CUIT 201 Course Outline 2023
CUIT 201 Course Outline 2023
CUIT 201 Course Outline 2023
Decision-making in organisations is data-driven, which makes database systems central to most
organisations’ information systems strategies. Relational Database Management Systems
(RDBMS) is one type of database system that is widely used to primarily support an
organisation’s information systems. The module, therefore, gives an introduction to database
management systems. It provides students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in
database systems. This module focuses on learning the underlying ideas and design of RDBMS.
This module emphasises database theory, application, and emerging trends.
The specific topics include data models, database architecture, database keys, data integrity,
logical database design, Entity-Relationship model, normalisation, and SQL Data Definition
Language. (DDL), SQL Data Manipulation Language, data dictionary, relational algebra, data
security, backup and recovery procedures, and NoSQL databases.
The practical hours will equip students with the knowledge of designing and developing real
world functional databases. Using MySQL to create database and tables, CRUD operations, use
the LIKE operator and Wild cards, Implement aggregate functions, implement the SELECT and
PROJECT operator using relational algebra, implementing the Join operator.
Module Objectives
The objectives of the module are :-
13. Analyse the use of emerging technologies such as Big Data, NoSQL, OLAP and Data
Delivery Methods:
1. Lecture method
2. Demonstration Method
3. Project method
4. Case study
5. Group discussion
6. Individual presentations
7. Tutorial
8. Brain storming
method MySQL
(relational Case study
algebra and
Continuous Assessment will apply, including tests, tutorials, assignments and laboratory
assessments. The final exam will contribute 70% and 30% will be from continuous assessment
and a pass mark of 50% is required. Overall, the assessment includes the following:
1. Regular homework assignments
2. In-class tests
3. Tutorials assessments
4. Oral presentations
5. Mini research projects
6. Laboratory practical assessments
7. End of Semester Examination
9. Use SQL for database Rules of Functional Assignment
creation, manipulation dependencies Test
and retrieval. ERD Modelling Exercise
10. Retrieve data using query RDBMS Assignment
languages ERD Modelling Test
User views Exercise
Rules of Functional
Relational Query
11. Apply concurrency Database security Assignment
control protocols and Concurrency control Test
recovery algorithms recovery algorithms Exercise
12. Analyse the use of Emerging Assignment
emerging technologies technologies
such as Big Data,
NoSQL, OLAP and Data
References Texts
Online access to course material on the central server, including online journal with the
assistance of the library, will be provided periodically on relevant textbooks, internet resources
and other reading material
Academic integrity
1) The Department of ICT and Electronics is concerned with ensuring an environment that is free
of all discrimination. If there is a problem, individuals are reminded that they should contact the
department Chair or the office of the Dean as soon as possible.
2) Students are required to exhibit honesty and use ethical behaviour in all aspects of the learning
process. It must be emphasised that the academic credits which one earns are rooted in the
principles of honesty and integrity. Academic dishonesty is an intentional act to gain an unearned
academic credit or advantage; such behaviour results in serious consequences such as a grade of
zero on an assignment or test. The following illustrates only three forms of academic dishonesty:
Plagiarism. e.g., the submission of work that is not owned or for which
another credit has been
Improper collaboration in group work
Copying or using unauthorized aids in tests and examinations
3) Students are encouraged to attend all lectures although this is not compulsory, 75% attendance
is a must for lectures and 100% attendance for all tutorials.