Controls Over Administrative Discretion PDF
Controls Over Administrative Discretion PDF
Controls Over Administrative Discretion PDF
With the evolution of modern welfare state, state functionaries have to perform
numerous functions and discretion has to be accepted as a necessary evil. In order to
avoid misuse of authority, a mechanism of legislative, administrative, and judicial
controls have been devised. With the help of qualitative research methodology, this
research aims to investigate how to keep control over the administrative actions
without creating hindrance for the state officials in performance of their duties.
Despite the fact that there are two competing views regarding conferring of discretion,
the same could be adjusted with the help of reasonable controls at various stages: pre-
conferment and post-conferment, which can be further categorized into legislative,
administrative, and judicial controls. Nevertheless, these controls have to be exercised
with utmost diligence so as to avoid apprehension of interbranch conflict and to
ensure smooth functioning of the executive authorities.
Dr. Bakht Munir Visiting Faculty: University Law College, University of the Punjab, Lahore,
Pakistan ( Mr. Ali Nawaz Khan is Assistant Professor: University Law
College, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan ( Dr. Naveed
Ahmad is Assistant Professor: University Law College, University of the Punjab, Lahore,
Pakistan (
of such powers. However, both the schools agree that discretion is to be allowed
even though as a necessary evil. Furthermore, the two extremes can be adjusted
by granting discretion subject to certain controls, i.e., legislative, administrative
and judicial.
In order to conduct this research, qualitative research methodology has
been applied wherein both primary and secondary sources have been consulted.
Data has been collected from various sources such as books, case laws, research
articles, statutes, previously unpublished LL.M. thesis of the principal author,
and online databases. Considering time and other constraints, scope of the
research is confined to India and Pakistan as both countries have inherited same
administrative fabric from the British. The operational framework of the
research has been broadly categorized into the following three segments: in first
segment, an overview to the inevitability of administrative discretion and
necessity to regulate its exercise is given. In second segment, controlling
mechanism for the exercise of discretionary powers has been explicated wherein
legislative, administrative, and judicial controls have been examined with the
help of judicial precedents. In last segment, the research has been concluded
with the findings that discretion is an unavoidable evil, which has to be
accepted at any cost and could be properly regulated by subjecting it to certain
Legislative Control
The legislative body conferring discretion may itself lay down
accountability mechanism through various degrees of control for the exercise of
discretion in selecting a course of action. In a parliamentary form of
government, the executive is kept under an obligation to give an account of its
performance to the parliament.1 Legislature, thus, not only controls the
delegation of powers, but also puts the executive under its check and control in
the exercise of administrative powers. In this kind of control the degree of
discretion is restricted by law itself so far as possible. So, the executive has to
perform their functions within the prescribed skeleton of authority granted by
the legislature. The legislature while delegating discretionary powers to the
executive authorities uses words like may, might, will, etc., meaning thereby to
give discretion to the public authorities in their dealings with public at large.
But, the discretion so granted is never uncontrolled and arbitrary; the
authorities are expected to apply their judicial mind in the exercise of these
discretionary powers.
The nature of these expressions is not obligatory rather it is on the option
of the authorities to use such powers. But, if the official is authorized to
discharge functions at his choice in a positive sense, then it can be construed as
imposing an obligation to perform accordingly. Moreover, if the discretionary
power is conferred upon a public authority with an obligation under the law, it
Additional Director General, to whom power has been further delegated by DG,
was not competent to cancel the bid and held cancellation order as arbitrary,
whimsical and capricious, based on extraneous consideration.
Irrelevant Considerations. It provides an additional ground to the courts to
attack action being taken by the administrative authorities for application of
irrelevant considerations while performing their functions. A power conferred
by a statute must be exercised on the consideration mentioned therein. Where
the authority concerned pays attention to or takes into account, circumstances,
events, or matters wholly irrelevant or extraneous to those mentioned in the
statute, then the administrative action would be ultra vires and should be
quashed. In case25, Regional Transport Authority denied a route permit without
taking care of legal considerations / conditions on the directions of government,
the court held that transport authority did not apply its mind and decision was
based on extraneous considerations. Same principle was reiterated in another
case26 where government acquired land for construction which ought to have
been acquired after its subjective satisfaction in larger public interest as
mentioned in the statute. The government cannot take both the meaning of the
word and its subjective satisfaction. The court held that the purpose for which
consent was given by the government was not so authorized by the Act. The
work to be constructed on the land should be directly beneficial to the public
and not the products which were required for the construction of the work.
Regarding the irrelevant consideration, following factors must be taken into
account: Leaving out Relevant Considerations, the action of administrative
authority becomes invalid where relevant factors have not been taken into
consideration which the concerned statute prescribes expressly or impliedly.
The relevant factors in this regard may be quality, production capacity,
economic factors or administrative policy pertaining to maintenance of law and
order.27 Regarding Mixed Considerations, the courts have different notions
where an administrative order is based on partly relevant and existent
considerations and partly on irrelevant or non-existent considerations. Such
cases are divided into the following two categories with competing views: Strict
view; the cases here mostly involve individual liberty and the courts have
established that the whole order will be void even if one of the so many
considerations is irrelevant. Liberal view; these are the cases where an individual
liberty is not involved, relevant considerations among all the mixed ones will be
considered sufficient for validity of an order to the extent of such relevant
Not Using Discretion. The authority to which discretion is granted is expected
to use it and not to withhold it. The public authorities should exercise
discretion by applying their mind and should not discriminate among
individuals. Refusal to exercise discretion may appear in different forms:
that court will have to go to the future and socio-economic implications of that
very project.
This principle of legitimate expectations operates only in public law field
and provides locus standi for judicial review whose denial is a ground for
challenging the decision but the decision can be justified only by showing some
intervening public interest. Furthermore, denial by itself does not constitute any
absolute right to claim relief but it is limited to denial of any right or where
action taken is arbitrary, unreasonable, against public interest and inconsistent
with principles of natural justice. However, the court shall not interfere merely
on the ground of change in the government policy. 38 In a case39, the petitioner
sought direction to the authorities for implementing scheme for
construction of bridge over river, approved by government in year, 2005.
Plea raised by authorities was that completion of the scheme was low in
priority. Case of petitioners was based on principle of legitimate
expectations which had been evolved and invoked to provide relief on
considerations of fairness and reasonableness even though no enforceable
legal rights were being asserted or claimed. A duly approved public welfare
scheme after having been put in operation, had given rise to legitimate
expectations which could not be allowed to be frustrated. Good
governance also demanded that project once approved and put in
operation should be completed otherwise substantial amount in millions
which had already been incurred would go down the drain. Low priority of
scheme might have been available before its implementation but decis ive
steps were taken and it was too late then to discard the scheme. High Court
directed the authorities to resume and complete remaining construction of
bridge i n question at the earliest.
To say precisely, in the context of modern welfare state granting of
discretionary powers to public officials is unavoidable. There always lurks
likelihood of abusing these powers by the administrative authorities. In order to
administer functions of the state authorities, within the purview of their
jurisdiction, a mechanism comprising of legislative, administrative and judicial
accountability has been devised for the efficacious state functioning. The
legislature, being the first agency of control at pre-conferment stage, while
delegating its powers ascertains the limits and guidelines for proper use of these
powers. Nonetheless, the legislature never abdicates its powers completely, but
provides only a framework within which executive can exercise the
discretionary powers. At post-conferment stage, the administrative dispensation
also provides apparatus to control the wide ranged powers of public officials. On
one hand, the administrative control ensures transparency and accountability
with regard to smooth administration and provides relief through its own
agency to the aggrieved person on the other hand. In common parlance, relief
granted by the administration against its official is called departmental remedy.
As a last resort, to avoid the abuse of authority by public functionaries, judiciary
serves as a check and the aggrieved person is provided with a judicial remedy.
Though a number of grounds have been established by the courts to review
and annul the orders of the administrative authorities, yet on the contrary the
situation is not that downy for an individual to get such orders quashed. One of
the main reasons is that the proof of such grounds as mala fides, improper
purpose, colorable exercise, irrelevant consideration, etc, is normally
unavailable in the form of documentary evidence because government
authorities enjoy privileges in many aspects not to publicize the official record
and the courts have also shown hesitation to call for the same with special
emphasis. The Superior Courts grant remedy to the aggrieved through means of
judicial review. The same is in practice in Pakistan where the Superior Courts
are empowered to review administrative actions on certain grounds as provided
under the Constitution and judicial precedents. So, the dream of good
governance in a welfare state can only be materialized when discretionary
powers entrusted to the administrative authorities are used in such a way as to
be instrumental to advance the cause of justice and public welfare.
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