Updating Attributes Playbook - Omnispec

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Why are we reaching out?

We are releasing a new item maintenance and setup sheet (Spec 5.0) in Q2-Q3. Specs will be available by
Product Type. This change allows for our Specs to require and recommend more relevant attributes to
your items.

Ahead of its release, we’re sharing a preview of the required and recommended attributes that will be
included with Spec 5.0 release, so that you get a head-start on updating your existing listings as well as
setting up new ones. Each Product Type will have a distinct set of attributes that reflect how customers
search for products on Walmart.com.

How does this impact your listings?

The required attributes in Spec 5.0 have been selected using shopper demand and search signals. By
completing these attributes, you will increase:
o Discoverability on Walmart.com
o Customer trust
o Content Quality score
o Overall Listing Quality
o Eligibility potential for programs such as Pro Seller
o Listing badging

To learn more about how content quality impacts your listing, please review Content and Discoverability.

How can I make these changes?

Updating items in Bulk

1. Log in to seller center and download the appropriate category spec. The Spec 5.0 requirements
sheet maps Product Types to Categories, so you can easily figure out which spec you will need to

2. Fill out the Maintenance spec sheet by cross referencing the Spec 5.0 requirements to figure out
which attributes are relevant to your product and add them into the additional Product attribute
Note* The maintenance spec sheet is not the same as the initial item setup spec sheet. The
maintenance sheet is used for updating content and hence will contain information that was input
during initial item setup.

3. For product attributes that are not visible in the spec sheet, please add an additional product
attribute name and product attribute value as illustrated below.
Note* In order to add more than one product name and attribute value, you would add 2
additional columns like DT and DU below in DV and DW.
Note* If you're setting up an item for the first time, you can add additional attributes to the
item spec sheet directly (as outlined in the image above) into the item setup spec sheet. You do
not need to set up the item first and then use the maintenance spec sheet to update additional

Updating items using API

Understanding the API schemas

1. Visit developer portal
2. Navigate to setting up items and inventory and click Guide

3. Navigate to the JSON file for updating existing items for Walmart and WFS as shown below:
Updating the item attributes

1. Navigate to Bulk item setup (Multiple) in the reference section of the developer portal

2. You can make changes by adding attributes in the code as highlighted below. Please refer to the
Spec 5.0 requirements (column P) for the product attribute name:

"MPItemFeedHeader": {
"sellingChannel": "mpmaintenance",
"processMode": "REPLACE",
"subset": "EXTERNAL",
"locale": "en",
"version": "1.5",
"subCategory": "office_other"
"MPItem": [
"Orderable": {
"sku": "00078742044555",
"productIdentifiers": {
"productIdType": "GTIN",
"productId": "00649081365761"
"productName": "SmileMart 5-Tier Adjustable Metal Garage Storage Rack",
"brand": "SmileMart",
"electronicsIndicator": "No",
"batteryTechnologyType": "Does Not Contain a Battery",
"chemicalAerosolPesticide": "No",
"price": 140,
"startDate": "2019-01-01T08:00:00Z",
"endDate": "2060-01-01T08:00:00Z",
"shipsInOriginalPackaging": "No",
"MustShipAlone": "No",
"ShippingWeight": 33
"Visible": {
"Office": {
"shortDescription": "Storage",
"prop65WarningText": "None",
"smallPartsWarnings": [
"0 - No warning applicable"
"compositeWoodCertificationCode": "1 - Does not contain composite wood",
"mainImageUrl": "https://i5-qa.walmartimages.com/asr/e267b894-bce0-4603-b0b9-
"productSecondaryImageURL": [
"keyFeatures": [
"<ul><li><h1>17\\\" LCD Optiplex PC 2 Duo 4GB Mem 160GB HD Windows
10</h1></li><li><h3> Optiplex for Sale</h3></li><li>The Optiplex line of computers includes
some of the most versatile PCs on the market. A great choice for business applications, video
gaming, and other personal computer.</li></ul>"
"manufacturer": "SmileMart",
"manufacturerPartNumber": "optiplexrf"
"productAttributeName": “occasion”
"productAttributeValue": “Summer”
3. Make changes to the code as per your product type requirement (reference sample
code snippet outlined above)
Note* If you're setting up an item for the first time, you can add additional attributes to the
item setup API. You do not need to set up the item first and then use the maintenance spec
sheet to update additional attributes.

Please refer to the Style Guides for more help with updating your items and to ensure your listings adhere
to Walmart listing standards.

The following articles provide step-by-step instructions on how to update content for items in your
Content updates to a single item
Content updates for items in bulk
Content updates using API

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out for support and we will schedule a call if required.  
Thank you in advance for your assistance!  
Kind Regards,  
The Walmart Marketplace Team 

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