Qatar Airlines Interview

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1. Tell me about yourself?

2. Why did you leave your last job?

3. What kind of salary are you looking for Qatar pilot?

4. Why should we hire you as Qatar pilot?

5. What are your career goals for Qatar pilot?

6. Why do you want to work here?

7. What is your greatest weakness?

8. How many years of experience do you have for Qatar pilot position?

9 What are your Future Plans for QATAR AIRWAYS GROUP?

10 Why should we hire you over the others waiting to be interviewed?

11 Why do you want to work here?

12 Why did you choose this career?

14 How would you behave as the pilot of a plane during an emergency?

15 Did you ever have to modify the flight course in the past?

16 What are key tasks for Qatar airways pilot?

17 How to do each Qatar airways pilot position task/function?

18 Who have been your role model’s, or who has had the most influence on you?

19. What are some goal’s that you had that were never achieved, and how did you deal with it?

20 We have a 5:30am show every morning, how do you feel about that?

21 How to control each task/function of Qatar airways pilot?

22 What are top 3 skills for Qatar airways pilot?

23 You find your Capt. drinking before a flight, how will you handle this?

24 I see your flying various twin’s, do they all have a critical engine?

25. If you were a professional pilot and had an early morning trip; how would you prepare
yourself for this trip?
26 Discuss a bad situation which you managed to turn around?

27 If you could no longer fly due to medical reasons; what would you do?

28 Besides good pay why do you want to be a professional pilot?

29 What event in your life caused you to feel the way you do about aviation and flying?

30 What are some of the limitations of your aircraft and yourself?

31 If you attain all your goals as a professional pilot what do you intend to give back to aviation?

2. 1. What is the importance of proficiency in severallanguages for a Qatar pilot?

English language may be enoughwith a private Qatar pilot who onlyneeds to understand
control towers.But other Qatar pilot, who flypublicly, knowing more than onelanguage
is the need and useful.Pilot interview questions – Page 2 of 14

3. 2. Qatar pilot have many simultaneous responsibilitiesduring flight. What can you tell
me about this?Qatar pilot take responsibility tonavigate the flight, view and guidethe
activities of the team, checkinstruments, and keep track of theweather, control the
height and airtraffic. Performing all these andmore, often at once, requests salientmulti-
tasking abilities and strongconcentration.Pilot interview questions – Page 3 of 14

4. 3. How would you behave as the Qatar pilot of a planeduring an emergency?Express

your feeling first. It is best toprove through examples, that you cankeep your calmness
during suchproblems, and you can self-controlthe emergency situation and assigntasks
for team members if necessary.Pilot interview questions – Page 4 of 14

5. 4. Did you ever have to modify the flight course inthe past?Depend on the internal or
externalconditions; Qatar pilot can reformthe course in flight. It is a veryimportant
responsibility and requiresclose contact with control towersand caution attention to
detail.Pilot interview questions – Page 5 of 14

6. 5. What are your career goals for Qatar pilot?a. The reasons of this question:This
question will test your abilityand ambition to develop yourself aswell as the ability to
plan for thefuture.b. Levels of career goals:• You are not sure about your goals,then
answer: I’m rather busy with myduties and goals of the Company; asa result, I haven’t
focused much onmy long-term personal goals.Pilot interview questions – Page 6 of 14
7. 5. What are your career goals for Qatar pilot? -continue• You have goals not or very
littlerelating to the current job: Forexample, you are applying for asales manager, but
your career goalis to become the head of marketingdepartment in the next 5 years.•
Current job oriented career goals:For example, you are working as asales manager, you
goal is tobecome the area sales manager inthe next 2 years and in the next 5years, you
will be the regional salesmanager.Useful source: list of 50 career goalsPilot interview
questions – Page 7 of 14

8. 6. What are your biggest strengths?This question will help polishing

yourqualification to the requirements ofthe employer.1. Steps to answer this question:a)
Identify which you are good at:• Knowledge;• Experience;• Skills;• Abilities.b) Prepare
a list of your strongpoints:c) Review the recruitmentrequirements:You should review
carefully therecruitment requirements to knowfor sure which requirements are themost
important to the employer.Pilot interview questions – Page 8 of 14

9. 6. What are your biggest strengths? - continued) Make a list of your strong pointsin
your resume/cover letter:List and describe your strong pointsin your resume and cover
letterorderly.You should make descriptions tothose points in your resume.e) Prepare
persuasive answers tothe question of the employer aboutstrong points:You do not only
state your strongpoints to the employer but must alsoprovide evidence for them
byreferences or records attached withyour application form.Useful source: List of strong
pointsPilot interview questions – Page 9 of 14

10. 7. What do you know about this organization?This question is one reason to dosome
research on the organizationbefore the interview. Find out wherethey have been and
where they aregoing. What are the current issuesand who are the major players?Sample
answers:1. A good organization with perfectmanagement. I heard that in
thisorganization i can gain knowledgeand good atmosphere.Pilot interview questions –
Page 10 of 14

11. 7. What do you know about this organization?- continue2. If its for a
goodrenownedcompany then its better to gothrough the company website andknow
what’s the company profileand what’s theirachievements/successes andbranches &
other details.3. According to me this is one of thebest company. It has a
goodEnvironment, We feel good workingin companies, which has goodgrowth in the IT
Industries. ThisOrganization has all the qualities likegood growth, good
Environment,maintaining a best level in the ITIndustries, etc.Pilot interview questions –
Page 11 of 14

12. 8. What have you done to improve your Qatar pilotknowledge in the last year?a.
Answer tips• Try to include improvementactivities that relate to the job. Awide variety
of activities can bementioned as positive self-improvement. Have some goodones handy
to mention.• Employers look for applicants whoare goal-oriented. Show a desirefor
continuous learning by listinghobbies non-work related.Regardless of what hobbies
youchoose to showcase, rememberthat the goal is to prove self-sufficiency, time
management,and motivation.Pilot interview questions – Page 12 of 14
13. 8. What have you done to improve your Qatar pilotknowledge in the last year? -
continueb. Answer samples• Every one should learn from hismistake. I always try to
consultmy mistakes with my kith and kinespecially with elderly andexperienced
person.• I enrolled myself into a courseuseful for the next version of ourcurrent project.
I attendedseminars on personaldevelopment and managerialskills improvement.Pilot
interview questions – Page 13 of 14

14. Useful pilot interview materials• 100 pilot interview questions•Top 10 interview
secrets to win every job interv•13 types of interview questions and how to fac• Top 12
common mistakes in job interviewsPilot interview questions

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