Effects of Digital Payment System and Its Impact On Saving of Individual With Special Reference To Kaushambi During Covid - 19

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The Pharma Innovation Journal 2021; SP-10(9): 168-173

ISSN (E): 2277- 7695

ISSN (P): 2349-8242
NAAS Rating: 5.23 Effects of digital payment system and its impact on
TPI 2021; SP-10(9): 168-173
© 2021 TPI saving of individual with special reference to
Received: 25-07-2021 Kaushambi during Covid -19
Accepted: 27-08-2021

Jimmy Jose Jimmy Jose and Dr. Sebastian Tharapil Joseph

Research Scholar at Department
of Business Studies, Joseph
School of Business Studies& Abstract
Commerce, Sam Higginbottom In the past few years, economic transactions are carried out through electronic or online or cashless
University of Agriculture, means all over in India. As a result of increased digital means of payment has brought down usage of
Technology & Sciences cash transactions in the economy. Digital transactions have the features of speed, less cost, and comfort.
Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India A well functioning digital payment system has much relevance on overall economic activity, monetary
policy, and financial stability of a country. In the present pandemic situations when it is beneficial for
Dr. Sebastian Tharapil Joseph everyone to avoid the physical contact, mingling with others and visiting physical brick and mortar
Assistant Professor (Sr.),
platform of stores, shopping malls. The application of digital payment system has increased a lot and its
Department of Business Studies,
importance has been increases by leaps and bounds too.
Joseph School of Business
Studies, Sam Higginbottom This study tries to verify the effects of digital payment system and its impact on saving of individual and
University of Agriculture, to know the point of view of people of using a digital payment system and its impact on their money
Technology & Sciences, saving.
Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India The study is conducted by selecting 200 samples on the basis of gender, age, occupation, qualification,
annual income, to know about digital payment, using of digital payment app, benefits & purpose of using
digital payment app, time saving and impact on money saving during Covid- 19.

Keywords: digital payment apps, savings, Covid-19

The first outbreak of virus in China which devastated the countries globally had affected
people from all walks of life, no one had been spared may be a masons, architects, lawyers,
politicians even medical field professionals. In one of the question raised by Traders’ body
Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) regarding the possibilities of currency notes
carrying virus of Covid 19 RBI has responded that there are possibilities of currency notes
carrying virus when in circulation among common people (Financial Express, 2020) [3].
Digital payments are payments that are conducted over the internet and mobile channels. It is
also called electronic payment. Digital payment is very convenient compared to traditional
payment methods such as cash or check. Since you can pay for goods or services online at any
time of day or night, from any part of the world, your customers don't have to spend time in a
line, waiting for their turn to transact. Nor do they have to wait for a check to clear the bank so
they can access the funds they need to shop. Digital payment also eliminates the security risks
that come with handling cash money.
Types of Digital Payment Methods in India
▪ Banking cards: Cards are among the most widely used payment methods and come with
various features and benefits such as security of payments, convenience, etc. The main
advantage of debit/credit or prepaid banking cards is that they can be used to make other
types of digital payments. For example, customers can store card information in digital
payment apps or mobile wallets to make a cashless payment. Some of the most reputed
and well-known card payment systems are Visa, Rupay and MasterCard, among others.
Corresponding Author Banking cards can be used for online purchases, in digital payment apps, POS machines,
Jimmy Jose online transactions, etc.
Research Scholar at Department ▪ USSD: Another type of digital payment method, *99#, can be used to carry out mobile
of Business Studies, Joseph transactions without downloading any app. These types of payments can also be made
School of Business Studies&
Commerce, Sam Higginbottom
with no mobile data facility. This facility is backed by the USSD along with the National
University of Agriculture, Payments Corporation of India (NPCI). The main aim of this type of digital payment
Technology & Sciences service is to create an environment of inclusion among the underserved sections of society
Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India
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The Pharma Innovation Journal http://www.thepharmajournal.com

and integrate them into mainstream banking. This service of carrying out banking transactions online. These may
can be used to initiate fund transfers, get a look at bank include many services such as transferring funds, opening
statements and make balance queries. Another advantage a new fixed or recurring deposit, closing an account, etc.
of this type of payment system is that it is also available Internet banking is also referred to as e-banking or virtual
in Hindi. banking. Internet banking is usually used to make online
▪ AEPS: Expanded as Aadhaar Enabled Payment System, fund transfers via NEFT, RTGS or IMPS. Banks offer
AEPS, can be used for all banking transactions such as customers all types of banking services through their
balance enquiry, cash withdrawal, cash deposit, payment website and a customer can log into his/her account by
transactions, Aadhaar to Aadhaar fund transfers, etc. All using a username and password. Unlike visiting a
transactions are carried out through a banking physical bank, there are to time restrictions for internet
correspondent based on Aadhaar verification. There is no banking services and they can be availed at any time and
need to physically visit a branch, provide debit or credit on all 365 days in a year. There is a wide scope for
cards, or even make a signature on a document. This internet banking services.
service can only be availed if your Aadhaar number is ▪ Mobile Banking: Mobile banking is referred to the
registered with the bank where you hold an account. This process of carrying out financial transactions/banking
is another initiative taken by the NPCI to promote digital transactions through a smart phone. The scope of mobile
payments in the country. banking is only expanding with the introduction of many
▪ UPI: UPI is a type of interoperable payment system mobile wallets, digital payment apps and other services
through which any customer holding any bank account like the UPI. Many banks have their own apps and
can send and receive money through a UPI-based app. customers can download the same to carry out banking
The service allows a user to link more than one bank transactions at the click of a button. Mobile banking is a
account on a UPI app on their smart phone to seamlessly wide term used for the extensive range or umbrella of
initiate fund transfers and make collect requests on a 24/7 services that can be availed under this.
basis and on all 365 days a year. The main advantage of ▪ Bharat Interface for Money (BHIM) app: The BHIM
UPI is that it enables users to transfer money without a app allows users to make payments using the UPI
bank account or IFSC code application. This also works in collaboration with UPI
▪ Mobile Wallets: A mobile wallet is a type of virtual and transactions can be carried out using a VPA. One can
wallet service that can be used by downloading an app. link his/her bank account with the BHIM interface easily.
The digital or wallet stores bank account or debit/credit It is also possible to link multiple bank accounts. The
card information or bank account information in an BHIM app can be used by anyone who has a mobile
encoded format to allow secure payments. One can also number, debit card and a valid bank account. Money can
add money to a mobile wallet and use the same to make be sent to different bank accounts, virtual addresses or to
payments and purchase goods and services. This an Aadhaar number. There are also many banks that have
eliminated the need to use credit/debit cards or remember collaborated with the NPCI and BHIM to allow
the CVV or 4-digit pin. Many banks in the country have customers to use this interface.
launched e-wallet services and apart from banks, there
are also many private players. Some of the mobile wallet History of digital payment in world
apps in the market are Paytm, Mobikwik, Freecharge, etc. The origin of digital payment is associated with the beginning
The various services offered by mobile wallets include of the internet, which changed the world as nothing before. If
sending and receiving money, making payments to there was no internet, there wouldn’t be e- services & online
merchants, online purchases, etc. Some mobile wallets stores. Along with the development of the internet, online
may charge a certain transaction fee for the services payments began to operate in the 1990s. Established in 1994,
offered. Stanford Federal Credit Union was the first institution to offer
▪ Bank pre-paid cards: A prepaid card is a type of online banking services to all its customers. Initially online
payment instrument on to which you load money to make payment systems were not user-friendly and needed
purchases. The type of card may not be linked to the bank specialized knowledge of data transfer protocol.
account of the customer. However, a debit card issued by In the beginning, the major players in the digital payment
the bank is linked with the bank account of the customer. market were Millicent & Ecash founded in 1995& 1996
▪ POS terminals: Traditionally, POS terminals referred to respectively. Most of the first online services used micro
those that were installed at all stores where purchases payment systems and their shared characteristic was the
were made by customers using credit/debit cards. It is attempt to have electronic cash alternatives (like e-money,
usually a hand held device that reads banking cards. tokens or digital cash). Moreover, the Amazon (one of the e-
However, with digitization the scope of POS is commerce pioneers) was founded in 1994.
expanding and this service is also available on mobile IN 1998, PayPal began as mobile payment firm with wireless
platforms and through internet browsers. There are transactions on Palm Pilots. However it later focused on
different types of POS terminals such as Physical POS, online payment when it established a strong customers base
Mobile POS and Virtual POS. Physical POS terminals on eBay, a company that had a powerful auction platform,
are the ones that are kept at shops and stores. On the PayPal continued to create innovation one after another like
other hand, mobile POS terminals work through a tablet sending payments using email addresses, launching the
or smart phone. This is advantageous for small time reverse turning test to reduce fraud and making HTML
business owners as they do not have to invest in payment buttons.
expensive electronic registers. Virtual POS systems use Digital wallets have been around for some time but have
web-based applications to process payments. gained more traction with the millennial generation. Stored
▪ Internet Banking: Internet banking refers to the process online or on smart phones, they are linked to bank accounts or

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payment cards and used to make purchases online or in level of interest rates. The capital markets equilibrate the sum
physical shops using contactless technology. The launch of of (personal) saving, government surpluses, and net exports to
Apple Pay in September 2014 was a significant moment as it physical investment.
improved wallet functionality by enabling payment cards to
be added via a photo of the card and authenticating payments Objective of the study
via the iPhone fingerprint scanner. Credit card providers now To study the benefits and the purpose of using digital payment
pay the company a fee for each transaction on the platform. app during Covid times. To study the effects of the digital
payment system on user’s personal time Covid times.
History of digital payment in India To study the digital payment system affects the money saving
On November 22, 2010, National Payments Corporation of of the individual Covid times.
India (NPCI) launched Immediate Payment Services (IMPS)
to offer an instant, 24-hour×7, interbank electronic fund Review of Literature
transfer service through mobile phones. IMPS facilitate (Lunt & Livingstone, 1991) [11] studied wide range of variable
customers to use mobile instruments as a channel for such as demographic, economic, and psychological variables
accessing their bank accounts and put high interbank fund to distinguish between savers and non-savers and to predict
transfers in a secured manner with immediate confirmation recurrent saving and total savings. Two hundred and seventy-
features. nine people completed in-depth surveys of their economic
With over 900 million mobile subscriber and robust payment conditions, their social background and a variety of
infrastructure, IMPS is well positioned to fulfill its objectives psychological predictors. Discriminant function analysis was
of enabling bank customers to use mobile instruments as a applied to find out between savers and non-savers. A variety
preferred channel for accessing their banks accounts, remit of psychological factors discriminated those who save
funds and also sub-serve the goal of digitalization of retail regularly from those who do not. (Khiaonarong, 2000) [9]
payments. The basic aim of IMPS is to also enable examined the creation of modern Electronic Payment System
micropayments on low- end mobile devices which support in Thailand and concluded that this creation has helped to
only voice and text, in addition to higher-end phones which facilitated the turnover of fund in the economy. (Kiiski et al.,
could support web browsing or Java application capabilities. 2002) [10] in a study conducted on Finnish market sector
A person who has subscribed to a mobile payment service revealed that the use of E- payments and E-filing led to
should be able to send money to any other person who has significant rise in the output of the market sector in Finland.
subscribed as well. This should be independent of the mobile (Abrazhevich, 2004) [1] characterizes the system of online or
network and the bank to which either of the persons belong. electronic payment as a type of financial commitment that
This is referred to as interoperability and is a key concern for includes the purchaser and the vendor enabled by the
any major technology to be successful. utilization of electronic infrastructures.
In India, the model for the delivery of IMPS will be bank- (Choudhary, 2005) [2] found the saving behavior of urban and
linked; which implies that customers wishing to avail rural households in India using time series data from the time
themselves of this service should have: period 1950 – 1962. He concluded that income and population
▪ Initially, a registered mobile phone account with any were found to have positive influence on savings in rural,
network operator in the country, and urban and overall all the regions of India. Marginal propensity
▪ A bank account to consume was 0.5373 in urban and 0.0156 in rural India.
▪ Register for the mobile payment service with the bank (Hamidinava, 2010) [6] tried to evaluate the specifications of
Electronic Payment System in the view of Iranian bank user.
Benefits of digital payments during Covid times All the specifications are classified into four sub-structures
The role of digital payment has emerged a lot especially such as technical, legal, security and socio-economic. Finally
during the Covid outbreak when citizens were advised to stay at the end of the study it was revealed that socio- economic
home and lockdown was imposed throughout the world index has major influence on adoption of E-payment services
(Gopinath, 2020). The digital payment had saved households in Iran.
from travelling expenses, impulse buying, long queue hours in (Roy & Sinha, 2014) [13] studied that E- payment system in
shopping malls, pollution etc, all this together has converted India, has shown tremendous growth, but still there has lot to
into savings. be done to increase its usage. Still 90% of the transactions are
Saving is the portion of income not spent on current cash based. Technology Acceptance Model used for the
expenditure. Saving helps an individual or family become purpose of study. They found Innovation, incentive; customer
financially secure Savings also involves reducing convenience and legal framework are the four factors which
expenditures, such as recurring costs. Saving is closely related contribute to strengthen the E- payment system.
to physical investment, in that the former provides a source of (Praveen & Hebbar, 2020) [12] studied the impact of Covid -19
funds for the latter. By not using income to buy consumer on digital payment system, their study was focused on female
goods and services, it is possible for resources to instead be at Mangalore, and the study resulted into a finding where
invested by being used to produce fixed capital, such as respondents accepted that they will continue using digital
factories and machinery. Saving can therefore be vital to payment system even after the pandemic is over. (Kaur &
increase the amount of fixed capital available, which Walia, 2021) [8] opined that COVID-19 had significant impact
contributes to economic growth. on use of digital payments. And people are facing issues of
In economics, saving is defined as post-tax income minus low rate of financial inclusion, issues with network
consumption. The fraction of income saved is called the congestion and internet connectivity, and cultural preference
average propensity to save, while the fraction of an increment for cash are preventing people from moving over to digital
to income that is saved is called the marginal propensity to payment platform.
save. The rate of saving is directly affected by the general

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Method Measures
Participant and Procedure This study is carried out to estimate The response from the respondents were collected with an
the effects of digital payment system and its impact on unstructured questionnaire, the questionnaire was divided into
savings of households in Kaushambi near the holy city two parts, Part A focused on the demographic profile and Part
Prayagraj. The researcher has applied descriptive research in B was focused on the awareness of digital payment system
the study. The total sample size of 200 was taken for the among the respondent and whether they are getting any
survey. The respondents were chosen on simple random benefits from this system.
sample method and data was collected with the help of
questionnaire. Results & Discussions

Source: Field study

Fig 1: Demographic Profiles

The above Figure 1 depicts the demographic profile of the The above table 2 depicts that 74% of the respondents were
respondents, out of the 200 respondents 130% were male and educated toward the new method of payment system i.e
70% were female, Kaushambi is a sub-urban area where 72% digital payment.
respondents were employed in jobs and 52% were engaged in Table 3: Usage of digital payment app prior Covid-19
family business, the educational background was depicted 3. Have you ever used digital payment app prior
93% respondents were graduate and the annual income of Frequency %
to Covid-19?
76% respondents ranged between Rs.2-3lakhs only. a) Yes 80 40
b) No 120 120
Table 1: Availability of bank account Total 200 100
1. Do you have a bank account? Frequency %
a) Yes 190 95
The above table 3 depicts that only 40% of the respondents
were using these apps prior to outbreak of COID-19, and
b) No’s 10 5
majority i.e. 120% were reluctant towards these apps.
Total 200 100
Table 4: Usage of digital payment app due to Covid-19 risks
It is evident from Table 1 that out of total respondents 95%
4. Did you started using digital payment
were having a bank account and 5% were yet to open bank Frequency %
apps due to Covid-19 risks?
account in Kaushambi. a) Yes 144 72
b) No 56 28
Table 2: Awareness towards digital payment Total 200 100
2. Do you know about digital payment? Frequency %
a) Yes 148 74 The above table 4 depicts that 72% of the respondents were
open towards the new method of payment and had already
b) No 52 26
applied an app for making payments to avoid Covid-19 risks.
Total 200 100

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Table 5: Type of App used

3(i) if yes, then which app you have used. Frequency %
a) Google Pay 62 31
b) Paytm 46 23
c) PhonePe 32 16
d) BHIM app 4 2
e) Other 0 0
Total 144 72

The above table 5 shows that out of 144 respondents who Table 10: Time saving by use of digital payment apps
were using digital payments app, 31% of the respondents 6. Do you feel that uses of digital payment
using Google Pay and only 2% were using BHIM app which Frequency %
app save your time?
was astonishing. a) Yes 144 72
b) No 0 0
Table 6: Agreement towards benefits of digital payment app Total 144 72
4. Do you have any benefits of using digital
Frequency % The above table 10 exhibits that 72% of the respondents has
payment app?
a) Yes 144 72 agreed that they use of digital payments app has saved their
b) No % time a lot ,which was earlier wasted in actual physical
Total 144 72 payments.

The above table 6 exhibits that 72% of the respondents has Table 11: Impact on money saving
agreed that they had experienced the benefits of digital 7. Do you have any impact of digital
payment apps. Frequency %
payment app on your money saving?
a) Yes 112 56
Table 7: Types of benefits from usage of digital payments app
b) No 32 16
4(i) if yes, then which type of benefits you Total 144 72
Frequency %
a) Ease of use 82 41 The above table 11 exhibits that 56% of the respondents has
b) Better than cash 44 22 agreed that the use of digital payments app has caused a
c) Security 12 6
positive effect on their money saving plan, due to eradication
d) All of the above 6 3
of cost of travelling charges till the place of actual payment.
Total 144 72
Table 12: Methods of saving money
The above table 7 shows that out of 144 respondents who
were using digital payments app, 41% of the respondents have 7(i) if yes, then how it saves your money
Frequency %
by using digital payment app?
enjoyed benefit of ease of use, 22% responded that digital
a) Points 28 14
payments are better that cash.
b) Money back/cash back 56 28
c) Discount 46 23
Table 8: Purpose for using digital payment app
d) Other 14 7
5. Do you have any purpose of using digital Total 144 72
Frequency %
payment app?
a) Yes 144 72 The above table 12 shows that out of 144 respondents who
b) No % were using digital payments app, 28% respondent has
Total 144 72 experienced that their money has been saved in form of cash
back and 23% have received discount while using digital
The above table 8 exhibits that 72% of the respondents has payment apps.
agreed that they had utilized digital payments app for specific
purpose. Conclusion
Due to the risks caused by this pandemic digital payments
Table 9: Types of purpose digital payment apps served system will be persistent in different economies and speed of
5(i). If yes, then what are the purposes of digitalization will increase in those countries which were
Frequency % earlier underdeveloped. The political leaders and financial
using digital payment app?
a) Mobile Recharge 68 34 system of such countries will promote digitalization for
b) Money Transfer 14 7 restricting its citizens .Therefore the change is inevitable and
c) Utility & bill payment 36 18 people has to bring it into the habit of using these apps. The
d) All of the above 26 13 cashless transition is not only safer than the cash transaction
Total 144 72 but is less time consuming and also help in money saving. It
also helps in record of the all the transaction done. A majority
The above table 9 shows that out of 144 respondents who of respondents (72%) are using digital payment app and 74%
were using digital payments app, 34% respondent has utilized respondents were know to digital payment app. This number
it for mobile recharge and 18% have used it for utility and bill is going to increase further to reducing the fear of security. If
payment. digital payment app provides more security to their user relate
with transaction then its increase the user.
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