013 - Mit8 - 01scs22 - Chapter13 PDF
013 - Mit8 - 01scs22 - Chapter13 PDF
013 - Mit8 - 01scs22 - Chapter13 PDF
Chapter 13 Energy, Kinetic Energy, and Work
Acceleration of the expansion of the universe is one of the most exciting
and significant discoveries in physics, with implications that could
revolutionize theories of quantum physics, gravitation, and cosmology.
With its revelation that close to the three-quarters of the energy density of
the universe, given the name dark energy, is of a new, unknown origin and
that its exotic gravitational “repulsion” will govern the fate of the
universe, dark energy and the accelerating universe becomes a topic not
just of great interest to research physicists but to science students at all
levels. 1
Eric Linder
Falling water releases stored gravitational potential energy, which can become the
kinetic energy associated with a coherent motion of matter. The harnessed mechanical
energy can be used to spin turbines and alternators, doing work to generate electrical
energy, transmitted to consumers along power lines. When you use any electrical
device, the electrical energy is transformed into other forms of energy. In a
refrigerator, electrical energy is used to compress a gas into a liquid. During the
compression, some of the internal energy of the gas is transferred to the random
motion of molecules in the outside environment. The liquid flows from a high-
pressure region into a low-pressure region where the liquid evaporates. During the
evaporation, the liquid absorbs energy from the random motion of molecules inside of
the refrigerator. The gas returns to the compressor.
“Human beings transform the stored chemical energy of food into various forms
necessary for the maintenance of the functions of the various organ system, tissues
and cells in the body.” A person can do work on their surroundings – for example, by
pedaling a bicycle – and transfer energy to the surroundings in the form of increasing
random motion of air molecules, by using this catabolic energy.
Burning gasoline in car engines converts chemical energy, stored in the molecular
bonds of the constituent molecules of gasoline, into coherent (ordered) motion of the
molecules that constitute a piston. With the use of gearing and tire/road friction, this
motion is converted into kinetic energy of the car; the automobile moves.
Eric Linder, Resource Letter: Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe, Am.J.Phys.76: 197-
204, 2008; p. 197.
2 George B. Benedek and Felix M.H. Villars, Physics with Illustrative Examples from Medicine and
Biology, Volume 1: Mechanics, Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1973, p. 115-6.
Stretching or compressing a spring stores elastic potential energy that can be released
as kinetic energy.
The process of vision begins with stored atomic energy released as electromagnetic
radiation (light), which is detected by exciting photoreceptors in the eye, releasing
chemical energy.
When a proton fuses with deuterium (a hydrogen atom with a neutron and proton for
a nucleus), helium-three is formed (with a nucleus of two protons and one neutron)
along with radiant energy in the form of photons. The combined internal energy of
the proton and deuterium are greater than the internal energy of the helium-three. This
difference in internal energy is carried away by the photons as light energy.
There are many such processes involving different forms of energy: kinetic energy,
gravitational energy, thermal energy, elastic energy, electrical energy, chemical energy,
electromagnetic energy, nuclear energy and more. The total energy is always conserved
in these processes, although different forms of energy are converted into others.
Any physical process can be characterized by two states, initial and final, between
which energy transformations can occur. Each form of energy E j , where “ j ” is an
arbitrary label identifying one of the N forms of energy, may undergo a change during
this transformation,
ΔE j ≡ Efinal, j − Einitial, j . (13.1.1)
ΔE1 + ΔE2 + ⋅⋅⋅+ ΔE N = ∑ ΔE j = 0 . (13.1.2)
Two important points emerge from this idea. First, we are interested primarily in
changes in energy and so we search for relations that describe how each form of energy
changes. Second, we must account for all the ways energy can change. If we observe a
process, and the sum of the changes in energy is not zero, either our expressions for
energy are incorrect, or there is a new type of change of energy that we had not
previously discovered. This is our first example of the importance of conservation laws in
describing physical processes, as energy is a key quantity conserved in all physical
processes. If we can quantify the changes of different forms of energy, we have a very
powerful tool to understand nature.
consider rigid bodies. We will later return to processes in which there is an energy
transfer resulting in an increase or decrease in random motion when we study the First
Law of Thermodynamics.
Energy is always conserved but we often prefer to restrict our attention to a set of
objects that we define to be our system. The rest of the universe acts as the surroundings.
We illustrate this division of system and surroundings in Figure 13.1. When we discussed
Newton’s Laws, an object is called isolated if there are no physical interactions between
the object and the surroundings. According to Newton’s First Law an isolated object will
undergo uniform motion. A system is called an isolated system if there are no physical
interactions between the system and the surroundings. A system is open if both energy
and matter can enter of leave the system. A system is closed if only energy can be
transferred to or from the surroundings.
We shall just consider closed systems for the purposes of this discussion. Because
energy is conserved, any energy that leaves the system must cross through the boundary
and enter the surroundings. Consider any physical process in which energy
transformations occur between initial and final states. We assert that
Eq. (13.1.3) is called conservation of energy and is our operating definition for energy.
We will sometime refer to Eq. (13.1.3) as the energy principle. In any physical
application, we first identify our system and surroundings, and then attempt to quantify
changes in energy. In order to do this, we need to identify every type of change of energy
in every possible physical process. When there is no change in energy in the surroundings
then the energy of a closed system is constant.
ΔEsystem = 0 . (13.1.4)
If we add up all known changes in energy in the system and surroundings and do
not arrive at a zero sum, we have an open scientific problem. By searching for the
missing changes in energy, we may uncover some new physical phenomenon. Recently,
one of the most exciting open problems in cosmology is the apparent acceleration of the
expansion of the universe, which has been attributed to dark energy that resides in space
itself, an energy type without a clearly known source.3
K≡ mv 2 (13.2.1)
The kinetic energy is proportional to the square of the speed. The SI units for kinetic
energy are [kg ⋅ m 2 ⋅ s −2 ] . This combination of units is defined to be a joule and is denoted
by [J] , thus 1 J ≡ 1 kg ⋅ m 2 ⋅ s −2 . (The SI unit of energy is named for James Prescott
Joule.) The above definition of kinetic energy does not refer to any direction of motion,
just the speed of the body.
Let’s consider a case in which our car changes velocity. For our initial state, the
car moves with an initial velocity v i = vx,i î along the x -axis. For the final state (at some
later time), the car has changed its velocity and now moves with a final velocity
v f = vx, f î . Therefore the change in the kinetic energy is
1 1
ΔK = mv f 2 − mvi 2 . (13.2.2)
2 2
Suppose car A increases its speed from 10 to 20 mph and car B increases its speed from
50 to 60 mph. Both cars have the same mass m . (a) What is the ratio of the change of
kinetic energy of car B to the change of kinetic energy of car A? In particular, which car
has a greater change in kinetic energy? (b) What is the ratio of the change in kinetic
energy of car B to car A as seen by an observer moving with the initial velocity of car A?
Solution: (a) The ratio of the change in kinetic energy of car B to car A is
1 1
ΔK B 2 m(v B, f ) − 2 m(v B,i )
2 2
(v B, f )2 − (v B,i )2
= =
ΔK A 1 1 (v A, f )2 − (v A,i )2
m(v A, f ) − m(v A,i )
2 2
2 2
(60 mph) − (50 mph)2
= = 11/ 3.
(20 mph)2 − (10 mph)2
Thus car B has a much greater increase in its kinetic energy than car A.
(b) In a reference moving with the speed of car A , car A increases its speed from rest to
10 mph and car B increases its speed from 40 to 50 mph. The ratio is now
1 1
ΔK B 2 m(v B, f ) − 2 m(v B,0 )
2 2
(v )2 − (v B,0 )2
= = B, f 2
ΔK A 1 1 (v A, f ) − (v A,0 )2
m(v A, f )2 − m(v A,0 )2
2 2
(50 mph) − (40 mph)2
= = 9.
(10 mph)2
The ratio is greater than that found in part a). Note that from the new reference frame
both car A and car B have smaller increases in kinetic energy.
Let’s consider a constant accelerated motion of a rigid body in one dimension in which
we treat the rigid body as a point mass. Suppose at t = 0 the body has an initial x -
component of the velocity given by vx,i . If the acceleration is in the direction of the
displacement of the body then the body will increase its speed. If the acceleration is
opposite the direction of the displacement then the acceleration will decrease the body’s
speed. The displacement of the body is given by
Δx = vx,i t + ax t 2 . (13.3.1)
ax Δx = ax (vx,i t + ax t 2 ) . (13.3.2)
The acceleration is given by
Δvx (vx, f − vx,i )
ax = = . (13.3.3)
Δt t
(vx, f − vx,i ) ⎛ 1 (vx, f − vx,i ) 2 ⎞
ax Δx = ⎜ vx,i t + t ⎟. (13.3.4)
t ⎝ 2 t ⎠
1 1 1 2
ax Δx = (vx, f − vx,i )(vx,i ) + (vx, f − vx,i )(vx, f − vx,i ) = vx, f 2 − vx,i . (13.3.5)
2 2 2
If we multiply each side of Equation (13.3.5) by the mass m of the object this
kinematical result takes on an interesting interpretation for the motion of the object. We
1 1 2
m ax Δx = mvx,2 f− m vx,i = K f − Ki . (13.3.6)
2 2
Recall that for one-dimensional motion, Newton’s Second Law is Fx = m ax , for the
motion considered here, Equation (13.3.6) becomes
Fx Δx = K f − K i . (13.3.7)
If the acceleration is not constant, then we can divide the displacement into N intervals
indexed by j = 1 to N . It will be convenient to denote the displacement intervals by Δx j ,
the corresponding time intervals by Δt j and the x -components of the velocities at the
beginning and end of each interval as vx, j−1 and vx, j . Note that the x -component of the
velocity at the beginning and end of the first interval j = 1 is then vx,1 = vx,i and the
velocity at the end of the last interval, j = N is vx,N = vx, j . Consider the sum of the
products of the average acceleration (ax , j ) ave and displacement Δx j in each interval,
j= N
∑ (a ) Δx j .
x, j ave
Δvx, j (vx, j+1 − vx, j )
(ax, j )ave = = , (13.3.9)
Δt j Δt j
and so the contribution in each integral can be calculated as above and we have that
1 1
(ax, j )ave Δx j = vx, j 2 − vx, j−12 . (13.3.10)
2 2
When we sum over all the terms only the last and first terms survive, all the other terms
cancel in pairs, and we have that
j= N
1 1 2
∑ (a )
x, j ave
Δx j = vx,2 f − vx,i
2 2
. (13.3.11)
In the limit as N → ∞ and Δx j → 0 for all j (both conditions must be met!), the limit of
the sum is the definition of the definite integral of the acceleration with respect to the
j= N x=x f
∑ (a )
x, j ave
Δx j ≡ ∫ ax ( x) dx . (13.3.12)
Δx j →0 j=1 x=xi
Therefore In the limit as N → ∞ and Δx j → 0 for all j , with vx, N → vx, f , Eq. (13.3.11)
x=x f
∫ ax ( x) dx = (vx2, f − vx2,i )
This integral result is consequence of the definition that ax ≡ dvx / dt . The integral in Eq.
(13.3.13) is an integral with respect to space, while our previous integral
t =t f
requires integrating acceleration with respect to time. Multiplying both sides of Eq.
(13.3.13) by the mass m yields
x=x f
max ( x) dx =
m(vx2, f − vx2,i ) = K f − K i . (13.3.15)
When we introduce Newton’s Second Law in the form Fx = m ax , then Eq. (13.3.15)
∫ Fx (x) dx = K f − K i . (13.3.16)
x = xi
The integral of the x -component of the force with respect to displacement in Eq.
(13.3.16) applies to the motion of a point-like object. For extended bodies, Eq. (13.3.16)
applies to the center of mass motion because the external force on a rigid body causes the
center of mass to accelerate.
Let’s choose our coordinate system so that the +x -direction is the direction of the
forward motion of the cup. The pushing force can then be described by
F a = Fxa î . (13.4.1)
Suppose a body moves from an initial point xi to a final point x f so that the
displacement of the point the force acts on is Δx ≡ x f − xi . The work done by a
constant force F a = Fxa î acting on the body is the product of the component of
the force Fxa and the displacement Δx ,
W a = Fxa Δx . (13.4.2)
Work is a scalar quantity; it is not a vector quantity. The SI unit for work is
[1 N ⋅ m] = [1 kg ⋅ m ⋅s -2 ][1 m] = [1 kg ⋅ m 2 ⋅s -2 ] = [1 J] . (13.4.3)
Note that work has the same dimension and the same SI unit as kinetic energy. Because
our applied force is along the direction of motion, both Fxa > 0 and Δx > 0 . In this
example, the work done is just the product of the magnitude of the applied force and the
distance through which that force acts and is positive. In the definition of work done by a
force, the force can act at any point on the body. The displacement that appears in
Equation (13.4.2) is not the displacement of the body but the displacement of the point of
application of the force. For point-like objects, the displacement of the point of
application of the force is equal to the displacement of the body. However for an
extended body, we need to focus on where the force acts and whether or not that point of
application undergoes any displacement in the direction of the force as the following
example illustrates.
Suppose you are initially standing and you start walking by pushing against the ground
with your feet and your feet do not slip. What is the work done by the static friction force
acting on you?
Solution: When you apply a contact force against the ground, the ground applies an
equal and opposite contact force on you. The tangential component of this constant force
is the force of static friction acting on you. Since your foot is at rest while you are
pushing against the ground, there is no displacement of the point of application of this
static friction force. Therefore static friction does zero work on you while you are
accelerating. You may be surprised by this result but if you think about energy
transformation, chemical energy stored in your muscle cells is being transformed into
kinetic energy of motion and thermal energy.
When forces are opposing the motion, as in our example of pushing the cup, the
kinetic friction force is given by
F f = f k ,x î = − µ k N î = − µ k mg î . (13.4.4)
Here the component of the force is in the opposite direction as the displacement. The
work done by the kinetic friction force is negative,
W f = − µ k mgΔx . (13.4.5)
Since the gravitation force is perpendicular to the motion of the cup, the gravitational
force has no component along the line of motion. Therefore the gravitation force does
zero work on the cup when the cup is slid forward in the horizontal direction. The
normal force is also perpendicular to the motion, and hence does no work.
We see that the pushing force does positive work, the kinetic friction force does
negative work, and the gravitation and normal force does zero work.
Push a cup of mass 0.2 kg along a horizontal table with a force of magnitude 2.0 N for a
distance of 0.5 m. The coefficient of friction between the table and the cup is µ k = 0.10 .
Calculate the work done by the pushing force and the work done by the friction force.
Suppose we push the cup in the previous example with a force of the same magnitude but
at an angle θ = 30o upwards with respect to the table. Calculate the work done by the
pushing force. Calculate the work done by the kinetic friction force.
Solution: The force diagram on the cup and coordinate system is shown in Figure 13.3.
Fxa = F a cos(θ ) = (2.0 N)(cos(30 )) = 1.7 N . (13.4.8)
In this case, the magnitude of the normal force is not simply the same as the weight of the
cup. We need to find the y -component of the applied force,
To find the normal force, we apply Newton’s Second Law in the y -direction,
Fya + N − mg = 0 . (13.4.12)
Then the normal force is
Example 13.5 Work done by Gravity Near the Surface of the Earth
Consider a point-like body of mass m near the surface of the earth falling directly
towards the center of the earth. The gravitation force between the body and the earth is
nearly constant, Fgrav = mg . Let’s choose a coordinate system with the origin at the
surface of the earth and the + y -direction pointing away from the center of the earth
Suppose the body starts from an initial point yi and falls to a final point y f closer to the
earth. How much work does the gravitation force do on the body as it falls?
W g = Fyg Δy = −mgΔy . (13.4.16)
For a falling body, the displacement of the body is negative, Δy ≡ y f − yi < 0 ; therefore
the work done by gravity is positive, W g > 0 . The gravitation force is pointing in the
same direction as the displacement of the falling object so the work should be positive.
It’s important to note that the choice of the positive direction as being away from the
center of the earth (“up”) does not make a difference. If the downward direction were
chosen positive, the falling body would have a positive displacement and the
gravitational force as given in Equation (13.4.15) would have a positive downward
component; the product Fyg Δy would still be positive.
Consider a body moving in the x -direction under the influence of a non-constant force in
the x -direction, F = Fx ˆi . The body moves from an initial position xi to a final position
x f . In order to calculate the work done by a non-constant force, we will divide up the
displacement of the point of application of the force into a large number N of small
displacements Δx j where the index j marks the j th displacement and takes integer
values from 1 to N . Let (Fx, j ) ave denote the average value of the x -component of the
force in the displacement interval [x j−1 , x j ] . For the j th displacement interval we
calculate the contribution to the work
This contribution is a scalar so we add up these scalar quantities to get the total work
j= N j= N
WN = ∑ W j = ∑ (Fx, j )ave Δx j . (13.5.2)
j=1 j=1
The sum in Equation (13.5.2) depends on the number of divisions N and the width of the
intervals Δx j . In order to define a quantity that is independent of the divisions, we take
the limit as N → ∞ and Δx j → 0 for all j . The work is then
j= N x=x f
W = lim
∑ (F ) Δx j =
x, j ave ∫ Fx (x) dx (13.5.3)
j=1 x=xi
Δx j →0
This last expression is the definite integral of the x -component of the force with respect
to the parameter x . In Figure 13.5 we graph the x -component of the force as a function
of the parameter x . The work integral is the area under this curve between x = xi and
x = xf .
Connect one end of an unstretched spring of length l0 with spring constant k to an object
resting on a smooth frictionless table and fix the other end of the spring to a wall. Choose
an origin as shown in the figure. Stretch the spring by an amount xi and release the
object. How much work does the spring do on the object when the spring is stretched by
an amount x f ?
xi xf
l0 î l0 î l0 î
Solution: We first begin by choosing a coordinate system with our origin located at the
position of the object when the spring is unstretched (or uncompressed). We choose the î
unit vector to point in the direction the object moves when the spring is being stretched.
We choose the coordinate function x to denote the position of the object with respect to
the origin. We show the coordinate function and free-body force diagram in the figure
x x
l0 î î
F = Fx ˆi = kxˆi
x=0 x=0
Figure 13.6a Spring force
In Figure 13.7 we show the graph of the x -component of the spring force, Fx (x) , as a
function of x .
Fx (x)
xf xi +x
Fx (x) = k x
The work done is just the area under the curve for the interval xi to x f ,
x′=x f x′=x f
W= ∫
Fx (x′) dx′ = ∫
−kx′ dx′ = − k(x 2f − xi2 )
This result is independent of the sign of xi and x f because both quantities appear as
squares. If the spring is less stretched or compressed in the final state than in the initial
state, then the absolute value, x f < xi , and the work done by the spring force is positive.
The spring force does positive work on the body when the spring goes from a state of
“greater tension” to a state of “lesser tension.”
There is a direct connection between the work done on a point-like object and the change
in kinetic energy the point-like object undergoes. If the work done on the object is non-
zero, this implies that an unbalanced force has acted on the object, and the object will
have undergone acceleration. For an object undergoing one-dimensional motion the left
hand side of Equation (13.3.16) is the work done on the object by the component of the
sum of the forces in the direction of displacement,
x=x f
1 1
W= ∫
Fx dx =
mv f 2 − mvi 2 = K f − K i = ΔK
When the work done on an object is positive, the object will increase its speed, and
negative work done on an object causes a decrease in speed. When the work done is zero,
the object will maintain a constant speed. In fact, the work-energy relationship is quite
precise; the work done by the applied force on an object is identically equal to the change
in kinetic energy of the object.
Suppose a ball of mass m = 0.2 kg starts from rest at a height y0 = 15 m above the
surface of the earth and falls down to a height y f = 5.0 m above the surface of the earth.
What is the change in the kinetic energy? Find the final velocity using the work-energy
Solution: As only one force acts on the ball, the change in kinetic energy is the work
done by gravity,
W g = −mg( y f − y0 )
= (−2.0 × 10−1 kg)(9.8 m ⋅s-2 )(5 m − 15 m) = 2.0 × 101 J.
The ball started from rest, v y,0 = 0 . So the change in kinetic energy is
1 1 1
ΔK = mv y, f 2 − mv y,0 2 = mv y, f 2 . (13.6.3)
2 2 2
We can solve Equation (13.6.3) for the final velocity using Equation (13.6.2)
For the falling ball in a constant gravitation field, the positive work of the gravitation
force on the body corresponds to an increasing kinetic energy and speed. For a rising
body in the same field, the kinetic energy and hence the speed decrease since the work
done is negative.
A person pushes a cup of mass 0.2 kg along a horizontal table with a force of magnitude
2.0 N at an angle of 30o with respect to the horizontal for a distance of 0.5 m as in
Example 13.4. The coefficient of friction between the table and the cup is µ k = 0.1 . If the
cup was initially at rest, what is the final kinetic energy of the cup after being pushed 0.5
m? What is the final speed of the cup?
Solution: The total work done on the cup is the sum of the work done by the pushing
force and the work done by the friction force, as given in Equations (13.4.9) and
W = W a + W f = (Fxa − µ k N )(x f − xi )
. (13.6.5)
= (1.7 N − 9.6 × 10−2 N)(0.5 m) = 8.0 × 10−1 J
1 1 1
ΔK = mv y, f 2 − mv y,0 2 = mv y, f 2 . (13.6.6)
2 2 2
Thus the work-kinetic energy theorem, Eq.(13.6.1)), enables us to solve for the final
kinetic energy,
K f = mv f 2 = ΔK = W = 8.0 × 10−1 J . (13.6.7)
2K f 2W 2(8.0 × 10−1 J)
v y, f = = = = 2.9 m ⋅s-1 . (13.6.8)
m m 0.2 kg
ΔW a = Fxa Δx . (13.7.1)
where Fxa is the x -component of the applied force. (Equation (13.7.1) is the same as
Equation (13.4.2).)
The average power of an applied force is defined to be the rate at which work is
ΔW a Fxa Δx
P =
= = Fxa vave,x . (13.7.2)
Δt Δt
The average power delivered to the body is equal to the component of the force in the
direction of motion times the component of the average velocity of the body. Power is a
scalar quantity and can be positive, zero, or negative depending on the sign of work. The
SI units of power are called watts [W] and [1 W] = [1 J ⋅ s-1 ] .
The instantaneous power at time t is defined to be the limit of the average power
as the time interval [t,t + Δt] approaches zero,
ΔW a F a Δx ⎛ Δx ⎞
P a = lim = lim x = Fxa ⎜ lim ⎟ = Fxa vx . (13.7.3)
Δt→0 Δt Δt→0 Δt ⎝ Δt→0 Δt ⎠
The instantaneous power of a constant applied force is the product of the component of
the force in the direction of motion and the instantaneous velocity of the moving object.
Suppose a ball of mass m = 0.2 kg starts from rest at a height y0 = 15 m above the
surface of the earth and falls down to a height y f = 5.0 m above the surface of the earth.
What is the average power exerted by the gravitation force? What is the instantaneous
power when the ball is at a height y f = 5.0 m above the surface of the Earth? Make a
graph of power vs. time. You may ignore the effects of air resistance.
Solution: There are two ways to solve this problem. Both approaches require calculating
the time interval Δt for the ball to fall. Set t0 = 0 for the time the ball was released. We
can solve for the time interval Δt = t f that it takes the ball to fall using the equation for a
freely falling object that starts from rest,
1 2
y f = y0 − gt . (13.7.4)
2 f
Thus the time interval for falling is
2 2
tf = ( y0 − y f ) = (15 m − 5 m) = 1.4 s . (13.7.5)
g 9.8 m ⋅ s-2
First approach: we can calculate the work done by gravity,
W g = −mg( y f − y0 )
= (−2.0 × 10−1 kg)(9.8 m ⋅s-2 )(5 m − 15 m) = 2.0 × 101 J.
Second Approach. We calculate the gravitation force and the average velocity. The
gravitation force is
Pave = Fyg vave,y = (−mg)vave,y
= (−2.0 N)(−7.0 m ⋅s-1 ) = 1.4 × 101 W.
In order to find the instantaneous power at any time, we need to find the instantaneous
velocity at that time. The ball takes a time t f = 1.4 s to reach the height y f = 5.0 m . The
velocity at that height is given by
P g = Fyg v y = (−mg)(−gt f ) = mg 2t f
= (0.2 kg)(9.8 m ⋅s-2 )2 (1.4 s) = 2.7 × 101 W
If this problem were done symbolically, the answers given in Equation (13.7.11) and
Equation (13.7.12) would differ by a factor of two; the answers have been rounded to two
significant figures.
The instantaneous power grows linearly with time. The graph of power vs. time is shown
in Figure 13.8. From the figure, it should be seen that the instantaneous power at any
time is twice the average power between t = 0 and that time.
A person pushes a cup of mass 0.2 kg along a horizontal table with a force of magnitude
2.0 N at an angle of 30o with respect to the horizontal for a distance of 0.5 m , as in
Example 13.4. The coefficient of friction between the table and the cup is µ k = 0.1 . What
is the average power of the pushing force? What is the average power of the kinetic
friction force?
Solution: We will use the results from Examples 13.4 and 13.7 but keeping extra
significant figures in the intermediate calculations. The work done by the pushing force
W a = Fxa (x f − x0 ) = (1.732 N)(0.50 m) = 8.660 × 10−1 J . (13.7.13)
The final speed of the cup is vx, f = 2.860 m ⋅s -1 . Assuming constant acceleration, the
time during which the cup was pushed is
2(x f − x0 )
tf = = 0.3496 s . (13.7.14)
vx, f
ΔW a 8.660 × 10−1 J
Pave = = = 2.340 W , (13.7.15)
Δt 0.3496 s
or 2.3W to two significant figures. The work done by the friction force is
W f = f k (x f − x0 )
= − µk N (x f − x0 ) = −(9.6 × 10−2 N)(0.50 m) = −(4.8 × 10−2 J).
The average power of kinetic friction is
ΔW f −4.8 × 10−2 J
Pavef = = = −1.4 × 10−1 W. (13.7.17)
Δt 0.3496 s
The time rate of change of the kinetic energy for a body of mass m moving in the x -
direction is
dK d ⎛ 1 ⎞ dv
= ⎜ m vx 2 ⎟ = m x vx = m a x vx . (13.7.18)
dt dt ⎝ 2 ⎠ dt
= Fx vx = P . (13.7.19)
The instantaneous power delivered to the body is equal to the time rate of change of the
kinetic energy of the body.
We shall introduce a vector operation, called the scalar product or “dot product” that
takes any two vectors and generates a scalar quantity (a number). We shall see that the
physical concept of work can be mathematically described by the scalar product between
the force and the displacement vectors.
A ⋅ B = ABcos(θ ) , (13.8.1)
where A =| A | and B =| B | represent the magnitude of A and B respectively.
The scalar product can be positive, zero, or negative, depending on the value of
cosθ . The scalar product is always a scalar quantity.
⎛ A ⋅B ⎞
θ = cos −1 ⎜ ⎟ . (13.8.2)
⎜⎝ A B ⎟⎠
The magnitude
of a vector A is given by the square root of the scalar product of the
vector A with itself.
A = ( A ⋅ A)1/ 2 . (13.8.3)
We can give a geometric interpretation to the scalar product by writing the definition as
A ⋅ B = ( Acos(θ )) B . (13.8.4)
In this formulation, the term Acosθ is the projection of the vector B in the direction of
the vector B . This projection is shown in Figure 13.10a. So the scalar product is the
product of the projection of the length of A in the direction of B with the length of B .
Note that we could also write the scalar product as
A ⋅ B = A(Bcos(θ )) . (13.8.5)
Now the term Bcos(θ ) is the projection of the vector B in the direction of the vector A
as shown in Figure 13.10b. From this perspective, the scalar product is the product of the
projection of the length of B in the direction of A with the length of A .
(a) (b)
Figure 13.10 (a) and (b) Projection of vectors and the scalar product
From our definition of the scalar product we see that the scalar product of two vectors
that are perpendicular to each other is zero since the angle between the vectors is π / 2
and cos(π / 2) = 0 .
We can calculate the scalar product between two vectors in a Cartesian coordinates
system as follows. Consider two vectors A = Ax î + Ay ĵ + Az k̂ and
B = Bx î + By ĵ + Bz k̂ . Recall that
î ⋅ î = ĵ⋅ ĵ = k̂ ⋅k̂ = 1
î ⋅ ĵ = ĵ⋅k̂ = î ⋅k̂ = 0.
The scalar product between A and B is then
A ⋅ B = Ax Bx + Ay By + Az Bz . (13.8.7)
d d
(A ⋅ B) = (Ax Bx + Ay By + Az Bz )
dt dt
d d d d d d
= (Ax )Bx + (Ay )By + ( Az )Bz + Ax ( Bx ) + Ay ( By ) + Az ( Bz ) (13.8.8)
dt dt dt dt dt dt
⎛ d ⎞ ⎛ d ⎞
= ⎜ A ⎟ ⋅ B + A ⋅ ⎜ B⎟ .
⎝ dt ⎠ ⎝ dt ⎠
In particular
when A = B , then the time derivative of the square of the magnitude of the
vector A is given by
d 2 d ⎛ d ⎞ ⎛ d ⎞ ⎛ d ⎞
A = (A ⋅ A) = ⎜ A ⎟ ⋅ A + A ⋅ ⎜ A ⎟ = 2 ⎜ A ⎟ ⋅ A . (13.8.9)
dt dt ⎝ dt ⎠ ⎝ dt ⎠ ⎝ dt ⎠
Therefore the square of the magnitude of the velocity is given by the expression
v 2 ≡ (v ⋅ v ) = vx2 + v 2y + vz2 . (13.8.11)
1 1
K= m(v ⋅ v ) = m(vx2 + v 2y + vz2 ) . (13.8.12)
2 2
Work is an important physical example of the mathematical operation of taking the scalar
product between two vectors. Recall that when a constant force acts on a body and the
point of application of the force undergoes a displacement along the x -axis, only the
component of the force along that direction contributes to the work,
W = Fx Δx . (13.8.13)
Suppose we are pulling a body along a horizontal surface with a force F . Choose
coordinates such that horizontal direction is the x -axis and the force F forms an angle
β with the positive x -direction. In Figure 13.11 we show the force vector
F = Fx î + Fy ˆj and the displacement vector of the point of application of the force
Δx = Δx î . Note that Δx = Δx î is the component of the displacement and hence can be
greater, equal, or less than zero (but is shown as greater than zero in the figure for
clarity). The scalar product between the force vector F and the displacement vector Δx
F ⋅ Δx = (Fx ˆi + Fy ˆj) ⋅ (Δx ˆi) = Fx Δx . (13.8.14)
In general, the angle β takes values within the range −π ≤ β ≤ π (in Figure 13.11,
0 ≤ β ≤ π / 2 ). Because the x -component of the force is Fx = F cos(β ) where F =| F |
denotes the magnitude of F , the work done by the force is
W = F ⋅ Δx = (F cos( β ))Δx . (13.8.16)
An object of mass m = 4.0 kg , starting from rest, slides down an inclined plane of length
l = 3.0 m . The plane is inclined by an angle of θ = 300 to the ground. The coefficient of
kinetic friction is µ k = 0.2 . (a) What is the work done by each of the three forces while
the object is sliding down the inclined plane? (b) For each force, is the work done by the
force positive or negative? (c) What is the sum of the work done by the three forces? Is
this positive or negative?
Solution: (a) and (b) Choose a coordinate system with the origin at the top of the inclined
plane and the positive x -direction pointing down the inclined plane, and the positive y -
direction pointing towards the upper right as shown in Figure 13.12. While the object is
sliding down the inclined plane, three uniform forces act on the object, the gravitational
force which points downward and has magnitude Fg = mg , the normal force N which is
perpendicular to the surface of the inclined plane, and the friction force which opposes
the motion and is equal in magnitude to f k = µ k N . A force diagram on the object is
shown in Figure 13.13.
Figure 13.12 Coordinate system for Figure 13.13 Free-body force diagram
object sliding down inclined plane for object
In order to calculate the work we need to determine which forces have a component in
the direction of the displacement. Only the component of the gravitational force along the
positive x -direction Fgx = mg sin θ and the friction force are directed along the
displacement and therefore contribute to the work. We need to use Newton’s Second Law
to determine the magnitudes of the normal force. Because the object is constrained to
move along the positive x -direction, a y = 0 , Newton’s Second Law in the ˆj -direction
N − mg cosθ = 0 . Therefore N = mg cosθ and the magnitude of the friction force is
f k = µ k mg cosθ .
With our choice of coordinate system with the origin at the top of the inclined plane and
the positive x -direction pointing down the inclined plane, the displacement of the object
is given by the vector Δr = Δx î (Figure 13.14).
Then the work done by the friction force is negative and given by
W f = F f ⋅ Δr = − µ k mgcosθ î ⋅ l î = − µ k mgcosθ l < 0 .
(c) The scalar sum of the work done by the three forces is then
W = W g + W f = mgl(sin θ − µ k cosθ )
W = (4.0kg)(9.8m ⋅s-2 )(3.0m)(sin(30o ) − (0.2)(cos(30o )) = 38.4 J.
We divide the time interval [ti ,t f ] into N smaller intervals with [t j−1 ,t j ] , j = 1,⋅⋅⋅, N
with t N = t f . Consider two position vectors r j ≡ r(t = t j ) and r j −1 ≡ r(t = t j −1 ) the
displacement vector during the corresponding time interval as Δr j = r j − r j −1 . Let F
denote the force acting on the body during the interval [t j−1 ,t j ] . The average force in this
interval is (Fj )ave and the average work ΔW j done by the force during the time interval
[t j−1 ,t j ] is the scalar product between the average force vector and the displacement
ΔW j = (Fj )ave ⋅ Δr j . (13.8.17)
The force and the displacement vectors for the time interval [t j−1 ,t j ] are shown in Figure
13.16 (note that the subscript “ave” on (Fj )ave has been suppressed).
Figure 13.16 An infinitesimal work element.
We calculate the work by adding these scalar contributions to the work for each
interval [t j−1 ,t j ] , for j = 1 to N ,
j= N j= N
WN = ∑ ΔW = ∑ (F )
j j ave
⋅ Δr j . (13.8.18)
j =1 j =1
Notice that this summation involves adding scalar quantities. This limit is called the line
integral of the force F . The symbol dr is called the infinitesimal vector line element.
At time t , dr is tangent to the orbit of the body and is the limit of the displacement
vector Δr = r(t + Δt) − r(t ) as Δt approaches zero. In this limit, the parameter t does not
appear in the expression in Equation (13.8.19).
In general this line integral depends on the particular path the body takes between
the initial position ri and the final position r f , which matters when the force F is non-
constant in space, and when the contribution to the work can vary over different paths in
space. We can represent the integral in Equation (13.8.19) explicitly in a coordinate
system by specifying the infinitesimal vector line element dr and then explicitly
computing the scalar product.
dr = dx ˆi + dy ˆj + dz kˆ , (13.8.20)
The infinitesimal work is the sum of the work done by the component of the force times
the component of the displacement in each direction,
dW = Fx dx + Fy dy + Fz dz . (13.8.22)
Figure 13.18 Displacement vector d s between two points
The work is
r = rf r = rf r = rf r = rf r = rf
W= ∫
F ⋅ dr = ∫
(Fr dr + Fθ rdθ + Fz dz) = ∫
Fr dr + ∫
Fθ rdθ + ∫
Fz dz . (13.8.28)
r = r0 r = r0 r = r0 r = r0 r = r0
The work done in a uniform gravitation field is a fairly straightforward calculation when
the body moves in the direction of the field. Suppose the body is moving under the
influence of gravity, F = −mg ˆj along a parabolic curve. The body begins at the point
(x0 , y0 ) and ends at the point (x f , y f ) . What is the work done by the gravitation force on
the body?
Solution: The infinitesimal line element dr is therefore
dr = dx ˆi + dy ˆj . (13.9.1)
The scalar product that appears in the line integral can now be calculated,
F ⋅ d r = −mg ĵ ⋅[dx î + dy ĵ] = −mgdy . (13.9.2)
This result is not surprising since the force is only in the y -direction. Therefore the only
non-zero contribution to the work integral is in the y -direction, with the result that
y= y f y= y f
Consider a spring-body system lying on a frictionless horizontal surface with one end of
the spring fixed to a wall and the other end attached to a body of mass m (Figure 13.19).
Calculate the work done by the spring force on body as the body moves from some initial
position to some final position.
Solution: Choose the origin at the position of the center of the body when the spring is
relaxed (the equilibrium position). Let x be the displacement of the body from the origin.
We choose the +î unit vector to point in the direction the body moves when the spring is
being stretched (to the right of x = 0 in the figure). The spring force on the body is then
given by
F = Fx ˆi = −kx ˆi . (13.9.4)
Wspring = ∫ (−kx) dx = − k(x f 2 − x0 2 ) .
x = x0
Example 13.13 Work done by the Inverse Square Gravitation Force
Consider a body of mass m in moving in a fixed orbital plane about the sun. The mass of
the sun is ms . How much work does the gravitation interaction between the sun and the
body done on the body during this motion?
Solution: Let’s assume that the sun is fixed and choose a polar coordinate system with
the origin at the center of the sun. Initially the body is at a distance r0 from the center of
the sun. In the final configuration the body has moved to a distance rf < r0 from the
center of the sun. The infinitesimal displacement of the body is given by
dr = dr r̂ + rdθ θ̂ . The gravitation force between the sun and the body is given by
Gm m
Fgrav = Fgrav r̂ = − 2s r̂ . (13.9.6)
The infinitesimal work done work done by this gravitation force on the body is given by
dW = Fgrav ⋅ dr = ( Fgrav,r r̂) ⋅(dr r̂ + rdθ θ̂) = Fgrav,r dr . (13.9.7)
Therefore the work done on the object as the object moves from ri to r f is given by the
rf r r
f f
⎛ Gmsun m ⎞
W = ∫ Fgrav ⋅ dr = ∫ Fgrav,r dr = ∫ ⎜ − dr . (13.9.8)
ri ri ri ⎝ r 2 ⎟⎠
⎛ Gmsun m ⎞ Gmsun m
⎛ 1 1⎞
W = ∫⎜− dr = = Gm m ⎜ − ⎟. (13.9.9)
ri ⎝ r 2 ⎟⎠ r ri
⎝ r f ri ⎠
Because the body has moved closer to the sun, r f < ri , hence 1 / rf > 1 / ri . Thus the work
done by gravitation force between the sun and the body, on the body is positive,
⎛ 1 1⎞
W = Gmsun m ⎜ − ⎟ > 0 (13.9.10)
⎝ r f ri ⎠
We expect this result because the gravitation force points along the inward radial
direction, so the scalar product and hence work of the force and the displacement is
positive when the body moves closer to the sun. Also we expect that the sign of the work
is the same for a body moving closer to the sun as a body falling towards the earth in a
constant gravitation field, as seen in Example 4.7.1 above.
Let’s consider two point-like bodies, body 1 and body 2, with charges q1 and q2
respectively interacting via the electric force alone. Body 1 is fixed in place while body 2
is free to move in an orbital plane. How much work does the electric force do on the body
2 during this motion?
Solution: The calculation in nearly identical to the calculation of work done by the
gravitational inverse square force in Example 13.13. The most significant difference is
that the electric force can be either attractive or repulsive while the gravitation force is
always attractive. Once again we choose polar coordinates centered on body 2 in the
plane of the orbit. Initially a distance r0 separates the bodies and in the final state a
distance r f separates the bodies. The electric force between the bodies is given by
1 q1q2
Felec = Felec rˆ = Felec,r r̂ = r̂ . (13.9.11)
4πε 0 r 2
The work done by this electric force on the body 2 is given by the integral
rf r rf
1 q1q2
W = ∫ Felec ⋅ dr = ∫ Felec ,r dr = ∫ dr . (13.9.12)
r r
4πε 0 ri r2
i i
Evaluating this integral, we have for the work done by the electric force
1 q1q2 1 q1q2 1 ⎛ 1 1⎞
W=∫ dr = − =− q1q2 ⎜ − ⎟ . (13.9.13)
4πε 0 r 2
4πε 0 r 2 ri
4πε 0 ⎝ r f ri ⎠
If the charges have opposite signs, q1q2 < 0 , we expect that the body 2 will move closer
to body 1 so rf < ri , and 1 / rf > 1 / ri . From our result for the work, the work done by
electrical force in moving body 2 is positive,
1 1 1
W =− q1q2 ( − ) > 0 . (13.9.14)
4πε 0 rf ri
Once again we see that bodies under the influence of electric forces only will naturally
move in the directions in which the force does positive work. If the charges have the
same sign, then q1q2 > 0 . They will repel with rf > ri and 1 / rf < 1 / ri . Thus the work is
once again positive:
1 ⎛ 1 1⎞
W =− q1q2 ⎜ − ⎟ > 0 . (13.9.15)
4πε 0 ⎝ rf ri ⎠
f f f f
dvx dx 1 1
m ∫ ax dx = m ∫ dx = m ∫ dvx = m ∫ vx dvx = mvx,2 f − mvx,2 i . (13.11.1)
i i
dt i
dt i
2 2
1 1 2
∫ F dx = 2 mv − mvx,i
x x, f
. (13.11.2)
1 2 1
dy =
mv y, f − mv 2y, i ,
1 1
∫ F dz = 2 mv − mvz,2 i .
z z, f
1 1
∫ (F dx + F
x y
dy + Fz dz) =
m(vx,2 f + v y,2 f + vz,2 f ) − m(vx,2 i + v y,2 i + vz,2 i ) .
Recall(Eq. (13.8.24)) that the left hand side of Eq. (13.11.5) is the work done by the
force F on the object
f f f
W = ∫ dW = ∫ (Fx dx + Fy dy + Fz dz) = ∫ F ⋅ dr (13.11.6)
i i i
The right hand side of Eq. (13.11.5) is the change in kinetic energy of the object
1 1 1 1
ΔK ≡ K f − K i = mv f 2 − mv0 2 = m(vx,2 f + v 2y, f + vz,2 f ) − m(vx,2 i + v 2y, i + vz,2 i ) . (13.11.7)
2 2 2 2
Therefore Eq. (13.11.5) is the three dimensional generalization of the work-kinetic
energy theorem
∫ ⋅ dr = K f − K i .
When the work done on an object is positive, the object will increase its speed, and
negative work done on an object causes a decrease in speed. When the work done is zero,
the object will maintain a constant speed.
Recall that for one-dimensional motion, the instantaneous power at time t is defined to
be the limit of the average power as the time interval [t,t + Δt] approaches zero,
A more general result for the instantaneous power is found by using the expression for
dW as given in Equation (13.8.23),
dW F ⋅ d r
P= = = F⋅v . (13.11.10)
dt dt
The time rate of change of the kinetic energy for a body of mass m is equal to the power,
dK 1 d dv
= m ( v ⋅ v) = m ⋅ v = m a ⋅ v = F ⋅ v = P . (13.11.11)
dt 2 dt dt
where the we used Eq. (13.8.9), Newton’s Second Law and Eq. (13.11.10).
Appendix 13A Work Done on a System of Two Particles
We shall show that the work done by an internal force in changing a system of two
particles of masses m1 and m2 respectively from an initial state A to a final state B is
equal to
Wc = µ (v B2 − v 2A ) (13.1.1)
where vB2 is the square of the relative velocity in state B , v A2 is the square of the relative
velocity in state A , and µ = m1m2 / (m1 + m2 ) .
Consider two bodies 1 and 2 and an interaction pair of forces shown in Figure 13A.1.
d 2r2
F1,2 = m2 2 . (13.1.3)
where r2,1 = r1 − r2 . Use Newton’s Third Law, F2,1 = −F1, 2 on the left hand side of
Equation (13.1.6) to obtain
2 2 2
⎛ 1 1 ⎞ d r1 d r2 d r2,1
F2,1 ⎜ + ⎟ = 2 − 2 = . (13.1.7)
⎝ m1 m2 ⎠ dt dt dt 2
The quantity d 2r1,2 / dt 2 is the relative acceleration of body 1 with respect to body 2.
1 1 1
≡ + . (13.1.8)
µ m1 m2
The quantity µ is known as the reduced mass of the system. Equation (13.1.7) now takes
the form
d 2r2,1
F2,1 = µ . (13.1.9)
dt 2
The work done in the system in displacing the two masses from an initial state A to a
final state B is given by
W = ∫ F2,1 ⋅ d r1 + ∫ F1,2 ⋅ d r2 . (13.1.10)
Recall by the work energy theorem that the LHS is the work done on the system,
W = ∫ F2,1 ⋅ d r1 + ∫ F1,2 ⋅ d r2 = ΔK . (13.1.11)
W = ∫ F2,1 ⋅ d r1 − ∫ F2,1 ⋅ d r2 = ∫ F2,1 ⋅(d r1 − d r2 ) = ∫ F2,1 ⋅ d r2,1 , (13.1.12)
where d r2 ,1 is the relative displacement of the two bodies. We can now substitute
Newton’s Second Law, Equation (13.1.9), for the relative acceleration into Equation
B ⎛ 2
d 2r2,1 d r2,1 dr2,1 ⎞
W = ∫ F2,1 ⋅ d r2,1 = ∫ µ ⋅ d r2,1 = µ ∫ ⎜ ⋅ ⎟ dt , (13.1.13)
A A dt 2 A ⎝ dt
dt ⎠
where we have used the relation between the differential elements dr2,1 = dt . The
product rule for derivatives of the scalar product of a vector with itself is given for this
case by
1 d ⎛ dr2,1 dr2,1 ⎞ d r2,1 dr2,1
⎜ ⋅ ⎟= ⋅ . (13.1.14)
2 dt ⎝ dt dt ⎠ dt 2 dt
W = µ∫ ⎜ ⋅ ⎟ dt . (13.1.15)
2 dt ⎝ dt dt ⎠
1 ⎛ dr2,1 dr2,1 ⎞ 1 B 1
W = µ⎜ ⋅ ⎟ = µ ( v 2,1 ⋅ v 2,1 ) = µ (v B2 − v 2A ) , (13.1.16)
2 ⎝ dt dt ⎠ 2 A 2
where v 2,1 is the relative velocity between the two bodies. It’s important to note that in
the above derivation had we exchanged the roles of body 1 and 2 i.e. 1 → 2 and 2 → 1 ,
we would have obtained the identical result because
F1,2 = −F2,1
r1,2 = r2 − r1 = − r2,1
d r1,2 = d(r2 − r1 ) = −d r2,1
v1,2 = − v 2,1.
Equation (13.1.16) implies that the work done is the change in the kinetic energy of the
system, which we can write in terms of the reduced mass and the change in the square of
relative speed of the two objects
ΔK = µ (v B2 − v 2A ) . (13.1.18)
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