Final - Chapter 1
Final - Chapter 1
Final - Chapter 1
disorders are increasing day by day and have challenged the thoughts of
educationists, psychologists and sociologists. The problem of maladjustment
has become so common that steps are needed to be taken for preventing serious
maladjustment. The prevention is essential not only for the individuals but for
the society at large. The present generation particularly the students are facing
stress, confusion, tension and conflicts. It is to be realized that academic
achievements of students basically depend upon their personal, social,
emotional and health adjustment, if there is something wrong with any aspect
of adjustment of the pupil, he/she cannot benefits from the education of a
school in spite of his/her best efforts. So early detection of maladjustment and
adopting remedial measures can help the students in achieving good scores and
maximum satisfaction. By detecting his/her maladjustment with proper
counseling and guidance the individual can build up new habits and attitudes
develop adequate behavior patterns to carry him/her satisfactorily through the
journey of life.
crippled child to devaluate himself because he does not have these qualities. He
sometimes needs helps in making realization that he lacks some qualities that
are of worth. The fact that he is inferior in some ways does not make him
inferior as a person. The need to overcome obstacles to do something wills, to
gain self-esteem which can also be called self-concept is also very strong in
every human being. A child’s concept about his ‘self’ is greatly influenced by
the concept he has about his body image. Thus if there is a shame or disgust or
fear in his attitude towards his impaired body, the same attitude is likely to be
rejected itself to his concept of himself as a person. He often needs helps and
guidance in integrating a physical disability into a healthy self-concept. Self-
concept or identity is not defined only during adolescence but it is lifelong
process rather than a onetime event. Other people often reject those individuals
who have a poor self-concept. Acceptance of self is positively and significantly
correlated with acceptance of and by other. Thus there is a close relationship
between self-acceptance and social adjustment and low social adjustment is
related to low self-concept. Such students are not selected as leaders and do not
participate very often in class, club or social activities they do not stand up for
their own rights or express their opinion on matters that concern them.
therefore, possibly effects the rate of conceptualization in the process of self-
concept formation.
faced by normal adolescents. The self-concept plays a vital role in adjustment.
The fundamental problem of neurotic is that he/she is self-rejected. The
objective of their therapy is to make them come to terms with themselves and
adjust their behavior and perception of themselves to the point at which they
are able to accept themselves.
other children of his/her age can simply do with ease. Thirteen different
categories of disabilities are recognized by “Individuals with Disabilities
Education Improvement ACT (IDEA 2004)”. If children experience difficulties
that fall in one of the thirteen categories and their education is significantly
affected as a result of their disability they can get support from a wide variety
of resources. Following are the different types of disabilities.
• Cerebral Palsy
• Spina bifida
• Arthritis
• Osteomyelitis
(1) Cerebral Palsy : In the term Cerebral Palsy the word cerebral
means damage to the brain, ‘Palsy’ depicting the impairment in motor
functioning. So cerebral Palsy means neuromuscular impairment. Cerebral
palsy is not contagious, it is a condition which disabilities the movement and
posture resulted from damage to the brain before, during birth or in infancy
cerebral palsy is an injury not a disease (though can be caused by a disease). It
can be treated but not cured implies proper treatment may help to limiting further
physical damage or impairment with improving functional skill for leading
independent life.
(i) Occulta:-It is the mildest form of the spina bifida. In this disease only a
slight defect occurs in the malformation of a few vertebrae.
(3) Spinal cord injuries:- Spinal cord injuries occur when a child is
involved in an accident or incident like car or motorcycle accident or caused by
chronic disease and infections. These injuries may result in partial or total
paralysis. Partial paralysis occurs with spinal cord partially damaged and complete
paralysis is caused by complete severity of spinal cord. The location of injury
vitally counts for loss of degree of physical movement and other functions.
pelvis, arms, hands and fingers. Till now we have no cure for muscular
chairs, braces etc) are only the treatment for undamaged muscles.
food and water. The acquired germs begin to multiply in the walls of the
intestine of the affected person and get spread to the nervous system causing
paralytic conditions. In the milder case the child can have partial paralysis of
certain limbs and spine. Many children suffering from severe paralysis and gross
deformities have to move on four limbs from a place to another. SABIN (aural
polio vaccine) helped to eradicate polio from the world map. However the
developing countries like ours have still to face a large number of physically
(iii) Clubfoot: -It is a disease in which both feet of a child are turned at
the wrong angle at the ankle. This deformity may have various forms like
twisting of one or both feet inwards, sharply angled at the heel. In milder cases
physical therapy helps to cure the deformities, but in severe cases surgery may
be needed.
major physical disability in the children may be present at birth or occur any
time later in life. By limb deficiency means loss of one or more limbs. Paralysis
arm, leg etc. is essential for restoration of function in the paralytic children.
affecting elderly people but some forms of arthritis can affect people at an early
age. The most common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid,
arthritis and Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. It is related to pain in and around the
like developing sudden fever, rashes, joint pains, swelling, stiffness, severe
child’s bones of arms and legs. It usually occurs when a child’s bone is
damaged in some way and at the same time has a bacterial infection. The
injured and infected bone, then may spread the infection to other parts of the
activities associated with moving both himself and objects from place to
Exceptional children have been classified into various categories based on the
is as follows.
1.3 Types of Exceptional Children
Genetic or hereditary cause:- Heredity in no way be said a clear direct
contributing factor for transmitting the physical disabilities as such (like loss of
any limb, deformity of bones, joints etc.) cannot be carried through genes and
chromosomes at the time of conception of child. However there is some
possibility of inheriting malformed bodies or diseases responsible for the
development of physical disability.
With Foetal Alcohol syndrome (FAS). The children with FAS are found
to suffer from neurological impairments, brain damage, heart failure and
defective physical and mental health.
sensitive parts missing. These misshapenness and accidents may be considered
as physical disabilities.
Nutritional deficiency: - Many of the physical disabilities in the
children may be caused by nutritional elements which are essential for growth
and development of bones muscles and their joints.
The effect of infection and diseases: - In the many cases physical
disability is the result of the infections received and diseases suffered by the
children during the period of their growth and development. Polio the major
contributor of the physical disability in the children is an infectious disease.
Physically disabled persons have to deal with the conflict faced by non-
disabled or normal adolescents besides conflicts which their condition creates.
Studies indicate that physically disabled have average intelligence if they are
not affected by any brain damaging disease or injury. Thereby, normal
adolescents and physically disabled adolescents have as much as intelligence as
can be expected of normal adolescents. In disability survey 2013 percentage of
causes of physical disabilities have shown as under mentioned in pie diagram.
1.6 Meaning of self-concept:-
Kinds of Self-concept
Real self: - Real self means what the person really is. It also includes
what the individual is aware of and characteristics of the person are assessed
objectively and seen sometimes by other people. This self is also called real
self plus unconscious self.
Social Self: - The social self refers to the self as one thinks and others
see it. This concept may not correspond with other people’s perception of him
but even them his self has a very major effect upon one’s behaviors.
Ideal Self: - This self means what an individual thinks he would like to
be. Butter and High (1954) observe ideal self as the organized conceptual
patterns of characteristics and emotional status, which an individual
consciously holds desirable for himself.
(i) Physical (ii) Social (iii) Temperamental (iv) Educational (v) Moral
(vi) Intellectual
• Social: - Individual’s sense of worth in social interactions.
adjusted. The word adjustment has been described in many ways by different
psychologist, biologists, mental hygienists and other behavioral scientists.
Biologists take adjustment in terms of adaptation to physical world some
explain adjustment in terms of conformity to environmental demands. Those
who do not or cannot conform may often be considered maladjusted. The
mental hygienists take a more personal view of the adjustment process and
consider it to be the need for a person adjusting to himself understanding his
strength and limitations facing reality and achieving a harmony within himself.
Definitions of adjustment:-
Emotional adjustment: -Individual’s stability of emotions.
for children having mild and moderate disabilities. According to Miles,
M(1994),whereas there was no nationwide plan to provide disability services,
there were voluntary organizations taking care of the needs of disabled people
and the Presidency Government gave financial aids and other assistance to
institutions serving people with disability. In 1992 the modified scheme of
Integrated Education of the disabled children was intended to provide
education opportunities to the disabled children in common schools to facilitate
their retention in the school system.
The initiatives have been taken under the distance education and open
learning system of the National as also the National Institute of Open School to
provide school level education and vocational education and training to persons
with disabilities. The children with disabilities enrolled under project on
Integrated Education of the disabled, a UNISEF supported project introduced
in 1987 showed on an average 91% retention rate which was much higher than
from the non-disabled children. Absenteeism was also low among children
with disabilities. Even the achievement of such children was at par with that of
non-disabled children.
In 1982 Integrated Education for Disabled (IED) was formulated by the Dept.
Of Education Ministry of Human Resource and Development (MHRD),
NCERT launched a programme in the name of project on Integrated Education
for the disabled (PIED).
disability in all parts of the country. There is a growing global concerns that
children with special need should not be excluded from the general educational
system just for the reason that they are disabled. Problems of self-concept and
adjustment play an important role in the personality development of normal
and disabled students. In the opinion of investigator self-concept and
adjustment affect the personality at every level of education.
Now in the present study the two factors have been taken i.e. self-
concept and adjustment of physically disabled children. Lot of work has been
done related to the self-concept and adjustment. However little work has been
reported regarding physically disabled students. So an attempt is being made to
study the self-concept and adjustment of normal and physically disabled
students. After this the following questions emerged in the mind of researcher.
Objectives are the driving force for any study. Following objectives are
framed for the study.
(i) To study the self-concept of normal and physically disabled students
studying in secondary classes.
• Question form
• Declaration statement
• Directional statement
In the present study Null hypotheses are formulated. Null hypothesis a
statement that no relationship exists between two variables. It states that the
outcomes predicated in the declarative form will not occur except by chance.
This is also known as the statistical hypotheses, testing hypotheses. Null
hypothesis is a statistical hypothesis which is testable with the framework of
probability theory. It is also a non directional form of hypotheses. Keeping this
in mind the investigator formulated the following Null hypotheses.
1 Main hypothesis:-
1 Subsidiary hypotheses:-
2. Main hypothesis:-
ll Subsidiary hypotheses:-
Part -2 Genderwise
3. Main hypothesis
III(6) There is no significant difference between normal boys and girls on
‘intellectual’ dimension of self-concept.
4. Main hypothesis:-
1V Subsidiary hypotheses:-
5. Main hypothesis:-
V Subsidiary hypotheses:-
V (3) There is no significant difference between normal boys and girls on
‘educational’ dimension of adjustment.
6. Main hypothesis:-
Vl Subsidiary hypotheses:-
7. Main hypothesis:-
Vll(5) There is no significant difference between urban normal and disabled
boys on ‘moral’ dimension of self-concept.
8. Main hypothesis:-
9. Main hypothesis:-
lX Subsidiary hypotheses:-
lX(2) There is no significant difference between rural normal and disabled
boys on ‘social’ dimension of self-concept.
lX(5) There is no significant difference between rural normal and disabled boys
on ‘moral’ dimension of self-concept.
X Subsidiary hypotheses:-
X(6) There is no significant difference between rural normal and disabled
girls on ‘intellectual’ dimension of self-concept.
Xl Subsidiary hypotheses:-
Xlll Subsidiary hypotheses:-
In the present study the self-concept has been studied on the basis of
self-concept questionnaire constructed by Dr. R.K. Saraswat. The self-concept
questionnaire has six dimensions and they are as follows :
• Physical
• Social
• Temperamental
• Educational
• Moral
• Intellectual
• Emotional
• Social
• Educational adjustment
Locale: -Locale means urban and rural area. In the present study, the
schools are selected from five districts from two divisions i.e Rohtak and
Gurgaon of Haryana state which are situated in urban and rural area.
1.16 Delimitations of the study:-
• The schools are selected from only two divisions of Haryana state i.e
Rohtak and Gurgaon. Out of them five districts Gurgaon, Jhajjar,
Rewari, Rohtak and Mahendergarh are selected.
• Both types of thirty five schools are selected i.e Govt. and Private
schools. Only recognized state board private schools are selected. These
schools are Hindi and English medium.
• Those physically disabled students are not selected in the study who are
caused by Spina bifida and cerebral palsy.