Asha Syno
Asha Syno
Asha Syno
Indian Economy
sector, but said the country is on track to remain the world‘s fastest-growing large
economy. The report 2015 of RBI is explained that there is a fastest decline in the
inflation made space for a reasonable cut in the nominal policy rate but at the same
time the adjusted rate is very tight to decline to the target. The development of an
economy in the form of its GDP is not the real sustainable development that too
for a country like India. The real growth lies in the growth of the natural resources
to support the livelihood of the country. Under this backdrop, the current study
attempts to analyze the relationships among the factors contribute for national
equity and inclusion along with the concepts of global sustenance.The IMF
predicts a robust growth rate of 7.6% for India‘s economy in 2016 and 2017.
Figure 1.1
Global Growth
Figure 1.2
Indian Economy: A Snapshot
The above data shows that there is a concrete and sustainable development
in the Indian economy. This development is needed to be focused with
environmental deve.lopment of our country. According to data from Thomson-
Reuters, total M&A deals involving Indian companies grew by 82 per cent to US$
27 billion during January to June 2016, which is the highest. The steps taken by
the government in recent times have shown positive results as India's gross
domestic product (GDP) at factor cost at constant and registered a growth rate of
7.3 per cent. The economic activities which witnessed significant growth were
‗financing, insurance, real estate and business services‘ at 11.5 per cent and ‗trade,
hotels, transport, communication services‘ at 10.7 per cent. According to a
Goldman Sachs September 2015 report, India is having a potentiality of growth at
an average of 8 per cent in the fiscal 2016 to 2020 empowered withy highest
growth in the sectors such as banking, technology adoption, urbanisation and other
infrastructural reforms. With the improvement in the economic scenario, India has
emerged as one of the strongest performers in terms of deals related to mergers
and acquisitions (M&A).
The early approach was a more reactionary approach. This is the resistant
adaptation (Fischer &Schot, 1993) of industries. Over the years the environmental
movement kept growing and crossed national boundaries. The environmental
movement matured significantly. The sustainability approach made managers to
look beyond the obvious and predominantly technical environmental actions.
Businesses exercised greater discretion in their environmental responses.
Figure 1.3
Industry's Environmental Design and Management Learning Curve
The above graphical representation shows clearly the paradigm shift in the
response of industries towards environmental focus. It is clear that only after
2000s the shift is seriously concerned by all the industries. The next era was
driven by industries where they realized that prevention was cheaper than control.
Formalized environmental management system set the standards and differentiated
the leaders and followers. The next stage saw design for the environment, life
cycle assessment and green positioning of companies. This stage of sustainability
era is where we are now. Today, the world is more or less in agreement that the
magnitude of environmental problems may snuff out life on this planet. There is
growing pressure from the public institutions, scientists, markets and NGOs
demanding that industries improve their environmental performance. In a way,
improvement in the environmental performance resulted in savings for companies.
Competitive pressures on cost of production increased and companies were driven
to produce more efficiently and use fewer raw materials. Reducing the use of
energy, water and minerals certainly helped profits. New and more efficient
technologies produced similar results. Recycling was used to the advantage for
reducing material usage leading to savings. While these actions helped businesses
in increasing their efficiencies, they certainly benefitted the environment.
Improvements in the environment were apparent in most industrialised countries
as stricter compliances and voluntary measures resulted in lower pollution levels.
Many large companies have come forward since then and willingly pursued
ambitious sustainability initiatives. These are the companies who have realized
that these actions could be a source of competitive advantage. Taking such
initiatives ahead, some companies have an environmental strategic management
process in place which benefits its competitiveness while achieving public good.
The imperative strategic choice improves the company performance towards
sustenance in the environment. The growing environmental risks in the form of
government actions, competitive orientations, public outrage, employee issues and
customers focus, are leading to the opportunity for the sustainability approach.
carbon emissions and the use of energy. Although there are clearly some important
business and competitive advantages to be gained, the literature on environmental
management and green innovation shows that most MSMEs have been slow to
adopt environment-related improvements.A crucial factor in engaging MSMEs in
sustainability debate and practice will be the role of the owner-manager, bearing in
mind that most small businesses are both owned and managed by the same
individual. The next level of green business practices is lied on the involvement of
the owners and top level managers of the MSMEs to understand about the benefits
of green business practices and its impact on profit margins. Research has
demonstrated that for MSMEs, the owner-manager‘s personal motivations for
taking socially responsible initiatives are more important than for example,
marketing, strategic, or public relations approaches (jenkins 2004), in the name of
motivating the large scale enterprises.. Hence, initiatives that aim to increase the
interest and uptake of sustainability in MSMEs need to be able to engage owner-
managers directly with a thorough understanding of their motivations. Fortunately,
ACCA‘s research among the world‘s most promising high-growth MSMEs shows
that many high-impact entrepreneurs (47%) are motivated by the need to make a
difference in the world, and that this drastic change in the mindset of the
entrepreneurs will correlate the good environmental practice further down the line.
It‘s the high time to revive the functions of MSEs towards the sustainable green
business practices to show a massive impact positively in the environment.
for business and also for public policy (Wooley, T. D., 2010). The term
sustainability is considered in the form of green business practices in this research.
Organizations need to implement new strategies to reduce harmful environmental
impact of theiroutput (Lewis and Gretsakis, 2001; Sarkis, 1995, 2001). The reason
behind this is ―awareness of the consumers about possible environment problems
has forced businesses, government and every household to buy green products‖
(Shultz and Holbrook, 1999). The green business practices in Micro and Small
enterprises are explored in this research by considering the following main areas.
The enterprises are considered for the research only if they are located
in Tamilnadu state and not confined with any other region.
Energy Efficiency
Water Conservation
Renewable Energy
Waste Management
Product stewardship
Life cycle assessment
1. The inferences and conclusions are drawn for the organized MSEs
registered only in Tamilnadu state and not to be generalized for other states.
this study, the terms environment-friendly, eco-friendly, sustainable and green is
used interchangeably.
Research Question
1. How far the micro and small enterprises are aware about the green business
2. To find out the preference of Micro and Small enterprises towards green
business practices with special reference to Tamilnadu
3. To explore the attitude of Micro and Small enterprises towards the legal
support rendered by the government for green business practices
7. To find out the impact of benefits generated in green business practices and
the capital investment made in Micro and small enterprises
Hypothesis development
6. Ho -There is no significant difference between the mean scores of type
of firmwith respect to the pushing factors towards the green business
practices in micro and small enterprises.
Research Methodology
The research methodology is exhibited through Research design, sample,
survey instrument and tools for analysis.
Research Design
The descriptive research design is suitable for this research since it analyzes
the present environment as it is without making any manipulation in the present
status. Descriptive research is research used to ―describe‖ a situation, subject,
behavior, or phenomenon. It is used to answer questions of who, what, when,
where, and how associated with a particular research question or problem.
Descriptive studies are often described as studies that are concerned with finding
out ―what is‖. It attempts to gather quantifiable information that can be used to
statistically analyze a target audience or a particular subject.
To test the hypothesis, the survey is conducted in the organized micro and
small enterprises in Tamilnadu with management point of view of the green
business practices in the organization. Totally 500 enterprises are considered for
data collection using stratified random sampling method with the criteria of 250
micro enterprises and 250 small enterprises. For having an insight of covering the
entire Tamilnadu state, the state is categorized into four regions on the basis of
geographical location. The northern region is segregated with the capital of
Tamilnadu, Chennai, the sourthern region is headed with Madurai city, the western
region is headed with Coimbatore and the eastern part is with Tirchy city. The
entire research is associated with Management point of view and hence each
company has been distributed with single questionnaire and it is responded by the
Top Management representative. The samples are distributed evenly in all the four
divisions and collected based upon stratified random sampling method. The
sample distribution is stated in Table 1.3.
Table 1.3
Sample size and its distribution among the regions in Tamilnadu
No. of samples
S.No. Region
Micro enterprises Small enterprises
1. Northern region 62 62
2. Southern region 63 63
3. Eastern region 62 62
4. Western region 63 63
The sample size comprises both Micro and Small enterprises separately and
equal concentration is given for both Micro and Small enterprises for sample
determination in the research.
Survey Instrument
parameters on the green business practices in the organization. The Pilot study of
the questionnaire has been done by taking a sample of 10% from the sample size
of the research (500 respondents) by taking 25 micro enterprises and 25 small
enterprises and the questionnaire has been distributed with covering letter, the
respondents are asked to fill the questionnaire. The suggestions about the
questionnaire have been received from them and those suggestions are updated in
the questionnaire and finalized for further research. The Questionnaire is
distributed to 500enterprises in India and Stratified Random sampling method is
used to collect data. The primary data are collected through Mailed Questionnaire
method and through Enumerators.
Period of Study
The Field work for data collection has been carried by the researcher for the
period from June 2015 to December 2018.
The reliability of the factors are identified using internal consistency testing
in which the alpha value is ranges from 0.61 – 0.93. This reliability testing
indicate whether all the items included will come under same set or not, with
limited degree of variability.
Analysis Framework
The primary data collected from the Micro and Small enterprises are
analyzed based on the objectives of the research. Confirmatory Factor analysis,
One way ANOVA, Independent ‗t‘ test, Comparative Mean analysis, Garret
ranking method,percentage analysis, Multiple Regression analysis and karlpearson
correlation analysis are used in this research for analysis.
Structure and content of the thesis
The Third Chapter examines the theoretical background about the green
business, environmental issues, green company, need for green business practices,
green business strategy mix and certifications & audit.
The Fifth Chapter analyses the attitude towards the legal support rendered
by the government on green business practices in micro and small enterprises and
the impact of technology on green business practices in micro and small
enterprises.(Based on Primary data).
The Sixth Chapter estimates the criticality of parameters towards the green
business practices in micro and small enterprises along with the factors
influencing the Micro and Macro environment of micro and small enterprises
towards their green business practices.(Based on Primary data).
Green companies focus on the principles and practices that protect the
livelihood of our planet. They challenge themselves to bring the goals of social
and economic justice, environmental sustainability, as well as community health
and development, into all of the activities — from production to employee
relations and customer service. Green businesses ensure they don‘t use sweatshop
or child labor. The every industrial unit that works for the betterment of the
economy with healthy practices through green concepts and applications can serve
its corporate social responsibility. Green businesses ensure that they use the safest
ingredients, to keep their customers and clients and their families healthy. They
are concerned with the safety of the environment by maintaining clean energy and
efficiency, fair trade, healthy air, clean water, and more. And they reduce, reuse
and recycle, setting a good example. Along with ensuring their facilities aren‘t
polluting their local communities, many green businesses take steps to make the
places that they call home better. Green businesses often spring up in marginalized
communities—inner cities, rural and indigenous communities. Most of the
companies started thinking about it but they have to find the know-how to
implement their thoughts.