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《考遍天下無敵手全新制多益TOEIC模擬試題+解析 100題 Part 5 單字題 題目

introduce 介紹會
現在 接受 出席
C. 1. Wilberforce University is currently accepting D 6. As attendance 候選人
at the introductory session is
------ for the position of executive assistant to the very important, candidates should arrive -------
president. 校長 for the workshop.
(A) skills 技術 (A) haphazardly 偶然地
(B) managers 經理 (B) accordingly 照著
(C) applications 申請 (C) finally 最終地
(D) predictions 預測 (D) punctually 準時地
*On time 準時
停車場 校園 企業
B 2. The student parking lot at the main campus
D 7. The Wise Group
is an enterprise with a -----
was closed on December 17 but will --------- on for developing efficient and innovative ways of
January 15, campus officials said. work.
(A) place 地點 (A) corroboration 證實=confirmation
(B) reopen (B) recognition 認識(不可數)
(C) watch (C) subtitle 字幕/副標題
(D) gather 聚集 (D) reputation 名譽(可數名詞)

畫廊 即使 繳交
3. For the ------- 40 years, the Renwick Gallery 8. Even though the ------- for submitting
當作...用 首要的地點 尊敬/榮譽 文件
D. has served as the nation’s premier site honoring supporting documents has passed, you may still
the country’s best artists in their fields.
A send in documents to complete your application.
(A) recent 最近 (A) deadline 截止日
(B) upcoming 即將到來的 (B) permission 允許
(C) short (C) intention 意圖
(D) past 過去 (D) almanac 年曆

穀物 出口 支持 國內的 建築工程
D 4. ------- grain is exported to support domestic
B 9. ------- of the construction work around
延期 由於
家畜部門 livestock sectors in other countries. Addison Field was postponed until spring due to
(A) Opportune 機會 adverse weather conditions.
(B) Wide 廣大的 (A) Almost
(C) Extensive 廣大的 (B) Most
(D) Surplus 過剩/盈餘 (C) Generally

試圖去 擴展 (D) Many

B 5. Stacy Gold intends to expand its position as 股東
one of the ------- companies in the global tea A 10. Shareholders were -------- in their decision to
要求 做簡報 下降
market. request a briefing on the recent decline in the
(A) originated 發源 stock price. 股價
(B) leading =top 領導的 (A) unanimous 全體一致的
(C) indistinct 模糊的 (B) entire 完整地
(D) contingent 取決於...的 (+on) (C) complete 完成
(depend on) (D) absolute 絕對的

《考遍天下無敵手全新制多益TOEIC模擬試題+解析【虛擬點讀筆版】》 不求人文化製作發行

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