The Onion Satire Analysis
The Onion Satire Analysis
The Onion Satire Analysis
1. Select TWO articles from The Onion to analyze (the first has been done as an example)
2. Identify the purpose and target of the satire
3. Find at least two satirical devices in each article (can be the same device)
4. Comment on how the use of the device(s) help the speaker achieve the intended purpose
Title of article, target, purpose Device(s) and evidence So What? Create a statement that explains the effect
of the device(s) on the author’s intended purpose
“Gifted, Passionate Student Hyperbole: “Continuing to challenge In this article, The Onion relies on the irony of being
Really Stretching Limits of her intellectually is using up all of our frustrated by a gifted student to highlight how schools
School’s Resources” staff’s time and a significant portion don’t always meet the mark in offering challenging and
elevated classes and options to talented students.
of our budget.” Sophie Moncrief’s skills are exaggerated, making her
Purpose and Target - This article seem like a savant-type genius as opposed to the
points out the ways that schools Irony: “Calling the sophomore’s typical AP student who wants to succeed in high
fall short in reaching their best hunger for knowledge “out of school and beyond. While it’s expected that schools
students. It targets schools that control,” officials at Pine Hills High would be frustrated with failing students, or students
don’t focus on offering the best School confirmed Monday that gifted who don’t even show up, this article humorously points
out that sometimes, the smartest and hardest working
and highest curriculums and aims and highly passionate student Sophie kids can pose “problems” for teachers and
to shed light on how this is a sad Moncrief, 16, is really stretching the administrators.
truth for many public schools school’s resources to their breaking
today. point.”
Title of article, target, purpose Device(s) and evidence So What? Create a statement that explains the effect
of the device(s) on the author’s intended purpose
High School Band Devices: Exagartion, when he talks The joke is that teachers often take long and unwanted
Teacher Spends 85% about how he sets aside 25 minutes talks with students, and while most would agree that
Of Rehearsal just for sneakers, you think well that school is often not enjoyable, we can all agree that
Hammering In Dress nobody should spend that much time things like this only add to problems that students face
Code For Holiday
on that issue. as it just takes time away from things that could require
Concert actual help.
Target: Bands
who focus on
hammering dress
code that is
Purpose: to draw
the joke of “he
uses a weird
amount of time to
something that
doesent matter”
Teammate Actually Shock: I don't really know if shock is Well I think the original point of the piece was to
Trying To Do Homework
During 30-Minute Period a device but that's exactly what it is illustrate that it's just not work is not going to get done
Between School, Practice at the very end of it they talk about in that period, it does use the shock value of saying
Purpose; nobody actually how how she actually did accomplish well it could hypothetically get done but I mean even in
uses that time, so its a doing it. and while that's a fun idea the article she was facing a little bit of teasing from her
let's be for real that's obviously not peers and at the end of the day you have to weigh the
Target; schools who think going to happen facts. is it even worth it?
they can rely on that 30
minutes as “real learning
Extension: Write an answer to the following request for advice. The tone of your reply should be critical and condescending.
Express your attitude through details, images, and diction; do not be openly critical.