83
J. Norrish, Language Learning and their Errors, (London: Macmillan Publisher Ltd,
1987), p.7
Ibid. p.8 et seq.
J.C. Richards, Error Analysis. (London: Longman, 1973), p.95
error is defined as resulting from a learner’s lack grammatical knowledge.

Students need special attention from the teacher in order to understand the second

language correctly.

B. Concept of Error Analysis

1. Definition of Error Analysis

Errors in foreign language teaching especially in English are the cases

which are difficult enough to avoid. Error analysis is the process of

determination the incidence, nature, causes, and consequences of

unsuccessful language. 26

Richards states that, error analysis is an activity to reveal errors found in

writing and speaking. Error analysis also is the study of errors made by the

second and foreign language learners. A man who was awarded the honorary

degree of Doctor of Literature by Victoria University in 2011 also states that,

error analysis may be carried out in order to (a) find out how well someone

knows a language, (b) find out how a person learns a language, and (c) obtain

information on common difficulties in language learning, as an aid in

teaching or in the preparation of teaching materials. This definition stresses

the functions of error analysis. 27

Another concept of error analysis is given by Brown, he defines error

analysis as the process to observe, analyze, and classify the deviations of the

Carl James, Op.Cit. p.1
J.C. Richards, Op.Cit, p.96
rules of the second language and then to reveal the systems operated by

learner.28 It seems this concept is the same as the one proposed by Crystal i.e.

Error analysis is a technique for identifying, classifying and systematically

interpreting the unacceptable forms produced by someone learning a foreign

language, using any of the principles and procedures provided by


The three definitions above clarify that error analysis is an activity to

identify, classify and interpreted or describe the errors made by someone in

speaking or in writing and it is carried out to obtain information on common

difficulties faced by someone in speaking or in writing English sentences.

Another thing which should be noticed is the procedure of error analysis.

2. Causes of Error

Norrish classifies causes of error into three types; they are carelessness,

first language interference, and translation. The three types of causes of error

will be discussed briefly below.

a. Carelessness. It is often closely related to lack of motivation. Many

teachers will admit that it is not always the student’s fault if he loses

H.D. Brown, Op.Cit, p.166
D. Crystal, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1987), p. 112
interest, perhaps the materials and/or style of presentation do not suit


b. First language. Norrish states that learning a language (a mother tongue

or a foreign language) is a matter of habit formation. When someone

tries to learn new habits the old ones will interfere the new ones. This

cause of error is called first language interference”.

c. Translation. It is one of the causes of error. This happens because a

student translates his first language sentence or idiomatic expression into

the target language word by word. This is probably the most common

cause of error.30

Another expert who discusses the sources of error is Richards in

Schummann and Stenson in his article “Error Analysis and Second language

Strategies”. It classifies sources of errors into six points:

a. Interference, that is an error resulting from the transfer of grammatical

and/or stylistic elements from the source language to the target language

b. Overgeneralization, that is an error caused by extension of target

language rules to areas where they do not apply

Ibid .p.2 et seqq.
c. Performance error, that is unsystematic error that occurs as the result of

such thing as memory lapses, fatigue, confusion, or strong emotion

d. Markers of transitional competence, that is an error that results from a

natural and perhaps inevitable development sequence in the second

language learning process (by analogy with first language acquisition)

e. Strategy of communication and assimilation that is an error resulting from

the attempt to communicate in the target language without having

completely acquired the grammatical form necessary to do so

f. Teacher-induced error that is an error resulting from pedagogical

procedures contained in the text or employed by the teacher.31

3. Procedures of Error

In error analysis research, there are some procedures that suggested by the

experts. Theo Van Els in Muhammad Saugi states that there are some

procedures in error analysis, as follows32:

a. Identification of Errors

J.C. Richards, Op.Cit. p.32
Muhammad Saugi, “An Analysis on Errors Made by Learners in Forming Irregular Plural
Form”, (Skripsi UIN SYarif Hidayatulloh, Jakarta, 2014), p.12
The first step in the process of error analysis is identification of errors. In

this step, the teacher recognize the students’ error from the task given.

b. Description of Errors

The second step is description of errors which begun when the

identification step is already taken. The description of the students’ errors

involves classification of sort of errors made by the students.

c. Explanation of Errors

The explanation of errors is the third step which attempts to account for

how and why such errors can occur.

d. Evaluation of Errors

The fourth step in the process of error analysis is the evaluation where the

teacher gives tasks or tests to prove such errors as the incorrect ones.

e. Preventing/Correction of Errors

The last step is the correction of errors in which the teacher or the

examiner check the outcomes from the tasks or tests given to the students

and thus to give correction for the errors.

The purpose of this research were to find kinds and proportions of errors

made by the students, then the researcher only took three steps, those are

identification of errors, description of errors, and preventing/correction of

errors. the researcher had to decide the criteria of errors which will be

corrected beacuse some errors can be considered more serious than other. The
aim of it was to distinct which errors will be corrected so the learner which

made an error, will not be stress of getting correction.

4. Classification of Error Analysis

Error is flawed side of learner speech of writing, those part of

composition that device from some selected noun of nature of language

performance. Dulay classified errors into four, they are :

a. Linguistic Category Taxonomy

Dulay explains linguistic category taxonomy classify error according

to either or both the language component include phonology

(pronunciation), syntax and morphology (grammar), semantics and

lexicon (meaning and vocabulary), and discourse (style). Constituents

include the elements that comprise each language component. 33

b. Surface Strategy Taxonomy

The surface strategy taxonomy is classification system “based on the

ways which the learner’s erroneous version is different from the

presumed target version”. It highlights the ways the surface structures

deviate.34 For example, learners may omit necessary items of add

unnecessary ones; they may misform items or misorder items. By using

surface strategy taxonomy the error classification can give a clear

Heidi Dulayet.al, Op.Cit. p.140
description about cognitive process that underlies the learner’s

reconstruction of the new language or language being learned. It also

makes us aware that learners’ errors result from their active way in using

the interim principles to produce the target language. Under this category,

errors can be classified into four types: omission, addition, misformation,

and misordering.

c. Comparative Analysis Taxonomy

The classification of errors in comparative taxonomy is based on

comparison between structures of second language errors and certain

other types of construction.35 If we use comparative taxonomy to classify

the errors of an Indonesian learning English, we might compare the

structure of the student’s errors to that of errors reported for children

acquiring English as a first language. Those comparisons have produced

two major error categories, they are “Developmental Errors” and

“Interlingual Errors”

d. Communicative Effect Taxonomy

This type taxonomy classifies errors based on “the perspective of their

effect on the listener or reader”. It deals much with distinguishing

between errors that seem to cause miscommunication and those that do

Ibid, p.163
not.36 Research on this matter has shown that errors that reflect the overall

organization of the sentence usually do not hinder communication. Based

on this taxonomy, categorize errors into “Global Error” and “Local


Based on the statements above, the materials are suitable for the students

have to be known by the teacher by having the input from those who involved

in education field, because in teaching-learning process does not only involve

both, but also the materials. If the students have many problems in learning

process, it is teachers’ duty to help and guide them as someone who has the

most roles in teaching-learning process.

In this research, the researcher uses linguistic category taxonomy to

analyze the students’ errors, because it classifies errors based on the language

component or the particular linguistic constituent the error affects. The

linguistic category taxonomy is used by many researchers as a tool which

organizes the errors they have collected. In other words, it becomes the

scheme to categorize the errors found in the data.37 In the component of

linguistic category taxonomies, sentences of simple present tense are

classified by syntax error. In classification of errors, the researcher will use

Ibid, p.189
Ibid, p.146
syntax error by Dulay’s theory that consists of noun phrase, verb phrase, verb

and verb construction, word order, and some transformations.

C. Concept of Syntax Errors

Syntax is an arrangement of words in sentences, clauses, and phrases, and the

study of the formation of sentences and the relationship of their component parts.

Syntax errors are errors that affect text larger than the word, namely phrase,

clause, sentence, and ultimate paragraph.38

According to Dulay et.al, syntax is one way ask whether the error is in the

main or subordinate clause, and within a clause, which constituent is affected.39

Syntax errors based on linguistic category taxonomy are classified into five main

categories: noun phrase, verb phrase, verb-and-verb construction, word order and

some transformations. Each category is further classified into several types and


1. Noun Phrase

Errors in Noun Phrase involve the use of determiners, number – singular and

plural noun forms - , pronouns and prepositions.

a. Determiners

Errors in noun determiners are mostly the omission of indefinite article

before a singular countable noun:

Carl James, Op.Cit. p. 156
Heidi Dulay et.al, Op.Cit. p.147
Error : … using Chinese film …

… in personal way …

Correction : … using a Chinese film …

… in a personal way …

The other cases are the omission of the definite article in the context

where definiteness is required as seen in the following:

Error : … related to language used …

… most of differences …

Correction : … related to the language used …

… most of the differences …

While cases of addition occur when the definite article the is used in the

context where it should not appear:

Error : … in the chapter five …

… the Littlewoods’s opinion …

Correction : … in chapter five …

… Littlewoods’s opinion …

Misformation occurs in the use of others and another. In one case another

is used before a plural noun as it is seen in the construction “ … another

birds …”, which can be improved by using other instead of another: “ …

other birds …”. In another case others is used before a noun phrase,

which has to be preceded by other, as it is found in “…any others foreign

language programs”. The correction would be “ …any other foreign

language programs …” There is another type of errors in determiners, i.e.

substitution, which relates to the

use of every, less and few as seen in the following:

Error : Every children whether they can speak or not…

… less people …

… only few characters …

Correction : All children whether they can speak or not …

… fewer people …

… only a few characters …

The noun determiner every agrees with a singular noun, however, as the

context requires a plural noun, all is used instead of every. In the data “…

less people …”, less is used for uncountable noun, so it should be

replaced by fewer, which is used before a plural countable noun.

Likewise, only is followed by a few not few, thus, the construction “…

only few people” is improved into “…only a few people …”

b. Nominalization

Errors in nominalization are mostly occurring in the use of verb or other

word into noun.

Error : …by to cook it…

…his explain about…

Correction : …by cooking it…

…his explanation about…

c. Number

Errors in number mostly occur in the use of plural noun, the omission of

the plural inflectional suffix {–es}

Error : … one of the cigarette …

… two or more language …

… these scene are …

Correction : … one of the cigarettes …

… two or more languages …

… these scenes are …

Another type of errors is related to the use of singular noun, i.e. the

addition of the plural inflectional suffix in the context where a singular

noun is required:

Error : …a speech acts …

… another tables …

Correction : … a speech act …

… another table …

The pedagogical process The pedagogical process which is normally

acquired which is normally acquired by every children are different… by

every child (is) different … This type of errors occurs as a plural noun is
used after the determiners such as, a, another, every and each, which have

to be followed by a singular noun.

d. Use of pronouns

Errors in pronouns fall into three subtypes: the omission of relatives

pronoun, substitution of relative pronouns and addition of pronoun

subjects. In the first subtype, the relative pronoun functioning as subject

in a relative clause is omitted as can be seen in the following:

Error : …the types of cohesive devices are used…

It is a group of words consists of …

Correction : …the type of cohesive devices which are used…

It is a group of words which consists of…

The second type involves the substitution of relative pronoun where an

incorrect relative pronoun is used instead of the intended one:

Error : … among people, which involve formal relationships.

… a large group which members …

Correction : among people, who (are involved in) formal


… a large group whose members …

The use of which in the construction "… among people, which involve

formal relationships …" is incorrect as it refers to a human referent, which

requires the relative pronoun who. In "… a large group which

members…", which is used before a noun. In this context whose should

be used instead of which. The third subtype of error occurs as an

unnecessary pronoun has been used in a relative clause shown in the


Error : … bilingual community, which they use…

… is an optional part of sentences which they follows

Correction : … bilingual community, which use

… is an optional part of sentences which (follow)

Looking at the three subtypes of pronoun errors, it can be pointed out that

all the errors are mostly related to the use of relative clauses, particularly

in the use of relative pronouns, being deleted, added or substituted.

e. Use of prepositions

Errors in prepositions consist of three subtypes: Omission of prepositions,

Addition of prepositions and Substitution. In the first subtype the

preposition required in the context is not present:

Error : … respond the compliments …

… wait the man last words …

Correction : … respond to the compliments …

… wait for the (man’s) last words …

In the second subtype, the unnecessary preposition is added to the context

which does not require a preposition:

Error : … influence to the compliment responses …

… not all of people …

Correction : …. influence the compliment responses …

… not all people …

The third subtype involves the use of incorrect prepositions, where an

incorrect preposition is used to substitute for the intended one as shown in

the following examples:

Error : … focuses to the conversation …

… the same with …

Correction : … focuses on the conversation…

… the same as …

2. Verb Phrase

Errors in verb phrase mostly occur in the use of verb based on tenses.

a. Omission of verb

Error : He in the water

He in the water

Correction : He falls in the water

He is in the water

b. Agreement of subject and verb

Error : The dog walk down the street

All teacher grade papers

Correction : The dog walks down the street

All teachers grade papers

3. Verb-and-Verb Construction

Some verbs follow certain verb pattern, which is followed by to+V, or V. The

errors that occur in the students’ proposals involve the use of the verb want,

which should be followed by to+V, and make, which should be followed by


Error : … want every know …

… makes the interviewee enjoys..

Correction : … want everybody to know …

… makes the interviewee enjoy..

4. Word Order

The arrangement of words in a phrase, clause, or sentence. The errors could

be due to an inappropriate inversion.

Error : … how will he approaches …

… how will he analyzed …

… final exam writing …

Correction : … how he will (approach) …

… how he will (analyze) …

… final writing exam …

In the first two errors above, there is the misuse of subject verb inversion in

the clause, while in the third example; there is a problem of the position of

noun modifiers final and writing, which has to precede the noun head exam.

5. Some Transformations

Two types of errors in Transformations that occur are Negative

Transformation and Passive Transformation

a. Negative Transformation

The formation of negative transformation involves the use of auxiliaries

do/does and auxiliary be, which give rise to the errors found in the


Error : … people in Chine still not know …

… imperative sentence not always an ordering

Correction : … people in China still do not know …

… imperative sentence is not always an ordering

The errors in the first two examples are errors of omission of the auxiliary

do and is respectively, while the third example is the substitution of the

auxiliary does by the auxiliary is.

b. Passive Transformation

Passive verb form requires the use of auxiliary be and past participle verb

form. The errors found in the students’ proposals can thus be divided into

four subtypes: past participle incorrect, either the omission of past

participle inflection {–ed2} or the misformation of the past participle verb

form ; omission of the auxiliary be; both past participle incorrect and

omission of the auxiliary be, and misformation of be, as seen in the

following examples

Error : … which are promote …

… conversation that has been recording …

… notices usually put …

… types and function that use …

Correction : … which are promoted …

… conversation that has been recorded …

… notices are usually put …

… types and function that are used…40

Ibid, p.148
D. Concept of Grammar

All languages have its own grammar. People who speak the same languages

are able to communicate because they know the grammar system of that

language. Because the use of the language is to communicate presuppose a

grammar, it follows that all speakers and writers of a language must have a

knowledge of its grammar. James E. Purpura states in his book Assesing

Grammar that Grammar is defined as a systematic way accounting for a

predicting an ideal speaker’s or hearer’s knowledge of the language. This is done

by a set of rules or principles that can be used to generate all well-formed or

grammatical utterances in the language.41

Harmer states that ‘grammar of a language is the description of the ways in

which words can change their forms and can be combined into sentences in that

language’.42 Grammar is concerned with analysis of the sentence which is

described the rules how language sentences are formed.

From the statement above, we know that grammar is explicit. It does not only

explain how the utterances are formed, but also provides a tool to generate some

possible structures that have never been used before, which might be useful for

people who prefer to use the language in a creative way so that they can

James E. Purpura, Assesing Grammar, (United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press,
2004), p. 6
Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching 3rd Edition, (London:
Longman., 2001), p.12
communicate easily. It helps us to write new kind of sentences that are more

effective and more persuasive.

English Grammar discusses a lot of aspects, such as tense, word order,

conditional sentence, modal auxiliary, noun, preposition etc. one of the English

grammar in which Indonesian students tend to make error is “tense”. Here the

researcher will discuss about tense.

E. Concept of Tense

According to Bybee, in Analyzing Grammar book states that tense refers to

the grammatical expression of the time of the situation described in the

proposition, relative to some other time. 43 Tense is a grammatical category

referring to the time of the situation; the tense is indicated by the form of the


Tense commonly refers to the time of the situation which relates to the

situation of utterance or at the moment in speaking. For example, the commonest

tenses found in languages are present, past and future: a situation described in the

present tense is related as simultaneous with the moment of speaking (John is

singing); the situation described in the past as related prior to the moment of the

Paul R. Kroeger, Analyzing Grammar An Introduction, (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2005), p. 148.
Sidney Greenbaum and Gerald Nelson, An Introduction to Enflish Grammar 2nd Ed,
(London: Pearson Education Limited, 2002), p. 55
speaking (John was singing); while the situation described in the future as relates

subsequent to the moment of speaking (John will singing).

Since tense refers to the time of the situation which relates to the situation of

the utterances, it can be described as ‘deictic’. 45 In other words, deictic refers to

an interval or period of the time which contains the moment of utterance. It can

be expressed by some words: yesterday, now and tomorrow. English verbs have

only two simple tenses, the tenses called the simple present (e.g he writes) and

the simple past (e.g he wrote).

The english tense that would be discussed is simple present tense.

F. Simple Present Tense

1. Definition of Simple Present Tense

Simple Present Tense is the most popular tense in using. According to

Azar, simple present tense is generally used to express event or situations that

exist, always, usually, habitually. 46 It means that if we will express situation

that exist, always, usually, habitually we should using the simple present

tense. The simple present tense is one of tenses which is we should master if

we will make a descriptive paragraph.

According to Hewings, we use the present simple to describe things that

are always true, or situation that exist now and, as far we know, will go on

Bernard Comrie, Aspect: An Introduction to the Study of Verbal Aspect Related
Problem, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), p. 2.
Betty Schrampfer Azar, Understanding and Using English Grammar,.(New Jersey:
Prentice Hall, 2005), p.60
indefinitely. We use the present simple to talk about habits or things that

happen on a regular basic. We often use the present simple with verb that

performs the action they describe. 47

From the definitions above, it can be concluded the simple present tense

is a tense used to describe habits, to express event or unchanging situations,

general truths and fixed arrangements, and to give instructions or directions.

2. Function of Simple Present Tense

According to Riyanto, the function of simple present tense is used for:

a) An action that happens all the time or habits.


- Rose always comes on time

- Hassan and I are classmates

b) A thing that is true in general


- Ice is cold

- The sun rises in the east

c) A schedule/time table or plan


- The bus arrives at 5:30 a.m

Martin Hewings, Advanced Grammar in Use: A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book
for Advanced Learning of English with Answer, (Jakarta: Erlangga, 2001), p.2
- The bank opens at 8:30 and closes at 4:00

d) A description and definition


- A doctor works in a hospital. He examines the sick

people. He gives medicine too.48

3. Sentence Pattern of Simple Present Tense

a. Verbal Sentence

According to Suryadi verbal sentence is sentences that predicate a


The function of the verbal sentences:

1) To express a general truth.

2) To express the activities


a) Positive

S + V1 (s / es) + O/C

- He goes to school every day

- They bring my book

- Ita plays volley ball

Slamet Riyanto, Leila N H and Emilia N H, A Complete Grammar for TOEFL
Preparation, (Bandung: Pustaka Pelajar, 2009), p. 98
b) Negative

S + do/does + not + V1 + O/C


- Ita does not sit on the floor

- They do not listen to the radio

c) Interrogative

Do / does + S + V1 + O/C

- Does she eat rice?

- Do you lend them a book?

- Does Ita go to school?


I, you, we, they : v-1 / do

She, he, it, dila and novel : v-1 / does

b. Nominal Sentence

Nominal sentence is sentences that predicate a non verb.

The function of the nominal sentence :

1) To express an action that happens all the time or habits

a) Positive

S + to be (is,am,are) + C

- It is calendar

- You are happy

- He is in the class

b) Negative

S + tobe (is, am, are) + not + C


- You are not farmer

- That is not good picture

- I am not sick

c) Interrogative

To be (is, am, are) + S + C


- Is he present today?

- Are you afraid now?


Consist of complement :

Adjective : happy, good, sad, ....

Noun : student, driver, .... Adverb : here, in the office, ...

Pronoun : mine, hers, yours, ....

c. Time Signal

Table 1

Time Signal

Used with Expression of Used with Adverbs of

Frequency Frequency

In the morning Once a week Always sometime

In the Evening Once a month Generally usually

In the Once a year Often never


Every day Twice a day Regularly nowadays

Every week Twice a week Seldom frequently

Every month Twice a month Steadily ever

Every year Twice a year Here There49

Suryadi and Junaida, Complete English Grammar, (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Belajar, 2011), p.
G. Concept of Genre Text

Pardiyono states that genre is the text type that functions as frame reference

that a text can construct effectively, effective purpose and construction of text

element also diction.50

Genre is a text type that has function, stage, goal and social process. So every

genre has different purpose, generic structure and language features. The text

theory may differ from one theory to another. Based on Grenville, English text

are divide into 8 types. They are narrative, recount, report, review, historical

recount, procedural recount, analytical exposition, and discussion.51

Genre is a text type that has function, stage, goal and social process. So every

genre has different purpose, generic structure and language features.

H. Concept of Analytical Exposition Text

1. Definition of Analytical Exposition Text

Mali-Jali says that the social function or the purposes of the analytical

exposition is to argue and give reasons for particular point of view of an

Laela Hayati Rohmah, An Error Analysis of Using Simple Present Tense in Descriptive
Written by The Tenth Grade Students of MAN 1 Surakarta Academis Year 2015/2016, (Surakarta: The
State Islamic Institue of Surakarta, 2017) p. 12
Kate Grenville, Writing From Start to Finish: A Six-Step Guide, (Australia: Griffin Press,
2001), p.194
issue.52 In analytical exposition text, the purpose is to persuade your audience

to look at an issue with your perspective.

Based on Hendri Agus, an analytical exposition is a type of spoken or

written text that is intended to persuade the listeners or readers that something

is the case. To make the persuasion, stronger, the speaker or writer gives

some arguments as the fundamental reasons why something is in the case.

This type of text can be found in scientific books, journals, magazines,

newspaper articles, academic speech or lectures, research report etc.

analytical expositions are popular among scholars, academic community and

educated people.53 From the ideas above, it is clear that an analytical

exposition is not only a common reading text but it also needs the reader to

analyze and interpret the text, because of the writer gives an opinion about

their point of view.

2. Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition Text

It usually has three components:

Table 2

Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition Text

Jali Nomfundo Mali, A Gendre-Based Approach to Writing Across the Curriculum in
Isixhosa in The Cape Peninsula Schools. Avalaible at http://etd.sun.ac.za/bitstream/10019/673/1.Mali-
Jali,%20N.pdf. Retrieved August 19th 2018
Hendri Agus, Analytical Exposition Text, _______
Classification Explanation
Thesis Introduces the topic and shows speaker
or writer’s position; Outlines of
arguments are presented.
Arguments It consists about Point and Elaboration
Point states the main argument and
elaboration develops and supports each
point of argument.
Conclusion Reiteration (restatement), restates
speaker or writer’s position. 54

3. Language Features of Analytical Exposition Text

a. An analytical exposition focuses on generic human and non human


b. It uses mental processes. It is used to state what the writer or speaker

thinks or feels about something. For example : realize, feel etc.

c. It uses emotive and evaluative words.

d. It often needs material processes. It is used to state what happens, e.g.

…has polluted… etc.

e. It usually uses Simple Present Tense and Present Perfect Tense.

f. Enumeration is sometimes necessary to show the list of given arguments:

firstly, secondly …, finally, etc.55

4. Example of Analytical Exposition Text

Table 3

Text Banning of Motorbikes is Necessary in Housing Areas

Thesis Motorbikes are a nuisance and a cause for great distress.

Even though motorbikes are considered as the most

convenient form of transportation, I think they are a

hazard to humans, animals as well as the environment. I

think motorbikes should be banned in housing areas due

to the following reasons: cause of unreasonable amount

of noise, air pollution, diseases, and accidents.

Argument 1 First of all, I would like to point out that motoebikes are a

major contributor to the pollution in the world. Research

has shown that motorbikes emit a deadly gas that is

dangerous for the environment. Consequently, long-term

emission of gas from motorbikes is a major contributor of

global warming.

Argument 2 Secondly, according to a report from BBC News

Channel, motorbikes are also responsible for causing

diseases such as bronchitis, cancer, and are a major

trigger of asthma and high blood pressure. Some of the

diseases are so ghastly that they can kill people.

Argument 3 Furthermore, motorbikes create so much noise. There is

“vroom vroom” noise everywhere. It is extremely

difficult to sleep. Parents with infants find it extremely

challenging. The moment their babies fall asleep, one or

another motorbike passes by and the baby wakes up. It is

also arduous for children to concentrate on their

homework. Experts are of the opinion that if there is

extreme noise, it can lead to deafness and lack of

concentration in children and adults.

Conclusion In conclusion, from the arguments above, I strongly

believe that motorbikes should be banned from housing


Mahrukh Bashir, Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI, (Jakarta: Kementrian
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017), p.50 etseq


A. Research Design

The term research can mean any sort of careful, systematic, patient study and

investigation in some field of knowledge. 57 A research design is set up to decide

on, among other issues, how to collect further data, analyze and interpret them,

and finally, to provide an answer to the problem. 58 This study was conducted in a

descriptive study by using qualitative approach. James B. Schreiber and

Kimberly Asner-Self states that qualitative researchers tend to study in their

natural setting, attempting to make sense of or interpret phenomena in terms of

the meaning people bring them. 59 In addition Rallis and Rossman, qualitative

research is systematic, it is not formulaic, and so there is no requirement that

researchers follow a set of prescribed research steps.60 This design was used

because the data of the study was in the form of words in written language rather

numbers, taken in natural setting, and explained descriptively.

This research was conducted to investigate the students’ grammatical errors

in using simple present tense in writing analytical exposition text. The researcher
Jack R. Fraenkel, How to Design and evaluate Research in Education, (New York:
McGraw-Hill, 2009), p.7
Uma Sekaran, Research Methods for Business: A Skill Building Approach 4th Ed, (the
Unites States of America: John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 2003), p.29
James B. Schreiber and Kimberly Asner-Self, Educational Research (USA: John Wiley &
Sons, 2011), p.10
Juanita Heigham and Robert A. Croker, Qualitative Research in Applied Linguistics,
(Great Britain: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009), p.5
observed the errors made by students, then identified and classified the errors

based on syntax error.

B. Data and Data Source

1. Data

The term data referred to rough materials the researcher collects from the

world she is studying. They are the particulars that form the basis of analysis.

The data included material from the people doing the study actively; record,

such as interview, transcripts, and participant observation field notes. The

data also include what others have created and the researcher finds, such as

diaries, photographs, official document, and newspaper articles. 61 The data

which were collected in this study are qualitative data.

Qualitative data are collected in the form of words or pictures rather than

numbers.62 In this research the data were the information from English

teacher and students. The data that the researcher got in this research were in

the form of: students’ questionnaire, students’ task that contained errors

found in analytical exposition text composed by the XI MIA 3 of SMA N 4

Bandar Lampung in academic year of 2018/2019 and some supported

Robert C. Bogdan and Sari Knopp Biklen, Qualitative Research for Education: An
Introduction to Theory and Methods 5th Ed, (New York: Pearson A&B, 2007), p.117
Jack R. Fraenkel, How to Design and evaluate Research in Education, (New York:
McGraw-Hill, 2009), p.423
documents from the English teacher, in form of lesson plan, syllabus, and


2. Data Source

Seidman argues that having multiple sources of data is one of the intrinsic

characteristics of qualitative research.63 Information or data could be divided

into two, based on the sources of data or where the information or data came

from. They were primary data and secondary data.

a. Primary data

Primary data refer to information obtained firsthand by the researcher on

the variables of interest for the specific purpose of the study. 64 In this

research, the primary data were collected from all the result of the

analytical exposition text made by 183 students that consisted of six

classes of the eleventh grade of SMA N 4 Bandar Lampung and the result

of questionnaire of the students about the causes of the students make

error. For more detail, see the table:

Irving Seidman, Interviewing as Qualitative Research: A Guide for Researchers in
Education and the Social Sciences 3rd Ed, (Amsterdam Avenue: Teachers College Press, 2006), p.5
Uma Sekaran, Op.Cit, p.219
Table 4
The Total Number of the Students at the Eleventh Grade of SMA
Negeri 4 Bandar Lampung in the Academic Year of 2018/2019

No Class Number of Students

1 XI MIA 1 31
2 XI MIA 2 30
3 XI MIA 3 30
4. XI IIS 1 31
5. XI IIS 2 30
6. XI IIS 3 31
Total 183
Source: The Data of Documentation at The Eleventh Grade of SMA N 4
Bandar Lampung in the Academic Year 2018/2019.

b. Secondary data

Secondary data refer to information gathered from sources already

existing.65 These data were captured from some books, document

reference, such as material and syllabus. Based on the explanation of data

sources in this research were books, paper, lesson plan and material that

are used by the teacher of SMA Negeri 4 Bandar Lampung.

C. Population and Sample

Population is the whole subject of the research. Population in social science

research refers to all of your potential participants; think of it as the whole group

of people in which you are interested.66 The population of this research was all

James B. Schreiber and Kimberly Asner-Self, Op.Cit. p.83
sentences in using simple present tense made by students. There were 210

populations. A sample was a portion of population that had been chosen because

of some reasons or some characteristics that made them become sample. This

was emphasized by Schreiber that the sample of participants of the study is part

of population, and all possess some characteristics that make them members of

the sample of group.67 In this research, all the sentences that contained errors in

using simple present tense were a sample. There were 138 samples.

This research used purposive sampling technique. Purposive sampling

technique is technique of taking data source with certain consideration. 68 The

researcher will take one class of the eleventh grade of SMA N 4 Bandar

Lampung as the sample of this research, it was appropriate with purposes

sampling technique is based on specific purposes. The researcher chose 11 MIA

3, because this class had more errors than other classes.

D. Data Collecting Technique

Data collecting technique is the first main step in the research, because the

main purpose of the research is to get data.69 In this data collecting technique, the

researcher used field research method. It was data collecting directly to the field

by getting students’ written text form the teacher and conducting questionnaires.

Ibid, p.10
Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D,
(Bandung: Alfabeta, 2015), p.300
Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D,
(Bandung: Alfabeta, 2005), p.52
For getting the data, the researcher would use questionnaire, documentation and


1. Questionnaire

According to Sugiyono, questionnaire is a data collecting technique that

is carried out by giving a set of questions or written statements to

respondents to be answered.70 The way to obtain the data of this research

was by filling out the questionnaire provided by the researcher. With the use

of this questionnaire, it can collect a number of relevant information. In this

research, the researcher used a closed question. Closed question limit the

respondent to the set of alternatives being offered. 71 Because closed question

helped the respondents to answer quickly, and also made it easier for the

researcher in analyzing the data and tabulating the results of all questionnaire

which was collected. In this research also used Guttman scale, it is the scale

used to obtain clear, firm and consistent answer. This research used “yes”

and “no” to find out the factors that cause students’ make error.

2. Documentation

In case of documentation Bogdan states that in most tradition of

qualitative research, the phrase personal document is used broadly to refer to

any first person narrative produced by an individual who describes his or her

Sugiyono, Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D, (Bandung:
Alfabeta, 2005), p. 142
William Foddy, Constructing Questions for Interviews and Questionnaires, (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1993), p.127
own actions, experience and belief. 72 The researcher would use document

analysis as a technique the data. It was the students’ writing in analytical

exposition. Then the researcher analyzed the students written analytical

exposition text based on syntax error in linguistic category taxonomy.

3. Interview

Interview is a meeting of two persons to exchange information and idea

through question and responses, resulting in communication and joint

construction of meaning about particular topic. Interviewing is an

important way for a researcher to check the accuracy of-to verify or refute

the impressions he or she has gained through observation. 74 The interview is

a form of data collection in which questions were asked orally and subjects’

responses were recorded, either verbatim or summarized. According to

Suharsimi, there are three kinds of interview, namely:

a. Unstructured interview

Interview is a conversational type of interview in which the questions

arise from the situations. The interview is not planned in detail a head.

b. Structured interview

Interview was scheduled for the specific purpose of getting certain

information from the subjects. The questions are prepared.

Sugiyono, Op.Cit, p.329
Ibid, p.317
Jack R. Fraenkel, Op.Cit, p.445
c. Semi structured interview

Interview did in the chosen interest area, and questions are formulated

but the interviewer may modify the formal question during the interview


Based on the ideas above, this research uses semi structured interview.

The application of this technique in interview is to create relaxed and

flexible situation to gain the information about the causes of students’

grammatical error in writing analytical exposition text in using simple

present tense. By using interview guide the interview was conducted with

English teachers who teach favorite class. For collecting the data from

interview, the researcher used procedure as follows:

1) The researcher prepared the concept of questions that would be asked

to the selected English teachers. The researcher also prepared

recorder to record informants’ answers.

2) The researcher asked and talked in a friendly way according to the

concept of question that had been prepared based on the interview


3) The researcher recorded interviewees’ answers.

The researcher wrote interview transcript based on the results of


Arikunto Suharsimi, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendektan Praktik, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta,
2006) p.438
E. Research Procedure

In conducting the research, the researcher used procedures as follows:

1. Formulating the research problems and determining the focus of the research.

The focus was an error of the students’ ability in using simple present tense in

writing analytical exposition text.

2. Determining the way to gain the data.

It was taken based on document analysis.

3. Determining the research subject

The subject in this research was the students of the first semester if the

eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 4 Bandar Lampung.

4. Taking the document

The researcher took the document based on the students’ tasks.

5. Identifying and classifying the data

The researcher identified and classified the students’ errors in using simple

present tense in writing analytical exposition text based on linguistic category


6. Making report findings

After gaining the data, the researcher made the report of the researcher’s

F. Data Analysis

Ellis in Tarigan states that there are five steps to analyze the data which

contains students’ errors. It consists of collecting the data, identifying the errors,

classifying, explaining, and evaluating. 76 While Sugiyono states that data analysis

is the process of systematically searching and arranging in the interview scripts,

fields notes, and other material that you accumulate to increase your own

standing of them to enable you to present what you discovered with others.77

Data analysis was conducted to create understanding of the data and enable the

researcher to present the result of this research to the readers. According to

MsCharty, to analyze the data containing the students’ errors, the steps of data

analysis were follows:

1. Collecting the data from the students’ task.

To get the data that needed, writing task was given to the students with the

instruction to make a text about analytical exposition text contained simple

present tense.

2. Identifying the data of students’ error

To find the error, each of subjects made a text in analytical exposition text

especially contained simple present tense. The code was used to give a sign to

the sentences that containing error (underline mark).

Hendri Guntur Tarigan and Djago Tarigan, Pengajaran Analysis Kesalahan Berbahasa,
(Bandung: Angkasa, 2011)
Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D,
(Bandung: Alfabeta, 2008), p.306
3. Classifying the students’ error

After identifying the data, the errors were classified into kinds of errors based

on linguistic category taxonomy.

4. Calculating the percentage

Then, afterwards classifying the data, the errors were calculated the

percentage of each error type. To get the percentage of each type, the

following formula was used:

P= X 100 %


P: Percentage

F: Frequency of error’s occurrence

N: Number of total errors.78

Anas Sudjiono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada,
2008), p.43


A. Syntax Error

According to Dulay et.al, syntax is one way asks whether the error is in the

main or subordinate clause, and within a clause, which constituent is affected.79

Syntax errors based on linguistic category taxonomy are classified into five main


1. Noun Phrase

Almost all students made errors in using structure of noun phrase in their

sentences. In this case, there were 5 types of noun phrase errors made by the

students. They were:

a. Determiners

Many students still found difficulty in placing determiners. Errors in noun

determiners are mostly the omission of the definite or indefinite article in

the context where definiteness was required.

Data Error Correction Description

1 (1) If we want to be If we want to be In the phrase ‘a smart
a smart people smart people people’ actually plural
form. It should be
written without ‘a’. So,
the correction is ‘smart
2 (2) It is very useful It is very useful To show something,

Heidi Dulay et.al, Op.Cit. p.147
for students for the students English people usually
use an article. The word
‘students’ is mentioned
in the sentence before,
it involves into a
specified noun. So,
article the is used in
this case “It is very
useful for the students”
3 (3) Learning in Learning in In the phrase ‘ behave
school is school is a fair’ is unspecified
behaved fair behaved fair noun. So, article a is
used in the phrase “a
behave fair”

Based on the data in (1) we can see the identification of error in the first

sentence “If we want to be a smart people”. The error occurred because

of using “a” before “people”. It is the wrong form. The word “people” is a

plural noun. So, “a” must be removed. The correction is “If we want to be

smart people”

Based on the data in (2) we can see the identification of error in the

second sentence “It is very useful for students”. The error occurred

because of “students” is unspecified noun. It should refer to the previous

sentence. So, article the is used in this case “It is very useful for the


Based on the data (3) we can see the identification of error in the third

sentence “Learning in school is behaved fair”. The error occurred

because in the phrase ‘behaved fair’ is unspecified noun. So, article a is

used in the phrase “a behaved fair”

b. Nominalization

In this type of error, the students failed to identify the use of verb or other

word into noun.

Data Error Correction Description

4 (14) It will make It will make The word ‘interesting’
students students is not appropriately
interesting interested used in the sentence. It
should be ‘interested’
5 (15) workout than workout than The word ‘watch’ is not
watch TV watching TV correctly used in the
sentence. Because it is
noun not verb. So,
‘watching’ is more
correctly used.
6 (16) Or listen to the Or listening to the The word ‘listen’ is not
radio radio correctly used in the
sentence. Because it is
noun not verb. So,
‘listening’ is more
correctly used.

Based on data in (4) we can see the identification of error in the sentence

“It will make students interesting”. The error occurred because in the

word “interesting” is not correct form. It should be “interested”. It showed

that someone had a feeling of interest. So, the correction is “It will make

students interested”.
Find on data in (5) showed the identification of error in the sentence

“workout than watch TV”. The error occurred in the use of verb into

noun. In the word “watch” is not correctly used in the sentence. It is noun

not verb. So, “watching” is more correctly used. The correction is

“workout than watching TV.

Based on data in (6) showed he identification of error in the sentence “Or

listen to the radio”. The error occurred because in the use of verb into

noun. In the word “listen” is not correctly used in the sentence. It is noun.

So, “listening” is more correctly used. The correction is “Or listening to

the radio”

c. Number

The student had difficulty in the use of plural noun, so they still did the

omission of the plural inflectional suffix (es).

Data Error Correction Description

7 (21) The students can The students can The phrase ‘some book’
borrow some borrow some is actually a plural
book books according to the
sentence. In English,
s/es is actually added to
show a plural noun. So,
It should be ‘some
8 (22) In reading book In reading books The phrase ‘in reading
book’ is actually a
plural according to the
sentence. In English,
s/es is actually added to
show a plural noun. So,
It should be ‘in reading
9 (23) Many reason Many reasons The phrase ‘Many
reason’ is actually a
plural according to the
sentence. In English,
s/es is actually added to
show a plural noun. So,
It should be ‘Many

Find on data in (7) it showed an error that occurred in the sentence

“The students can borrow some book”. The phrase ‘some book’ is

actually a plural according to the sentence. “some” is a word that explains

an unspecified number or amount of people or things. In English, s/es in a

noun is actually added to show a plural noun. So, it should be “The

students can borrow some books”.

Find on data in (8) it indicated an error that occurred in the phrase “In

reading book”. It is actually a plural according to the sentence. In English,

s/es is actually added to show a plural noun. So, It should be “In reading


Find on data in (9) it showed an error that occurred in the phrase “Many

reason”. It is actually a plural according to the sentence. “Many” is a

word which explains a large number of. In English, s/es is actually added

to show a plural noun. So, It should be ‘Many reasons’

d. Use of Pronouns
The students seldom did this type of error. It involved the substitution of

relative pronoun where an incorrect relative pronoun was used instead of

the intended.

Data Error Correction Description

10(40) Library is a Library is a place In the sentence ‘Library
place of which of where students is a place of which
students can can study students can study’ is
study not appropriately used
in the sentence. It
should be ‘Library is a
place of where students
can study’

Based on data in (10) we can see the identification of error in the sentence

“Library is a place of which students can study”. The use of which is

incorrect as it referred to a place. In the context which should be used

instead of where. The correction is “Library is a place of where students

can study”.

e. Use of Prepositions

In this case, the students was failed to use the correct form of the phrase.

They did not know what preposition to use in prepositional phrases.

Data Error Correction Description

11(41) With the By the The word ‘with’ is not
existence of the existence of the appropriately used in the
library in school library in school sentence. It should be
substituted ‘with’ into
12(42) We stop We stop at In the sentence ‘we stop
restaurant and restaurant and restaurant and have
have lunch have lunch lunch’ is not complete. It
should be added
preposition to be clear
sentence. So, the
correction is ‘ we stop at
restaurant and have
13(43) We drop in We drop at The word ‘in’ is not
mosque to pray mosque to pray appropriately used in the
sentence. It should be
substituted ‘in’ into ‘at’

Based on data in (11) we can see the identification of error in the sentence

“With the existence of the library in school”. The word ‘with’ is not

appropriately used in the sentence. It should be substituted ‘with’ into


The data in (12) we can see the identification of error in the sentence “We

stop restaurant and have lunch”. It is not complete. It should be added

preposition to be clear sentence. So, the correction is “we stop at

restaurant and have lunch”.

Find on data in (13) we can see the identification of error in the sentence

“We drop in mosque to pray”. The word “in” is not appropriately used in

the sentence. It should be substituted “in” into “at”.

2. Verb Phrase

a. Omission of Verb

Some students found difficulty in the use of verb based on tenses.

Data Error Correction Description

14(50) Library a place Library is a In nominal sentence,
where the place where the tobe or an auxiliary verb
students students is used to show the tense
of the sentence. It is
simple present tense. So
tobe ‘is’ is used. It
should be ‘Library is a
place where the students’
15(51) The second The second In nominal sentence,
reason teen reason is teen tobe or an auxiliary verb
being more being more is used to show the tense
comfortable comfortable of the sentence. It is
simple present tense. So
tobe ‘is’ is used. It
should be ‘The second
reason is teen being
more comfortable’
16(52) The driver The driver is In nominal sentence,
sleepy too sleepy too tobe or an auxiliary verb
is used to show the tense
of the sentence. It is
simple present tense. So
tobe ‘is’ is used. It
should be ‘The driver is
sleepy too’

Based on data in (14) we can see the identification of error in the sentence

“Library a place where the students”. In nominal sentence, tobe or an

auxiliary verb is used to show the tense of the sentence. It is simple

present tense. So tobe ‘is’ is used. It should be ‘Library is a place where

the students’

On the data in (15) it showed an error in the sentence “The second reason

teen being more comfortable”. In nominal sentence, tobe or an auxiliary

verb is used to show the tense of the sentence. It is simple present tense.

So tobe ‘is’ is used. It should be ‘The second reason is teen being more


Based on data in (16) we can see the identification of error in the sentence

“The driver sleepy too”. In nominal sentence, tobe or an auxiliary verb is

used to show the tense of the sentence. It is simple present tense. So tobe

‘is’ is used. It should be ‘The driver is sleepy too’

b. Agreement of Subject and Verb

The students could not apply which subject is appropriate with the verb

based on the rule.

Data Error Correction Description

17(58) It give positive It gives positive The sentence beside is
activity activity formed simple present
tense. For the third
singular, it uses s/es after
the verb. It should be ‘It
gives positive activity’
18(59) We can reading We can read The sentence beside is
books more books more formed simple present
comfortable comfortable tense. After using modal
‘can’ the verb should be
verb 1. The correction is
‘We can read books
more comfortable’
19(60) We can We can browse The sentence beside is
browsing many many formed simple present
information in information in tense. After using modal
the internet the internet ‘can’ the verb should be
verb 1. The correction is
‘We can browse many
information in the

On the data in (17) it showed an error in the sentence “It give positive

activity”. The error occurred because in the sentence is formed simple

present tense. For the third singular, it uses s/es after the verb. It should be

“It gives positive activity”

Find on data in (18) it showed an error in the sentence “We can reading

books more comfortable”. The error occurred because in the sentence is

formed simple present tense. After using modal ‘can’ the verb should be

verb 1. The correction is ‘We can read books more comfortable’

Find on data in (19) it showed an error in the sentence “We can browsing

many information in the internet”. The error occurred because in the

sentence is formed simple present tense. After using modal ‘can’ the verb

should be verb 1. The correction is ‘We can browse many information in

the internet’.
3. Verb and Verb Construction

It was quite difficult for some students to write in the use of the verb pattern,

which was followed by to+V or V.

Data Error Correction Description

20(99) We go to We go to In the phrase ‘restaurant
restaurant to restaurant to to breakfast’ is not
breakfast have breakfast complete. After ‘to’
should be added verb 1.
The correction is
‘restaurant to have
21(100) I go to library I go to library to In the sentence beside is
read some read some actually an infinitive
books books verb. a verb with word
‘to’ in front of it. So, it
should be ‘I go to library
to read some books’
22(101) we are able to we are able to In the sentence beside is
online shop online shop to actually an infinitive
buy everything buy everything verb, a verb with word
‘to’ in front of it. So, it
should be ‘we are able to
online shop to buy

Find on data in (20) it showed an error in the sentence “We go to restaurant

to breakfast”. The error occurred because in the phrase ‘restaurant to

breakfast’ is not complete. After ‘to’ should be added verb 1. The correction

is “We go to restaurant to have breakfast”.

Based on data in (21) we can see the identification of error in the sentence “I

go to library read some books”. The error occurred because it beside is

actually an infinitive verb. a verb with word ‘to’ in front of it. So, it should be

‘I go to library to read some books’

Based on data in (22) we can see the identification of error in the sentence

“we are able to online shop buy everything”. The error occurred because it is

actually an infinitive verb, a verb with word ‘to’ in front of it. So, it should be

‘we are able to online shop to buy everything’.

4. Word Order

In this type of error, the students were failed in placing noun in noun phrase.

Data Error Correction Description

23(113) I more take I took more The word ‘more’ is not
pictures pictures appropriately used in the
sentence. Because, it is
an adverb. It should be ‘I
took more pictures’.
24(114) At this time, At this time, The word ‘era’ is not
era globalization appropriately used in the
globalization era in the world sentence. Because, it is a
in the world noun. It should be put
after adjective
‘globalization’. The
correction is ‘At this
time, globalization era in
the world’.
25(115) A sink to wash A sink to wash The word ‘equipment’ is
dirty all dirty all kitchen not appropriately used in
equipment equipment the sentence. Because, it
kitchen is a noun. It should be
put after adjective
‘kitchen’. The correction
is ‘A sink to wash dirty
all kitchen equipment’.
The errors occurred because; English word order is not the same with

Indonesian word order. In English, the explaining word is put after the

explained word as the different form Indonesian word order that put the

explaining word before the explained word like ‘uang sekolah’ but in English

‘school pee’.

Based on data in (23) we can see the identification of error in the sentence “I

more take pictures”. The word ‘more’ is not appropriately used in the

sentence. It is an adverb. It should be ‘I took more pictures’.

Based on data in (23) we can see the identification of error in the sentence

“At this time, era globalization in the world”. The word ‘era’ is not

appropriately used in the sentence. Because, it is a noun. It should be put after

adjective ‘globalization’. The correction is ‘At this time, globalization era in

the world’.

Based on data in (24) we can see the identification of error in the sentence “A

sink to wash dirty all equipment kitchen”. The word ‘equipment’ is not

appropriately used in the sentence. Because, it is a noun. It should be put after

adjective ‘kitchen’. The correction is ‘A sink to wash dirty all kitchen

5. Some Transformations

Some students also made other kind of errors related to the transformations

that occur are negative transformation and passive transformation.

a. Negative Transformation

The formation of negative transformation involves the use of auxiliaries

do/does and auxiliary be.

Data Error Correction Description

26(126) The books not The books are In negative verbal
wasting time to not wasting time sentence, tobe or an
talk with to talk with auxiliary verb is used to
friends friends show the form of the
sentence. It is present
continues tense. So tobe
‘is’ before not is used. It
should be ‘The books are
not wasting time to talk
with friends’.
27(127) Students not Students do not In negative verbal
get information get more sentence, an auxiliary
more information verb is used to show the
form of the sentence. It is
simple present tense. So
do/does before not is
used. It should be
‘Students do not get
more information’.
28(128) The user do The user does In negative verbal
not tend to not tend to sentence, an auxiliary
waste money waste money verb is used to show the
and other and other form of the sentence. It is
culture negative culture simple present tense. So
negative do/does before not is
used which is appropriate
with the subject. It
should be ‘The user does
not tend to waste money
and other negative

Data in (26) it showed the identification of error in the sentence “The

books not wasting time to talk with friends”. In negative verbal sentence,

tobe or an auxiliary verb is used to show the form of the sentence. It is

present continues tense. So tobe ‘is’ before not is used. It should be ‘The

books are not wasting time to talk with friends’.

Data in (27) it showed the identification of error in the sentence “Students

not get information more”. In negative verbal sentence, an auxiliary verb

is used to show the form of the sentence. It is simple present tense. So

do/does before not is used. It should be ‘Students do not get more


Data in (28) it showed the identification of error in the sentence “The user

do not tend to waste money and other culture negative”. In negative

verbal sentence, an auxiliary verb is used to show the form of the

sentence. It is simple present tense. So do/does before not is used which is

appropriate with the subject. It should be ‘The user does not tend to waste

money and other negative culture’.

b. Passive Transformation
Passive verb form requires the use of auxiliary be and past participle verb


Data Error Correction Description

29(129) Cars should be Cars should be The sentence ‘cars should
ban in the city banned in the be ban’ is actually a passive
city for. It should be written in
participle not in simple
form. So, the correct one is
‘cars should be banned’
30(130) At class is limit At class is The sentence ‘at class is
limited limit’ is actually a passive
for. It should be written in
participle not in simple
form. So, the correct one is
‘at class is limited’
31(131) Because Because library The sentence ‘library is
library is is completed complete’ is actually a
complete with with audio passive for. It should be
audio visual visual tools written in participle not in
tools simple form. So, the correct
one is ‘library is completed’

Find on data in (29) it showed the identification of error in the sentence

“Cars should be ban in the city”. The sentence ‘cars should be ban’ is

actually a passive for. It should be written in participle not in simple form.

So, the correct one is ‘cars should be banned’

Find on data in (29) it showed the identification of error in the sentence

“At class is limit”. The sentence ‘at class is limit’ is actually a passive for.

It should be written in participle not in simple form. So, the correct one is

‘at class is limited’

Find on data in (29) it showed the identification of error in the sentence

“Because library is complete with audio visual tools”. The sentence

‘library is complete’ is actually a passive for. It should be written in

participle not in simple form. So, the correct one is ‘library is completed’

B. Proportion (Frequency and Percentage) Students’ Errors in Using Simple

Present Tense

The next step after identifying, classifying, explaining, and correcting

students’ errors is quantifying the errors based on the result of computation. As

stated in chapter III, the formula used was as follows:

P= X 100 %


P: Percentage

F: Frequency of error’s occurrence

N: Number of total errors.

As stated at the previous page, the errors are classified into five types namely

noun phrase, verb phrase, verb and verb construction, word order, and some

transformations. The distribution of errors in each category and in every type of

errors and also percentage will be presented in the following table.

Table 5
The Proportion of Students’ Errors in Using Simple Present Tense in
Analytical Exposition Text

No Kind of Errors Frequency Percentage

1 Noun Phrase 49 35.51%
2 Verb Phrase 49 35.51%
3 Verb and Verb Construction 15 10.87%
4 Word Order 12 8.7%
5 Some Transformation 13 9.41%
Total 138 100%

Based on the data in Table, the highest students’ errors frequency is noun

phrase and verb phrase which consist of 35.51% and 35.51%, the second is verb

and verb construction which consist 15 errors or 10.87%, then the third is some

transformation which consist of 13 errors or 9.41%, and the last is word order

which consist of 12 errors or 8.7%.

C. Analysis of Sources/Causes

In preceding explanation, the data were taken from students’ questionnaire.

The questionnaire session was arranged in addition to the students’ writing to

elicit background or rationale behind the respondents’ individual position on the

selected issue. The questionnaire section analyzed and discussed the result of the

detected errors in English in statistical measures and percentage. The researcher

used sources of errors by Richards. They are Interference, Overgeneralization,

Performance error, Markers of transitional competence, Strategy of

communication and assimilation, and Teacher-induced error.

Here were the explanations about calculation and interpretation of the data:

Table 6
The Proportion of the Students’ Answer
Based on the Questionnaire

No Questions Yes No
Do you transfer rules from your mother
1 25.80% 74.20%
tongue to English?
Do you think you know a lot of rules of
2 English but cannot express it properly 87.09% 12.91%
through writing?
Are you afraid or shy of other students
3 while writing something in English in the 96.77% 3.23%
class as instructed by your teacher?
Do you think that errors are important to
4 80.64% 19.36%
learn the English language?
Do you try to write in English in the class
5 64.51% 35.49%
without considering the grammar correctly?
Does your language teacher engage you in
6 32.25% 67.75%
writing activities in classroom?

Concerning the survey of students’ questionnaire focusing on written English,

the first question tried to investigate the students transfer their mother tongue to

English. The answer was found from the question (1) where 25.80% students

think that they transfer their language to the target language was the same

grammar. But actually they are different grammar. The cause of this issue is

Interference. Item no. 2, 87.09% students have an intention to write correctly but

in reality, it is not possible for them in the present situation. It is concluded in

Overgeneralization. The question no.3, where 96.77% because of this less

involvement in writing, students might face difficulties while practice. It caused

Performance error. The question no.4, 80.64% students expressed their views

that they often committed errors in writing English. They were included Markers

of transitional competence. The question no.5 tried to investigate whether the

students write in the classroom without considering the grammar correctly. The

answer was found from the fifth question where 64.51% students admit that they

did error in writing English. It showed that the cause was included Strategy of

communication and assimilation. the last question, where 67.75% students think

that teaching techniques need to be improved and proper guidance and teaching

techniques can help to improve their writing and speaking skills. The cause of

this issue is Teacher-induced error.

Table 7
The Proportion of the Causes of the Students’ Error
Based on the Questionnaire
No Kinds of Causes Question Percentage
1 Interference 1 25.80%

2 Overgeneralization 2 87.09%

3 Performance error 3 96.77%

Markers of transitional
4 4 80.64%
Strategy of communication and
5 5 64.51%
6 Teacher-induced error 6 67.75%
Based on the result of the analysis of the cause showed that the cause of the

most widely performed is Performance Error. The second cause is

Overgeneralization. The third cause is Markers of transitional competence. The

forth cause is Teacher-induced error. The fifth cause is Strategy of

communication and assimilation. And the last is Interference.

The data that had been displayed and discussed previously, the result showed

that this cause of errors might be caused by their performance error. They had

difficulty when they were learning in the classroom between the first and second

language. The different systems of both languages make learning become

complicated to make a new language. When the student did not understand about

the material they did not ask the teacher. Meanwhile, the teacher gave them

insufficient explanation about the material. Furthermore, the students seldom

practice how to make good sentences based on the rule of the English grammar.

D. Discussion of Finding

After collecting the data from students’ writing task, the errors were

identified and classified based on syntax error in linguistic category taxonomy.

They are noun phrase, verb phrase, verb and verb construction, word order, and

some transformations. After classifying the types of errors and correcting the

errors, the frequency was determined.

Based on the result of the research, it found that the highest frequency of

errors made by students was noun phrase error and verb phrase error with the
same number, it was 49 items and the percentage (35.51%). It can be conclude

that the students made noun phrase error and verb phrase error in the sentences,

because they had lack of knowledge. In this case, they did not master the use of

them well.

Furthermore, they failed to use the appropriate items in their sentences. In

this research, the students committed many errors not only in noun phrase and

verb phrase error, but also verb and verb construction error with 15 items and the

percentage (10.87%). In this case, it might be that the students had not

understood about the use of to infinitive.

Then, from the result of this research also found word order error made by

students. The students committed 12 items in word order error with percentage

(8.7%). In this case, it might be that the students have understood about the

correct order of the word. The last, the students committed 13 items in some

transformations error with percentage (9.41%). In this case, the students were

supposed to change the sentences into the right form.

Based on, the data have been displayed and discussed previously; the result

showed that this kind of error might be caused by their performance error. In this

case, the students did not practice much in using English, so the reason they

made error was in performance error with the percentage 96.77%. Another

possibility that caused error was because the rules of the target language. It was

called interference with percentage (25.80%)

Another cause of students’ error was overgeneralization with percentage

87.09%. It caused the mother tongue of the student interference in learning the

target language. While, markers of transitional competence had with percentage

80.64%. Another cause was strategy of communication and assimilation with

percentage 64.51%. The last cause was teacher induced error with percentage

67.75%. it happened because the teacher did not do appropriate method in

teaching and learning process.



A. Conclusion

The main objectives of this study were to analyze the students’ errors in

dealing with simple present tense by the eleventh grade of SMA N 4 Bandar

Lampung in the academic year 2017/2018. After analyzing the students’ errors,

the researcher found the dominant errors. Based on the fourth chapter, the

researcher found that there were 138 errors made by the students.

The researcher classified the errors into five categories. They were noun

phrase, verb phrase, verb-and-verb construction, word order and some

transformations. Almost all students made such errors. The researcher divided

noun phrase into five groups of errors, they were determiner, nominalization,

number, use of pronouns, and use of prepositions. While in verb phrase was

divided into two groups of errors, they are omission of verb and agreement of

subject and verb. Then verb-and-verb construction and word order. The last was

some transformations. It was divided into two groups of errors; they were

negative transformation and passive transformation. It can be seen that noun

phrase error and verb phrase error made by the students had the same

percentage. It was 35.51% for each kind of errors. Verb and verb construction
errors were 10.87%. While some transformation errors were only 9.41% and

word order errors were 8.7%.

The researcher also found the causes of the students’ error by using

questionnaire. The researcher used six sources of error by Richards. They were

Interference, Overgeneralization, Performance error, Markers of transitional

competence, Strategy of communication and assimilation, and Teacher-induced

error. Then the researcher made some questions to know the causes of students’

errors, each cause was made one question. The students made the dominant

causes of errors in dealing performance error. It can be seen that performance

error had the highest percentage; they were 96.77%. Overgeneralization had

87.09%. Markers of transitional competence had 80.64%. Teacher-induced error

had 67.75%. Strategy of communication and assimilation had 64.51%.

Interference had 25.80%.

B. Suggestion

Based on the finding of this research, some suggestions would be given by the

researcher than can be citied as follows:

1. The English Teacher

The suggestion was given the English teacher that the teacher should not

ignore the students’ errors. If it is possible, the teacher should give proper

correction on them by using appropriate error strategies. Even though the

teachers were not one of the causes of the errors, the researcher demanded

that the teachers provided the methods in learning and teaching process.

2. The Students

The occurring of the errors showed that the students’ writing abilities and

especially their mastering of grammatical structures were less. It happened

because the students did not learn English well and practice it less. Because

of those, the researcher suggested that the students can improve their writing

abilities and their mastering grammatical structures, learn them hard and

practice the more whether in the classes or out the classes, because learning

English basically is practice.

3. The Other Researcher

The suggestion was given to the other researchers who conduct further

researcher with the same object and different perspective in other

grammatical English. Because, many students still were lack of knowledge

about grammar. It can be used as the input for improvement of the language


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